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,( �U;l:;i;'.�y. .t.•', ; � . _ �^w:�r!'T `��1Fe�'i��Y,i�]�6�L�IY.�.�:_� _ . `��Y j„ 4r _ arwa:�c u�^�: <br /> �.�kl,t, .�M^ vn �{!�rn_�. `�'� - - - - -•-- <br /> ,� '''f ' ;�.. , ��1�"'_5���ly' k;° _-_-�s,.-._ <br /> . . .r,i�Qe�'�l.y. ... . � �w --� �. <br /> � <br /> �� . <br /> � • • r ..,- -. . , <br /> ' .. • .. : :�.�:.•:i, �a•=--- <br /> , <br /> . .. � <br /> +��y _.._.�..,...dl�.�..w. _'-�_...�. .. __ . .-- ---° <br /> �� . , ' . . .. . . ------ . <br /> � i . <br /> .�. . <br /> �_—".�"; , •� ''w,�,�. �Oi�f�� <br /> �a�.ie: w � �� <br /> ;��-�'����. <br /> � �� SY�1d.�4.-2 Ifw. <br /> y ` T(X3CTHER WIT'H uU�hc impruvcmcn�ti n��w�w hcrculicr crcc�ed nn ihc pr�� u cu�rmcnlw,nppuncnuncc+. <br /> -�'��''=:_��='��_�•.�1 und fixlu�er now or hereufler a pun af ihe praperty. Aii mplucrmcnt++aixl u�kiiti�my��udl ulr�o he ciwe�ed by thix Secunty <br /> _"�m °_ °-� Instrumem. A II of 1hc f��reguing ix rcfcrmd k�in Ihir+Sccudly Instrumcnt ux tlx"Pru�xNy" <br /> �.-,�„�t w,�.;•,�j r�.... <br /> •�.- �s...r••- ,, r BORRAWER CAVF.NANTS thut Hn�ower ih luwfully,efr:ed nf Ihc c�lute hrmby conveycd und hu+thr righ�to grnnt <br /> '�{�l:K.i.:. �h..r. � � ti' <br /> ,sti�^ ...,,, • ' nnd convey ihe Rnperty und thul�hc 1'rn�xrty ix unencumhercd,excep�for enrumhrunce+of rccurJ. Burruwer wurruntx un <br /> ae •,,;,^ �,�;�' ' ,�� wfll dcfend gcnerally Ihe IIUc lo�hc Pmpeny aguinht all claimx und dcmundh,�uhjcrt�o uny encumhruncc�uf mrord. _ <br /> ��'?'.;�'`':.�{,ct'�,°�'�".. <br /> •��� .•,�,;t �._,;,.s THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT rontbincw uniform covcnon�r� for n�tinnul u+c und n�M•unifarnt covenunts with <br /> � �,s; ,�`. ,�;,, limiad vuriuiiuny by jurindiclion k►cun�litutc a unifc�rm sccuriry ins�rumem covcrin�mul�ro�xny. � . „ _.-�..�.� _ <br /> -��._4�•;r���`'��� •�' , � UNIFORM C�VENANTS. [ionower und I.endcr cuvenunt und ugrec uy f�lk�ws: <br /> - �. ....,�.:.�a.,„ � . <br /> - � •,. 1. Payment af Princlpul And Interesti Prepayment and l.pte(:hp�geA. HaR��wcr shull promptly pny when uc e <br /> �,�,�w�-'��� � --� principal of ond interest nn the dehl cvidenced by ihe Note and any piepayment and luie churges due under�he'vnte. <br /> - . 2. Pande for'1luxes and In�u�pnce. Suhject�o applicabl�law or lo u wriucn wuiver by I.cnder.Burrower shall puy ta <br /> � ' • l.ender on the duy manthly paymentx urc due under the Note,unlfl thc Notc is puid in full. n�um("Funds"1 foe lal yeurly <br /> • ' iaxes u�d axsexsmems which muy uuAln priarity over ihis Secu�ity Instniment a�u lien un ihc Propeny;(b)ycurly leu�chold <br />?�' , ��`"'x''�"°`'.'`' paym nts ar gmund rents on the Pmperty, if'uny: (r1 yearly hnzard ar pruperty in�urance premiums; (d) yenrly flood -� <br /> '�: '�'- � fnr�u�ance premiums, if nny; le) y�nrly mnngugc insu�ncc premiumn. if uny:anJ Itl uny sums puyuble by Borrowcr to _ <br />�-� � l.ender, in accordunce wflh the provisian�:of purugruph 8, in licu of the puymeni of mongagc insurancc prcmium+. The�e <br />;`. . itema nre called"Escrow Items�.' l.�nder muy,ul uny�ime,collect and hc�ld Fundti in un umount not to excced tha maximum <br /> r.