, - ... '�a ._ '(2. _ 3:'. - ti; ;Zc_- ' ,, .�"> t,...,,� . T ' , , . .. . ?` _. _ - .. � `. >:. -
<br /> . f _ _ �yg_� k �t _ , , 4 ,¢< . . ,,
<br /> .).r. ..w.e..u,
<br /> . e i."�k• ��. i . `A' � - - �
<br /> �� �ilp�� "
<br />' paymsnts sct9y nn ton�cr t�e ecquic�.at t�optIon of Lender.if mort��iasusance covemge(iu the am�unt o �� �-_
<br /> r.r�a�t(c� r�..�:pro�d;i Is�ss� ncnrar r�gptove�hy Lendec ��n ixconaes evaiiaWe ead is QbLun�d.Barrar�cr sh1!psy _ _
<br /> ��p��y��f�tm m�iat�i�mortg�e 6ruuranc.;in effec�.or to pravids t�loss rese�re.un�it the�r.qui�nt far rno��e
<br /> insuranc�csKts in sc�rorlt�wd¢�any written agreemr:�i bci�•rcen Bono�v�nnd L,en�ar applisrsbie Inzv. �zr shall me ��.
<br /> ° 9.InspeciIaa.i.ender a�r ics agent�y rt�aice reasonnbie envdes u n cind ins ctians of tt�e Fro�erty. 8' —
<br /> `' Buzror��er nntise at the ti�€e of or p�ior m an ins�eCdnn sPecifying r�.sosaabk cause for the insgeci+fln. �n��on with any �_
<br /> �;£� 1Q.Cand�maat�o�.'i`he pz�eds oY any a�or claim far dan�aSes. dire�s or canseqv.�n�ial. ' �
<br /> ' �ndemn2tion or oihcr taking of any part of tSte Fmperty.as for wnveyance in iieu of conQemnatinn. am hezeby assi�d ur�d
<br /> = s3iaall ba p�id to Lender.
<br /> � �.ttaH be ay�Sicd!us els�sums���ed by this Sesurity Inftrument.
<br />'��� In thc event of a tawl taking of the i'tnperi5+.th$pmc�eds
<br /> w��tt�r or not then due. wi�h aay excess patd to Borcnwer. In the eLCat af a partial tak'sng of the Pmperty in which thx fair
<br /> mastc�avalu�of t&e Pnogerty i��diatety before the tatcit�g is equal to or greater tt�an t!b°ainovnt of th�.wms securec!by tltis
<br /> " Sccui►ty Ins4�utr�cat im�r.diat2iy�xfare t�e tu'�iag,urtt�ss Borrowei aad L.ender otherwise a��e in writing.the sew�scc�xsrcd by
<br /> �" ` this Security In..�in�mz'.�,sh2�1 ise iedu�eQ Isy the�ount of t� pcaoo�ds multiglied by ths fnitowing fr,sc�ion: (a)the tota4
<br /> , �;' amount of the swas,s�srod im�zr�l�eSy b�atct thy t�ing, divid9d by N)the faiu market v�tae of the Ptag�rcy immedi�tely
<br /> = before the taldng. .4�y eJ�e s6zll�be p�to Borroa�er. Yn the ev��3 of a partial taking of the Pmperty in wluch tde fair
<br /> markeY v�lue of the Yaraperty icmm�tdir�ie3y Befane the tutdnS is l�thEn tht amoufat of the sums secwed iaur��4i�r3y�...anz th..
<br /> � „ licable law othea�vi..e rovides.the pr�is sHa11 _
<br /> `.4� ta�ing,untess Borrowec and L�.ee ath.-zwise ag�in ariting ap unIess app' ` P
<br /> ���` ise appfied 4o thc sums saured by this S�ty Iasva�t wl�ether ar aoi the sums are then d�.
<br /> ��pm�seny is abarxtaned by Borrower.or if,aftor notice by T:�er to Bonower that Q►e condamnor offeis to maYe a� _
<br /> award or settia a ciaim for dan3�es. Bor�ower faiLs to respond to Lea�der within 30 days aftez the da2�the notice is givcn.
<br /> Lender is autharized ta ca4lect�u6 appIy tGe prooceds.at its apEion.either to restoration or rep�ir of the Prape�ty or m the sums
<br />' seau�ed tiy this Se�uritY Insuumrrnt,whe�er or not theu dus.
<br /> uum .
<br /> -_ [TWess Le�er aa+d Banawer otherwise agree in writiug. any applipiion of Qroceeds to principz!st�all�i extend or __
<br /> : . Postpone the due date of the taoathSY paYments mferred w in puraSraPLs 1 actd�or ch�tge th�amounl of sa�p�.y'�zatts.
<br /> � 11.Bormwr�NuY Re[eQSed;F�s�usuc�SY I.e�dgr Nat�Waiver.Extension of tho time for paymeai or modificxtion
<br /> af amarti�tinn of the sums serrueA by this Securiry Insuament g�anud by L�der w nny succ�ssor in interest of Botrow�er s6nll
<br /> . oat:ap�tate to celease tfcE liabilityr of the originu!Horro�ver or Bormwer's sucoessors in intesest.Lende;sb.�l'noi ise t+eqieiced ta
<br />: •'�, . � �ce Pmscediags against anY saocessar�n inte.rest or refiue to extend time for payas�nt or otherarise ma�ify amflrtiaation
<br /> . '��" of t6e sam��by tIus Secarity Tnstctiment by reason of any demand made by tt� origina3 Batm��r or Ba��w�e�z's
<br /> ,,.t-,<< .
