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<br /> -----�°'c"''-' ' perfuda thut L.cn�lcr reyuire9. 71�c inruruixc cun�lce pruviding�hr intiuruucc,hu111+►chow•n hy Noirowrr,uhjrcl�o I.cndcr; -
<br /> - --- =--_-�=`�� Approvul which.hall not bc unmu��tnaMly wlihhcld. If N��rn�wcr fail�iu muinU�in c�w�niµc JcxrilxJ utwwr.Leo�kr uiuy.+�t
<br /> _ _ ___� Lander�option,obtain covcrngc tu pn�tcct l.ciulrrk riyhls�in�hc Pro�xny in ucco�duncc wi�h purug�u(��7.
<br /> _�-.�.- Al l insurnnce policies und rcnewul.r�hall he acce�luble tu l.rnder unJ rhull iuclude u+iundurd murlgnge cluuu. Lcnder
<br /> . °m��°°`°°� shall hwve the right to hald the p��licie.r und rcnewol�. If L.rnder reyuircr►,Hom►wer�hull prump�ly give tu Lcndcr ull recciptr:
<br /> ���,.'��t�� of p�id premiums and t+enewal noticcs. In ihc evcnt oi laxr, RoRnwer�hull givr prumpt nuticc a►thc imuruncc rurricr und
<br /> _ =Y� Le.tder. Lcnder mpy muke praof aF lasw if not made pmmplly by Burrawcr,
<br /> ����%���'' Unlesx l.ender ond Barrowe�u�herwise ugra in wri�ing,insu�unrr pnxecds�bull Ix upplicd�o re.�urution ur repuir of r
<br /> v_� the Property dumaged, if the rctitorution ur �epuir i�ecunomically I'cutiible anJ Leuders security i� nnt le4+ened. If�he
<br /> ,A_�,�—_--,�.���u restomeion or repair is �wt economienlly feaqible or l.ender's securi�y wauld he lessened, the inxu�unce proceeds shull be
<br /> -°---�•:s'•'+;�,�:.; ' applied to the sums secureJ by this Security lnurument,whether or not�hen Jue, with uny exce+s puid to Borrower. If
<br /> :,��r�i.
<br /> �1+�'!•�:Y!G Borrower abandons the Propeny. or does not un�wer within 30 duys u natice from Lender thut the m.urunce carrier hu�c
<br /> '�i' 'r�' �'�'" ` ��� offered to rettle a claim.then Lender may collec�the imurnnce proceeds. Lendcr may use the prcx:ced+to rep•rir or restore
<br /> :tir�M,.i.'�n'..:4K.'+. .
<br /> ���'�'��`.` -•° '- the Property or to pay sums secured by Ihi�Securiry lnstrument,whe�her or not then due. The i0-ds�y periad will t+egin whe�►
<br /> . r.y�y`:„.� ' '
<br /> ;;.��,:;� �.;�:►,,; the notice is given.
<br /> � �4-��''��=�•:5--'.:��: • Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise u€rcc in writing,uny applicutiun of praceeds to principal shall nat extend o� -
<br /> -zs*s�":�,�a. postpone the due dute af the manthly puyments referred�o in pumgrnphs I and?nr chnnge�he umuunt of the payments. If
<br /> --— in�_.-.r.r�"r;.,.n . ---
<br />--- - - �,:�,.�,:��• under pnragruph 21 �he Proprrly is ucyuirrJ by L�nder, Qorrower's right to nn)�insurunce policie�and pr�xeed. reyu unR �
<br /> ';�ti�''�t-� • from dAmage to the Property prior ro the ucquisition�hall puxs ta Lender io Ihe extent af the xums xecured hy this Security
<br /> ';:��,,,,�-,.�y i•' Instn�mem immcdiately prior�o the:icquisiiion. �„
<br /> --- �� � 6. OccupAncy, Preservalion. Maintenance and Prolectiop of the Praperty: Borrower'.c Loan Application:
<br /> ,.i:;-,�Hi"an,.n-A2,Mit,= —
<br />--�:�:. •.•*: ',•�: • t Leaseholda. Borrower xhnll occupy,estublish.and u�e�he Property as Borrower;principal retiidence within�ixry dnys ufter _
<br /> 'y"'���"'�`�''•=: the execution of thix Security Inctnrmen[and shull cantinue to occupy Ihe PropeAy us Borrower's principul residence for ut —
<br />..____��. -._,..'i:'-r....r.�- � �-.