•.. nmount a lender for u federally related mongugc lonn muy require for Borcower+eticmw uccount under the fcderr�ll Real <br />�. ' � '• Estak Seltlement Procedures Act ot'1974 us Amended from timc to time. 12 U.S,C.#26t11 r�seN.("RESPA"'�,unless:+nother <br /> �' law�h�l upplic:x lo the F�nds xets u les�er umount. If so,Lender muy,ut any time,callect and hold Fundz in un amount na w <br /> «Y••� -, • '' " ezceed the INSSCr amoum. I.ender miry estimate the umount of Funds duc on the hasis of current dnlu und rea�:vnabte ` <br /> '`'�< , ' estimateti of expendiwres of futur�Eticrow Items or othenvise in uccordance with upplicuble luw. �_ <br /> ..�,.. : ...: .��,,.. �. <br />:.;Y ;?i:�%'.. ,.;���;�C. Thc Funds shnll be held in an inqtitution whase de�sils ure innured hy a federni ngency,instrumcnlaliry,or enti[;r �"_ <br /> t�l<<.�;?s;:;. :':•".•�{'"'• <br /> a (including I.endcr. i(Lender is�uch an inxtitution)or in any F�dcrul Home Luun Bank. l.endcr�hall apply the Funds to pay �� <br /> "'''��� "'��' the Eccrow Items. Lender muy nat churge Borrower for huldin nnd u I in the Funds, Annuully anulyzing the euraw �.,�.. <br /> �,.•.:;;* 8 PPY B . : <br /> " . ��:'''�t;�a;�:�•� account. or verifying the �scn�w Items, unlesx Lender payc Borrower inleresl on the E�ndx und applicuble law permils '-- <br /> . . • ,�:;•_�,y<<�`'� g•. Y 4 p Y ���.. <br /> Lcnder to makc such A chnr � Howevcr, Lender mu rc uire Borrower to A u one-�ime churge for an independcnt reul <br /> . •• • estale tax reportin�service used by Lende: in conneclion with Ihis loun,unless applicnble law providex otherwiae. Unless an :��.�.--�� <br /> " ° ;,•,;, agreement ix rnade or applicublc Inw rcyuires intcrest�o be puid,Lcnder shall nat be required to puy F3nrrower uny interest or �'v:=_�.....: <br /> ' _�i'`;:�;'��;' carnings on ihe Fundx. Borrowcr and Lcnder may ugrce in writing,howcvcr,thut in�ereat�hall bct paid on thc FunJr+. l.ender � '.��- <br /> • • � �;•`�y Fhull give to Barrower.without churge,un unnuul accounting of the Fundti,showing credits anJ debits to the Funds u�d the ���•�z�;- _ <br /> • � ,�.;•'%�;;�'�, purpo�e forwhkh euch debit to Ihe FunJs wu�made. The Fundx are pledged us udditionul security for all sumn secUrc�]by _ . _ <br /> ...< � <br /> • n, • �- thisSecurity lnsuument. '.: <br /> • •�, -,_ a..,�:.�+:.�� _ <br /> -_ ;,.." . ii the Rwkl, heid by Lendcr cxcrcd thc amounts permitted to hr held hy aprlicabl�law. Lcnder tihall uccount to ��,.�.�ru� <br /> '� ' " Borrower far the excess Funds in uccurdunce wilb the requirrments of applicuble law. If the amoum of Ihe Funds held by <br /> �� Lender ut uny time is not sufficient to puy the Escrow Ilems when due,Lender muy so notify Borcower in writing,and,in '��� � •''�- <br /> :. ,.�:�tl` ��:, - <br /> ,�:_:.;.. <br /> � '�%,:;��•+j�' such case Bortower shull pay �o Lender the umount necessary to muke up the deficiency. Bcrrt�ower shall muke up the ____ __ _ <br /> , . �:.�t�+,.� ' � <br /> � ���;;;��;,1:; deticicncy in no more�hnn twelve monlhly payments,ut l.ender c wle discrctiun. <br /> • �; � Upon p:�yment in full of ull�ums scwrcd by thi�Securily Intitrumenb I.encier.hall promptly refund to Borrower uny �,,,�,,��-,.. <br /> A�.•.,t <br /> •:}t��N�' , Funds held b Lender. If,under ar•r r� h 21.Lcndcr,hall uc uin ur�cll thc Property.Lender,prior to the uryui.itiun or <br /> �`�; �: z�:.. . :.