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<br /> _:'_� � �,i�r�or Proper�p Insursiaze. Bmi�icv���:�ii fee�the impr�ve.m�rs uow existi�g oz hareafte���ed o�t�e Propesny �,_.
<br />-= i�s�ua�p�inst loss by f�,hazards inc�cvi3e5in i�e t�"exs�adesl cov�age"�ns!any�ther h�d�,includ'ing ttac:Is�r �='
<br /> !� '' g.fbT whicb I.eudEr requiues i�.u�Elce.Tl�is instuance sh8ll be ma�v�rain�in ttte Sm01mi4 ead fo�the pL�i[Ods thst LmdCr
<br /> 11i1
<br /> mtjuinra.Tha inssvenr.�carrier psoviding th�ins�uaace si�aall t�e c6o�n by Borm�ver sub�ect to i.en�er's�aval w�ic6 st�all aat
<br /> ba unre��ably withheld. If BoTra�ver f�s to ma3ntaQ►cove�aga de,sc�brd above. L�des may, at Lander's cp�an, obtain �j`°
<br /> cov+e�e w praiect Irend�'s rights in the Prapr�4y in ascordau�e with garagct�ph 7.
<br /> Al1 ans�xnr,�pflliaes and renewals shali i�e asxeptab2e t�L�der aas!shall incdade a standa�d mn�tg�ge clanse.Lend�r s6ari
<br /> �` t►a«th� '�rht to h�ld tbe palicies arad ra3s.�wai.t.If I.er�des reguires,Borrawer s6all�s¢�ptly give w I.�der all x�oeipts of paid [�--
<br /> - jtifZDlUIi1S 2ild iCAt�V2I ADSICCS.IA t11E CVCt33 Qf IO£S,Bou�u�s�all give p�ompt aotioe¢o�he i�sivanse carrier ansi I.ender.I.encdser `v
<br /> �y mske gmnf of los�if not made proFn�stiy lsy Borrower. � �
<br /> 13n]ess Leadrr and Bouawver othenvise agree in writimg,insm�ance proceeds s6all he�ppiied tn restara�on or repair of the �--_
<br /> Prop�y damaged,ii tbe iessaratian or rep�is�xaaomically feas,b2e snd Leader's se�uiry is not tesseaed.If the se�a�ari�n ar E`
<br /> : re�ir i�mai economic�Ify feac�2e or Leadea's s�curity woutd be te�ed,the insivance ymoeads shaU be spgli�m the sums
<br /> s�ted hy this Secn�iry Iasuument,wheriler ar noi then dne, arith any eaccess paid to Boirowes. If Bomower abartda�s the �6 �
<br /> _ Ptaperty.ar dn:s nat aaswer within 30 days a irorice fram l,�dea tt�ai the ins�uauce c�rrier has off�to seuie a claim,then
<br /> �� Lw3rr may collecs the�praoe�s.I.�der may�se th�pmcxeds to repa�r or r�snora the Prageriy or w pay snms seca�ed
<br /> ;. bY ttds Sec�ity Instiument,wheth�ar aot diea�due.The 30-day peaiod will hegin when ti¢e notice is givea.
<br /> L3ntess I�der and Baaowra oiherwise jn writim an tic�tion of m ' shall not ex0ead or �.e
<br /> � S, Y aFP �S PnnciAa1 PostPone
<br /> � . Fht.t�e�t�e of the mantbiy pa�r...��ts refessed w in paragraDhs 1 and 2 or change the mmn�t af the gaymwts.Yf�dEr par�g�aph
<br /> " ` �l.t.tc��'�enY is acqnired by L�d�,Eorruwer's right w any ins�aanc�e policies and prooeeds resoltmg fram�msa�to the
<br /> �:�;.
<br /> �:. �Pnar m��cquisiuon s�aI1 pass t�n I.ea�der w the extent of the-:sr�s�aaed hy this Sec�uity Instrameai�m a�ar�;W � .
<br /> �? priat w the acqu'u�r � _
<br /> •:�}: a.��ilpBDCj���SCTVAI�OII��II��C RIId�fOtC�OD Of f$2��; BOltOWlf B �.09n f�p�9ttOII��.tii6iti0�Sc r��
<br />, �., �Oamtver sball occupy,essablis�and�se the Pra�erty as Banrower's principal resideatce withum axty�days afo�r the eaer�rion of _:_
<br /> ; thic S�ity Insuume�t and st.�B3.oontinve w ocaspy the Propercy as Borrower's pmici��lrresid��fa�at Ieasc ane yeBr aftrr.tJ� �,.
<br /> clflle oi�upancy. untess Le�der otheawise a�ees m aritmg, wluch consent shaU nq3��e M*+*–�^^�hIY withheld.ar onlesv
<br /> . etita�uPding ama�mstances exist w1ric�ace bepond 7Bormwer's cantroL Borrmwet sh211 aot destroy,c�a ar i�paa tbe 1'topaty.
