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201009078 <br />Borroweac shall pramptly discharge any li� which has pniority over this Security Insriument unl�s <br />Borrower: (a) agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a nnanner acceptable <br />to I.e�der, but only so long as Horrower is perforniing such agre�auenc; @) cont�ts the lien in good faith <br />by, or defendx against cnforcem�t of the lien in, legal proc�ciings which in Lenider's op�inion operate to <br />prevent the enforc�nent af the lien while those proceedings are pendin�, but only u�il su�1� proceedings <br />are concluded; ox (c) secures from tbe holder af the lien an agreement satisfactary to Le�de�r subordina�ing <br />the lien to this Security Ins�t. Yf Lendcr determin+es that any part of the 1'raperty is subjed to a lien <br />whi�h can attain priarity over t�his Sacurity Instnunent. L,ender may give Hormwer a notic� identifying the <br />lien. Within 10 days of the date an whiah that nodce is'given, Hnrmwer shall sati�sfy the lie� or tak�e one or <br />�ore af the actions set forth above itn this Section 4. <br />I.ender may require Bornower to pay a nne-tim� charge for a real estate tax verificataon and/oz <br />i�or�ti� service used by L.ender in connectian with thi.s T.oan. <br />S. Praperty L�nranoe. Horrower st�ll keep the iuuu�rovemen�ts now existing or h�ereafter erected on <br />the Property insured against losa by �ire, hazards included within the ternn "eat�ded coverage." and any <br />other hazards including, but nat limited to, earthquakes and floods, for wbich I.ender requires ins�uance. <br />T�i� insurance shall be mai�ntain� in tt� amounts (in,cluding deductible levels) and for the peni�ods that <br />I,eader require:s. What I.ender r�quiz+es pursuant to the pre�ding seatences r,ata chauge during the texm of <br />the I.oan. The insurrance carrier providing the insuucance sball be c�osen by Borrower subje�t W I.e�der's <br />�ight w disapprove Borrowrcr's chaice, which right sball not be exerciscd imreasanably. �ncler may <br />require �orrower to pay, in cun�eection with t�is Laan, eitber: (a) � one-time char$e for flaod r��e <br />detanmination. cezti�ic�tion and t�king serviccs� or (b) a one�-tinae c�arge for fload xon� dsterminatian <br />and certii5cation services and aubsequent charges r,a� ti�e rennappinga oar similar cbanges accur wtuch <br />�asonably might si�ect such d�rmination or certification. Horrower st�all also be responsible for the <br />paym�nt of any fees imposed by the F�derai Einergen�' Mat�agex�t AgencY in connection vu'ith the <br />�criew of any flood tione d�ination resulting from an obj�ction by Harmvv�r. <br />I� Horrower fails to maiptain any of the wverages describ� above, Lctuder may obtain insurance <br />ooverage, at L,endcr's option aad Boxravver's e�pense. I.eadear is under �o obligation to pumhase any <br />partiailaz type ar amaunt of aoverage. 'I'�erefore. such �veragc shall cov�r I.ender, but might or might <br />not protect Bv�rower, Hormwar's equity in tb:e Property. or the conter�ts af the Pmpert�+. aSainst anY risk <br />ha7.ard or liability aad might provide gr�ter or les�er coverage thau was previou�ly in e�fect. Borrower <br />acknowledgcs that the cost of thc instiu�ance �verage sv obtained might significantly excced the cost af <br />insu� that Honnwex could have oUtained. Any amaunta disbursed by Lender under this Section 5 shall <br />baoome additional d�bt of Horrowcr aea�ral by this' Security Instrumeat. These a�sounts shall bear interest <br />at the Note rate from the date of disbursement a�d shall be payable, with sucd� interest, upon �otice from <br />I..endex to Bornowar reque�Cin� paYment• <br />All ins�uanc:e policies a�+equired by L� and re�ewals of sucl► policies shall be subject to Let�der's <br />right to dieapprave auch policies� ehaU include a standard n�uRgage clause, at� shall name I.ender as <br />mortgagec a�d/or as an additional lo�s payce. L�nd�r shall tia�ve the right W hold the palicies and renewal <br />certificates. Yf L�a requiures, Bornower shall PromptlY $ive to L�ender all receipts of paid pr�miums and <br />re�aewal �tices. If Horrower dbtains a�r form of ins�u�anc� aaverage, naC otherwise required by L,cnder, <br />for damage to, or destruction of, t�e Property, such policy shall inciude a standard �nrtgage clause and <br />shall na�c I�er as mortgagae and/ar as an addidonal loss payee. <br />In th� event of loss, Bvrrower shall give prompt twtice to the insurance eanrier amd L,ender. I.endcr <br />may mal�e proof of loss if �ot m�mde pmmptlY bY Borrower. Unless L�der a� Hornower other�wise agree <br />in writing, any insuranoe proceezis, vvh�her or not the underlying insuran� was required by T..ender, s�al] <br />be applied t� restoradan or n�pair of the Pr�perty, if tl� restaration vr repair is econarrucally feasiblc �nd <br />Lender's secttrity ia not les�ened. During such repaix atyd restoratian peiiod, L�ender shal] have the right to <br />hold such insurance praceeds tmril Lcnder b�s had an opporiunity to inspect such Property to ensure the <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - F� M�r1Fr�ddie Nlec UNIFQRM II�TRUMENT <br />�-B�NE) loei i1 Pape e ot � e iwuw: Farm 5028 1/07 <br />