<br />prenniwns, if atry, or uny sumns payable by Borrower to L,ender ia lieu of the paym�eat of Mortgage
<br />T�uranc;e preinirtt� in accordanae witb. tho pmvisians of Sectian 10. Theee items are called "Escrow
<br />Items." At origination or at any time durin$ the terim of the Loaa, L�r may require that Community
<br />Assaciation Dues, F�s, and Assessments. if atry, be es�ow+ed by Horrower, and such due�s, fees aud
<br />ass� shall be an Escrow Item. Barrower shall promptly fu�rnish W Lsnder all notices of att�ounts to
<br />be paid under t�is Section. Hor�ower shall pay L,ender tlie Funds for Fscrow Ite,ms unless I.euder waives
<br />Bozrov�r's obligation to pay the l�unda for any or all Escrow Items. L.end�er may waive Horrower's
<br />obligation to pay to Ix.nder Funds for �y or all Escrow Ite�s at any time. Any such waiver may only be
<br />in writing. In the event af suah waiver, Borrowcr shall pay dircctly, when and where payable, the am�oimts
<br />due far any Escrow Ite�na for which payancnt of Funds has bcen vvaived by Lender anci, if L�der tequires,
<br />shall furnish to Le�der receipts evidencin�g such paynnent within such tiane period aa I.�ender may require.
<br />Borrovvc�r's abligation ta make such paymerits and to pmvide receipts shall far all purposes be deenn�ed to
<br />be a cov�nant �d agre�t cantaine�id in this Security Instrument, as the p�rase "�venant and agre�qaent"
<br />xs used in Secxion 9. Tf Borrower is obligatsd to pay F.scrow Ttans directly, Pur�vant to a waiver, aad
<br />Barrower fails to pay che amount due for an Fscrow Item, Leade�' maY cxerciae its rights undcr Section 9
<br />and pay such amount and Bornov�r shall then be abligatsd ua�dex Section 9 ta rcpay to � any su�a
<br />a�aunt. Lender may r�voloe the waivcr as to any or all Escrow It�ns at any time by a notice given in
<br />arx�rdance with Sectioxi 15 and, up�► such revocation, $orrower s1�all pay to Lender all Funds, and in
<br />such amounts, tl�at are the� required wxder ttais 5ection 3.
<br />I.�nder may, at anY tim�e, collect and hold �unda in an auwunt (a) sufficient to peru�it Le�der W apply
<br />the l�unds at thc time specifie� under RFSPA, and (b) nat to eaceed th� nnaxi�um amount a lender can
<br />require under RFSPA. L� shall es�innate the amo�t of Funds due an ih� basis of c�ure�t data and
<br />reasonable estimat�s �f e�pGnditures of future f3sc�nvt+ Itenais or otherwise in accardanc� with Applicable
<br />Law.
<br />Tlxe l�unds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insur�d by a federal agency,
<br />instn�ality, or eaatity (including L.ender� if L,ender is an iustitution whose dcposits are � insured) or in
<br />atry Fedcxal Hame Loau Sank. I� shall apply the Funds W pay the Fscraw Itexns no later thaan the ti�e
<br />speci�fied under RESPA. I.en�dcr shall nat cbarge Bormwer for holdang and applying the Funds, annually
<br />analyzing the c8crow account, or verifying the Eseraw It�s, unless Leader pays Harrower interest an the
<br />Fun�is and A�licable Law p�rmits L�r to noske such a cbarge. Unlas an a�ment is muad� in wriring
<br />or Applicable Larv requires int�t W be peid on the Funds, L.ender shall not b� roquired to pay Borrower
<br />any int�rest or estinings on the Funds. Bnrrawer a�d L�der can agroe in writing, however, that inxcrest
<br />shal] be paid on the Funds. I.�dcr shall give tn Borrower, wi�thout charge, an annual accounting af the
<br />Fwids as required by RESPA. �
<br />If the�+e is a s�uplus of Ftmds held in escraw, as defined under R&SPA, I,�der shal,l aocount to
<br />Borrower for the excess fw1d� i�a acoordance witlx RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funda held in �crow,
<br />as de�ned under RFSPA, L�nder sball �tify Bor�vwer as required by RESPA, and Borrowcr shall pay tn
<br />Le�der tl� atn�ount n�uS+ to rt�k� up the shortage in accardance with RESPA, but irY no more than 12
<br />ma�h1Y P�Y�. If there is a defici�nncy of Funds held in e.scraw, as de�ined under RESPA, I.ender sl�all
<br />notify Borrower as requixed by RESPA, and Borrower sl�all pay to L,ender thB a�ounL ne�essary to make
<br />up tb,e de�icacncy in accordance with RESPA, but in t� more tl�sn 12 monthlY PaY�•
<br />UP� PaY� iui fiill of all sums se�ured by ttus Security In�#, I.e�der st�all promptly refund
<br />to Horrow�r sny Fw�ds hesld by L�ender.
<br />4. Charge�; Lien�. Borrow� sball pay al.l ta�s, asa�ts, charges, fin�, and impasitions
<br />attributabls to the Prop�rty which can attain priority ove�r this Security Insaument, leasehold paymcttts or
<br />ground rents on the Property, if snY, and Comrnuniry Associataon Dues, Fees, and A�ts, if any. To
<br />the extea�t that these it�ns are Eacmw Itea�os, Borrower shaU pay t�n in tl� manner pravided in 5ectirnn 3.
<br />NEBRASKA - Sinple Family - Fa�rrla Mea/Fnddt� Mac UNIFpRM INSTRUMEN'P
<br />�-81�1(Oet t 1 �a a ot t s �nir�e�e: Form 3028 7/01
<br />�
<br />