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<br /> - - ° -�' TU(iETHLR WITN uU thu improvement�nuw un c�rcul'�cr crccicd un thc propeny,und uU cawmcn�s,ApP11t1GILG1ICCS,
<br /> '��"'"`�'�a� pnd lix�urcr n�►w on c�rcuflcr u purt of the pn+prny. All rcpluccmrnlx und addUionx shall pl�cu be cove�ed by this Security
<br /> „��----- In�lniment. All��f Ihe Poregaing iK rcPeRCd to in Ihix 3ccudty Inxwment Ux Ihe"Pruperly."
<br /> �,' BORROWER COVBNANTS thut Burtuwer ix lawfully M�reJ of thc estate hcrcby convcycd wxi hus the righl ta grant
<br /> � `^. - u�xi comey Ihe Prupeny und thut tho Pr�peny is unencumhen�d,excepl fc�r encumbranres of rerord. BoRawe�wacrAnls and,
<br /> "` ��° � will defend generully Ihe�itlo to�he Pruperty against a l l c l a fmx a n d d c:man dn,xu b j e c t�o any c r u u m b r u n ces af recc�rcl.
<br /> � � ? THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combfnes unifam cuvenumw ibr nadonul uKO und non•unifa�m eoven�nts. wlth•
<br /> ..�..���AL''�
<br /> �;k�,�;,ai A� Iimi tc d vuri�l iun►by juri M l ic t iu n l o c u n s t l w u:a u n i f o r m s c c u d t y i n s t r u m c n t c o v e d n g rc a l p r o p c r t y. .-
<br /> � •�^ '�� � �- ' UNIFORM COVENANTS. Botrower und Lender covenan�und ugtce as fallows:
<br /> ��'1' "`"?, l. Pa ment of Princi I pnd Intereati Pre meat a�d Late Chuges. Barrower�+hull promptly pay when dur 1he
<br /> '�:
<br /> .�,-,..,•,a,,L..se+. 9 Pp PAY
<br /> .m;,,;,;, rfnci al of und inlerest on Ihe debt evidenced by tht Note tutd any prepuyment A n d late c harges due u n d er t he N a t e-
<br /> . , „� •;��� .: ' P P
<br /> - ,,;,,,�„,. 2. Fbads for 7�axes and Inguranca SubJect to uppflcuble luw or to a written wuiver by Lender,Bacrower shall pay to
<br /> __ • Lender on the day manthly paymenta ure due undcr�he Natc.unt11 the No�e is puid in full.a sum C'Funds")fnr.(a)yeurly
<br /> -� ' tsuces und as�es.�ments which muy attuin p�fority aver thia Secudty lnslrument ac u licn on the Praperty;(b)yearly leasehold
<br /> �• '.~'"' '�..•�-: paymenls or graund renta on thc Property. it any: lc) yearly hnzard ar property insurw�cc premiums: (d) ycarly flood -
<br /> --� ' ;;.��"`"" �'" insurnncc premiums,if any; (e) yearly mortg�ge insurance premiuma, if any;and lf) uny sums payable by Horrowar to,
<br /> -`'�-� Lender,in acco�dnnce with the provisions af purngrnph 8.in lieu of�he {�►ymenl uf mongage insurance premiums. 'Riese ------
<br /> ���� r . , • items are called"Escrow Itemx." Lender may.ut uny timo,collect und hold Funds in un amount not ta exceed the mazimum
<br /> ;�: nmaunt u le�der for a federally reluted mottgAge loun may require for Bmrawer�escrow account under th� federal Real �
<br /> �� �� _
<br /> �' Eswte Settlement Procedurea Act of'1974 aw amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. �2b01��r.�eq.("RESPA"),unlesa nnWher
<br /> --..�, ,�„� ..• . .,,, • luw�hnt applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount. If so,Lender mny.at any time,collect and hold Funds io an amaunl not ta __
<br /> "_",-,-�- :..:. .:..-. . exceed the lesser amount. l.ender may extimute the sunount of Funds duc on the basis of curnent data and rr.�sonable
<br /> -' "` • �' estimates of expenditur+es of future Escrow Itemti or otherwise in accordence with applicAble law. _
<br />_. ' " . �.;��i�{�� . The Funds shall be hcld in an institution whore daposits ure insured by a federal agency. instrumentality, or entiry _
<br /> � ,. (including Lendcr,if l.ender is such un insti�ution)or in any Federul Home Los�n BAnk. Lcnder shall upply the Funds to pay =
<br /> �;, • • }� � � �:�:r:��r the Escrow Iteme. Lender may nat churge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds. annually onalyzing the egcraw —
<br /> '�; • • ;��°-���'!'.%�' nccount,or verifying the Escrow Items, unless l.ender pays Borrower interes�on the Funds and upplicable law pertnits
<br /> ,.,�; . -_
<br /> Lender to meke such a charge. However,Lender may rcquire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent rea! _
<br /> " • �'�", estate tax reporting service used by l.ender in cannec�ion with thix loan,unless applicuble law pravides otherwise. Unless an —
<br /> '„'.` ., _.
