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<br /> --_ � periods tlu►t L.endcr rcyuirew. The in�urnn�c carrler prov iding thc inxuruncc,hull he rhn,en hy nrruwcr�uhjecl t��LenJcr�
<br /> ____—= upprovol w6ich shuU aot bc unreusanably withhcld. If Barcower foilti to muintain covrrugc�kscdlxd ubnvc,Lcudcr muy.��
<br /> ---------.-- L.ender's opiion,ot►taln caveruge to protect Lencler g right.r In the Pmpeny in uccurdun�c wiih purugruph 7.
<br /> "'°'`°x"��`'""' All in+urunce poliriex ond renrwulti xhall bc Lcceptnblc to Lcnder und�hull inrludc u�tundurd mongage clau►.�. l.unJcr
<br /> '�`'��-���� shull huve the right to huW�hc policie�Lnd rcnewulx. If Lcn�icr reyuires,Bnrrow•c�'+hull prumpUy give tu lxndcr ull rcrcipt,
<br /> of paid premiums�nd renewul no�icex. In the event c�f losx,Bi�rruwer xhull givr pn�mpt nudcc w thc in+urwxe carricr ond
<br /> _ .w'� Lender. Lender may mukr prcx�f uf I��s�if o�►t mude promplly by Borrowrr.
<br /> ' Unlcsy Lcndcr und 8orrower whcnvisc ngrec in wriung.in�urwicr pnkr�Kl+ ,hall fw uppli�d tu rctitur•rtinn ur nrs�ir�+i _,. .
<br /> ..;�:�o��'�;�;� the Pmperty dsunaged, if�he re.t�rAtion or repair iK ecanomicully i'ea�ihlc unJ LcnJrr+ +ccuri�y i� iw1 Ic,ticncd. If�hc
<br /> !��� restorotion or repair is not economicully feuwible ur Lender� +ewrity would lx I��+rncJ, thc insurunrr pnkecdti yhull lx;
<br /> �' ' opplied to the xums secund hy this Sccurity Instrumem,whethtr ur nul then Jur,with uny rxre�s puid u� tiorruwcr. It'
<br /> y�rw'��,f'.
<br /> ':�':;`t� ."� . � •, Basawer ubandons �he Propr.ny,ar docs nat onxwer within 3U duys �i noticr from Lendcr thut the imurunre curcirr htu
<br /> '���{�'�`�'�'�'f'��� � ofiered to reu18 a claim,then I.endcr may ci�llei:t thc insurs�nce pracreds. Lcndrr muy u+c ihc prucccds u�rrpair or rr,iare
<br /> ,,:::�:i:;��o'?�,e������a:.r
<br /> '`���,t:4�:,.•,Y:�.,.: .•, the PropeAy or to pay sums secured by this Security In4trument,wl�ether or nrn thcn duc. 7'iu 30�c!•ry perioJ wiU tngin w cn
<br /> .—..—'4v,�iF.t.xr.-4ti�yy�s{r�y�,;-'..' the noticc is givcn. --
<br /> �-�����T��4f ':V�^1~� Unless Lender und Borr�wer otherwi,e apn�e in wriling,any upplication ot'pnx�eeds to prinripul+hvll uc�t �xlenJ or
<br />- �`�:':``:�;'�''`�:t.' •: postpone the due date uf thr mamhly pnyments reicrned �o in p•rrugr.�ph, I und?or changc thc umuwn uf the paymcnty. If ---
<br /> .;;�,.� '��� �
<br /> :j;;:��N � �,+ under pamgruph 21 the Property is ucyuired by Lende�,Bonawcr's right�o uny insurunr,c puliricti und pnxecd�rc�uhing
<br /> —'�_�,.,�•.. : from damuge to�he Propeny priar ta�he acyuixition sh:�ll pusx ro Lender to the cxtent ot'the�umx xcured by ibis S�tiurity
<br /> �Y:. T':
<br /> - ti;a�:,'! �.:;,.�s' G. Insttvment immeJiutely priur to the ucyuisition.
<br /> " , t�s `"�,���';F� 6. (krupancy, Rreservatbn, Maintenance �nd Protectlun of the Properly; Borrower's I.o�n Applicalfon;
<br />�=_��`:���.� �' . ' �.`:� Leuseholds. 9orro+ver yhal!occupy,e.tahlish.und u.�the Pruperty n�Bormwer y principal rctiidence within xixty day+vftcr
<br /> ---�"'`�`'���� ~ the execution of this Seeurity Instrument und chall continue to ixcupy thc Pruprn��u�Borruwer ti principul reriJ�nce for at �
<br /> : �uZ• ,. �.
