. .L. ' ( . c :` � � �7 J?.`F:•':4V� t,t'• .�. _ , f y.
<br /> , . h ,. . { . _ ' , �' t4 . ..
<br /> . . 'N _�_. :.c. t "i _'t _ - -.-_._
<br />. .. _ �_`...
<br /> �'� ���
<br /> p3yments rr,ay no Eanger be required.ut the o�ti+m of L�ader,if rreortgsge insurance wverage lin�tf��am�unt aad for the prrded --�°--
<br /> - th�+t Leeder caqui�s)providod bp an insurer s+�proved by Lersder�,ain�enim�s availabte and 3s abt�irt�. Bor�tver sh�l1�ay �::._.
<br /> - q�
<br /> the prer_situns r�quired to maintain tunrtc,rag�iasuranoe in effc�.ur to{�rovide a loss rrserle.umii ttte requirc�s►en1 far ttcartgaga �°
<br /> insuranoe ends in r�card�ee with ssny written cs�reement betuesn�orroiver und Lender or applicabte law. ___
<br /> 9.I�tp�n.iaadea or its agent may maice reasonablc entries upor a�inspc•ctions of th��c�ogerty.Ler.der sdall give ----
<br /> e -
<br />. Barrower natice at the time af or Qrior to an insp�ctron specifyittg reasonable rause for the inspection. �- �
<br /> , R..:..,
<br /> :��� 10. Condem�tE��.T[te Frocaads of any a�vard ar claim for dantages. direct or cronsoqucnteal. in con�ection w[th nny �: .
<br /> wndemnatiun or otlter taking af ru►y part of the l�roperty.or�'or conveyanre in tieu of condemratina.are hereby assi�� ��'.�:
<br /> � shsll be paid to L eYxier. �--
<br />�. In the ever�t of a totai taking of t7te Progs�rty.the prao�s sha!!b�a�pfied to the sums ssxum�by t6is��ity tram�maaf_ �=-_;:
<br /> " whether ar not then due.wita any eacess�aid eo Burrower. In the evem of a pania! taking of the Pra�erty in w6ist�the fair __._
<br /> marlcet value of the Froperty iminediat�ly bcfore tht talsiag is equal to or gr�zcr t�un tise amount o€t,'�:e sums secured by ti►is �:
<br /> � �rity trt w,++Pnt immediately hefor�t�e ta�ing,unIess Borios�er and l�nder atEenvise agree in cvr6tir.�.tCe sums securea by �,,.,,.
<br /> this S�rity instivment s6uli be reduced by the amount of the prooeeds multiplieR by the foltovviu� frasiion: �a)�Ite taeaf
<br /> amnunt o�the sums s�tured immediately befom the t�iag.divided by(b?�f�'�'��value of the E'roperty isnmediateZy =----
<br /> � before the talcing. A�a� 6silanc��uU be paid to Borrower. In the ev�t of a patei.a! tat�n�of ths Propgrty in wluch the fair �'
<br />. mnrYet vsilue of a$e gcepeity immeQiateiy before the taking is less than tha am.ne�t of the sums secured immediately bef�re the
<br /> takiag.unless Barrower aad ixuder othenvise agree in writug or unless agplieable!aw offietaise provides.the pmoeeds shalt
<br /> tse apptied w the sams secured�y this Sewrity Instrum�m wheth�r or not tse snms ar�t�ea due.
<br /> .. jf'r t3�e Properiy is abacdaned i�y Borrnvrer.or if,aftc7 natiee by Lercder to 8orcnwer tl�az the condemnor offers to make an
<br /> award ar�ttte a claim far dw�ges, Borrow�er faits to tespoud ta leader within 30 days after the date the�nd'cze ds given, ��_
<br /> Lcader is authorized to oollect and appiy the gmceeds.at its optian,either t�restoratian or�epair of the Pcoperty oz co the s�ms �-;
<br /> scc�red by tfiis Secntit.y Instrame�t.whet�er ec aat then daa. ��;`
<br /> Unless I.enda a� Borr���zwisz�gme in arriting, an3+ap��i�ion of pr000eds to principal s�ali cot eatc�d ar -_-
<br /> ;.:.� Ponpone the due date of the��rtrf�aymx�ts referr�w'vs g�agraphs 1 and 2 or cbange the amouIIt of such payms�s. —
<br /> ...:� . 11.Bort�wer Kot 8et�d�;�t�tr�s�SF Len�'iiot a Waiver.F.xte.nsia��ff the time for paym�,mt or�ai'if catioa
<br /> ,�:.z of amoitization of�sums sear�t�i 63r this S�itY Insbv�At Brarrted bY IxadQi to any saa�ssor in iaterest of Bamnwer si�alt �"
<br /> `�3S -
<br />�,':�.. not operate w rePea��li��of thc origioal Borrower or Borrower s suocessors in interest.•L�er shall not 6e re�aured to
<br /> � successor in interest or r�fUSS to extend time for paymeat or oiherwise modify amert�tiaa� `'"`
<br /> c�ommacoe praoaeu"'�ngs a�ain- ��#..Y
