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<br /> ����F� cunJ�mnutlon ur rnhcr wking uf uny pun��f�hc Pn�perly,or for cunvcyunr�in li�u ol'rondrmnuti��n,urc hcreby a.r.igncJ und
<br /> _ �=�:z�v�.ra�:__r,. Khull tx:puid lu l.endcr.
<br /> acs�.__�
<br /> ..___ �--�y In Ihe event ui'u t��lal tuking of thc PwExrly. �he pr�KCCd� tihall ix upplicd ti� �hc +um.r �.�cured by �hir: Secu�ily
<br /> _,�.��_s,.-��� A� In�+trumen�. whc�her ur nut then�lur.wi�h any rxcc+ti puid to Borrawer. In thc rvent ��i'u paniul tul.in�e uf�he Pn�peny in
<br /> ����:� � which thc fuir murkct vulue ot'ihc F'ru�xrty immcdiutcly Ix�fi�R thr wking f�cyuul lo ur ureutrr ihan tFx umuunt ut��hc tium.r
<br /> __��_.a
<br /> �`�``s ~ �� ' � `" r,ccumJ hy Ihi�+Scrurl�y Im�rumrrn immcdiutcly txfurc ihc�uking.unlc+ti f�urrowcr anJ l.�ndcr o�herwi.c agrcc in wriiing. __
<br /> .'.�;•
<br /> � ��'�` �he�umw.c�urrd hy ihic Sccudty In+trumciu �huU be reduced b�• �hc umiwnt of�hc prikrrJ, multipHeJ hy thc i'ullowing
<br /> ��t.
<br /> :�:�-.:•�.,�..�°'''' fr�tion: lu)�hc�o�ul uiuount uf thc.um�xcured immediulcly tx:fi►rc ihe�akin�.dividrd by Ihl�hc 1'uir murke:t vuluc��f thc
<br /> � pn►perty immcdiu�cly Fkforc �hc tiiking. Any bul�mrc xhull tw puid io Buerowcr. In il►� cveut ul' u parlial taliug uf thc � - -
<br /> � � Prapc�My in which thc fair murket vulue of�he PiruEx;riy immeJiu�rly I�fi�re ihe tul�ing i. le�+ �hun tl�c um��unt of�hc sums _
<br /> ''"'`�"^`� tircurrd immedia�el bef'ore thc�ukin unlcs� Borrowcr und l.endcr othrrwisr t��rrr in writinE ur unles,upplicuMc luw
<br /> �Y�.;s�.:r� �.Na.�.ti�-. Y �• �::��;r�oa_
<br /> ' ri•',�r�isa.�,+, . , othenvisc pnrvi�ie+,the prurecds tihull t►r upplicd�o Ihr�um�:�erunJ by thi�Securiry Inxtrumen�whr�hcr or nnt�hc.um+ure �
<br /> .-�'^.°'..• . ..
<br /> �.H ., , ry}y �. . �hen duc.
<br /> ��'4;�',�:�..�r:';;r� If ihc PrupeAy i�nbundoncd hy Harrower,nr if,uiler no�ice hy Lcndcr�o Sorruwcr thut thc cundcrnn�tt offcn w mukr
<br /> � un uww�l ur u:tdc u cluim for damugc�,Bom►wcr fuils ta respnnd�o Lender within�0 duy+uf�rr ihr Ju�c the notKC i+given,
<br /> ��, ,�.M1;,��? :; Lcndcr i�nu�horir.cd�o callcct und apply the pnx�wdti,m its uption,ci�hcr���m.torution��r rcpui�ot'ihe Pru�xrty ur�u the _�_�_:
<br /> _ - a•�`�.��.�, - s y romx.c�urcJ by Ihiy Sccurity Instrument.whether or not then due. ��`°ti
<br /> ��" ��,-� ` Unlesti Lcndcr und Borruwcr�ahcrwi.c uRree in wrning,uny upplirmion ot pnKecd,ti� prmcipai ,huli nu� cx�cnd or
<br />�.�;,�:��; ��;,;�z, � po��pune Ihe due dute of the munthly puyme�xti ref'rned to in parugrupNs! and 2 or chunge thc umount uf such paymcnt.. �_
<br />_ 11. Borrower Not Relea.sed; Farbcarance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extenxion of thr tiine fo� puyment nr ---
<br /> �� ���'��`� madificution nf amonizatian of the,ums sccured by thix Security Inxtrument Framed by LcnJrr�o uny surres,ar in imerest ��
<br /> -- 1, " �y ' of Borrower+hull no�operu�r to relcuxe the liubility of�he ori�inul Borrower ur Sorcawer's wcce.sarz in intere+t. Lcndcr
<br /> . • �.. .' —..�a..m,
<br />-'.�� � ' a 4` ,hull not bc reyuired to commence praeeJing+ag+iimt ainy rurces,or in interetit ur nfu+e lo cxtend timc Fur puyment or � _
<br /> �. otherwiuu modify umortir.ation of the+um�+ecured by thix Serurity Insirurr�m by rcu.on��f uny demund maJc by the ariginul `
<br /> ''—_� ° Borrower or Borrawer+ succexyors in intere��. Any forbearance by Lender in�xerrising uoy right or r�medy vh�ill not be u
<br /> ��Y waiver af or prccluJc ihe exercisc of any right c�r remedy. �.�
<br />-=�:,� " ° l2. Successors and Ass(gna Buund;Joint und Several Liability: Co-si�nerw. 'Thr covenunt. and ugrremrm�of this ° ;,^.l:- .
