_ - -F+�-'_ _ --_�-- s y-..'�r�- � �" � ,�.� '..�.�:. _' . ..�.� �_�__--.., , '._. ,_,_�_ .
<br /> . ` t� ' ��y `-. t '�-��-- �' _ �r�l��^�- --#.�.�..�.ry�.s'.t4---�..r
<br /> � � �IF _
<br /> e + --
<br /> F. • e� ���� , i��c:r';
<br />. . � �7 ��iiuu ��
<br /> 'POGEIg�t WITH ell th.�iillprOVemeAtS IIOw Ox 6zt�3ftet ez�cted n�LhG p30p�ty,FIid sll eastffia1Lg.aFPlut�u �.;. `:
<br /> . fuhu�es rtow ar Gemagtrr a pzat of t�pmgeny.AU rr,�l�eacs and aiWianns shall at�o bc cov�cced by t'sris Sectuiry Insaumeat. �_ _
<br /> 1� at •
<br /> A!!of t�e[or�a�n�is r�ar�d to in r�is 5�..'�i�in��m�t�.s ths"PraP�Y•" �`T:�'
<br /> in �_--_,.-__
<br /> • BORROWER COYENAI�TS that Bormw�r is larvfully seised of t�e e�ta,�he,czby waveyed assri has[he�ight t��aant and c
<br /> onnvey the Propercy aad tha2 the Ptoperty is ursaaunbered,except far Eaaunbrances of zeoard.Boitoria�and v�Ill �=n_,"_.
<br /> � de.fead generally ti�e Gtie tn tke Pcopezty a�ai cc all claiutis aad demands.sabject w�y eacumbraa�ces of reco�d. � ,�:h�;�-_
<br /> TFIIS SECURITY Ei+iS1RUN�N'f combines�uufoim cav�ts for naucnal�se and non-unifarm covenauts wuh lim�rd ,�
<br /> na • -
<br /> � vsuia8ons by juzisdiclion w consamt$a uniform sauiity insffumeat c�vering ceal PioPcstY• a�'-,
<br /> UNIFO1tM COVEATANiS.Boirovrer and I.eitder cove�ant aad ag�ree as fallows: `'�`'�
<br /> '-"'-; Boimwer s6a➢1 PmmP�Y FaY whea d¢s tha
<br /> 1.Fa eat o!Priady9l and Inter�t;E'rePayme�nt amd i.�3e Chr��. �:`_:
<br /> ..- � . aad 12se charg�s�ne aadet�Nr��. �`���a�'�
<br /> p�al of and inta�st an the debt evid�csed t►Y tti,.Nou aa�aaY P� � _-
<br /> 2.Fnads�or T�es a�J Lasaranse. Sub�st tn apgL*'�abl� Law ar w a weiu�n waiver by I��.H��.r�aII pay m �
<br /> ' ',,. Leada oa t�e day mrmthlY P�Y�ss are du�e u�tt tha Nost,nnril t�e Nate is g.aisl in full.a sum(°Funds°}fai=(a)Ye�IY� `��_.
