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201009078 <br />work haa beez� oompleted w L,e�der's satisfaction, provided that such i�pectian shall be undertaken <br />prort�ptly. Len�der may disburse p�s for the repaira and restoration in a aingle payment or in a s�riies <br />of progress payme�ts as the work ia wmipleted. Unle�ss an ag�t is �de iu writing or Applicable Law <br />requires interest W be paid on such insurance pmceec�s. I.ender shall not be raquire� W pay Horrower any <br />interest or earnings on suGh p�+oc�ads. Fees fox public adjusCers� or other third partic.s, retained by <br />Hortower sha�ll aot be paid out of the insurance proceeds and ahall be the sole abligarion of Horrower. Xf <br />the restaration or repair is not eounamically fcasible �r T...ender's sec�rity wauld be lessened, the insurance <br />procecds shall be applied w th�e sums �ecured by this Security Instnua�;ut, whethcr or not then due, vvith <br />the eYCCesa, if any, Paid to Hoxror�cr. Such inwrance proc�eds shall be applie� in tb�e arder provid� far in <br />Scction 2. <br />If Horrower abat�dans t�e Prope�ty, Lender may file, negodat� and settle any available iasuranc:e <br />claim end related matters. If Borrower daes not r� witl�iin 30 days to a�otice from l..ender that the <br />insuravice carrier has offere� to seule a claim, theaq� L.p�der may negotiate a�d s�tle the claim. 'I�e 30-day <br />period will begin whe� ttre notice is givcn. In either event, or if L�dcr acquir� the Properry under <br />Sectian 22 or otherwise, Borrower hereby assigns W L,e�der (a) Borrower's rights W any insurance <br />proceeds in an a�naunt not to� racceed the amounts ucapaid under the Note or this Security Instrument, and <br />(b) any ather of Borravv�r's zsghts (other than the right w any refund of unearned pre�miums paid by <br />Bormwer) und�r all insurance policies cavering the Pca�eriy, insofar as surl� �ights are applicable ta the <br />cavera,ge of the Froperiy. L�der may use the insru�ance proceeds either to repair or restore the ProperCy or <br />to pay amounts uupaid tuider the Note or this Security Instrtm�nt, whether or �t then due. <br />6. Occupancy. Borrovc+er s�al� accupy, esrablish. sud uae tlxe Praperty as Borrower's princa�pal <br />reside�nce within 60 daya after the caccution of this Security In�t an�d shall continue ta occupy the <br />Property as Barrower's principal reaidence fax at lcast one year after the date of occupa�cy, unless Lende�r <br />otherwisc agxoes in writing, which cansent � shsll not be unreasonably withlxeld, or unless exteiauating <br />circumst� exist whir� are beyond Borrower's control. <br />7. Pre�ervatlon, Matnte�namce �nd Protec�ton of the Properiyi InsF�biong. Horrowe�r shall not <br />destroy� damage or impair the Proparty, allow the Property to deteriorate ar commit waste on the <br />Prope�ty. Whather or �ot Horrovver is residing in the Property, Borrower �hall maintain the Property in <br />order to pre�vent the ProperCy frrnm dateriorating ar decreasing in valuc due ta its condition. Unless it is <br />deteXmincd pur�uant to Section� S tltat repair or restot�ation is �t a:anomically feasible, Borrower shall <br />promptiy repair the Property i�f damaged to avoid fiutt�er deteriora�io� or dama$e. If in�urance or <br />co�tion prooaeds are paid in oannecti.on with darmiage to, or the talang of, the Pm�rty, Horrower <br />shall be responsihle for repairing or restoring the Froperty only if I.ender ha: released p�s for such <br />purpases. I.�der may disburse praceeds for the repairs and re�torat►on in a single payment or in a series of <br />progress payrr�ents as the work is oompleted. If the �noa or condemnation proceeds aace t�t suf�cient <br />to repair or restore the Property, Horrow�er iss nnt relieved of Borrower's obligation far the com�letion af <br />�uch repair or restorataon. <br />I.ender or its ageut anay maloe reasonable entries tYptm and itns�Ctians of the Property. If it has <br />reasonable cause, I.e�der may inispect thc interior of the imprav�euta on the Property. I.ender s�all give <br />Hor,rower notice at the time of ar prior to such an i�ior inspecriun specifying suGh reasonable cause. <br />S. Borrow�'s I,�uan Application. Borrower s�all be in default if, duriag the Loan applicatian <br />pxa�ss, Hornower or any persons or e�tities acting at the direcaion of Borrower or with Borrower's <br />�orwledge or vansent gave m►aterially false, misl@ading, or inaaurate inforn�ion or statem� to Lsnder <br />(or failed W provide Ix�der witlitt material information) in connection with the Loan. Material <br />repres�tatians incl�de, but aa� ttat limited w, repres�tations onnoerning Harirower's occupancy of the <br />Property as Borrower's prir�cipal �+esidence. <br />NE'BRASKA - Sinple Family - Fenr�ls Mas/Fr�ddts Mac UMIFaRM MISTRUMENT <br />Q�-BtNE�roe,n r,�.�w,s irrc�.:� G�_ rwnn3oze �ro7 <br />
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