<br /> •, ^ Security In,trument zhull bind und l�ne�t the .ucce.son unJ u,tiigns ot�Lender und Borrower.�ubject to�he provixions of �"'—'�"`'�"`-'
<br />��r,l • „ U purugruph 17. Borrower's covenuntx onJ ugRemcros shull tx�joint uixl ,evcrul. Any sorrower who cu-.igm thix Scrurity �,�y;;,.�;,
<br /> � ° lnslrument bu�dnes nM�xerwe�he Nute: la)i.cu-.igning�hi,Securi��• In+tniment only to mortgugc.�erant und runvcy thut �,�����
<br /> Borrower�intcre+t in�hc Property under thc icrnis of�hi+Securi�y Intiuument: Ib)i.nut penunully ubliguted�u pay Ihr.umti
<br /> � + `' ° . secured by this Securiry Instrument:und Ic)a�;rce.ihut Lrndcr und uny u�her Bi�rruwrr muy ugnre�o rxtcnd,m�xlii'y,ti�rbeur ��_
<br /> ��,•�-�=�• •�°` � or muke uny accom�mxiutionti wi�h rrFurd to the tenn+ of this Secunry In�tnm�ent or the Nate wi�hout�hrt Borrawer+
<br /> � . conu�nt. � �
<br />:; • .
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. lf the loun scoured by �hiti Securi�y Inst�umrnt is wbjer� to u Is�w which �cts marimum loun = _
<br />..: , .._ .:. .
<br /> ` : � :• charges,u11d thut low is iinuiiy inirrp�eir�i.0 iiidi iii�ifii�i"�+i oT otI1CT I0�0 CFiaT�C�CUIlttitCd tIf!0 5C COIICL'!Cd Itl COl111!'�'li�+ --- - -
<br /> •' � wi�h the lai�n exceed ihe p�rmi�ted limit+,Ihen: Iu1 any such loun churgr shull hti rcduceJ hy the unwunt nere++:�ry tu rcducr _
<br /> � � the churge to thc permitted limir aixl Ibi any.um�i►IrcaJy collrcieJ trom S��ROwer whinc�xrrrJrJ�rniiued limi��will be �,���ti
<br /> • • � � � refunJeJ to Borr�wer. Lender muy ch�w.e tu nwke�hi�retund by rcducin�the principul uwed unJcr the Nole or by making a
<br /> direct puyment ti�BoROwer. If u rel'und rrdure�prinripal.�he reJuction will lx trru�rd us u punial prrpaymen�withaut any �a�!����
<br /> " ' • prepuyment churgr uixicr the Note. �'�i'�'�i:��
<br /> l4. Nutices. Any n��ticc w Borrowcr provided tiir in thi,Srcuriry In��runknt +hull I+c givrn by Jclivcrine it or 6y ��
<br /> . , . muiling it by iirnt clu++nwil wile,.applicuhlc law reyuimti ux ut'anullkr methixl.Tl�r nulice�hull tk directrJ to th�ProExhy . _.�.
