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<br /> �, A� ar Pto�:sty ��s..�n�: Borra�vxr shalt keep the im�rov�nQnts uow exiscin$ or here�fter e�ected an the �:=
<br /> � Froperty [asured v i�[t toss by fere. Rt�2t�ds inctudesi�arithin the ter�a "emended wverage'and aay ather haz�ds,inctuding �';.-:
<br /> floads or f��oding.foz whicb Lemder requir2s insunutce.This insvrance shail be t¢aintained in the amounts and for the petiods "
<br /> that Leader requires. '11te inswance carrier providing th�insumace shall be chosen by Borrower subje�to Lender's appmval ��-
<br /> :., �z�irh shall nos be uateasonably withheId. If Horrowet f�ils to maintain covemge d�csibeci above. Ixader mBy.at Lend�'s �:
<br /> :: `, optfon.o42ain wverag�to protect Len�'s righss in the ProFecty in�ocordanoe witfl p�agragb 7.
<br /> :�°'•: Alt insaratoe poticies and rxnewals shaq be Pcoeptable to Lender and shall inc�ude a standard mortgage clause. [xnder _��:`,".:
<br /> � sh�ll fiave the right to hald tiia policies an�renetvals.If Lender caquires.Borrocver shaU pmmptly�ive w Leader all reoeipts of ��..-
<br /> ��_ pFid preimums and reneti►�i n�tio�.in the event of toss.�afeawee sfiatl give�mnspt naiscx to th�ir�sur.�ce ca�riQr a.ad I s�er. ��,v
<br /> I�ender may make proof of fo;s if not mzde pmmptly by�araower. ��
<br /> . ma e
<br /> ���*h Unless Lender and BorcaRer ntheswise a�in writing,insuran�grocee+ds shall b�applied tn reswration or re�saar of the �.-�
<br /> property dama�ed.if the r2storatian or repair is ecanomirally f�.v.'ble aud Lender's security is aot less��d. If ths restoration or �_.
<br /> r�p�r is not e�oaucally feasibte or I.ender's securit�vroutd 8e lessenad.the insumnoe prae�ds shall be appliad to thx sums
<br /> sea►�d 9ry th}s Sea�rity Instrument. �vhether ar not then due.with aay excess pzid tn Homom,:r. If Borrawer abandoas the --
<br /> . �mpexty.or dn�nat aas�ver within 3tI duys a notio;.from Lea�er�h�2 the insuiana caraiEr hns offered t�r s�ttte a cL�im,thcn �-,�-_--;
<br />";v�•. d�nder tn�y wqes�t ttte in�uance praceeds. Lectd�r may t�se the praa�eds to repair or resWre the Ptopsrty or to pay sums
<br />`�t�''
<br /> ��.;, secured Gy tl�is Securicy In..nrumerit.wheth�r or not then due.Tke 34�day g�riQd evill begin nrher�ih�aotice is pven. �"�:
<br /> UnYess Lender and�o�rower cthenvise agree in writing, any appfication af pmcEed.�.r��incipal shaU eot extend or ---___
<br /> postpone the duP date af si�e moathly Pay�ne�t�referred to in parng�aphs I artd 2 cr c6ang�t��amauut��f tae payments. If
<br /> ga
<br /> " • under parsgaph 21 the P[r�perry is acquued by ixnder.Borroasr's right m any i�ance p�licies and p�resulting frum .�`�.
<br /> damage to the Praperty prior to the acquisiflon shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums s��ced by ttt'ss Sc�sritY Instrument
<br /> , ��
<br /> � immediazely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> � � 6.tkCnp�.7r.Pt+eservatio�.!�S fl„••�aad Ptater�tna o?Ethe Propa�4p;Bnrmu�e��Y.�an Ap�si�oEvn;Lease�ilds. ��.•.
<br /> Borrower shall arupy,estabiish.and ase the Property as Borrowei s principat a�i3eace vuithm sixty days�;he exerutio�of i��'
<br /> � �ia Se�urity Tx�strument ttnd shall ootui�aue to ocwpy the Property as Borrowc�'^�principal resid�e for:u�+�one year after ��;
<br /> : ihe date of qxupancy.nnless Lender otherwise agrees in a�riting,which oons�si�a11 noi 6e.uPreasonals�y�withheld,or unless
<br /> ..i eatenuaring c�mumstmnces eaist which aie 6eyond Sorrower's cenm�L Bornmver shall ra:t c,2esroroy, damaSe or impair the. —
<br /> � allow the F,� .�ty to deteriorate.or commit waste on fItt Propax�-.$orrow�r�6e in default if a�r forfeiture '�.rn
<br /> .. . �riY• ,.��'.
<br />� • aciioa or praoeedin�,a�e�'ter civil or criminal.is begua that iu Leader's�s�i3��judgnr.s�t onuld re�ilt in forfeiture of the .., �.:.