<br /> •sr,�`'r:i�. 2II�FISS�'JS wtltC�I ILt�y 2�'81n F71dI1CY OYCd�fi4 S£&G�IISI inctanm�t a.S 811,E�i OII f�18 PtO�fLy:(�)Y�dl�p IC25Ctt0�p3y�
<br /> ��o�a�an m�Pro�y.if aay,(�)Y�IY l�td or FmF�s'tY�s�aase�(d)Y�rIY flood msu�amte P�ums.�f �"�
<br /> . anY+(�)Y�Y��F"��+if any:aad(�aay svms payzbi.by Boaowes to Leadr�in��h the :...-_�-
<br />`-: . pravisions of parag►�i+h�.i� li�u uf tl�payiu�i of ma��in�an�e p.'mi�as.'17iese it� �e c�..""a�F."�'isaov�+ Iteaas.° �`=P
<br /> �,;�'., Lender may,aa a�►Y time.caIIetc aad h�1td Fuads in aa amflont nnt tn�.•�d ��►��'`��� -
<br /> �*.�. • mOrtg3ge lc��l:naY req���Bo�awet's esaOw SsCOnIIt uIlQes�tre��a1
<br /> .:.,. ��,; ��_�_,
<br /> � ameaded��rt�.�-�,IZ U.S.C.Sec�on Z6U1 et stq. (°RESr "�,unless�ath�law tLai ag�}ies m 3lia�ads secs s�
<br /> � amo�mt If sfl,Le�sr in�;�t any time.callect aad ho2d Funds m aai ama�not to exc�th�l�s�.s�:mnt.I.�n��y �„'-
<br /> ,,5��' .:;. � estimats du amotmt an R�ds dne on the basis of ciurent dala aad tca..�ab:a•�es of�af.�m�Es�aow Itrms� �'�-:
<br />'ri'f��� othewi�ia acxardaac�wu1�applicable law. �:-:_
<br /> `�`��Y "' 'Ihe Fimds sLall be held ion an iasc�ti�nn wQase depnsts aie�'c��Y a iede�al ageaaq.uts�t+�+�►.or eatitp C�8 �'��
<br /> t �ie Fuuds t�pay the.� �-:
<br />� �� Ieadea,if I.e�dps is such an uuuuitian)or ia aay Fede:al Home?��aaic.Latdrr shal��p,�r• �=i.,-
<br /> I. s
<br /> It�ns.Lender may not�ge Bomnwed far ho2ding and apPtyinB thc�mtts.�an�1Y�Y�"`a�i�e cseaow��omnt,ar'vmi�yin8 �"
<br /> � • '�l e 1 a w Ir�d�na m�Tce sach a c�ge. ��,;;�°
<br /> tLe Es�sow items.unl�s 1�,°atdet pays Bo�rowa interest on th a F n n d s a r��- P� �;,.
<br /> � • Hawever.Leadea may rt�uae Bormw�r w gay a ane-ame c,t�g e far�n�'�d e a t r�l e s t a t e r a x re g o�8 s�eNire�d t ry �`
<br /> Lender in coaneaion with this loan,an2�s apPlicable law pmvid�s u�er�vis�.Unless an a�eemeut is made ar applis�c�law �.
<br /> �� . requ�es int�cest tn be paid Leuder shail not I�e r�q�ed to pay Bmra�w��y interest or ea�i7sg3 an thc Fund�Boaov��aad �_
<br /> ace . ,�.
<br />" � Lendu maY ag,r�e in'�:-'"'�•however,that inm�est shall be paid on the Funds.L�aler shal�.give to BR�m�«vvi@hont chagc.a�
<br /> aanual aa;a�drng of t��s2ds.showiag credits aud deisits m the Fmzds a�3 tFhe�apose for wSuch�s�"di�Uo d�e Fimds vr� .� �.._,
<br /> made.'ILe F�mds are p2�i�as additional seauitY far all sums secaued by this�'ra�xy In�- . �,
<br /> tm
<br /> If the Fands heid b}r Leader ex�l tc�e a�nomnts p°..cmived to be held by app'r�1�taw,L�shaD aavUat m Bmrowec fos
<br /> ' the excess Fauds in�; ?�ca�r.e with�Y�4�ents af agpti�a�3e iaw.If tiis auavnsi of i�te ic�r�' b�Y�da rs P�y fr�t9 _
<br /> ' aot sufficieat w pay tf���aw Items whea dae.L�i�may so corify Bmxati�m wre�ng,aad.m sach cas�Boz�ovrar shall pay _�_
<br /> sufficie .-
<br /> to Leadrt the amoimt�Y� make up th��aY. Baaovret�m�ke ap the deficieacY in L'�m ranae t6i�a twetva
<br /> .. mant�tY PaYments.azLeadds sose disapion. =
<br /> Upon paymeat in fi�II of all s�ms secured by this Secmin+Ia�anm�t.Lendea shall pmmptly refuad to B�auy Fimds _..