<br /> t Add�ss or uny athrr addrc�x Borrowrr drsiEnulc,hy noticr iu Lrndcr. Any nutirc to LrnJrr yhuU lx given by fir�t rla,s
<br /> . ;..w�...' ' muil to Lcnder's uddreti.+�utrd hrroin ur uny nthcr;iJdre.ti LcnJrr dr.iEnutc�by �iuticc lu Bortow•cr. Any nutirr procideJ lirc
<br /> . ,I•II ix J�emcJ to huvc Ixen �ivrn tu Honuw�r nr LenJrr whrn givcn us priwided in thix �T_^`
<br />, i n t h i x S e c u r i ry I n�l n i m c n t i r 6
<br /> . • e „ � parngruMi. =-__=—_
<br /> • t5. Guvernin�Law: tieverubility. Thi. Scruriiy Instrumrn� �hull Ix �u�•rrnrJ by frdcrul law and thc law of �he .,-.__.- .
<br />. . •• :; jurisdiclion in which Ihc Pruperty i.I�xat�J. In thr cvent thui uny provitiiun or rluu.e uf�hi�Scrurity In.lrumcm ur�he Nole •.
<br /> ' . cant7ic�x wilh applicvblr luw,wch conflir�.hull n��t;d'1'cct uther pruvisiun,uf�hi+Srrurily Intitnimrnt��r ihe Nute which ran
<br /> �� ,-_ ; be given ri'tect wilhout �hc contlirlin�provitiion. 7ii thi. cnJ thc pm��isinn�ul'�hi, S�ruriry In.trument anJ�hc Nule um ' x„s::___-
<br /> ,� '! declured w ix srver:�hle. �1".r_��
<br /> 16. Borrower'sCopv. Burrowrr,hull I�r�iv,n�mc cunfnnnc�l cu�►y�il'thc Nutc;mJ ul'�hi.Serurit� In.trumcnt. ,�_�r__.
<br /> � • 17. 71�ansfer oP the Pr��perty or a Reneiiriul Interrst in It�irrox•er. I f all ur uny p:�r�ul'thc F'rupeny ur any intcm+t in ��_:�Y
<br /> � it is ,old or tramfcrrcd (or if a lxnrliciul mtrr�+l in Horro��•er i.�uIJ ur irun,frrrrJ anJ Hurruucr i.nat a nrwral{xr,unl
<br /> ' � •�i without Lcndrr'+prior wriuen con+en4 Lendrr ma)•.au ii.uptiun.rcyui:c immrdialr payment m full ut'all.um+•ecureJ hy � �."'" �'
<br /> . , thi+Security InxtrurnNnt. Howevrr.thix oplion shull nol Ix:cxcrci�cd hy Lcixlrr il rxrrci.c i,pr��hibited My 1'c�krul luw u�of �':���-=`
<br /> ' ' '' � the dute of this Security Imtrumrrn.
<br />, : „ ---_.,,,,._
<br /> � If Leixler excrci�c��hi�uplion.Lrndcr rhull�tivr Burr��wrr notice��f acrrlrraiiun. Thr IlUlll'l`IB:III(1f11V NI�:l�l'�III/I O�. ��'4'���?�"
<br /> not Iess Ihun 30 Juy�from ihn Jutc thc notic.iti drlirrred�x m:�iled��ilhin��hich R�,rru��rr mu.t pa�•all .wn.>erured by Ihi+ .. :�F•--
<br /> Sccurity Inxtn�mrnt. If Born�wcr I'uil� 1u puy thr,e sum, prii,r �i� �hr e�pir:�uun ut'ihi. prriad. l.ender mu� imokc uny .
<br /> rcmedir,pemiiucd hy Ihi�Srruritp In,�runkm «•ithout lurlh►r n���irr�x J�mand un li�nru��rr. ' ,
<br /> � � 1$. dorruwer's Riuht lu Rrinstute. If Runuwer nurt. renain r�mdilinn.. Fiun•u��rr •hull ha�e ihc right tu h:rv� �
<br /> ' .� enforcertn:m ol'�hi� 5�curity In.trumcnt�li.cuntinucd :u:u�� limr prior �u ihc r:irlier ul': 1cu 5 d.i�. 1ar ,urh ��iher�xriixl a. �c,
<br /> ; r�
<br /> � tiu��k P:�md� -Funnlc�tuc-Fmddk�1ue l\IFI IR\I Ir�'1'kl\IE\f..I�ndunn t'��„u.�oi. 4�411 ������r 1„/n�aier��
<br /> . r. .
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> �,
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br /> . ;
<br /> . . J .. .. ..�--. . . .
<br />