<br /> • . i agreement is made or applicAble law requires interest to be paid,Lender shull na be required ta pay Burtnwer any interest or �.,;_W.__._
<br /> � eamings on thc Funds. Borrower und I.ender may ogrec in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on the Ftmds. L.ender `�::_-�___
<br /> . . + •;�� v'• shall give to Borrower,without charge,un Annual accauming of the Funds,showing credits And debits to the Funds end the �_
<br />;' ' • � purpose for which each debit to the Funds was mude. '['he Funds ure pledged as udditianal xecurity for all sums secured by '_
<br /> � " ��' this Security Inswment. !`
<br /> .,, .: � . . "
<br /> — ff ihe fli�ds held by Lcndcr cxcccd ihc amounir: pesmitted to be !�eld by applicnble law, l,t�n�r .hall account to
<br /> . ' ' �'. Borrower for ttte exeess Flmds in uccordunce with the reyuirements of applicuble luw. It the umount of the Funds held by
<br /> Lender at uny time is nut sufficient to pny tha Eticrow Items when due, Lender muy xo notify Borrower In writing,and,in
<br /> such cnse Borrower shnll pay to Lender Iha umaunt neccssary to make up the defic�ency. Borrower shull make up thc
<br /> deftciency in no more thun twelve monthly puymcnts,ut Lendcr's�ole di�cretian. _-
<br /> Upon payment in full of all xum�;�ecured by thib Security Instrument,Lender shull promptly refund!o Borcower nny
<br /> . Funds hcld by Lender. If,under p�rugruph 21,Lender�hull ucyuire or scll the Rr.ipeny,Lender,prior la the ucquisition or
<br /> • snle of the Nvperty,shall apply uny Funde held by Lender ut the time of ucyuisition or suk us a c�edit oguinst the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. `""�
<br /> 3. Applfcation oP PAymenG9. Unles, upplicablc luw pruvideti otherwi�c, ull payments receivcd by Lender under �T^
<br /> � parugmphs 1 und 2 xhull bc upplieJ:fint,lo uny prepuyment churgeti duc under Ihc Note:second,to amountx payable under ��_ ____
<br /> � paragruph 2;Ihird.ta imerest due:founh,to principul duc:und last,to:xiy latc rh�vgcs due under Ihe Note. ��_
<br /> � 4. Chorqes; I.iens. Borrower shull puy all wxes, u,sessmcros. churge�, finex und impositians utir�buuble 10 thc —.._._
<br /> � Property which muy anain priority over thin Security Inti�rument,:md kutiehold pnyments or ground rents,if uny. Borrower
<br /> �,�:---
<br /> � � �hull pAy thesc ubligutiona in thQ munncr provideJ in purugr.�ph 2,or if not paiJ in thnt munner.Borrower shull pay them on 4;;�--
<br /> i time directly to the persan uwed payment. Borrower xhull prompdy fumi�h to Lender ull notices of umounts to be paid under �u�.-�_.
<br /> ' �� thic:parugrnph. If Borrower mukes ihesc puyments directly. Bixmwcr shall promptly fumixh lo Lcndcr receipts evidencing s,��•.
<br /> � � tho payments.
<br /> Borrower shall promplly dischurge any licn which hati prioriry�wer�hir Sewrity Inslrument unless Bortower:(a1 ugrees �`�.•--' ='
<br /> in wtiting to Ihe payment of�he obliga�ion uucureJ by Ihc licn in u m�nnrr uccrptablc to Lcnder,(b)contcsts in gaad faith Ihe � �-��-�.�.,
<br /> lien by,or defends aguin�+t enforccmenl ot'the Ikn in,Ic�cal prcxcedings whirh in the Lender's opinion operutc to prevent thc � 'w
<br /> ;;:�,;;• enforcement of the lien;or(c1 secure�from Ihe holder of Ux lien•rn•rgrcrment+ut�+factory to Lender subixdinating Ihe lien 4
<br /> • to this Security Instrument. If Lender detem�ines thnt uny purt of Ihe Propeny i,yubjrct to u licn which muy attuin priority f
<br /> • � over this Security Instntment.Lcnder mny give Borrowcr u nwicc idcmit'ying the licn. Borcowcr�hnll satisfy the lien or take ��•:'�`'�-
<br /> one or more of the actions,et funh utwve within 10 Jay.af the @iving oP nntirc.
<br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Bittrower�hull I.cep the improvrmrnt,now exi,ting ur here•rfler crccted on the
<br /> Property insured ugainst los�by hrr,h:�urd+includrJ wiihin the trrni°rxtendrJ rc�vcragc"anJ any other haiurds,including '
<br /> ' floods or tlaoding, Fo� which Lender rcyuinr+ in�urunce, Thi� inxurancc xh:�ll Nc mainlained in ihe amcwnts and for the t
<br /> � �
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