<br /> .:�,.� . of the sums secu�l by tIus SYtrauity Ins�ument by aeason of any dea�ad made by the original Bamawes or Borcower's
<br /> �'.,:•{. su�sors in in�est. Any fofn�earanoe by Ixnder in exers�sing aay right or remedy shall uot 6e a waiver of or gt�lude ths �'-
<br />�;��d'•�� exetcise of�►y es,��:ar remedy. � �'`-
<br /> ;-i!'��: 12. S�a�a c�ud Ass�gus Bauad;9at�and Severa� UaG�'ai'��ers. 'she ooveu�and agreememts�of t��;:. � � •.:
<br /> ,1 `• -
<br /> .r�'�' . Security Tnstruaee�i�iall bind aad isenefit tife snccessars and assig:ss c�..'�➢.r�der aad Borrower. s,,�cc W the pmvisiuns•or: `, ---
<br /> par.��rapH 17. Bmr�ourea's o3rr.r�utis and agr�nts shall.Ise joint and several. Any Bflrcawet who oo-signs rkts Sesurity �
<br /> In..�zim�ni imt daes ant_ea�aa7t.tiiw Note: (a)is oo-signirs�t�ifl Security Ins�ume��a�to iaas�gage. Brant afldi�usavey,that �ll,t..._
<br /> � � Borrower's intere�t�SS tiie�r�r,�ctr��under tue terms of this��,�rity Insteument;N)is a�r pe�soaalty obligated tv��the sums . 3;:�;:`
<br /> secured by this 3c�arity Tnsd{ttis«4t;and(c)agr�.s that I.ender and any otber Borrower may agree to exte�d,modiljr,forbear or ..:
<br /> . ' maice any ao�m�modstions wittr b egatcl to the terms of this Sxeurity Iastrucu�nt or the 1�Iote without that Barrower's qqnsent. _.
<br /> . ..,:.t t.�r boan Cluug�.If th�•Irs�Us s�by this Secur'.ty Tnswioaent is subject to a!aw wlrich sets�=+m��t;t�,xhlrges. "',
<br /> + •� aad•i3krtt!aw is finally,interg�ted so that the interest or cidE�laaa charges colIecied or w be couecied ia coaa�tem'rot�:wi'h tbe �
<br /> .� loan'�Ma�d tbe , aed Zimits,then:(a)an�r.suc6laari ciiaige sha116e red�ced 6y tfle amount n�,sary to rediaae"itse charge, �,
<br /> � to the permitted'�1�and(b)any sums a'.r�r#�� coSteded from Borrower which eaoeeded permiW�.�imits arill 6s zefunsted tci��;,; � `
<br /> ,.,�•:.1� �a
<br /> ••:•:,., . BorrPwer. I.e��m�Y cBtaose w m�Ece tit;�,r�.�uod by redncing ttas�tn�xipal owed ander the fi?1e�4a� nr by maldr�„r a ditect �
<br /> � "��'��' paqmaac to Borrower. If a;r.�nd rednces principal. t��:.�duarion�w�il be tre�ated as a par!iz?�ayroent witfwut an}r �=-;
<br /> .�., ... . . . . r
<br /> • .s �P"!�!�it��eni ct�au'ge ander the r�.tHSS.' � � : . � .
<br /> ', :1i�.YVMis�s.Aay natia to Bormwer provided fos in tdri�s Se�uity�nstn�em staV�l'�;given i3y.dcliv��iit.cc�r�by mailing
<br /> :�,;` it by fnst class mail uNess applicable law requires use of anottier methcr�.'Tf►e notice s,�a116e dir���tv.��.rr„�erty Addriess —
<br /> or any other addru.� Sorrower desig�ates by aoGoe to L.ender: A,n�.rfr�x to Lendes shall be gizi�i:.�y�P.i�t class mail to
<br /> L�ea�der's adrlress stated herein or any other addisess LendeA�-iSw�tes L�notice to Borrower.Any aotice gris�f�.i�d for in th9s l,�:,
<br /> ' �ecurity Iasmtment shall be da�med to have been given t4�f9��awer or Lender when given as pravided in thIs g.�itu��b• =�-
<br /> 1S.Gov�fd�; �I.aw; Seva�ab�lity. This Sewrity���tncy.:vm�ni �s31 be gavemed by federal !aw and �Giw of the �"�
<br /> � ,;;;: 3urisdiCiion in�u��'rJt the Property is tocated..In Ehe event that any p�aii�iim or clause of ihis Security����m- or tQe Aloie . �
<br /> `'�-' onnfllcis with apg3tcable law,such coaflict s�riii�szot affect other provtsi�+�of this Security Insnumen��or�he Note whicb can 6��: ' .
<br /> �.,+:� given effect without the coN'1k.�3,qg provision.To tius eaA t��e pmvisions of this Security iastrument arsd the.l�ote aie dectared. :�. `—'.`--.
<br /> ;,.
<br /> �:;...:
<br /> �.: ! to be severable. : . I�'"""
<br /> , 16.Bon+uwer's Copy.H�;smwer shall be given ont�r.caformed copy of tha Na!rt rsrnrl of th(s St�urity In3ttut�ztst• • --�:-°
<br /> �•
<br /> �:',:., . Fom�3C28 9IS0
<br /> ::��'�i � vm,�oams —.
<br /> . � .
<br /> ' � �
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