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<br /> -, . • •_ :Y- .. ' ` '_c. —� C',.':� .. . �` r. s ,•�. .
<br /> `t` `k �lii', ` �'1.. S t F �i_ ,�f�.._ -- ' __- _ —J_
<br /> ' �� ���� �
<br /> S. Iiaasd ar P�up�siY Ia�c Bo�wsz s�silt k�p�ths im�mve.�tetns novr exisLusg ar be�2aRer erested on t1:e
<br /> �P��Y iasured�inst loss by fue. k�aruds iaciudod��ritAin tl�teim°ezte:�ied coverage°ancf any other hazards.i�ctadi�tg
<br /> floais ar ffoodin$.far wY�ict�i�nder�uirc�inst�r�aa�'[Bis insiva�a:sh2i1 he mai�t�;R�in the t�mounu and for the g:riati+
<br /> t6at I.ensier c�equites.Ttt�iasvr+asc c,�rri�z pmvidinB the insuraaoe sh�!! b:cho�en by Sorroaver subject to Leudei s upprovul =
<br /> wluch sfiall not be utucasanabSy witht�id. If 8ar��s+ucz fails to maintxin coverage described above. lxnder may. at L.eftdVr's
<br /> a�€ion.obttira coveeage m pmtec€Let�,'r's rights ia thn Fh�perty in�oos�nce witb paragraph 7. _
<br /> All insurdace golit�:s aw!rer�wats sh�l1 be aat�tab2e to Ix�der a.�rl sha11 include a stan�-ard mortgage clause. Leater f:
<br /> sP:ali haue ths ri�hht to 6old th:puiis'ses o�mngwafs.If 1.ender�uines.Bo�wer shall Qromptly give to Lender all m;eipis og
<br /> paid premiu�s anc!rzaewai r.otia:s.In thz event o8�oss,�orromer shall givs grompt notice to�4:e insaeranse carriee�td Lend:r.
<br /> Leadet a�ay��t+oof of loss if rtnt made prompti;�b}�orrower.
<br /> Uni;ss i,ender and gorro�ver otheIIwiJe agme ia Tux:�ng.i�svram:,e pmc�Eds sLail Iss applied to restoration or repair of th�
<br /> Property damaged.if the reswratian or repair is e�nomir.tdiy feasibte and I.eadee's secmity is rrot lessened.If the reswrdt'rnn or �
<br /> rtpair is not eranomicalty feasiWe or L�ender's se�j�arovld h.°Ie c ,�d.the iasuraase prooe�ds sha116e appiied to the sams _
<br /> setur2d by this Security tasuum:nt. cv��tser or not than due, a+itd a� exc�ss pzid to Bun-uwer. qf Snmawer ab�ado�.s the
<br /> P[operty.or dces rtat anstver�vizhin 30 days a natics€a:m Lendez thu tha insarahce carrier has offEred to settta n ci�m,t�►
<br /> Le�r may collest t6s i���m�se prooe�ds. Ixnder mAy nss the pra�ds co n�ir or restore the Prapert�+ oz ta p�J sums =
<br /> • se�tt�d by tI�is Security Tnstlu��,�vd��ther or aot rhen:due.The 30-day ptria�will hegin when the no�ce is�av�n.. �'
<br /> ��� LTnless Lender a�d ��roc�Er oth�4�ite agr..�e in,�writing, any app�icatiaa of proceeds to pnncipal�hai3�n�eztend or
<br /> postpane the due date of th2 munt6iY P�Ym�ts refer.:d to in parag� ! and 2 or shange the amnum of the pay�eNs. If -
<br /> under paragraph 21 th:Fraperty is acc�sired by i�utcr:Barsawes's�igh3 w uny insurance policies acd piaceeds rESWWtit2g&om
<br />;;;; ctamage eo�Rrope�cy prioz ca che�cquisiaon s�uU t�ns3 w i�o�shr ea[�c of ihe sums secured 6y this Seauity insuameac
<br /> ' tm�mediatzty�ior to tbt acquiition.
<br /> ;,'; 6.tk�pan�y,Fre�rva4inn,b�e�.�nse eurd,l?�a3Edien o.�dhe Pru�y,BosraRer's Loan AppifczE�on;l.e�old�. -
<br /> Eorrower ahadl occapy,est�lish;and use thu FcmpFny;as Bor�oer�v'�principa3 rtsdence vvithia suty d�ays after tne�xeatsian uf
<br /> this Sec�iry It��nt�sh2El ca�inue to aawp�r,the Pco���Barrorrer's principa!iesidencc foz at leasc une y�e�fier
<br /> the du�of ocx�tpan�cy.unl�s Lesdez ai�envisr ag�it�writing.�ic�cansc�t sha1D not bc un�easonably witbhetd:or a�1e�s
<br /> � exteovating circutm�ces exist wiu� are beyond Somoiver's oomtml. Eosm�crer shali uot destruy, damage or ampair tlie
<br /> pn,p�:tty.a11aw the Pre�rtyr w d�oiate.or oornmit wusce on tha Praper�. Borrower strell be cn defa�P3 if aay forfeiture •
<br /> , astion or praax2ding.w�:�e�civsj��rimi.nuiq is btsgim tUat in Lende�'s gaod faith judgmeui coutd resuIt in f�arfeitore of tbt
<br /> ::r I'nope�ty or otherwise u�as�rinly i�air the lien cneczed hy this Sewrity Insdrument ur Lender's security inte�est.Botrawc�a may
<br /> � wrr s¢c6 a dofmiit�4 trir�stxee.as p��idad In pAmgiapb 18,by causing the r�ction or pru�eding to be dismSssed witli ar��i�rs?S .
