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<br />:�: 7'aCE7'�i�t�YfTH oU the improve�ents Qow or hs�r c�ted on dse prag�rty.amd al�ements.ap�xute�anms.aad ^"''
<br /> _ fisctur��s �mtiv or t��r�er o Q�,_rt of tRe �roperty. A�1 rc�slaeemm�s cnd r.dditiQas sh�il also De wver� sy tE3as �curity �_
<br /> '`� Instr��us.Ail of c'tfe fa,�aing is r�:e�re2d to ea Ehis Security Instrunenl as the'Pn�ptrt+j.° �--
<br />��.� BOPitltDlV'�R C011$NAPS'i'S tti,�t�omntiv�er is l�r,ri'rully s�ised of the estat�h.tteby oa�veyest nnd has ttte eight ta graQt aa� �.r>
<br /> ��• canvey th�Fraperty and that tite Pm�rty is iene�cumher2d.e�e$t for eucum�raases of remrd. dozrocs•�r vrarrar�US uc�ivill
<br /> ��:� A�fead g��snlly the title ta t9e Property�ainst r�tJ ciairas and demands.subject to auy encumbrances of�rd. __
<br /> THI�S�CURg`�`?Q�i�i"RUM�N'I'aombin�uqtifonn cotieaa�ts for nateor,al use artd non-uniforrn wvenants vritt�timited �r
<br /> ,,f variatio�ts by juris@iction to ooststitute a unifana security instr�meai�oovering rea{pz6pecty. �"�
<br /> . tT�tIF�A�fl�COqV�NA.,�N{TS.Sort!o�u�e�r aad I.e�nsier coveaam a�td agmz yas fn!lous: ��d� A����f,
<br /> �.��' �. ��E/waa Ol i�iLLQ�ilEi il�Paj �7C��� � tili�.Cfiill� iitl�d�►i�S�I Y"'��Y � H'tt�uu�:Yr� r�._._.
<br />,4;%s �rinsi�of aa�intera�t on e�e debi e•+i�eaced by the Note and an}+prepay�nt aad late c6�ges due under ths Nate. �cs,�
<br /> �'� 2..�ands far Tages�nd Iasuranc�r. Subfeca to apQlica6le!aw or to a wria��wai6er by Lender.Sorc+nr;er�hal{pay W '-�i9
<br /> t�eadet a�1 tise day�onsWy PaYmeats are due u�der the A3ate.nnW ttse Note is paid in fuU.a sum('Funds")for(a�t 3�Y� —_�
<br /> � sad�-u�rts w�'Aich•may attuin p�tinriry over this Soc�uity Ia�stn��at as a liea on tbe Praperty;(b)Ye�rly Ieasrltu!�pay�ts —
<br /> � or grou�neats on t�F�nptrty,if any:(c)Yeariy h�zard os prop�ty insuranoe preminms:(d)Yearly 8oad insuru�ace gremium4.
<br /> i: if any:(Q)YesrlY mortgase ianuaaee p�emiums,if any:and(�anY sum9 payab2e by Basrower to l,euder.in rccania►�ce with '!`--:-
<br /> r, tbe prov:^�ons of paragiag6 S..in!'icu of tl�e paymeni rrf�ortgage iasaruare piemiums.'i'hese i�ms ere calted'Lscranr Iteuts." __--
<br /> - Ler,der qtsy. at�y time.oel�eci�d hotd Fuuds in an ameunt aot w eac�eed the maximum amoatu a leadec fo� a faderalty =_
<br /> .��. �lated t�ortgags Iaan may c�quire for So�Aer's c�c.zow a000unt and�r the feQeral Rea1 EsLZte S�ttlemgnt Prt�aed�u�s Aci of -==
<br /> I974 s�.s mneaded from wne co time, !2 U.S.C.Secainn 26fl1 et seq. ('RESPA').unless affitt�t law tlnt app�to tht Fu�s --
<br /> .•-�r. sets a Ict�er am�ount. If so.Lender may.ai any wae.colleet and hoId Fl�nits in an�unt not to exceed th2less�r e�aant. ==_-
<br /> l.�c�r rnay�e the amnunt of F�mds das on the basis of anr�a►t data and reasunabte�of ex�ar�ditmr�s of�irtur� �ir`
<br /> ' Escraw�tems or otlieiwise in araorda�c with applicahle I�w. ��;:.