�. ., � y P R'P 4 — • ... = s--- <br /> ' ' '" ,;'1' sulc of the Piroperty. shall upply uny Fund.held by L�nder al thc time of ucquixition or su le as a crc di l uguinx t t h c s u ms �'�_� <br /> �1��•�,� secured by ihis Security Instrument. <br /> ' , � 3. Applkation ot Ppyments. Unlc,s applicabk luw pravide.othcrwisc, ull payments recciveJ by Lender undcr ��� <br /> � aru ra hs I and 2 sh+►II be u lied:first,ai�n rc u ment chur ��Juc under tl�e Note:u-cond,to umourns payable under �:l-=�� <br /> , . . P B P PP Y P 'p Y B,. ��y w_. <br /> _ parugrnph 2; imerest due;ti�unh,to principul Jue;:md lust,to uny late rhurges due under the Note. .'�`�,.,,_;�:.�_ <br /> . 4. Chwrges;Liens. Bortower.hull pay all taxcs, ax�r„mcnts, churges, fincs und impositions auribuluble to thc • - _ <br /> �� ' ' Property which may attain priority ovcr thix S��curity Instrumrnt,and Icauhold ps�ymenls i�r ground rent.,if uny. Borrower ��s_- <br /> ; ���""'°� shall pay thctic abligutiom in thc manncr provided in parugraph�,or if not paiJ in tha�t manncr. Borrowcr,hull pay�hem on �•I rr;;r, `�_ <br /> 1;,,�:'1: . ::�,'t._''.•��-•.� <br /> t`• � ss?; tfine directly to the person owed pi�yment. Borcowcr�hull promptly furni�h tn Lendcr all noticc.of urrwun��lo he paid under . ._ _ <br /> ,,;t�, ;;r.c�.... 1.... . �„�;..,,.. . �. <br /> . ,,,.. ,.� this paragraph. If BoROwer makes these payments direcUy, Borrower sl�all promptly fumi�h to Lender receipls evidencing .�'�.�..:�,_ <br /> . , •;1,�,..��. the mems. ,-- "'E,•;. <br /> PaY ' `,�"F- <br /> ' � �,,. '��;•�;"� BoROwcr shall prompdy di�charEe any lien which hux priority uvcr�hiti Securiry In,in�ment unles.Bnrrower:lul u mc+ �.-�^� <br /> F '��..:: .,.:••- <br /> � ' '� ' ` ..�':�4�`•�; • in writing to the payment of�hr i�Blignlion+ecurcJ hy thr licn in a munncr�cccptah�a to Lender. (MI comestx in good fuith Ihe �.� � �;_ <br /> _ �;r,;y,.'.,�;�;�'i, licn by,or defcnds aguinst rnforeemem of�hc lien in.Irgal pnkcrJing+whirh in the Lundcr'.upiniun operutc to prevent the . � _a:_:. <br /> - • „,�;•,:;.;�,�, enforcement of ihe lien;or Icl secure+trum thc IwWer o(Ihr li�n an uFrormcnt+utisl'actory to l.ender tiulx�rdinating the lien <br /> ''�,}. :-. �'!2l�;;'.,;�i°',� to Ihis Secarity Instrument. If Lender detrmiine+thut uny purt��t'thr Prc►perty i. .ubject t„a lirn which may unuin priori�y p ': <br /> •,t ' .. ' � ���' ', ovcr this Sec urity Instrument.Lender muy givr A„rrowrr a noticc iJcntifying tlx licn. Borruwrr,hall sutisf'y the lien ur wke ,..., .,,',.y,=:- <br /> � � ' • ' ' onc or mom of ihe actiom.ct furth alwvr within l0 Juy.ot'thc�;ivin�:ot'nutirc. � : <br /> • `� � :;,..;�:: .. 5. Haznrd or Properly Insurunce. Burniwcr.hull kecp thr improvcment+nuw ex i.�ing ar herrul'�er crcc�ed on thc <br /> �+;"t:��'� Prc�:rty insurcd uguinxt loss by 17ro,haiarJ,inrlu�led withfn Ihe�emi°rxtended caven�ge" and any u�hrr harurJ�,includin�: � <br /> •�:r:;�'' floods or tk�oding.for which I.enJer royuire. in.uranre. Thi+ in�ur•rncr+hall tk�tiwm:un�d m tfie am�wn�s und for the ; ; <br /> �;� � � <br /> .,.. '� . � '. <br /> FormN12N 4�90 �p�¢rdu/e�raer�� s:�.,.�; . <br /> .. r;i�.. ._ � <br />, <br /> ' <br /> 1 <br /> • ., ' �1 _ _ _ -- — <br />