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<br /> e. . � _ . . it ,�tn:- �
<br /> S . E . C.� __� s„�?" �_� _"
<br /> �� _
<br /> : : � 9�- 10��� �
<br /> 17.Trarsfer o�t�°Fro�s�dY or a BeteeSidtU Icst�est tn Borro�rer. tf alg or any part of the Froperty ar uny intetest in it
<br /> is sold or transferre�(or if a b�neficial interesY in S�rrovrer is sold or eranafeRed end Borrc�wer is rtot a natuaal p�:.on?E�aut �-
<br /> � Leader's prior vuritten consent, Lender may. at its ogt�on, require imm�dia�e payment in fu11 of all sums secvred by this _
<br /> " �� Security Instrumeni.Hotivever.thi�option shatl aot 6e exerasc�d by Lender if exercise is prohitrited by fe�ic�sl law as af the�ate ��
<br /> . ' Of�h1S�Rtrjly Inctmmsnt.
<br /> If lznder eaercises tfils option.Lender shall give Borrower notice of�ccele�adon.Th�notice sls�il pmvide a period of not
<br /> `' less than 30 days from th°date the notioe is delivec+ed or maile�within whiah Boraower must pay ail sums secured by thi,s
<br /> SQCnrity InstiumenL If BorraRVer fails to gay these sums prior to the expiration of this pe»�d,Lender may invoke any rem�dies _
<br />. ' permitted by this Security Instn�nt wittrout furthes notise or demand on Bammwer. _
<br />-� 18. barrower's Yttg64 to R�..�Ettte. If Bozmwer �eets ceitain co�ns. Borro�er st�ll have the ri�ht to have �-
<br /> enforoement of this Security Insuument discontinw.d at any ame prior to tda earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other p�riod as
<br /> appli�ble !aw may s�oecify for reinstatement) hefnre sate of the Frapeity piusuant to any power of sale wntained in tl�is
<br /> Securiry Instrument;or(t�)e�Uy of a judgment enforcing this Security Instivment.'l�ose conditions azv that Bomower.(a)pays
<br /> l,euder all sums wiuch thza would be due under ttcis Securiry Instrume� �nd the Note as if no accelc�ation 1�occarred;(b) —
<br /> cures any defau[t of auy oth:r oovenants or ag�es�uts: (c)PaYs a11 expenses incumed in enforcing du�Sr�urity insttumeni,
<br /> inclnd'uig,6Lt not 1'united to,reasoaable atwmays' fees:and(d)rakes such action as Leader may reaso�Biy iequire to assure =
<br /> that the lien of this�ecurity Instn�meat,Lender's ri�hts in the Fraperty aad BQrrower's obli�tion to pay t6e su�s secuied by —
<br /> _ this Se�uity incCmmeni shall coniiuue unchang,c�d. Upon reiustatement by Borrower. tbis Securiry Insuv�ent and ihe
<br /> obligatians secured hereby shall remain fufly effective as if�accele�adozi had ocxusred. Hawever,this right W reir�tate shall
<br /> not apply in We case of acceteration undrx paragrap�17.
<br /> 19. Sale of l�ivi� Cfiung�o?Lot�n �ervices. 'I�e Note or a partial interest in the Note (toget6er witb this Seauity
<br /> inshument)may 6e sotd om:or mone times witlrout�rior notice to Bormwer.A sale inay result in a change in the e�ity(kuown -
<br /> � as tt�e"Loan Senrio�")thnt coAexxs m9ntiilY pa3mr,nfs.due under the Note awi this Seaucty Instrument.T6ere alsao may be on°
<br /> or mure chaages of the Loan Servicer unrela'rr�d w,s::��o€the Note.if�t;��change af the Loan Servioer,Borrawer vri))bt
<br /> a
<br /> giveu writtea notice of the chaage in accordan�e w`�t�.`a�x�ia.i�sbove�3�Gcable law.The notice wilI state tbe name and
<br /> �ress of the new Lo�Sezvicier auai the addzesa w wluc�t�cs�_eats sixc�sLY�.'e made.lfFa�rLo�ce will also ooatain any�t�r
<br /> �: .�' informaiiou requixed by ag�licable law. ' . �.. . ;
<br /> .;: r� Z4. H��si�s gn6�Yttnoes. Bamower skalj not cuuse or permit the pc�ence. c:s�,'.��i:�r,osal. srri�e,or retease of a�y =-
<br /> Hazudaus Substanees on or in the Prop..-ity- Barrow�r shafl not do, nni allow anyc�t,:�e co do:�anything �'ecting the ,
<br /> „�.., Property that is in vinlasion of any Envimnmeutal Law. The pr�ceding two sente�ces?�-sttt:�at apply to the p�eseace.use.ut _
<br /> � .`', stoYage on thz Propecty of sma1�q�o.;�etities of Hazasdous Snbstances that are generally e.�uG�aized to b�appmpriate to nom�at . �
<br /> :`;.., residenzial ases sud to m�ntc�rr�ati�Pragerty.. `
<br /> ��;"�:. gomnwer shall prampily ga���.e ►�amtteTr uotice of any investigation,claim.demacd, lawsuit or ather actioa 6y an} .