<br /> allbzv lhe Pmpr.rty��deteiamte, or co�ii w�te on the Prope�ty.Bomnwes s6all be in defanit if aay f�fcivare aqioa or �
<br /> pQOOt�ding,wftether civ7 or ca�iminal,is be�Utat in I.ender's goad faith judgment car.3�resuli in forfeinue of the Ptnpe�rty or
<br /> olh�vi�pti:�aterially impair the t;��by this Seau'st�•�rer�nuneat m Lwder's.secYmro�y iaterea7.Bormwea may c�sach a �=�:
<br /> �' ��'��'r��Pm��P�'�Ph 1�.by car�;�the acction or proceedars�m(oe dismissed with a rn�iag tLaz,ifl �
<br /> L�a��c''�:�oa����~�ninatiaa,precludes fnrfainue of t�e Borrower's i���est in the Propeaty ot athes mat�s3a1 impaitmeat v�
<br />- ���� tha�,4T����'�3a�rity Ins�za�ar Lcria�'s secauiry int�sa.��ower shall a7so be in d�m1��f Bet�rower,.d�ing e��:� ' �.
<br /> ` b�u.z�tion�pra�xss.6ave mat�rially f�sa or inac�auate infom�ation a��►;esne�ts ta 3.endea(or fo7��o provide�.en��ii:�: �:- �
<br /> Fmy,ti�3(�al mfor[nation) in cannection cvi3h Ihe loan evidenced by the NotE. iaelu�ing.bmt nut 3imited to, s,�tations
<br /> , w�i r r�i s s���omuwer's occupancy o f the Ptapeaty as a pmu�pal resideaoe.If this Se�auity Ins�ameut is s�.ar a�uehu;�,Botrowes _
<br /> sball.tx�'yrly willi a!1 the provisions of the iease.Tf Borrower atquins ft�z�mic4e w the Pc�pety.ihe leas�r:�.d and the fee tide sbaD
<br /> ;'� nfli�ner�e uNess Leacler a�aes to the mag�r in writing. ['
<br /> � ' 7:�otecbfon o!Lender's Rights in t8e Pmperty. If Bormwu fa7�°�perform the covmaats nad agramtafs conta�in
<br /> �..-
<br /> tbi;c��,a�:�xity Ins3�umeat,or the�is a legal groc�.ediag that may si�tY affectl�'s rights u�the Ptopatt��3uch��
<br /> � � �su,�in bant�tptcp,Pmbate.for candarnn�tlon or fozFeir�¢�s m eaf�e laws or�=�s),tl�I.eader may cra�d PaY
<br /> - :,.,,_
<br /> �� ; fos ri�►er is a�s,�ry ta pratect the valve oi the Faoperty s��,;,�r`�rc�qhts m the Pmyerty.I,eader's uctians may imcIv4:
<br /> ;.:�: .
<br /> ,,,:,: p�vyarg any sums:.� bY a lien wtich has priority over Qus Se�it�t;:nsstr�w� a�rin$ �,�rt.P�YmS��: .
<br /> t"%-'r`. etuorneys'fces anc?�t�mg a�r.'�E Prape+rrty to mahe repaus.Atthou L�flea
<br /> ;,ti.` , � �Y '�acxiars auder this�D 7�1t.ndes '� -
<br /> �,. , do►�s a+oi l�ava w do sa. � —.
<br /> ,,�, ' Any amonnu disbursed by Ieadri�ri this.�agiapb r.�,+siil beoame additional.d�ts:�f Baamwar secarad by this S�urit�r
<br /> f,;�,: �. Inctnml¢t�t Unbess Boimwer and Lender ag�tn athar tems of paymen�tbese amo�ats shaD bc�mtaest fmm.tbe due oF
<br /> �:���� dlsbvrsrmc�l nt th����se tate and shaU be payable;with intrrest.opon rwti�f�3m Leader to Bcsmwrt c�nesan8 DaY��
<br /> ' 8.MorigageT.m,srr�nce. If L�eadar raq�rrxl finas�e�sw�ce as a cr,,�ditian af a�g the tts�saaaed by this Suurity
<br /> ! L►sqnei►kr.ni, Bortuw$a shall pay tfie prem,iu�s mquire� to m�inta� the mongage ins�aAae in effect.If,for arr,��e�on,the
<br /> . m3�,'i�,ZV►�irisur�tace c�verage reyuired by I�der lapses or cr�„�ses tu be in effecx.Bcara�rra sLaD pay the preuu�rs mcquir�to ..�-
<br /> � obSai��ar,�bveraga suhstanilally eqnivaleru to tf�e mor�gage�ce p�evi�e.alay�effea.at a c�st snhstanually equival�ut to�tM:
<br /> : oo�to Hormcrta�k the mnrtgaga insiumnoe previousIy m eife�c4 from av�+�llrr�n�te m�tgage ins�er apyroved hy LenQr=�f. .
<br /> wbas�titially equiv�mmt�e insur�oe ooveaage is not avaitable,Bomswrr sh�D pay tu I.ender esch month a sam eqnal to�'
<br /> w►�tw�lltA of the��¢Iy mongage ins�ce p�+atniam bemg�aid by Bomnwer whw[he�ce cave�ge tapsed or ceas�ed m
<br /> . be i�i��Jie+ct Lender will a�caept, use and�ain�these�pay�r,�s.as a lass r�cerve m liw of m�rtgage 1nsu�cc.Loss�tsavt �__.-
<br /> ./,' . .
<br /> : ,�;.� Fo.m aoao croo �����
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