<br />work has been completed to I.onder's satisfaction, pmvided that st� inspe�tion sb�all be undertalcen
<br />promptly. Lender may disbuise proceeds for tb�e repairs and restora�tion in a single payment or in a series
<br />of pragx�.s paymeuts as the work is completed. Unle.ss an ag�t is made in writi�ng or Applicable Law
<br />requires interesC to be paid on such insurantx praceeds, L,ender shall not be x�equi�sed w pay Bornowerr any
<br />interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other third partics, r�tained by
<br />Sorrower shall not be paid out of t]� insurance proc�eds aa�d s�l be the sple obligation of �orrower, If
<br />the restoration or rcpair is not ecanomically feasible or I,ender's sec.�urity would be lessened, the insurance
<br />proceeds shall be applied to the surns secured by this Security Instavment, whekher or not then due, with
<br />the ezcess, if any, Paid to Borrowcr. Such insuranice praceeds aha11 be applied in the order provided foar in
<br />Section 2.
<br />If Borrower abandons the Property, Le�der may filc, ndegatiate and �tle any available i+±��*�p
<br />claim and related matters. If Borrower dces not �r�espond wit�hin 30 days W a notice frnm Lendcr that the
<br />insurance carrier haa affered W s�tle a clai�m, thean L�nder may negotiate and settle t�e claim. The 30-day
<br />period will begin whe�n thc notice is givcn. In either event, or if L,ender �cqt�iares the Pmperty under
<br />Section 22 or otheiwisc, Borrowen c�reby assigns W L�der (a) Borrower's ri�ghts to any insurance
<br />pmc�ds in an amoun�t not to exceod the amounts umpaid und� the Note or this Securiry Instrument, and
<br />(b) any other af Bormwer's �tghts (other than the rigl�t to any rafw�d of uneamed premiums paid by
<br />Borrowcr) under all inen�ran�p polici�s Coveri�g th� P�operty, insafar as such rights are applicahle to the
<br />coveragv of the Pmperty. I.�ader may use the insurance proce�ds either to repair or restore the Property or
<br />to pay amo'unts unpaid under the Note or C}us Sacurity Iz�strumcnt, whether or not then due.
<br />6. Occupancy. Bormwer shall occuPY, �stablish, and use tl�e Propert�+ as Borrower's principal
<br />residenc� within �0 days a�ter the exeatttion of this Security InsC�ent and shall contiuxue w occupy the
<br />Property as Borrowex's principal re�idence for at least one year at�er the date of occuAancy', unless L,ender
<br />othervi+ise agrees in vuritiung, which consent shall �t be unreasonably vvithheld, or unless extenuating
<br />cirC�nmstances exi�st which arc bcyo�d Bomower's control.
<br />7. Pres�rvation, Maintenance and Protecbion o[ the Property; Inspectioras. Harrc�wer shall nat
<br />destxay, dawage ar ip�tir the Property, allow the Properiy to det�ri,orate or conamit waste oan the
<br />Property. Whether ar not Borrorwer is residing in the Property, Borrower s�hall miainta'rn ths �roperty in
<br />oxder to pre'veztt the �+operty from deteriorating or decreasing in valuc due to its conidition. Unless it is
<br />deternrined pursuant to Section S that repair or restoration ia not ac�nomically feasible, Bormvver shail
<br />P�P�Y I'ePair the Praperty if daunaged ta avoid further d�erioration ar damage. If ;n��*�++±rp or
<br />condemnatian pmceads are paid in co�nnectian with damage W, or the takang of, the Property, Borrower
<br />shall be rasponsible far repairin,g ar r�toring the Property only if L.�nder has relea�ed proceeds far auch
<br />purpo�s. Lender maq disbursa proceeds for the repairs and r�wration in a singl,e paym�ant or in a series o�
<br />pragxess payments as the vvork is �lete�. lf the insuranc�s or �ion proceads are not sufficiea�t
<br />to repa� or restore the P,roperty Honrower is not redieved of Borrower's obligaCion for thc completian of
<br />such repair or re�storaticm.
<br />I,ender or its age� mxy make reasonable entries �pon and inspections of t&e Property. If it has
<br />reasonable cattse, I.ender m�y imspe�t the intexior of the improvements on the Property. Le�der sball give
<br />Borrower �dce at the time of ar prior to such an interiar ;unspection specifying such reasonable cause.
<br />S. Borrower's I.aan Applfcatlon. Barmwer shall be in defattlt if, during the Loan application
<br />pmcc�s, Borrower or any persans or e�tities arxing at the direction of Borrawer or with Borrower's
<br />kno�wledge or oona�t gave mate�ially false� misleading, or inacau�ate infpmnatio�a or statements to Lendcr
<br />(or failed to provide Lendcr vvith material informa�ion) in ooxuiection witt� the Loan. Material
<br />repre�ntations it�ude, but are not limited W, represeaitation�s concerning Borrov�ear's occupancy of the
<br />Properiy as Borm�'s principal rea,idence.
<br />� RASKA - 8ingle �emily - Fanni� Mae/Freddi� Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT
<br />-8(N�1 �oa»► P�e � or �s iNne�a: Form 3028 1/01
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