<br />--_-��fqp:�Y.a�,:J,.:. - Irust one year after the date of accupancy, unless Lender othenvixe ugrces in wriling, whirh wment :;hnll not __
<br /> � '�t' "'•'".`�';,�;�'�; unreasonably withheld.or unless extenuuting circumstunceti exist which lue heyond Borrawer c comml. Borrower shall not __
<br />____��,�:� , • , :',",, destroy,dnmuge ar impair thc Prapeny,ullow thc Propcny ro deteriomte,or cammit wustc on the Praperty. Borrower shall �_
<br /> .,;�� ,^.� be fn default if any fo��fciture action or praceeding,whether civil ar criminul,iti begun�hut in I.ender;gcxici fuith judgment
<br />_ s .• �• �'' • could resuU in forfeiwra of�he Propeny or otherwise materially impi�ir tbe lien creuted By this Security Instrument or _
<br /> ;:,j� :.M,,`�,.:,:u,..,a• ., � Lender'.s security interezt. Burrower may cure such u defauU und reinstn�te,us provided in puragraph I R,by causing the action �,
<br />=;���, , . ,. .. � or proceeding to be Jismissed with a ruling thut,in l.ender's Food fui�h determinuiio�,precludes forPeiwre of the Bortowerti =-
<br />,�:.av� . . intercst in thc Piroperty or other muteris►I impaim�ent of the lien created by �hix Security Instrument or Lender'x securiry _
<br /> . • interext. Borcower shnll also lx in defuult if BoROwer, �uring �he loun applicu�ion pracetix, guvc muteriully fulse ar �,
<br /> `��:;r � � inuccurnte infarmatian or stutemems ta L.ender(or t'uiMd to rovide Lender wilh uny mutrriul infum�utionl in ronneclion with
<br /> '�'^" �1;:�'.�,S;r�� ::. the loan evidenced by the NMe, including. bu� not limi�ed to. represent�tionx cancerning Borrower+ a:cupuncy of the �-�
<br /> - ` r.t�. . • ' ..•.-.:
<br />:.i;��.,,���,:�,;�,��� ,� property aq u prinripal residence. lf�his Security Instrument i.on u leatiehc�ld.Rorcower shull ce�mply wi�h all the provizions �;_
<br /> .. • << ..• - ° uf tlx iease. 1f i3orrowcr acquiccr fcr title to the Ptopert�.the lensehnk!t+nd thc fee title.hall nrn meree unless Lender uRrees
<br />���:�" � � �o the�nergcr in writing.
<br /> 7. Protectian uf I.ender's Rights in the Properly. II' B�rruwer fuil. �o perfumi the coven:uu� unJ agreement.
<br /> • � con�ained in thix Securiiy Instrumen4 ur�herr i, u Irgal prcxcedin�; �hut muy tiignilirantly uffect Lender: right+ in Uie __
<br /> ' � ; ' Praperty(such as u pnxeeding in bankrup�cy,pmbute,for cundrmnaiiun��r I'orf'uiiurc i�r ta rntiirce I•rwx�ir r�:gulution+l,then -
<br /> . • l.cnder may do and puy I'or wh:ucvc�i+ nrcrstiary to pruiccl thr valur uf thc Pro�xny unJ Lendcr:ri�tht, in thc Pru�xrty.
<br />� Lender;uctiom muy includc puying uny�um. +ecured By u lirn which hu�priuriry avrr 1hi+ tiecuriry In.trunxnl.+ippearm� --
<br />- � ' �� in court,paying rri�wwnuMr uuomrys'1'rr.m�d entrrin� on ihr I'n►�xhy 1�► makc rcpair.. Although Lender muy�uke uc�ion
<br /> . - . under Ihi.purugruph 7.Lcn.lcr d�x,nut havi�lu tk�tiu.
<br /> � Any umi►unts di.buneJ hy Lender undrr Ihi.nu����.���ri, � .hall Ixcomr uJJi�iuosd d�M ul' Borrowrr,�curcd by �hi�
<br /> . . �•. .V � . . Security In,trumcnt. l hikti,Bnrruwrr s�nJ Lrnder u�rec lo ulher irrni.ol'puymrm.the�c a�muim�.•hull Ixar intrm.t t'rom�hr �_":.