<br /> ;;�b'',' �ie Fua�s stml! 6e 6clfl in sn iastihuion whnse depasits aie insurcd 6y a fader�!agency. insuut�rs:z3ity. or�2ity m„�
<br /> �
<br /> `��' . (r�siud3r�g Lender,ff Lender i��an ims�itutrnn)os ia a��edesal Hoase Loan Bans.t.er�dcr sLall apply y�Fund�eo pay ths ---_
<br />.,::;�6,,` =•.v
<br />.,.��f ESC:mw�Items:Lcader may na�dsarge Borrower for hold�ssad applying the Funds.anaualty anafyr�ng t,�:�srra�v�txauat.ar =-
<br />�` �t� verifyijig tl�Fs�as•Items.unless Lea�der pays Bormwer iaterest on ti�e Fuads agd rsgpttc�ble 1aw gemiiCS I.crx.e�' ta malce suc6 �
<br /> `{:'�j�i ��.Idnwever.LeBdez may ceq,uire Barrowet tn
<br /> . PaY.a o�tiene chaigs far�n ir�dependent ral estato sax,tepprting s�esv'�oe {��:
<br /> a s
<br /> .��;�''; used€�y Iznder in connection with tHis Ioan, uniess agpticable law pravides otherwise. Ucaless arn ag�art�tz is atade or ;_':
<br /> applic�le!�w raqu'sics iatcrest to be paid,Lender shall aot be�qui�ed to pay Barrower airy in:.Er�st ar earnir,gs oa.the Fur�ds.
<br /> _�:; Bmrra�xer and i�er may agree in writing,howaver.that iate�est shall be paid on the F�snds. Lerydee sha14 gi,ve ta I3orrawes, .,j;
<br /> =,:,,;,: withQ-�ia cfi�e,as.aanvn!aeoow4t'sng of the F�uids.si�wing credits aad drbi2s to the Fau�ds a�tfre ptrr�4s.�for.which eacii >' '
<br />::����{ debit tv 6�Fund�a��s made:The Funds ars nJdged as addiGona!se�xerit��zr all sums secumd by t�is�writy Tn9tn+�ent.
<br /> 5;�; 1f�the Fuad�T��2 by Lender exce�ihe m4roams permitted tn be beid by 2�plic��Ie Lev.��e�c�.�i tm Borrower
<br />�;�'�,%';' fa�r th�excess Fuad§i¢acoorda��with the requirementti of agplicabte law:Yf the�naur.�of t�Fn�s�.�td by I�r.c�e si any ' °'
<br />`t��;��: tia►e is not suff�cient to�ay�tic�&#t�ennw Items wben due.Le�3i�may so notify Bomnwc�cir�wrib�tg.x�n3,is�s�ds��Batrower f��.
<br /> :�✓r ;�:
<br />'J:��.,;�.� sh�li pay to Lendr�Ui��zi�,s�tr�cieeessa�Y co make ap the�,.�iciency. Barrbwer s�half ma�e u�;the d��cetcey en� rnora tlsan � �:':�,'
<br /> f 3 4' -
<br />`,�,f�Jx�: b�lt2'�VE t3W31��,Iii.�j''il�il�i�i1f�CT.'S 5�C d1SC[Ct[OD. . �.�.
