<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lic�a which bas priority over thds Se�urity Instrument unless
<br />Sortawer: (a) agrces in wrizing w the paymeut of the abligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable
<br />to Lender, but only so long as $orrower is performing such agreement; (b) contests the lien in good faith
<br />by, ar defer�ds against enforcement of the lie�n in, legal proceadings which in i,endcr's opinion operate to
<br />prevent thc enforceme�t of the li� while those proccedings aze pending, but oNy until such pmceedings
<br />are concluded; or (c) se�ures from the &older af the lien an agr�t satisfactory to 1.cnder subordi�nating
<br />the lien to this S�urity Inspwnent. Tf L,e�er d�terttiines that a�ny part of the Property is subje�t ta a]ien
<br />which can attain p�iority over this Security inat„�,,,�,r, �� � �ve Bormwer a notice ident�fying the
<br />lien. Within 10 days of the date on which that tiotic� is given, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br />morc of the aaians set forth above iu� this SecCian �4. a
<br />L�nder may require Borrower w pay a an�-time chargc for a real estatc ta�c veri�cation �ndJar
<br />reporting service used by I,ender in connection with this Loan.
<br />S. Property It�uranae. Banrower shall keep the irnpravez�nis now existing or hereafter erected on
<br />the Property insured against loss by fire, hazards inclutde� wit�in the term "extended coverage," and atiy
<br />other hazards including, but not limite� ta, earthquakes and flpods, for which I,ender reyuires insurauce.
<br />This insurance shall bc rnaintained in th� amottnts (including deductible levels) and for the periods that
<br />Lender requires. What Len�der requires pursuant to the pre�eding seaatences can change during the te�m of
<br />the I..oan. 'The insuratice carrier providing the insurance sh�ll be chdsen by Horrower subject to I.�der's
<br />right to disapprove Banrower's cla�oice, wtuch right shall not be exercise� ut�reasonably. I,ender rnay
<br />require Barrower to pay, in cannection with this Laan, either: (a) a a�-time charge for flood wne
<br />determinazion, certi�icatinn and tracking aervices; or (b) a onertit� charge for flood zane deternainaCion
<br />and ccrti�cation scrvic�s and subsequent charges cach time r�miappings ar sixnilar c�nges occur whir.�
<br />reasaziably might affecC such detern�ination or c�rCification. Horrower shall alao be m�ponsible for che
<br />payrnent of any fees impose� by the Federal Emergency Management Aga�y in connection with the
<br />revievv of aay flood zane determunation resulting frorn an objection by Hormwer.
<br />If Borrower fails ta m�aintain any of the coverages described above, I..ender may obtain insurance
<br />coverage, at I,ender's option and Bnrrower'a ex�use. Lender is under no obligation to pnrchase any
<br />particular type or arrwunt of covcrage. Therefore, such cove:rage shall cavcr I,ender, but might ar might
<br />nat prote�t Bqrrower, Hqrrower's equity in the Prop�rty, or the contents af the Property, against any risk,
<br />hazard or liability and might pravide greater or lesscr cnverage than was previou�ly in effect. Borrower
<br />acknawledges tJ�at the cost of the insurance coverage so obtaine�i might signi�icantly excced the cost of
<br />insurance that Borrower could hava abtau�ed. Any ax�unts disbutsed by Lender under this 5�tian S shall
<br />became additional debt of Borxow�r secured by this 5�urity I�. Thesc amounts shall bear interest
<br />at the Note rate &om tbe date of disbur�ement a�xl shall be payabie, with suc,h interest� upon notice from
<br />Lcn.der to Bonrower requ�esting pay�ent•
<br />All insurance policies z�equired by L,ender and renewals of suc� policies shall be subject to L,ender's
<br />right ta disapprove such policics, shall in�clude a staudard mortgagB clause, and sha11 nainc Lender as
<br />nnortgagee and/ar as an additional loss payee. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewal
<br />certificates. 1f' Lsnder r�quires, Borrower shall pmm}�tly 8ive to Lsnder all receipts of paid premiums and
<br />z�en�w�l nodces. If Borrower obtains any form of insurance coveragc, not othcrwise required by Y,ender,
<br />for damage to, or destruction of, the Property, such po]icy shal,l inC]ude $$tandard �rCgage clause and
<br />shall name Lcnder as mortgagee and/or �as an additional loss payee,
<br />In thc event of loss, Bornower shall give p�pmpt uOtir.e to the in��ranrp �er and Lender. Lendcr
<br />may make proof of lass if not made pmrnptly by Borrowcr. Unless Lender and $on�ower otherwise agrrec
<br />in wciting, anY i�nsurance Proceeds, whether or not the underlying insurance was required by Lender, shall
<br />be applied w restoration or repair of the Propexty, if the restox'at�ion or repair ia econoaxitcally fe�asible and
<br />T..ender's security is �t lessened. During such repair and �reswration period, Lender shall t�ave thc right to
<br />hold such iu�surance procee�s until Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the
<br />, ,. . � , ,
<br />NEBRASKp - Single Femlly - Fsmia Mas/Frwldb Mac 111MIFORM IIMSTRUM�NT
<br />Q��8fNE) �oe� �� P� a�r �� i�: r-orm 302s 7/01
<br />, .. .
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