<br />'°=i�— ��1��(,���t� r� � � leatit ane year ofter �he date af occup•rncy. unless Lender utherwise ugmc+ in �vritin;;, whirh ron+cnt shall not be �
<br /> ��j • ��ix;;t;;;, unreasonnbly withheld,or unles�extenuuting circumstuncex ezixt whirh ure beyond Som���•cr:control. Burruwcr+hull na� �f
<br />:,;:�'�� '�.
<br />:,.i�,.• �/�a,:s'r,�.`,;'a:�n�' destroy.dumuge or impuir the Property,nUaw�he Propeny�a dctrdo�ate.nr comrni�wu+ir on tlk Prupeny. Borrowcr+hull �,;
<br /> ,:�„�•, ......_
<br /> - ;,'�, ,�_,, .;,,:,,. be in deiauU if any forfeiture uction�r�praceeding,whether rivi!or criminul,is begun that in Lender:gcxxl(uith juJgment
<br />--'��'• }':',i;+' ;.+°•'"' cau ld re9ult in forfeiture of the Properry or uthenvi�� muteriull�� impair �he lien crca�eJ by ihiz Securiry In�trument or
<br /> ti`�i`�e:^'.- . � .
<br /> -'�+�.'„��I,.•.. < .�'•, Lender��curity interesl. Sortnwer may cure tiuch u default nnd rcinzUUe,a+prov ided in purugruph I 8,by cuusing the uchon
<br /> .�� or praceeding to be dismixsed w�ith u ruling thui, in Lenckr's gucxl fuith determinution,preclude+torfciwrc of the Borrowcr:
<br /> ''� � �"`+��`°�`� iMCrest in the Pmperty or a�her matrrial impuirnient of the lirn crrated hy thiz Srcuriry Insirument or Lender's tircurity
<br />-=,ti °" ��;.;.. , interc+t. Borrower �hull AItiO be in drfault iP BaROwer, during the laan upplicution prac��. �avr mutcriully ful,c or
<br /> „ y�,.::.•:: -•.;. • inuccurute information ar wtutemems ta Lender lur fuiled�o p�nvide Lender�vith um muteris�l infonnutionl in connection with �
<br /> � � w the loan evidenced by lhe Note, inrluding, but not limitcd ro, mpmsentntion. rnncerning Borrnwcr� occupurxy c�i thc
<br /> '� �"�:�Y�,:�,,,;�
<br /> -_��� � - P�uperiy u,v Nriuclaai i�.i�e�x.:. if thi;Sccurity ln:;trurn.nt is an a l:asehnld.Hnrmwrr dtt�ll comply wi�h all thc �xovisiun.
<br /> . � `' Q�'�;;:�r,• of the Ica,c. IF Borrower ucyuins fec tiUe�o�he Pnryxny.the Ira.rhold unJ thr iee[itle�hull nut merFc unlesti Lender u�rres
<br /> ,•� , '`. "'h ' ,...�t'•'• to tl�e merger fn writing.
<br /> . .�. , :'.'�'% 7. ProtecNon of l.ender's Ri�htg M the Property. It' Borr��wrr t'uil� to perfurm thc rovennnt. und ugrecmeni+ _
<br /> y ' contuined in this Security In,trument. c�r�herc is u Irgul pr�x��.dinF tha� muy �igniticantly affect Lander+ ri�Zhiti in thc �r._
<br /> � ' Pmpeny(�uch ax ii prcx:eeding in bankrupiry,pmha�e,fex conJemniuiun or ti►rtci�um ur tu enforcr law,or regulution.).thrn
<br /> ;. " �''�•` . ' • .. Lcnder muy do ond puy for whatever iti nerr.sury to pratert �hr valuc ol'Ihr I'roprrty anJ L�nd��� rightx in Ihr Pr��p�rty.
<br /> ,'.:�� � " •� , . _ . Lender's uciic►nx may includr paying uny.um+.ecured by s�lien which ha�priurity ovrr ihi+Security Imlrwnent,apExurin@ �
<br /> '. ' in rourt.paying reuwnublr uuomcy.'1'crs unJ�nlcrin�:nn�he Ym�xrty lo mnkr rcpain.Although Lrnder muy tukr actiun
<br /> . " ' undcr this pu�ug�uph 7.Lendcr dix.nut huvr tu du sn.
