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<br />. ; �7.1'�s�c�of w2�i�S�'j ftP Et�°�3�£r'!�IEatC'P6.S2�O�OTfU{:es.If afl ar any part of the i'rope�'�or erest in it �`��;�
<br /> i s s o[d o r t r a n s f e�r e d(o z i f a b E a e fi c i a l i n t e r e st in Bosrower is sold or transferred and 6orrewer is not a aatural �ersoa)withaut �,;:.-.
<br /> , Lcnd�r's prior �vrittea oansent. L.ertder may. at its option. require immediate paycttent in f u l l o f a l l sums s e s u r e d b y t h i s ��?_,,:,.
<br /> Sesurity Instrument.Ha�ever,this option sball nat bc c.xercis�d bY Le�der if exercise is proS�ibited by federal law as of the date _
<br /> �;_;,�.
<br /> of this Securiry Instrument. ..
<br /> If Lcader exerc'sses this option,Lender shall give Borrawer notice of aoceteration.3�e aotice shal�provide a periad of oot �it�;�;�:
<br /> � less than 30 days from the dafe the aotice is deliverQd or mailed�vithin cvhich Borrower must pay all sums seaire�by this s,'•�-:.
<br /> Security insnument.If Borrflwer fai{s to pay th�e snms prinr to the exPimtion o6 this period.Lender may invake any remedies �s�� "
<br /> _� pemutted by tivs Security Inst�vment vrathuut further aotice or demand on Barrower. '.:�.
<br />=:�' 18. Bonro�ds � to Rdt�iate. If �mwer �ss certsn conditions. Borruwer shall have th� rigt►t t� have ��,:;�. .,
<br /> enforo�mtnt o�thes Securiry Insuumeat disaontinued as any ti�e Prror to the earlier of: (a)5 days (or such other periaci as
<br /> . ro m ��nt to an wer of sale contained in this '
<br /> applicable la�v may specify for reinstatem�nt) before sale of the Feoperty p Y Pp ` '..
<br /> Security Instrun�t:or(b)entry of a jadgmeast enforcing tivs Seauity Inswmeas.Those onr�iaiors are that Bar�oNer:(a)pays ,
<br /> l�er all sc�s whicb thea woutd be due u�er this Secvrity Instrument and the Note as of cv aocelera�on had ooca�red;(b) '�t,;.,._
<br /> cures any defuvlt of any oiher cavenants or agreements:(c�PaYs al! expenses incumed in enforring this Se�xa�ity In�rument, �`r+�'.
<br /> MYl�l3i
<br /> � inc[uding.bvt noi limited to.reasanabte attomeys fees;and(d)takes such action as Lender maY reasonablY require to s�ur�. I�wJ-`
<br /> th:s th�lien of this Security�InsUnm�nt.Lender's rights in the?rop�rty and Borrower'S O�II�fI�Ob[U p3y t�C Sll0]S SCFt11BiL t1�t '�;�t�._.
<br /> this Ses�rity Instr�ment shall oontinue unchanged. Upan reinsuetement by Barmwer, this Ssca.�iy Ins*s+sment rm�Y�uta �+,�.
<br /> dbligz3ions se�rad hem.by s4a11�nain fuliy effective as if no acceleration had ocwrred.glowe�-er.this right io remst�e sl�ntl�
<br /> ,:..,.,.,,
<br /> not apply in the cafe of aa�leration�der paragtuph 17. :
<br /> 19. Ss1e o�Note; Ctutngx af B.oan SeivEcer. 77ie Note or a partiaf intecest in tEie Nat�ttogether with this�t+} �:-�.
<br /> Instrumem)maY be sold one or more�nr�without prios notice to�orrawer. A sale may ce�u3L ias.a chang+e in t9te entit9(kno�vn ;,;-
<br /> as the"Loan Servioer")that wllects�lsig p-y�-ems due under the Note and this Security t�tsr,�rtent.'I7tere also may 6t�e�n� • :�,�::�.
<br /> or more changes of the Loain Servicea�t*��:sie af the Note.If there is a change of ct�E.:,.-�n Servioer.Borrowes'��U bB �'�_
<br /> • given written notice of the change in aac�c�d�ce us'�parag�aph 14 above and agplicable Eaw.'iL�e notice B�zll staea the nnme anct �;ti;,
<br /> g ap
<br /> address of the new Loan Sesvicer aad ti�e a�d�ess to wluch paymenu shauld be made.The actue wiil adHm contain•auy csther �n,__
<br /> 4 informatiam required Gy applicable ta��_ a:-::�.-.._
<br /> � ���1-
<br /> ?�. g��ardOns gmb5tanses. Eoem,,vr�shall not cause or pemut the przsence, use. di.�osal, storage. or rBleasc����my �d';`:
<br />' Ha7ardous Snbstaaces an or in the L�t=ferty. Bo�nower sha11 ttot do, aor altow anyone else to do, anything aff'�g thc �vT�,=°.