<br /> saoo�ssors i�inE�rest. Any fcsrbearaaoe By i.ender in exercism�any right or�y sdall not 6a a aaivap�f or p�cluda
<br /> . exenise of any right or reu�r.dy. �. �e coven�nts and��n�of this
<br /> u�
<br /> . 12. Suaccs�is aA�As�igss�o�md:d4int�Seveia! I�ability:Co�s3�n n�
<br />;,,�,4 Secaciry Iasua�ena�si�]mic�d aaA ben�fit the sucaessors aad ac.sigas of Lemder and Borrmner. su�jaet m the provisEQaY oSF
<br />._;�j� : ; p�graph l7.'�r,�aioc��er's cavenznts and agreemeats sha11 be,{oint and several. My Boma�ver wQ�a oo-sig� this StoeutitY
<br /> °:,�, �'1 .meni hut u�'�.,a aat.eu�a2e t6o Note: (a)is co-sigai�tlns 3eatr�t�'Insuna�only w��.�amd convVy tf�s
<br /> ` Bmrower's interest in t�a Pmp2�y nndxs t�.:tem�s of this�cxu�iry�ttua��(b)is aot Pe�sa�Y'oblig�3 ta pa3r th�st�m�
<br /> • secvred by this Sactuicy+Instaumen�;amd(c)agr�es�t�s as�any otb�er Batmwce may�ee to exte�,�modify.far5�r ar
<br /> m:Ye any sacnmmcdatian3 ws�h regard to the[erms of t�"ur•r�tY In�t�mettt or the Note wiihout tha¢Basna�vc�'s co�cai.�
<br /> !3:I.o���c+.If t,�'`�..lnan ssc�ued by this Ses+rslty fnsuum�is svbject to a law w�id�set�maaimu�iaaa chl�t�es,
<br /> a�.that!aw is fcn2lly�int�tpra�.ed so tt�at the intcrest or athrs tu�r cJ�xges eoIIected or to be callect�!fn.coanectian wit6�tite
<br /> la,�n.axc�ed ihe P�►it�Q l�:then: (a)aay snch loan c�arge stiall be raluced by the amoant aecsssary co redus�tTte c�
<br /> . � tn:(9��tted limia;aad(b}any sums�lm,ady oollected fmm Bomower which exreeded permitte�limits tvqu t�W refun�l to -
<br /> �is'it�aer. Lender a�uy ehaa�e to mafce this refund by redueing the priaeipal awed uuder the IJato or by�n9alan�a direca
<br /> t to Bomawer. If a refi�nd �eduoes principal. the cedactian will be u�ted es a paitiaS�Piep�ymcn3�arithout eny� -
<br /> ''�;i; ' PqYinen . ,,
<br />, pre�3ayment charge under the Note. � .
<br /> l4,�Totk�s.My noti,�r`N$osc��itslr�rovided for ln thi3 Seeurity Insbr��ment shall be giv�'bY delivevinr it�or b�maiTi¢,�:�
<br /> . it by fust cless mail wtless�u`�1#lf�rable,law rzquires us�cs�$nuther mea�COd.Tse naiu�ce shall be direr.�et•to tae Prop�rty Address _
<br /> or any a�her�ddress Borrm'�'designates by aotice•ftu;J4,gncler. My notice to•:t��t�er s1Zall be given by fitss ctius mzl to -
<br /> Lender's edd�tsE•stated herein or aay othEr address Ls:tt��t'design�tes by,notice�to Borrowcs. �lny.uatice ptovi�:d far in this
<br /> .,. + ' Se�,wiry I�tr�eat'shalt he dcx�d eo have been givc�fi��ontower�tc�r F�ndet when givea as providr�r!ln this P�B�P��
<br /> . IS.Gaveritfng [aw: Sevtrwilit�. This Secisii;v���_nstm*�a�`�.�stcall be governed by f�ers�l.�law a�sd tbe law of tPus
<br /> . : . ju�isdtcl3on in whtch the Ptt�'�rty is located.bn.cl�e tW���y pmvision or oiutr�e of this Security'Inst�ura"nt or tl�e Note
<br /> conflicts with applicable l�t���..;such confltct shaal uat,nf�ii�o�er provisions af thfc�h�esrxiry Ir�v�mena or che Noso Q,mc�can ha
<br /> given effect without the confli�p��sr�. T���'�d�provisioas of this st�^.,a�ity Instrumens md the Nato arc3 dectarced
<br /> � to be sevemble. ' •�
<br /> � . , 16.Bormwtr's CapYr,�o�rawer sha�'�Ue gives�aae con�om�ed copy of the;.'c�+.�and of this Scx�rity�hum:n9. _
<br /> . �.„ Farrn z023 9199 .
<br /> • 1 .
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