. ' �' . ' ,. . •. . F ..�.�e,,,`'
<br /> - ' ' .. . � •�t • z;, . . , ` . .. - ' � t �O , .�`.�F'4(-.
<br /> �'� , Z - c .. ;tY • ••��
<br />.. _ .. . 44 1'�%..3'3L�i4c'i . ..+1.:��r i- �e!� itSA't��i�_..R.�.Y�..�.�..-.t T.�=.- -
<br /> TQ�ETHER WI'I'H all the impmvemen2s uow os hereafter er�.ct6d an t�e proparhf,anr)sll cr�ase�nts����,und _
<br />• fixtur�s now or heregfter a part of the property. All replacements sind additions €hnl9 �tsu be aovereci by tai� Security
<br /> - Ir,sUrument.All of tke fo�;oi�g is referrec!to in this Sacurity Instnrment a9 the"Pra�rty."
<br /> BORii06UEFi COVENAIVTS ihat Borrower 9s tuwfulty sea�Qd of the estate hercby oonveyod urd 3ras the righi to srant and :
<br /> : convey the Property and that the Pro�rty is unencusnbered. except for encumtiranoes of rs�ort�. B�rtav��warrants and��rill
<br /> defead geaerally the tide to the F7�opetty agaiast all ciaims and demands.subject to any er.cu�^bccr.rr.� .nt'i re�rtrss�i.
<br /> � THI3 SEC�JRITIf INSTEtUMENT oomt�ines untfom►oavena�ts for asztion�l us��d rtra�u.�ifa m�av�t��.4,��+ith iimhed
<br /> variations!�y jvsisdiction to can5asute a uniform sQCUrity instniment covering real prop�rty.
<br /> + iJNIFORM COVENANTS.�wmwer and Lender covenant and agree as follaws:
<br /> I. Pay��€tt of Pir3ntipml aad Interes�; Pre�ymcint �nd Y.nte Charg�. Horrower shal.f pzcr�y,�t.tp pAg' 4Y(SI;�,�UL'IIt€ :.
<br /> princigF►1 of aIId interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any pnpayment and late chargc�s d�.�:uir:res tltn:NcP,e�
<br /> 2.�'uads for Tages aad Ias�raace.Subject to agpliqble law or W a wriuen�vaiver by L.,c�.r. Bvtra.�cc sh�3�,�:g3y to
<br /> Leader on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,until tlte Note is paid in fv!1,a s�m f•P;�•}fcrr:(a)ye�tsl)taxes
<br /> aad assessments wbich may attain priority over this Serurity insuu�nent as a tien on the Pro�:rty; lbl Xcc�elp 4ensela.�U:l ga�:nents
<br /> • or graund rents on t6e Frtrperty.if airy:(c)Year1Y hazard or property insrarance premi+rrns:(d)Yeuft��flarad icr�pmr�{ums.
<br /> i:��. u
<br />',,`,�: . if anY:(e)Yearly mortgnge insurance premiums,if anY:and(�anY sums puyabte by Borrotiver ea 1.e�ede�. in�ur.e with -
<br /> _ . the pmvisions of pars�;Caph S,in lirai�af the py�t af r,�e,�gaga in..�ura,�ce przmiams.Tties�it�ar.e colled"Escsmi.E4ems.°
<br /> [.e�dt�;�y. at any ti�e;oolleci a�hold Funds in an amonnt not to exceed the maximum arma.nr,a le�d2ff ftrc a fc�'i�aity
<br /> �; ret.atcs�t t�o�tgage la�a cuay require for Borrower's escraw accaunt ander tke federal Reul �st�tz Settler�r.cyi Prasedutrr.'��Act of
<br /> 1974 as au�nded frrut�+ame to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq.("I:F.SQA").unlesg a�he�!aw tteat�ptiea w tlo:�Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amautt�lFrr�o. Ixnder may,ai ariy tir.�. coi�ect and hotd Fuuds in an amount nat ta e.icr.a�ttu�lesses:a�aount.
<br /> Lender may estimate the aznount of Funds dde�r the basis nf current dutu and reasanabte estim3ttt�af e,igti,a�'rteucn�future =
<br /> ;',; • Escrow Items pr otheiwise in aepordance aith applicable law. �
<br /> � `` Tiae Funds shall be held in aa iastitution ahos� deposiu a�e insured by a federal a8ear:y..it�stiurrl;r�a}ady. or entity °°
<br /> .`�`.'', • (indudin�Lender.if Lend�r is such an Institu�jan)or In aay Federal Home Loan Bantc.L�end..r shall� t it2��unds to the
<br /> -•;�''`: ' �?�,, , PaY
<br /> �-..�� Fscraw Items.Lender may not charge Barrnwer�:r holding and applying the Funds.annualig•amlyzijilg.t�J�::r�crotv aocoruit,or _
<br /> : �::' : .
<br /> ..{•�;,,, verifying the Escraw Items,unless L�ender pays Hcrrawer interest on the Funds aad applicable la�r�:r��ci(rr-�tn make�sucB -
<br /> '�.+ ` a ch��However.Lemler may requiie Borrower to pay a a�-time charge for an indepersrir�:�nI•cst��:s�ur�iag service. =
<br /> ._., . u`c�;1'.�,:I�ender in oonne.ctian wit6 this loan. unless appUr�� law provides othentiia�:. dln'•sss-an agneem�e'•i�made or . -
<br /> �" aplit�i�t�:iaw reqnires int�sest to be paid.Lend�sbaU aat he�.3uitrd to pay Barrower�tngr•.3+r;�„t�t:ut earnings on�e Fands.