<br /> aa
<br /> Propcazy that is in viaL�as�of any Envuvnment�:l�aw. The preceding two sentences shall aot apply to the presence,�ue.or =_
<br /> .. seorage on the Pcoperty�:ma11 quantities of Hazazdous Su6star►ces that are geneially re�oognized to be appropriata ta nomwi� __���
<br /> residenrial tues and to�:c..Renance off r�iE Property. ;��-
<br /> Bonuwer shall promptly give Caad'ctr written nadce of any investigation.claim,dema��d.lawsnit ar oth�:r setian�by�auy �,_-�`-,
<br /> goyPm„��rr:nt Qr reg�ilatory a eacy ou�ate party involviag the Property and any Har�dm�;�bstauoe or Hm�lmnm�mal'Lar1 C-;,,,_
<br /> eg
<br /> � of w�ic$k3airower has e knowlrx�r. If Borra�ver learas,or is nohfied by as�y goverrxrm�raai ar mgiilatasy�uWar ,that
<br /> ' a�y removal oz athxr r�nedialion of any Ha7anda�r.�nbstance affecting the Ptoperty�s n�..r.Borrower sb.all prom�1 t,�a ---_-
<br /> all neressary remedi�l a�oas in acoordance with.�iso�tal Law. : `�' ---
<br /> A:�nsed in this p��apb Z0, "Harardaus�w11�1ance.s° are those snbstances defined as tneic or h�'k�is subsutra:��lty _ -
<br /> Envimnr�.�s-at L.aw and the following substanvef: gasoline. kesasene. other flammable ur��:c{�,��aalr,►��,�tn'��u�Ic.;,.�t��x:� —.:,.:.:
<br /> pesoicecl�,�.eari herbicides.volatile soivents.materi�s rnntainin�s�rstos or formaldehyde.aar�}.��:��•��}�. :'�=`+.�"•`�:� ��'�=_-
<br /> this paragc�ph 20, °F.nvironmental l.u:v" me.ans�d! faNS:� laws of the jurisdictia�;rfrr��:�i.�i�'a''.�*_r�.�r�is`i�e�t,ua��that� �.
<br /> • �Iate to health,safety or•envitanmea�pmtection. '•.:••: . - -T
<br /> NON-UNIFORM C4VHNANTS.Borrower and Lender further ooveaant a�agree as follaw�::':�::.,,. •''"-`
<br /> � � �l.A�ce�eradon;�+�edlts.II.��ler s1�U gioe aotice to Borro�er prtor to acoeieritlo�.fo�t�•'�r�g�Sort�tivt�s,b�eU� � ...
<br /> o��y.wvenant or ug�ernse�f�s t�iiz� Sec�uity Iashvmwt (hui not prtar to nooelec�t`k�m aftdes pzraguAtt��.7i utdt�
<br /> • applirrbk taw provldcq ottl�r�iseDv'L�he no4ke shall specifF: (a)tAe defauit:(b)t6e r.�cltii��.requimd to cnro tUQ daih��It; �._:-
<br /> (c)a date,aot tess thao 30 days fmm 16e date the notice is given to�orro��,bY�hta�-��hg defaait mast bg�atu�a�id —
<br /> � (�that fi�ituse to c�the defaatt en or before the dat�e speci�ed in the n�ticP may r�alt in rooderaYtau nY uto e�uno
<br /> ' secaied DY thts Secm�i4r In�r�nent and sale oi the Property.T6e natke s�U furt6�r i�orm Borrn��r o4,fPto•t�3�jtit+to
<br /> cm� ro
<br /> ' cdastate atfer aoode�tbn Qad t�e c�1g6t w 6sPng a comt act�on to asseai the non-extsteace oi a deSanit;o��.muy�ot�tm+
<br /> dd�.se a,t Borrowa W�e�railon unat sate.U ttze defaWt is not�ed on or beiore the date speedfic�t•-ti4�t[tn�natf�n;. ° ---
<br /> ' i,eadtv�„ai its opt�a.maB reclaire imcaedinte pnymenx ta tWl o!ali s�s serurett by tl�Is SecwTty Ia�trzpitanU�ettlout� v,
<br /> i�tiiar dt�nd and mny ipvc4c�the po�er ot s�e and nny oi6KS r�tedte�nercaitted by apptte�Dte f�w. I,e��1�:�1�i1�i1e ---
<br /> . ;. mtitled to aofi�t aU eapenses inturred in po�suing t6e remedt�provlded tn EIils parsgx'ai�21,indtcdtqS.b�rt°n�tt t9lmi�t . _�
<br /> . , i; to.rtasana6te atto'raey�'fees and o�ts o!titte evidence. � ��� , _ _
<br /> �'�i; Ii the�SOSCer o!sale is G�voged.Trasta sl�ll�ord a aoi�ce of default jn es�b uQtmf.y in.�r3i�any�08 Sht+�
<br /> '�.� �� Fropesty is Qocated sad s6all maU coples of such aot3te in the manner p�cribed by a�plEcabte[aw¢o l6orn¢�tivm stnd�ta� r�s•'
<br /> . the oiltter per9oas prescrihed by appl�cable law.After the time reqni�ed by upplicahl�9aFaw Tsastee sh�(l giva�n#v�1��nolfrx __Y-
<br /> er v.���
<br /> :."�, of saie to t�e pe�sons and in the m�nncr prescrtbed by appticab2e IAw.Trustee,witgcs;u4�diesnaad an Borra�d4V,E3lmil�fx81� _-�
<br /> - the Prop�ertY at�aabSc auction 4o the highest bi�der at t6e time and ptxe and ondFr t��s�te ot�nllor anyg+�r.�J on�!`ta =._.:_
<br /> aWe in one or more(�seis and tn�ny order'Te�utee detenmtnes.Trastee may postFone � "-:--
<br /> , �'�' ' pr+up�ty bY Da6ik w�oanoement at t6e time anA plafie o!any previousiy�afed s�1e.Lender or its d�'i�cr�mny. _ -._
<br />. � punCTt�Se the Plroperty a4 any s�le. � ' � _-
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