<br /> �'E� thai, in LeQder's�OOd�'aith dec�minatton. p�cluc�es forfeiwr�e of th�Borc�sares's anterest in th� Piup�fp<ar other�ai . :�; :_�,
<br />�:�•s;' impaurnetu of.th;lien craatFd 6y tfis Securi�t Itfsenunent or L�nder's sscatity interest. �rrower s6a�i�ja�a':�se m,default if � `����.:
<br /> ' i Bonawer.d�ti,�iaan�ppiic3eion proc�.-sg,�Zn+e��ateriaffy fals.e or inaccurate inf'ormatton or st�emerets�t75.y�d�r f�';;�=$
<br /> ,..,
<br /> � ; w provide Lss-,�S wy4h any.mat�x�nl iBf.arrntttiunp in connectiuu�Vitia th;laan evidenc�d by the Note.inciud"irtg;tnt�cr�.:1�t� -
<br /> , w.represcntat�a-�caBCerning Barm��r's aa�uupa�ay of the Fra��as a principal res'sdence.'If this Sec�rity Inst►uin�:��on a
<br /> • '+ Ielscbnld, Bomower shaQ! cbr�ly with all the�rovisians of th°lease. If$orrower ac�uires fee 6de Ro the I'roperty, th�
<br /> leas�hold arrr�th:fa:iitle sh�tl nat m�age unless F..3ndzr agmxs w the merger iaiE w�ting.
<br /> �.Bcot�eti�o flt I,es�'s Rfghis in¢��t�certy.If Barrower fails to���-at We eoveaants and agree�ts oomaiAed in _
<br /> �� �! ehis St�m►ity Instm�r.,na�or th:ne isr�I:egul�ptv�ou�ding thaz mf'Y�8���9'��'�?����;r.igMs in tkE Property{9ich ag a
<br /> ..� praceediBg in,b��suptcy.Probaoe,•Gom oon�emnn�ion or forfeiuuxe�irr to enfarr���c7i+s os ic�u{kilaons),thea Ixnder may do and
<br /> , Fay f�ns what�ves is�}+to g�tect thm vahta of the Prop�i3 and Lens3i�?4�`rights in t�e•Property. I.erWer's acu�s,�
<br /> .::''{ . iraci�tde pays�aisY st�.sea�rcrd by a lien w}eich has priority+ over ttds��.�;r:rity Insuunteat� eFPearing in oa�rt. PaY�B ,
<br /> '.::� rasonable a2tameys'fees wx3 enfiring oa thb��ity ta ma�e cepaizs.Althotigb Lender may tatce actlan.u�e3 this paragraph .
<br /> ., . ' 7,Lecidar do�s n�t►ava co rla so. . ,. � . `�'t•,.,.
<br /> -: 't ' � Any�aouc�as disbutc„ed by l.en,der undae dus gaiagragta;`7."shall ixcome additiona! d�t of Borrawer secure3�;�6�1�ti�is _.
<br /> �`�'''� 1� �.� S�uriry Inquurrnne.-Uatess EorraNer and�.t�ader agee w ot�x'teruis of paymettt.these ar�wunrs shall Uear iIIterest fiDm the
<br /> �:s, , ',
<br /> �:�,` date of di�bi�¢�eu��at the Note�and st+Eilt i;t;�ayablz: w�'th intor�st, upon notice fi+nm LenQer ta�orrower mqu�sting
<br /> `; ,:� PaY��- :.,' � . ..sr..+
<br /> . 8.Mort{�t;!i����•_If f�..er„t3ar�qvin:d Ynortgage insu�nce s+s a condition of ruaYiag the toan secured by this Securi:y
<br /> . ,: i Iasuu��;�Btmur+es shali PaY @te-�rcmiuuu�tequired to mai�tain the mor¢gage insurance in effect. If.for any masan,the :
<br /> : ,;`•„ mnrtpge ir�urunce�over�ge r�uir�ct�y�nder tapses ar ceascs ta Ua in ef£ect,Bomower shaU Qay the preneiums requin�to
<br /> . ,�';'.`:•:.; obtaln oover^�suL^at;tc�n�aEly eqnivaient to�o�martgage insuranoe previousty:����'�ffe�t.at a oast substantially equivalent to tt�e ,��'�
<br /> ;:. ;;•�• ;�`� a�st w Bamavres of•�,.n,inoAgagc insurena�previously in effect, from an�'(r�..ata mortgage insurer appaoved.by l.essder. If :;+:,
<br /> �.�� �sutssta�ntially equ�valent mo�lgage ins�ranoa cmltrage is not availablo,8ormwer r,hhall pay to Lender each mont�a sum equal to '
<br /> one-twclfth:of th�yetuly mortgage insvnu�aa:premium 6eing paid by Borrower when thc inaur.uxe coveiuge dapsed or ceased to
<br /> . � ! be in effcct.�LQader�wi}�accept.use and roenid these payments as a loss reservc.in I�eu af m�rtgage insurance. Loss reserve .
<br /> ;.t ; � � � Gorere SOTB 9lfi0 �,• �
<br /> j � Dap�3 a�18 ' '
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