<br />premiums, if any, or any sums payable by Borrower Co Lender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage
<br />In.surance premiwns in accordance with the provisions of Saction 10. Thesc items are called "Fscrow
<br />Items. " At orig'lnation or at any time during the te�n of the L.aan, Lender may require that Community
<br />Association Dues� Fces, and Assesstnents� if any, be egcrowezt by Borrower, a�d such dues, fee,s and
<br />asscssrr�nts shall be an Escrow Item. Borrower shall promptly furnish Ca Lender all notices of amounts ta
<br />be paid under this Section. Borrower shall pay Lendcr the Funds foc Escro�w Itetns unless Lender waives
<br />Borrower's obligation to pay the Funds for any or all fiscrow Items, L.ender rnay vrr�i,�e g
<br />obligation to pay to Lender FwAds �or any or all Escmw Itezns at auy time. Any suGh waive�r may only be
<br />in writing. In the event of such waiver, Borrower shall paY directlY, when and wherc payable, the arnvunts
<br />due for any �scraw Items for which payment of Funds has been �waived by Lender and, if Lender requi;res,
<br />shall furnish to Lender receipts cvidencing suGh payment within such tim� period as Lender may requ�re.
<br />Horrower's obligation to make such paynaeats and to provide receipts shall for all purposes be de�me� to
<br />be a covenant and agreemcnt contained in this Security Instrument, as the phrase "covenant and agre�znent"
<br />is used in Section 9. If Barrowe�r is obligated to pay Esc�row Items dir�tiy, pursua�t to a waiver, and
<br />Sorrovver faila to pay the a�unt due far an Escrow Item, Lender m�ay ea�ercis� its rights under Section 9
<br />and pay such amow�t anci Borrower s�aall tl�n be obligate� under Section 9 W repay to I.,ender any such
<br />amownt. Lender may revoke the waiver as ta any or all Escrow Items at any t�ixne by a natice given in
<br />accordance with Section 15 a�, upon such revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, and in
<br />such aYt�unts, that are then required under this Section 3.
<br />L,ender may, at any tiu�e, collect a�l hold Funds in an amowaC (a) suf�cient to p�rimit Lender Cp apply
<br />the Funds at the time specified under RESPA, and (b) not to exceed the xnaximuupn amount a lender can
<br />require under RESPA. L,ender shall estimaCe the amount of Ftinds dus on the basis of current data and
<br />reasonablc estimates of expenditure�s of fuitune Escrow Items or otherwise in accocdance with Applicable
<br />Iaw.
<br />The Funds shail be held in an institutian w�ose deposits are i�nsured by a federal agency,
<br />instnut�entality, or entity (including �.,ender, if Lender is aa institution whoee deposits are so insured) or in
<br />any Fedcral Home L.aan Bank. L�nder shall apply the Funds to pay thc F,scrow Items no latcr than the time
<br />specified under RFSPA. Lendcr slaall not charge Borrowcr for holding and applying the Funds, annuallq
<br />analyzing the �scrow account. or veirifying the Escrow Items, unlea,s Lcnder pays Borrower interest on the
<br />Funds and Applicable Law pcYmits I.endcr to make stYC� a charge. Unless an agreement is made in writing
<br />or Applicable Law reqcrires interest W bc paid on the Funds, 7.ender shall not be rcquired ta pay Borrawer
<br />any interest ar eanpings on thc Funds. Borrower and I.endcr can agree un writing, however, that interest
<br />shall be paid an thc Funds. I.cnder shall give to Borrower, withoui charge, an annual accounting af the
<br />Funds as required by RESPA.
<br />If there is a surplus of Funds l�ld in escrow, as de�'ined under RESpA, I�endex shail accqunt to
<br />Borrower for the excess funds in accordanc8 q�th RESpA. If there is a ahortage of Funds heid in escrow,
<br />as defined under RESPA, �nder shall notify Borno�uver as requixed by RFSAA, and Borrower shall pay to
<br />L.ender the amaunt n�ssaiy to malce up t1�e shartage in acoordance with RFSPA, 6ut in nn more than 12
<br />manthlY AaYments. If there is a de�iciency of Funds held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, L.ender shall
<br />notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrowcr shall pay to Lende�r t�e amowat necessary to make
<br />up the deficiency in accordance with RFSpq� �ut in no mpre than 12 m�nthly paymeqis.
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by t7�is SOCUrity Instnunent, Lendcr shall prnmptly refund
<br />ta Borrower any Ftiwds held by Lender.
<br />4- CharEe�, Lleus. Aarrower slaall pay all taxes, assessin�nts, c,haarges, fines, a� impositions
<br />attributable to the Properly which can attain priority over this Security Inst�vmient, leasehold paym�ts or
<br />ground rents on the Property, if any, and Community Association I3ues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. To
<br />tt�,e eztent that thes� items are. Escanw Items, Borrower shall pay them in the manner provided in Section 3.
<br />NEBFipSKA - Single Family - Farw�fa Meie/Fredd�a Ilpac Up�FORM IN$TRUMENT /��
<br />�-BINE) (0811) P�elS ot 16 Inhiak �1 Form 3pZ8 1/07
<br />