;x � . �;, • t:. b • �•- '�"r r� ." ` ==',��✓ -
<br /> ,. ��` S ^'`rc-x` :o , . ;f. ', -—*c , � _ -- �`^,� _- ':`•.�
<br /> ' . � ' - .. . 7- . 2 y ` .
<br /> t ` , � . ' , -3.�..``"
<br /> ��e i.
<br /> �`..
<br /> _��� �6- ���� �r�.
<br /> �raymenca maY ao tonger bs requue�.at th:aptiuon of Lender,if mort�ge ias�:aae oove�age("in the amnuna a�for[he peiifld �;-�.';
<br />. that L�eadet�equices)Gmvided by�aa inswt�r apprt�ve�6y Lemdea agai�l�cumes av�L�ts a�+�is ohsained.�orxower sha�gay t�e ..
<br /> �`_�� ,__ ��,"°';:
<br /> premiums rr,quired tn n�intaim m�rt���insur�ce iai�ect�or co provi�;n p y �+��, �m�r�r���faz�.�e� r-;--:
<br />--�- msnnmce ea�ds in accordanw with any waaucn��enhent betw�ese Boaoare�and Leuder ar agplicabie taw. �;w_:."-
<br /> 9 Inspectio�. Londcr or its agent may maYc�asenable�nnies upon and'mspecaons of thz Propeay.Lead�r st�ll give ��.-'=''
<br /> Botroarcr natisce a�che t3�ato sf or prinr uu on iaspcct�on specifying reasonable cavse fa�r tke mspecdoa �
<br /> e
<br /> � i0.CondemasYtaa, 7fie proc��of any award or claim far daa�ges,dir�t ar consa}ueanal.in conn�on with any
<br /> aim
<br />� cand�nnaliaa o�oilier taldng of an�r patt of tho Pro�rty.or fbr conveyance in Iieu of conde�na�i�on.are ��'�'�
<br /> �ereby as�ed and Q_
<br />�J shall be paid w I.endr�r. �� :
<br /> Ia tk;.cvctss of a tnt:l t:.�i�g of sl�Fta�C;r.t�w prar�eeds sYtalll�agplies!t�the sams s�by sh�Sec�ity I�s� !T���f.
<br /> s ,.
<br /> whether ar aat ttcEn due.with eay ea�c�t p�id co 8orrac�e�Ia tlt�ev�t of a�t�g of ihe Property m whirh the fair maxlr,ci �"-�;s`
<br /> vsil�of t�e Prog�rty iu�medi�ssly befom tho taki�g Ls equal tn or�th�i;Fi��o�mc of the saans saem�ed 1ry this Sea�ity —�
<br /> Instrument im�!liarsty before tha 1�ldn�, un� Harmwes snd I.eudes ot�� 's�a wriung,tae sums s�aued tsy dtia ��`�
<br /> ' Sa:uriry Insttument shaU ba reduce�!by tha amount of the Dmce�ts maItipried lsy����f�ian:(a�the mtal ataount of ..-
<br /> the sua�s secured immediarely beforo the ts�ciag.dlviGed by(b) �2►e f�ir marfret va'�a���Ps�-�lY 6efore t�e ��`
<br /> takmg.My bataac�shalt Oe paid�0 8nrrowes.In the evat►t oi a par�al mldng of che Pmpesty m whab r�fair�vahre cti� ' `;`.`
<br /> --' Pra unmedtately befare the taldn is !e� thsn dte amount of tht s�ms s�urad i�me�ly i�ef�a t� tr�, � ��-'
<br /> P�Y � 8 i �;�;`:��:
<br /> �' Bormwer aad Lusder oth�wLse a�ee in writiag or untess a�gticable taw otheiwise g�mvides.the procexds shall b�applied t��z�e :��,::;
<br /> ��s.;� sums secared by thi9 Stcuriry Insuument witeth�or not the sums ara thc�dise. �.;�;•,..
<br /> If the Prapcity is a�andoned by Borrower.ot if.�fter nAtica by Leader tn Baimwer ds��z asa�nnor affeis w ma�oe aa �'-`
<br /> • award or seNe a cla�icn for Qamages.Bctcower faits w resDond to Lertdrr within 30 days����e r,oace is�vea.I� f�---'�
<br /> f�aa�orized to conect aad appIy t�ae piosecds.ai Its opdon.oith�r t�mst�atio�ar repa'v��hz Pm�.�.y ar to t�e sa�s sesaa�t . �,-
<br /> ���.;_
<br /> by this Securiry Insuument�ahethcr Qr not then due. =_
<br />. Un1e,s�Let�er ana Botrowa otheswiso�o In wtIdng.Ea9 agDlicaBon uf Droc�eds t��s'�aL�ot e�and ar pastpor.e !`��•�
<br />_ ` the dne dare of the monthlY PaYments refe:rtd to in parap�t�s 1 artd 2 or c#�age tt��m��h�a_e�ts. w
<br /> �-.