<br /> govemmsa�tal or regu(s�►ry ageacSr ar priva!s party+involving the Property and any Ha7ardous Substanoe or Environmemal Law.•
<br /> of abich BomnRer has acma9 L•n�aried$s.If Horm�ver learns.or is notified by any govemmental or zegulatory a�athority,that
<br /> • any t�va4 or aihee r�m�ditrio�vf any Ha�rdous,Sabstance affe�ing the Praperty is neox�s3ry.Borrawer shall pmraptly take
<br /> all ncxessacy zemedial action3 i�a.a�ordanoe with Bavironmenta!Law.
<br /> As ased en this pzr���2t�, "fY�ardons Ssnbstances"are those snbstauces definedf as touc ar hazardous substances by.
<br /> Environu�ntzf Law aa�d ide follaning substan�es: gasuline, kerasene. at5er flamsnable or toxic pau�nIeum products, toxtc
<br /> ' '%:; pesticides anc!hesbicad�s,volztite+solvents,ms:.�rnA�;containing asbestos or fom�atdebyde,and iadioar,aiive materials.As used'w•
<br /> this psa�api�1A. "Envimumental 3.uw" m��cr'r?�tal3aws and laws of the jurisdiaron where tlte LTropeny is lacated that� _
<br /> refate ta health.safelY or emiro�Za!protecvvm�.. :� � . '
<br /> ` NON-UIJIFORM COV�I�JA1+��.Bomnwet amd Lender�zuther covenant and agret a��fS��ws:
<br /> 2�,Accet�rutlani Yf�ma�+`ia�,.1Lt�1W sYsr.3.R.give notice to Borrawes prtor w a�rdfatss�irdn following Sorrower's bresch_ _
<br /> � R
<br /> oi any csvm�nt or agfiaa�3:�;r�9�cis�arsit'� Imstr�ee�t (but nc� �f.^.a�ta��on anaer pus�grap6 17�less:
<br /> �pplic�bk Iaw gr��n otit�evn{��3�,'£e�,e rsric3ia€t�iatl spec(fy: .(a)tLe r��ut11�i�D:til�artion c�eqaip+e�to cure the d�anit;:, �
<br /> (c)s dase.nut t�s Ittun 30 d�"t�:r�an QitP 3u#:�fckhe dotice ts g3ven to��+vc�,.i�ss�Ich t6e defuuit mast be curEd;an� �
<br /> (tn tltsi fa4lnes to am�the d�dnmT�oa or 6e?w'e fUe date spe�eif'�ed i�:li�inbi'r�.�iaur msatt in�cteleratlun ot f�sonu$
<br /> � secm�.�d by this Securfty Instrum�i and sal�oY�the Property.'i'he no��s;raS�i�titler infarm HoROwer oY tbr��rrS'��t P,��
<br /> . reinstate ufter acoeieratian•and•the efght tu bri.6�g a court act�on to �a,.�tDe t�+�eRistence of a defaWt or�?i?�;oth� _
<br /> d�'euse d4 Bnrruwc�r to�xcet¢vn4tan r�nd sal�t�F the de[zult i� not.cm�uds on or tiefore th�date speeiiied[n t��iio�Ic��
<br /> �:';`,.: I,e�c�.at 6ts opiinnr mup re��ice imme�dnta�yatent in tbD of a!d ?:�sec�ed bp t6Ls Securitg Lnshum�en8 with�nt
<br /> farthtr 8�rand aad tnnp invoS:$tite pa►ver of sa�e and any other remedles permitted by appl�c�ble law.LeuB��sba11.6o
<br /> s e
<br /> e�iftled to cult�ct all��ra�sea ine�e�II in puesnim�t6e ra�edles provi�ed in tl�ts��tgrap6 21,inrdading,but ii�a�;L3mited
<br /> . to,rea�ona�le�ttomeys'foes and aasts of titfle evideace. .' . :
<br /> ��.;::�� � IP the powsr o!sale is inv��tl,Tru�-'tee sI�l n+�ord a aolice oY defaatt isi E:.ua oounty'in wWch anY p►sFt u�'�9he
<br /> : .>,� Property is totatesl�nd shatl mNi copie3 of s�c�t�otlre tn the maaac�f,�rscribed by appfica6le lpyv to Boreower siatl�to ' -
<br /> ;..;�``::� . ��'P�tiT�VtescgibPd by upp7kub9e Ia�a.Af�r t6e time requt�r�.�fip appiirr�6le law.Trasttxe�S�ill give pnbltc auYicx �.
<br /> of s�lc to the pcvsons and In the m�nner pr�scribe�9 by appl�cable Iaw.�'rostee, �ithout damaab c�Borrawer,sls�l sell
<br /> � t6e Pfroperty at pnbl�r aacfton to the 6tghest 6ld�lee•r�t Uri:�3me and piace and onder the terms de�ignated iu the no�fo�of
<br /> '�� sale in one or mom�aneeG�and in any order Trustee Qf.�mtaes.Trustoc maY postpone sale of all or any parce�u�tite
<br /> .� ',� I'sope�ty�Y pablle nnnuunoemeert at the time and ptace of any prevfously scheduIPd sat8. Leader or its desi�nee may
<br /> : piuct�asc the S�pertp ut nny sata
<br /> . :.�
<br /> � � � .
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