<br />9. Prntecbion of Lender'e Lrterest in the Praperty and Rights Undex th� Securtty Instrum�nt. If
<br />(a) Borrower fails Co perform the covenants and agree�nents cor�tained in this Security Instturnent, (b) ttxere
<br />is a legal pnot�eding that naight signi�xcantly affed L,ender's interest in the Property an�d/or rights under
<br />this Se�urity Instru�nent (such as a procecedi�ng in bankruptcy, probate, for cond�marion or forfeiiure, for
<br />enforcement af a lie� whir,� may attaix� priority over this SeGUrity Ins��t or to eYUforce laws or
<br />regulations), or (c) Horrower has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do atid pay for whatever is
<br />reasonable or aPProPrAate to proteat I.ender's iunterest in the Property and rights r�nder this Security
<br />Insttvm�t, including protecting and/or assessin�g the valu�e of the Property, and s�urir�g and/ar repairing
<br />the Property. L,ender's actioz�s can include, but are �iot limited to: (a) paying any sums s�ured by a lien
<br />which l�as priority over this Se�urity Instrument� (b) apP�uing in court; a�d (c) PaYiang reasaz�able
<br />attornieys' fe�s to protect its intercat in the P�operty and/or rights under this Se�urity Instrument, including
<br />its secure� pos�tion in a bankruptcY P�S• �$ thc Property includes, but is n�at limited to,
<br />ente�ing the Property W malc�e rcpairs, ch�ge locks, areplace or board up doars a�d vvindows, drain water
<br />from pipes, eliminate building or othcsr code violations or dangcroirs condit�ons, and have utilitie�s tur�
<br />on or off. Although Lender may take actio�n under this 5ection g, I,.ender da�s not have to do so and is auot
<br />under any duty or obligation to da eo. It is agreed that I.eader incurs rno liability for nat taking anq or all
<br />actions attthorized uncl�r this Saction 9.
<br />Any arnounts disbursed by Lender under thas Se�tion 9 shall become addirianal debt of Borrnwer
<br />secured by tl�is Security Instrut�ent. These amounts shall bear interest at the Note ratc from the date af
<br />disbtusc�t�ent and shall be payable, w�ith such interest, upon norice from I.ender to Borrower re�N�B
<br />pa �If this Se�urity Instn�ent is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisians of the
<br />lease. If Horrower acquix�es fee titic to che Property, the leasehold and the fee tida shall nat m�exge unle�s
<br />Lcnder ag�rees to tha rnerger in writi.ng.
<br />10. Mortgage In�sursnae. If I.,ender require� MoRgage In�ua�ce as a condition of malcing the Loan,
<br />Borrower shall pay the premiu�tns r�uir�cl to maintain the Mort�e Tnsurance in cffect. If, for any reason,
<br />the Mortgage Instu�ance coverage requit+od by I.�der cea� to be available from the mortgage insurcr tl�at
<br />previausly provided surk insurancc and Borro�cwer waa require� to rmake s�aratcly designated PaYments
<br />toward the premiums for Mortga�e �ns�uancc, Borrower al�all pay the prenniwns required to obtain
<br />coverage substantially equivalent to the Mvrtgage Insurance previously in effect, at a cost sub�tantially
<br />equivalent W the cost to Hormwer of the Mortgage Insurance previously in effedcct, from an altemate
<br />mortgage insurer sele�ted by L.e�der. If subsCantially equivalent Mortgage Ins�uan�ce coverage is n�ot
<br />avai�lable, Borrower sha11 conti�p,uc to pay to L,ender thc an�ount of the aeparatedy designate�i PaY�ents t�at
<br />were due whe�t the insuranc� coverage eeased to be in effe�t. L.endec will accept, use and retaia th�
<br />payments as a non-ref�dable loss re�erve in �ieu of Mortgage Inaurance. S�ch loss reserve shati be
<br />no�-refundablc, notwithstanding the farx tb�at the Loan is ultimately paid in full� and I.cnder shall uot be
<br />r�uired to paY Horrower any intereBC or e�arning� on �uch loss rc�erv'e I.e�d�r can no longer require loss
<br />reserve paym�ats if Mortgage Ir�uance coverage (in the amount a�d for the period that I�ender requires)
<br />pmvided by att insu�rer sel�ted by Len�cr again becomes available, is obCained, and L�tder rcqu,ires
<br />separately de�ignared payme.nts torward the prenniuzns for Mortgage Insur�ce. If Lende�r requir�! Mortgage
<br />Insurance as a cond.irion of naa�ing the L,oan and Ba�rrower vvas required ta make separately design�ated
<br />payments toward the preariums for Mortgagc Insuranc.�, Borrowor shatl pay the premiums �teyuired ta
<br />znaintain Mortgage Insurance in cffect, ar to provide a rron-refundable loss resetve, und.l I,ender's
<br />n�equirem�ut for Martgag� It�ttrance e�ds in accordance with any written ag�t b�we�n Hormwer and
<br />�ender providing for such terrn�ination or until termination is �t�equired by Appli�able Law. Nothing ixY this
<br />Section 10 affects Borrower's abligation to pay i�t at the rate pravided in tbe Note.
<br />Mortgage Insurance rcitnburses L�ader (or any entity thait purchases the Note) for certain los�es it
<br />may i�cur if Borrower does not r�pay ths Loan as agreed. Borrawer is n�ot a party to thc Mortgage
<br />Insurance.
<br />Martgag� insureers evaluate theix total rislc on all sur,� insurance in force fmm time to tirne, and may
<br />enter into agreet�ents with ot,�er parties that sharc or np�odify their risk, vr reduce losses. The.se agree�ments
<br />are on terms and oonditions t�aat are sa�iaf�ctory ta th� mortgage insurer and the other Pan3' (or parties) to
<br />these ag�'�ts. These agr�ernents may rec�uirc the �rtgage insur�r to noake parm�t� using any source
<br />of fu�ds that the mortgage insurer may have available (whiich may in,clude fi�nds obtained from Mortgage
<br />Insurancc ptemiums). ,
<br />NE9RASKA - Single Family • Fanrd� Mas/Frrddis M� UNIFpRM INSTqUMENT
<br />�»8{N�) roe�tl - �e m�r> intn�a• �orm 3028 7/07
<br />, � wl
<br />