<br /> . Jule ot�disburkmrnl ut ihr N�H� r:ur mxl.hull hr payuhlr. with inlcr�rl,u�x�n nuticc t'rom Lrndrr u� Normwcr rryur��in� -
<br /> - ?. . _ , , . paymen�. �._
<br />- . !i. MoH�a�e Innurancc. 11'l.rndcr nyuirrd mun�:agr inwrnnco u.a r�mJilion �d'nwling thr luun +rcurrcl by �hi. �
<br /> -. ' Sa:curity Imtrument.Bom�µ•er ,hull pay thr prcrniwn� rrquired t��mainiuin ihr mungu�:e in�uruncr io ettcct. If. for an), ___.
<br /> • reu+an. the murtguge in,u�unce rover���:r rcquir�d hy l.ender lup�e� ur c•ra.c+ lu Ix in el7�ct. Horn����er ,hall pay Ihc� - --
<br />- . premiwns rcyuircJ to �►htain cu�•cragr .uh.t+m�i:►Ily c��ui�•:d�nt �u ihe man�tuec in+ur:�nrc prraiou.l� in �fT�r�. at a r�►ct
<br /> '�', ' • � � .ub�luntially eyuivalcnt lu the rorl lu HorroH•rr i�l'�he muh�!a�c in,urancu previuu,ly in cl'fcct.I'rom im ullrrnutc mort�tagc �
<br />- . insurrr approvrJ hy l.�ndcr. II'tiub.iuniiall��ryui�:dcnl mon�!ugr imur:�nce.uv�ra��i�nnt u�•ailahlc. Burm��rr+hidl puy la
<br /> - � LenJer cuch month a tium ryual tu unc-tw�clY�h�d'U�c�rurly monEagc in,uranre prrmiuni Ixing pviJ hy Bortou•cr whrn Ihe ""�
<br /> , • ... • irnuruncc rovcra�.c IapticJ ur reaud 1��t+c in cl'lict. Lrndrr wil):irrept.uu and rrwin�hr�e pupmcnl+u�u lu..re+cn•c in liru r•
<br /> � • of mortgugc in+un�ncc. l.ci+.rr�rn•c p:iymrnt�muy�nu longcr Ik rr��uin�l.:u Ihc upti�m uf Lcndcr. if mon�ugc in,uranrc '.�
<br /> -: . , � cuveragc lin�he um��unt;�nJ li►r ihe�xri��l that l.rnder r�quire,►prue�drJ h�•:m in.ur�r npprovcd h�•L.�ndcr i�gain Ixcome,
<br />_ .' , � uvuiluhlc iind i.ohluincJ.Borrowrr.h;►II pav thr prcmiinn,r�quir�d Ii�mainlain rurr��a�L�in,uriuxc in eff'rr�.or to pro��idr u
<br /> ' , Icn+r�.ervc.unlil Ih�reyuircmrnt Ibr mangii�r in.urance rnd�in urcurJ:ni.e��iih tmy wriurn si�irem�nl Ixhc�en Bon•�►wcr _
<br />: . und L�ndcr or:ipplir.ihl�lu�v. ��'-
<br />- • � 9. (nr;pccliun. Lrndcr or i�.:�grnt uia� nia6c rc:i�anahlr cntrie,u��an unJ iiz.�x�tion•of thr PmFxn}•. Lcndcr.haU
<br /> �ivc B�ttm�ver n��tirc:u Ihr tinu uf nr priur lu:m iir.�xrliun.�xrifying rra.��nahlc.•.iu.c I„r ihr m��xrliun.
<br /> " 10. Condemnotinn. I'hc pr� :�rd�uf cim;i��:n�d ur rlaim f�ii dunr��c..du��.•t ui r��n�ci�ucntiul.In cann�ti'tion u•ith un�.
<br />� . timEl.I:wul�..F'uaoii�\1K F'reddlr�luc l'\I1�11R411\ti 1 Rl 11h1 f l mi�mu 1'��.rn.mi. y,�Ml �p�rrr.+��i�•����«•„
<br /> . - � �rtr�N1.J��..Murnra.l�vm•.In� �
<br /> i.�u,.,r,�n i xna•.:n���rn••t'.���,ut-t�u-n��
<br /> t . ' �
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