<br /> : �„� hetd by Lmda If.undar D�B�Pb 21,I.ender shaU soq�e or sell tlse Ptopescy,Leader,priar to the acq�or sak of the --
<br /> � , propaty,shail apply any F�ds t.es�by lender at the time of acquisipon ar sale as a cre�tt agai+'�t d`�e sums secar�!hy sl�r�
<br /> .. SCCauity Itlst�UmP,�iL � , ���ni��� �
<br /> • • 3.Appfication aP I:,-�aeata U�applicable law vide.9 ot�awise►aID paY�ents . _
<br />�-= ' y l au3 2 shari be apFiied:6rst.tu anY 1�Y�t�3�dne�th�Noi�s�Q.to am�ants gay�hSe ande�P�P Z: �
<br /> -= �d,w�duG fo��opri�acip�D dn�aad 1au.m auy late c�rgesdae�tLeN� �1e w tAe Ptopesty "',-
<br /> . ' 4.CLarges,Liea�.:i"a��awa sLaD pay atl t�wes.aue�ts.ci�cBes.6���IIP� i,_,
<br /> w
<br /> ' wtt9ch maY att�in PnC�t�'csver tbis Sec�ity Im�u��d IeaSe�told p3ymeuis;��g�d t�ts.if�oy.Bo,mowe�sh�II psY th�se -----
<br /> obliga4ans in tha maa�x�z proviaed in pamgraph 2.or if nvt paie ia t�ac maanet;r�s1�v�l►�ao taao airec�ty co ase _-
<br /> ' �' pason a�paymca�t Bomawer s�all Pmn►PtIY fiams6 m I�eadar aU no6ces of amaimts tu be poid uadei tbis p�ag�aDlz.I£. � �.y�
<br /> ' � � '.� Bamw��cs these paymen�direra3y,Bmma�s6�I1 promPtlY fiunisb m II�eadrr coeeaFts�vide�8�he OaY�'a� -- _
<br /> � ,. Bom¢��a4�sba11 yramD�Y��8��Y liea ahich h3s psiuiit�r ovea tf�is S�uity►i a t t n u a�e nt t m k s B a rt o a a G(a)�%s n
<br /> � __...._
<br /> . � ' writmg tn thz yayaicuY��f tt�a obligation saaued by tlse licn m a manna aece�tcs�Se ta I,euder:N)cont�in�taod fait�the liea ..
<br /> � ' �� bl+.oz d:'.'�'s.�',���nf�neat of tha lka in. tegal O:ac�edm9s�i� t h e L t n d e�'s a g i m i a a o�'r a s e w F r e vart t0e
<br /> - . enfac��:r,�'�i�►�It�:�tc)secroses ftom tbe holGrr of tt�e liea ao ag�eemeat s�isfacao�€oo I�dar�8 t3�e liea w
<br /> thi�Sear�t,Y�;.ftr�a�t Ii Le�da deta�ines tbai aay�t of t1x Pcop�ny is snbjecc to s�ir�s:�vhic�m�y att�p�rioricSl over thi� --_
<br /> , hi
<br /> � ' g�ri�y,�ua��i,,�,dcr m�S►�►e Bo�rawes a notice idea�►img the li�.Boaow�sh�il s�fy the tica ar t�Ise aa�or ma� �.�-�-
<br /> of the aedoas set fortb s�ove within 10 days of the giving oi mtice.
<br /> . . Fors 8025�tYO —..
<br />. ; . ��6kjl�,lQi92fZf.o1 �agslctR �nIUW:
<br />�.5:�`�'.�f• ' 793-1 —..
<br /> .��... . . - . . � _ H �
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