<br />`., �. ' . 8���,v�:�aud lam:es may ag�ree in�wridng.ho�rar.shat irt�t sHall bs�aid on the F�:�.I,�:�11 give to Borrowei,
<br /> witisG�s�f�ttSe,�°�t?�:ual accounting of the puur�,showin�cwedits and r�d'��w the Fu�aodi•t#it�:�tt�ose far wpich eac5. •��r_'
<br /> dcbit i�=t�F�nds a�made.lTie Fnnds aze pte�ged as addi(iisi�i s�cur�ty fer a11 sums sewiit-x�by s1h."s!�'�tity Iast�ti�ii�t,
<br /> ;•,�r i���1e Funds hetd by I.ender exee�tke amounts perrpTlt;�;tr{he held by applicable�a�v;�.e.r,�ci:,s s3�ai1 accouat c�.�rrower _
<br /> for the eac�s Funds in aoac�rdance with�he re�,�erements nt r�i�i�.-able law. if the anwunt of�Ytu*•F�.i�eld by I.ender at any
<br />. �,� titne is aot suf�ciern w pay the Fscrow Items v�lir.�due,Lenii:.sr may so na�ir�33arrower ih wrtiti[�,pni#,.in s�gsb�case Hasrow�r �.
<br /> '" sball pay Yo Lender the amount neaessary to maTce up the defiaeney.Bu��n.�c shal! m3fce�p tta:de��i'�ae+J:�ki:un more t$an �
<br /> � twelve manttily payments,at I,eader's soie discnetion. � . '
<br /> `�� U�on paym�nt in Poll of all sums secured by this Secvirity Insuument. Lender sii�l�i.pTUr�t,�ir r�r3i tu Bt�ccmwer any
<br /> � � Funds held by Lender.If.�nder paragraph 21.l.ender shall acqutte or sell the
<br /> .; J:'' PmPertY.Ler�sfn.r,P:rioa�w r2��acga:e9t�ion or sala
<br /> •_ ,,, of tbe Property.shaU a�sp4Y any Funds heid by Lender at the time of aoquisition or sale as a�codi�t s r�iarat ti�:s�.:�ai:4ecured by �._ .
<br /> (••': this�eauity tnsirurr�xat,
<br /> . �'� �3.ApplicaUan iaf Payinwts.Unless applipbte law pmvides otheiwiae,alt paymcnts r.xaei►�yy L�i�ec.ur,irer:p,�rragmpfis �:+,:'•.
<br /> .;s"' 1 and 2 sha1J be applie�:first.to any prepayment charges due under th�Note:secoad,to�r*���pnyr3n'f�urii�r;�rngrsph 2; •
<br /> :f� '� third,to interest due;fourth.to prir_cipa!due;acM last.to eny late chatges due under th�No�. ��' � '
<br /> t� �,-'-r � .
<br /> ;� 4.Clwrges;�J'ii�s.Borrower shall pay a1�.,vaxes.assessmeuts.chu*Ses, �nes and imp�itic��tt�i����us:i�i�ae P�upetty _
<br /> � ,��;'!:`.�� whit�h nmy attai�►p�}z��}3y over th3s Security Ici��►�nent,and leasehold puymenu or grour�d rer,Ga..ifit�sy�:,�4�rras�er shall pay
<br /> •'.�;_F. .
<br /> ,..,ll. . . these ob4igatioas iai�ie manner pmvided in paia�cuph 2.or if nat paid in th�t manncT,Sorro��cr elry!]'�t2�:a�e�xt,dime.dir�ctiy
<br /> �� � to tiu�r;}��ison owed paymmt.B�ormwer si�all pramptly fumis6 to Le,nder a11 aotioes of mn.a�tu��d+��noil�tc�iliis paragrsph. �
<br /> i If'13�rt��,'�r ma(ces these payments directlY.Botrower shali promptly fumish to Lender rectig4�c�,isfietecitt�p�I4lsipaymens.
<br /> ���' $oviower shall promptty dtacharge any lien whicb has priorIty over this Secudty Instrur��nc�m�t4ss�Jf�;Fmwer.(a)a�in . -
<br /> writing to the paymerct of the obligaaon seeured by the lien in a mwner aacepiable ta i.eodars(by.�c�l,eoGg in goad faith the lien :�
<br /> , by. or defends agxir�st enforcemem of the lien in,,legal prooeedings whI� in the L.nder's o�sn�ucu�oparate ta p;eve�t tf�e
<br /> . eaforezment of the lien;or(c)s�ceses from tlie holder o�the lIen an Agreement satisfnctoq•ta Ltr�d�+i sunordinating.t1�tien to
<br />• this Seeurity Tn.�rtrument.If Lendr.r�detemunes that any paR of tho Pmp�.�^�cty is subjeet ta n;li�ct wtueh,may ateain priority over _
<br /> ttds Security Instrument.Lender a�y give Bonower a notice identifying the lien.Borro�er�dRca(i.�etisf�t t6e lien or take one or
<br /> °:; moro of t6e actioas ccx�orth above withia 10 days of the giving of notice. �
<br /> f f�� ' Wrm 3028 91fl0
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