<br /> � 11.Borrower Nat Reteased;Farbwrancs Bq i.tader Nut a�Vaiver. BAt�usiaa of�Ye�fwr paymenc ar�odific�oa
<br />. u af aianrGzzation vf the sums sec�ued by this Security Insuttment grnrtscd by Lrd¢dei ta any s�e�ar in intarst of Bo�wer sLall
<br /> r
<br />, not o�ase to release�he Iiabiliry af the orig�nal Bomower or Sarmwer's cuscess�s in int�.I.e,ndra shaU rwt be r�quired w
<br /> •� commence s t any successor tn iater�st or refuse w extend t�e far eat¢�r¢ra�eswise ta amottv�aa of �-�''
<br /> �mceidtnB aBflins ere Fa9m adi£Y "t+��r-
<br /> the sums secured by this Secu¢iry Insaument by reason of b»y demand maCo 6y tlte origiaal�wer ar Bonowea's successcrs ?q�;�:_,,
<br /> m int�st Aay forbea�anc4.by Lendar in oxerclsing any r�glat ar resncdy shoU not be a waiver of ar pre�lud�the ea�e�ise of aay ==
<br /> right or reraedY• ":�'=�;==
<br /> 12.Sncrxssois and As�s Bouad;dofat aad 8everal L1�btlttyi Co�nds.ZTie covmanm and ag�eements af t�:$ , .�;=:;
<br /> : Seauity Insaume�t ahali bind an�benefit tha saccessore aad assl�oY 1�an�Ba�wer,sublecc m We psav3siaas cu . . •�"`_�
<br /> paragraph !7. Ba:roRer's coveaaats and t�teemeam slt�11 be joint�d cCvrlsl. Any Baa�wtr who co-sig�ts this Seca�:g -;"'°,
<br /> � � I�eat but daes not ea�eruie the Nou:(e)i�co-sl�nGl��SCCUtity f�t onIy to m�ttg�age,g,eant aad caavey r�a¢.� ��5`r'
<br /> Bormwer's interest in the Pm�esty uader tha tam�og�hi.v Sec�uity ImYtumdtt;(D)ia na Pe�onal2Y a�azed m PaY�e sur.�� �'""-
<br /> � sac�ed by t�is Seruriry Inswmea�and(c)egc�e�thal Letttkr aa�tmy othat BomDwot n�ay a�tn e�d.caa�}'.farb�ar afi �
<br /> m�1ce any accommo6ations with regard w dte te�m9 of this Sceutity Ituwment or�tae Nate withauttl�t.�wer's corisent r
<br /> ',.:"
<br /> - 13.Laan CLar��vv. If the lozn secured 6y thls Secutiry InsWmeal'u tubJxt to a hw adich seis�aotimum loaa cbar8e.s. �����.
<br /> � and�hat Iaw i�fmaliy inwpnted so that the datrrest ai other loan Ct�tQe.t collactad or to be collec�ia caanecaon wit:�thc luan
<br /> ` eacad ttu permitted limit�then:(a)any c�eh loon eharga sh�l1 be c�educad Dy ibe ortwunt neces.sary to nduce tis�cdargo w the • � __
<br /> perad�ted IimiC and @)apty s�ns alrea8y colSecud from 8turowes whktt c�aoeoded penaiaad llmits wfill bo refuaded w Barrawr.c -
<br /> ' Lenda may chaose to maice this refiuK!by reQttcln��ho pdt�cipal awt�uadcs tpto Note ar by mai�a a direct payme�tn
<br /> . , Borrower.if a refiuid reduces grincipal,the rcducdon wW bo tre�oed a�o p�tW pr�ymeat witt�u:r��P�F�►Y��8e
<br /> uarkr the Note. =-
<br /> . � 24.Nottces. Any nodce to Aormwer►�tovlded for in thfl SeCU�ity ItuirumCni sRall be givm by delivee�n$it or by mtu'lir►g it� —
<br /> ..., by fust class a�ail uuless applicabl�1aw requlns use of atwtiur metlwd.7'ho eodoe th�ll be dfre�ted w the P�r Addtess ar �;
<br /> ° ; any ott�ei tddress Borcowet desigt�ses by aotke to LettQer.Any notke to Le�rd�sjt�l be g�ven hy firat c,i�s�1 ta Icadri°a -_
<br /> ad�ress stated hereii►or any mher addresa I.�nder destgimtes by nodca w Botiower.My notice pcovided foz i�s uhi�S�ty �'r"�`
<br /> �' � �`'�^.:�
<br /> � �, Iasuument s7ia116e damed to have 1�glven to Bomower cr Lcndc:whcn�tven ar povldod in thls ya�ag�p�. �__.:..
<br /> • ' ;; �S.GOYel[IIR�Ir4A�Sevee�6ilitq. '['his Security ItuW�t s1t�11 60 �ovemoa by fe6etal Iaa attd tt� �.� of tTe
<br /> .,: j�uisdicdon in ahich the Pra �s tocated In tbe event that�n vL�ton oi C1au:��oi thb SeairIry Inutru�scsc�a�Noto �
<br /> �` canfltcts wi�h epplicab2e Iaw.such caN�ict st�aU not affect otha provl�iion�ot t►'�i�Sccudty Insuumant a�olte Nots w�i�saa bo ��`;
<br /> � , r givw effxt cvIthout the canfltcdag�rovisbn.To this end the provtstans oY iha Securiry inswm�t aod che No�are dcx�red to �'=•`
<br /> � beseverzble. �`��
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> ;:,� Forr��l�E 9tQ0 —
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