<br /> ' �
<br /> ;.'`����`� [Jpon pay�,.iA��i!]I a�all svms seca�red by this�eaulty Inst�ument..Leader shall;prom�ly refu�d Eo E�L^�a�ower uny ,
<br /> :'�, E�imd,4teid by I�der.If:e►ufi�[?aragtaPh 2 t.I.ender shalL su�quirc or scll tlYe Property,Lei�de,c,�Priar to the aca�..is�un or sale ,".
<br /> - of the l�roperty.shall apply qcc�+TFilads held by Lender ut�i1�tdme of aoquisition or sak a,��a er�it pgi�rat th�s►ur�;�f;s+enued by '' "�'`
<br /> ����� this SeciAriry Iustr�mest. . ,.�.:' . ,4`,!�'`
<br /> 3.i#ppiisat�ept of Fapraeats.Uatess aplrtacab2e law pravides othe:wir�e,aU paymentR received b�;?U�t undetf.�j�Zttr�"TS��st . ;'1 s;:
<br /> �`•i 1 and Z�ha11 be applied:first,W a�►Y PT�Yas�t+charges dr�+.tusder the Note;secoud,ta emoum��d.J to2e uaader�t�!s�.�gS 2:_,,...,'. .',.,n�• r
<br /> . :�,�� ttur3.to�iutecrst dve:faurth.to priacipat due:and 1au.to�y;F�te charges due ander th�Note. .:�,�:'.� .,. � -4'-`:.
<br /> ` '� �Y �8 imposition��s+�IaY iti�.i3�cr,Froperty
<br /> 4.�iuuge�Ldeus.Bomower shzll all taxes,ass�tments, es.fines an�t
<br /> �i.` whic�may aitain priaziry ove�this 5avrit}+Instrament,aud[casehoid payments or F,round m�ts. t��otFy- Bo�ta�i�i�s}ntl pzy
<br /> .,"��`•'� ti�se obli ^'oas in the manner rovided in h 2.or if not d in that mannei,Bozrowcr sI��T,��u+ tF�m�n time dituctl -.�-
<br /> -..�:•, � P P�S�P . P� L ! Y
<br /> ',,;��i; to tita pesson owed payme,.nt.Borsower shall promptty fitnrish to Lender all notices of aax�sats to t�e��xid urx2ee this paregrapi�. --_-
<br />:.,.�F,;.,: if Sorrawes maYes[hese paymears ditecdy.Borrower s,hall p�tly fumisH to Le�e roceipts evidznsing i6e�+ay�ncs. ;`��
<br /> ''• ' • . Borrow�.si�sli pramptiy discharge any fien which has priority over this Securityr Ia9trun���nal�s Bnaro�ves:(a)ugccxs in ;:,�-
<br /> � ;�...
<br /> . :`.'>.. wri6ng to the.g�yment of the o�ligation securcd by¢he lien in a manner�oceptabie tm Len�der;(b)contesta in good faish eho tien
<br /> �' ;``; by. or defendo�ts�,�zinst enfon�tmeni of the liRt� in, legal praoee�dIn��cl�ich iu.tfn�I.enrder's opltd..�u operst�to prevent th�.�. ;. '�::o•-=
<br /> :�,• ' enf��em.°nt ofi t�fi:•�ien:or(c)sefvres from fi�fict hoider of the ilen an agtrtn�nent saasfrcta�g►to Lenctnr subopdi�nad�g the 1'sen tar:r;,:: � �`.
<br /> :�'�' '' ib5u Sesvrity i�strument. If Lender detecmit�u�i°that any part of the Property is��ct tv�lien whu�T7 m�y at�in priority over � �'���
<br /> �h'ln:��r.utity InsWmen�Lender may gi4a•'�#;�rrower a r�otice identifying the liert.B�tmwer shal!satisfy the 1�en or 4ake one or °��-,=
<br /> �° {,; ..�
<br /> ;.; �ttire of the ar�ions set fortb abiiYms wiQ;Gs�lii+!&�ys of the giving of notice.
<br /> �f . •� , � . �aaro steo � -
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