<br /> ' '. Propecsy or ntherwise�(�cialiy impair the lien creat�d by this S�curit�f In���ctt;aa�eder.'s security iaterest. Borrower fnay —
<br />"f.��• � cwce such a defanit a�E�nstafe.as provided in P�S�Ph 18.bl� .•c�siag tfi.sr����r pres��aS to be dismISSed with a naling —.�°_
<br /> -- thar, in L�'tee's gdod faith detemtiaation. Prectudes forfeiture.s�'�.'�e Borrower's imeri;�t�iun ehe�rogertY or other t�itla'�al �-
<br /> -:�;.�i impair����rhe{ien c�eated�3r this Sacurirf Ituuument or Li�er's ser,t�sity intersst. Borrower shall aLw be in defsiilt if
<br /> '�..;
<br /> � Borrower,during the loan appli�tion pracess,gave materiaDly false or inaoauate information or statemen�to Len�er(or faitbd ;;
<br /> . ta mvide Lender.wit$�. m�tetia!infotmatian)•ln:�onaection with the loan evidenced by the Note.inct��f&�s��•bUi:aat�dimit�d �:�?:•,�y
<br /> P Y 1�:.:?�.
<br /> , to.representutions co�ing Borroaer's oaa:pm�►cf•��'the Property as a princip�l resideace.Yf dris S�,t3lstiument u on a
<br /> .�:%�.��;�;..
<br /> lease!►otd, Borrower shail eomply.vdrh•a1i the provisiflns of tt�a lease. If Borrawer ac�ui� fea dtls ¢a the Praperrty. th�e �_.-
<br /> teasehold and the fee titie sh�,ll,not�m�rge untess Lender ngre�.a to the m�er in,Fnidng. . . :�=
<br /> .. 7.Pmtection of�ar's Y�f�dW in the�¢pRrBy.If Borrower faiLs ta gP.fi�cm the covenants and a�emea4s cant.tia�d in ;�;;•�'.��
<br /> ' this Securiry Insmuuer�}t;:r�r tttere is a legal prace�diti�that may sigmficanuy��4�s�iender's rivhts in the Fragerty(such as a ��.::.��
<br /> ' procs�ding in banf��rc�„probaua,for wndemnation or forfeitur�or to enforce laws or reguIations),then Leixttr may do and 1'`'.;':�_
<br /> � paY for ahatever is ned�ssary to pratax the vaiae of the Property aud Leuder's rights in the Propetty. Lender's actions may _--_
<br /> i�iude payiug any suuts secured by a lien which has priority ovet this Security �nstnunent, appearing in cou+t, payiII�
<br /> � �n�so�ble tutomeys'f�s end enteriug oa the Pmperty to maice repaiis.A1Wough Lender�y take aWion under th9s par�gcap�
<br /> ' 'F,I.eiader dces nat ha�ic•�e'e�du so. . � . � :� �•
<br /> . ;...�
<br /> . ,.4.r,:.
<br /> � Any amounts �Stused by Leader utrder tl;fta;�araBmDh 7 sha11 beaome additional deht of�nf�j�x secuxetl by this :;..�.... j-�
<br /> Security Inst�umwt. iJaless Bomawer and Le�ei ee t�o other tenns of inent.these amounts c6atT�.�ta�iniecest.fram the "+�:. . •"
<br /> �87 PaY �� �`=
<br /> - ' date of disbursement at the Kooe rate and shall be payable.with interest. upon notice fi+�u�;I..'s;tte�,';til';�omower requcstiag =
<br /> - , . payme�t. � � •,:..:;:.!:�::;:':�., . .; ,:!e��
<br /> ' 8.11qart�age i�e:If Lensier nquired m^ngage insurunce as a oondition of maldcr���1lY't�:•?�tted by this'Security. ..�;',.i:
<br /> Listrumont, Boaower�:�uil pay t1►e r,rrnilums rt'c��nt?�ed to mn��,tn;n t(ze mortgzge insuraa.t�;f��(�fect..L�t,i for any reason,.the ,`��'.`'''`—
<br />. . � ':'' mortga�e,l'���a�iu�age requitce�u't�;p tender t�.:es or oeasc�x to be In effect.Borrowe�,�^��dY PaY the Prem�mms required 30 ;
<br /> obtain�tt�'��rage subsfaatiaity equiva���to the monguge insuzs��reviously in effest.at i�,�a.�c snbstantlally,eqnivale.�fs t�3;the ;
<br /> , � oost to Bonawer af�'^.;�.martgage insumnce previously in eff��.from an attemate mart�y insurer approved by L+eiir2er. If ►�'_
<br /> . substaIItially equlv�.pi:tttT t,�ortgage iasurai:ce coverap,e is not avails►ble.Borrmvtr shaU pay to Leader each�ion�h a sum equal to ��
<br /> . o�tKelftb of dte y��,��mortgage iqsvraa�e premit�m being paid 6y$orroaer cvhen tbe insurar�ce r�ovec.�ts.iagsed or�sed to i�
<br /> � ..�� �,in effeci.i.eader vdil accept.use anct retain these paymznts a� a loss reserva in lieu vf en�age insuianoe. Lass reserve '
<br /> •,t�„?.�• !
<br />.f.�. •. iorm 8028 9f�0
<br /> �:.�.�. � - C�ge3otB ' ,s,. �_ ', , I
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