<br /> ' ,.7,... ..,: Any umaunts dishur,ed by Lendcr under thix puraEr:iph 7 r.hnll tkrume adJitianul dcbt ol'Burn�wcr sccured by Ihiti
<br /> ' .+�. .. Securi[y Iny�runxnt. Unl��+Norrowrr unJ LcnJcr ugrcc lo ntlxr trrn�,��t'paynunt.�hr�r unwunls.hull Ixur intrr"I from tlx
<br /> � � • ' dute of Jix6ur�mrm ut die Nutc rutr und zh:dl Ix puyiihle,a�ith imere�i,upon noticc fn�m Lrnder to Borrowrr reyuc+ling
<br /> . • , "a•"` paymcnt. -
<br /> 8. MaM�nge Insurunre. It'LrnJer requircd murtgage imurunr�a. :�rmidi�ion ul'making the luun tirrured hy thi� d,.__
<br /> ;';,�•�... Security Imtrument, Burtower.hall puy the pr�mium,requircd tu maimuin �he m��ngagv in.urancr in el'iirt. If, titt any —.
<br /> : � '1'�:" reution. Ihc mortgage insuranrr rovcragr rryuinJ hy I.rndcr lapsr, �x ccsi.e, �n Ix in rffcrt. Borr��wcr .hull pay �he �_
<br /> ' � premiums reyuired 10 uhlnin rovrragr ,uh.tanti:dl�• cyuivukne tu thc nwnua�c imurancr ��n��iuu,ly in el'fect. al a ruv� —
<br /> , ;-`�;� .ub��antially c�uivulem to�h�ro.t�o Borruwcr of thr tnurl�agc insur:mre pr��•iuu+ly in�Ilec�. I'rum an allematr mun�age �-
<br /> . .,,r�:...+,::�:�•. imurer appn,ved by Lrncier. II'.uh.tanlitdly cyuiccdent murlgar�imurancr«wrragr i.n�,�crvailahlr. Burr��wer.hall pay to =
<br /> . .`:�c.. Lender each monlh a,um eyual to unc-twclfth��f�h���arly nxircga�e in.uranre pnniium Ixing p:�id by Burrwv�r�►hcn the =�
<br /> .r`�5.`;•>.
<br /> ' . ' :�•,�;,,; �nxuran�t cnven►ge lap�ed ur cca,r�i to Ix in rflrct. Lender�vill ac.•rpt.u.r:md n�ain�hr,�p:l)'IllClllti:1�:1 I�1��fC1CR'C in 1 icu ��'.
<br /> - • •. °�.,��• uf nwrtgage insurancc. Lo��rr+rn•c puymrnl, ma�• nu lung�r Ix rrquircd.at ih�„pti�ai ul L�nd�r. il nu►n�a�c in,urunrc
<br /> �'= .
<br /> . �overa�e lin the amount und li,r the�xri�xl thul LrnJcr rcyuirr,�pr��vid�d h} an in•urer appn►�•cd hy Lrnder ag;�in Ikcu�ne+ �'�.,
<br /> . � u��uilablc and i.��hlrinrJ.Burrowrr.hall p:ry ihr ��IL`i1T1U01�Ity111fC�I IU Ill:lllllain moriga�:c in,ur.uur in cflrrl,ur tu pn�viJ�a :,
<br /> ln��a�+rn•e,uNil�he rryuirenxnt ti�r mun�a�e inwrimcc rnd.in acrurd:�nrr��iih;im wriucn:iLirrnunt Ixlwern H��rm�ver �
<br /> ' :'•,:� . und Lrnder nr iipplirnhlr liiw. ,
<br /> ;;:�;�, 9. )nspection. LrnJcr or it.a�.rnl ro:�y mal.� r�a,unuhk rnlrir,u�x�n:m.l m.�,�rtiun. �d th� 1'ruprrty. l.endcr,hall
<br /> J � ;'� ���� givc Burm��rr nulicr a��hr timr ul�ur pri��r to an in.�xrtiun r�krilr�n±:r�a,un:�M�r:iu.r Inr Ihr in,�xrtiun.
<br /> ., :.,:,'`�;+.
<br /> :>�r _ . ,�),i>;r,.,,• 111. l'ondemnution. 1'hc pnxcrd.u(:un :n�arJ ur rlaim li�r d.�maLr,.�lirr.t��r�unuyucnti.�l. in rrnuirrti�,n��iIh am ;
<br /> '':;%'„'��'��'
<br /> � , tiinflel,muh Funnie\Inr'tnyldlr�lucl\IFIIR�II\�IRI�IF.�f -Imwm�l,��rn.nu. 4�W1 �pde. ?„f,�P��e��� r:
<br /> . . 4halldA�+Pu•ux�..Fqm.h� � !
<br /> . � - ..• �n i�M1��-dll I IM�I;U�'11'11 I \\h11.�7'�I 1111 1.
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