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201009078 <br />THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT oombin�cs uniform covenants for nat�ional use and non-unifo�cn <br />cove�ants with limitted variations by jurisdiction W canatitute a unifoxm se�urity ins�nt covering real <br />P�rtY• <br />LTNIFURM COVENANT5. Borrovvcr and I.ender coveans�t and agt�ee as follows: <br />1. Payment of Prindpal, Interest, Fscrow Items, Prepayme�ut Cbarges, and Late Charge�. <br />Borrower ahall pay when due the principal of, and intea+e.ct on, the debt eviden�d by the Note and any <br />prepaYment rbarges and late charges due under the Note. Borrower sball also pay fiu�,ds fnr Escrove� Items <br />pursuant to 5edion 3. Pay�rts due under the Note and this Security Instnu�nt shall be made im U.S. <br />currency. Howev�r, if any check or other inswa�ent reccived by Lender as payment under the Note or this <br />Security Insttume�at is returned W Lender unpaid, Leroder may require tt�at any or all subscquent payments <br />due under the Note and this Security Insavment be made in one or more of the following fornas, as <br />selected by L.�der: (a) cash; (b) n�on�Y arder; (c) ceRified check, banlc check, Ure�asurer's check or <br />cashier's cb�eck, providad any such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insured by a <br />fe�eral �gencY, inst�entality, or entity, or (d) Electnonic Funds Transfer. <br />paymeats are deemed received by I.e�der whe,n received at the location desig�ated in the Note or at <br />such othe�r laca�ion as �y bc d�ignated by I�nder in accordance wit�a the notice provisians in Section l5. <br />L�ender may return anq payment or partial payment if the payment or partial payments are insuffcie�nt to <br />bring the Loan current. Len�der may acx.�t any paY�nt or Partial �aYm�t insui�icient ta bring the L,oan <br />cur�xent, without waiver of any rights�nder or prejudic$ to its rights W refuse such paym��aut or partial <br />paYm�cnts in the future. but Lemder ius noC obligated W apply such payments at thc ti�e such payments are <br />acoepted. If each Periodic Paym�eat is applied as of its scheduled due date, thcn I.ender need not pay <br />int�erest on unapplied fu�ds. �r may hold such imapplied funds tmiW Horrnwer makes pa�t.g to <br />briag the Loan curr�at. If Borrow�r daes not do so within a reasonable periad of tirn�e, L.ender shall either <br />apply such funds or return them to Barrower. If not applied earlier, sucl� funds will be applied to the <br />outstanding principal balance und�' th� Note i�adiately priar W foreclosure. No offset or claim which <br />Borrower miglxt have now or in the future against Lcnder shall relieve Horrow�r from making payments <br />dus under the Nots aaad this Security Insvument ar performing the c:nv�ants �d agr�ts secured by <br />this Securit�+ Instriument. <br />Z. Applicatlon, af Paymeut� or Prooeed�. Exoept as otl�rwise described in Chis Section 2, all <br />PaYm�ts a�pted and applied by Lender shall be applie� in the follow;u�g order of prioriry: (a) interest <br />due undcr tt� Note. (b) PrinciPal due umder the Note; (c) amou,nts due under Sec�aion 3. 5uch payments <br />shall be applied ta each Periaiic Payme,�t in the o�er in which it became due. Any remaining a�ounts <br />s�all be applied �irst to late cl�arges, aecond W auy other anaowats d� under this Security Instrument, and <br />then to reduce the prinGipal balanoe uf the NotB. <br />Yf L,e�der re�ives a payme�t from Borrower for a dcliu�qu�t P�eiiodic Payraent which inclrides a <br />suffiicient aanount w pay any late charge due, th�e PaY�ut maY be applied to the delinquent payment and <br />the late cbarge. If more than one P'erialic Pay,uo�t is outstanding, Lcndcr maY app1Y �Y A�Y� �ived <br />from Borrovver to the repayment of the Periodic Paym�ts if, and W the extent that, eac1� paym�ent can be <br />paid in tull. Ta the eatent tl�at any excess exists aftcr tbe payment is appli0d to the fu11 payment of one or <br />mare Pcriadic Payments. such excess maY be aPPlie� to any late cbarges due. ValuntarY P�PaY�� sba11 <br />be applied first w any PrepaYment c�arSes and then as described in the Note. <br />Any applic�tion of PaYm�nts. in�anoe Pro�eeds. vr Misoellaneonya Proceeds to principal due under <br />tho Note shall �t extend or postpons the due date, ar change th� amount, of the Periodic Payments. <br />3. Fnnds for F.�carow Itcm�. Borrower �all pay to L�er on tbs day Periodic Pay;u�nts are due <br />undet the Note, until the Notc is puid in full, a s�mn (tl� "Funds") w provide for payment of amounts due <br />for: (a) taxes and ass�ts and other items which can attain priarity aver this Security Insaument as a <br />lien ar eYUa�nnhran� an the Prapetty: (h) l�ehold paynne�nts or ground r�ts on the Praperty, if aay. (c) <br />premiurns fo�r any and all in�rance required by Ix,nder w�der S�ction 5; and (d) Mortgage Insurance <br />N�RASKA - Single Family - Fan�de Ma�/Fr+ddi� Mee UNIFORM INS'ntUMENT <br />�-BINEI (0871) PApe 4 of 1 B � 1�1q1r:�� FOI'11'1 30$8 '1 /01 <br />