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. ,... _ .. „ ,.-._,.�- ..-..-� .. . .. .. <br /> _.�- _ <br /> _ , . . .. .. . <br /> .,. . . . -- -_- ., <br /> ' � R — �._-�....___...�.__��_ <br /> . A.�: <br /> t K`._ ' �. .-- ._ <br /> ��� , . .. .� ."_ __ <br /> .( ' '"�r��'�A� , ,. .. ri�' <br /> ti, r= <br /> n�1 . ' . .. ... - •.. - �__---_ <br /> ..�. ;?S,' . <br /> -,,_'����� 92- 10�87� <br /> ��� <br /> cunclemnutiwi ur ah�:r iukiny�uf uny pan��C�hr Prupeny.c►r fnr conveyunue fn lieu��f a►nJemnaii�M�,ure tkrchy u�.igneJ uial <br /> - -_- I shvll l+c paiJ In Lcnder. <br /> �= T:.;�;��;,;. In thc event uf a aNUI tukin�t af the f'm�xny. thc pnkrrd+ �hnll tx upplicd tu �he ,um� .ecurrJ hy ihi�, tirruri�y <br /> �� -�._ ,�t.m+,� ^. In,trumenl, whr.�hcr or n�H�hcn dur,wi�h uny cncr"Ewid ti�sorrowcr. In�hc cv�n�of u paniul wling ut dic fhrn�xny in <br /> '"�,;���:���; �;. whirlti thc 1'uir morket vuluc oi'ihc F'roperty immediutcly hrfbre�hr luling i,cqual[u ar�rcu1�r Ihan 1hr,uuounl�if Ihe�um+ <br /> - __�� �urcJ hy ihi.SecurUy In.rlrumcnt immedivarly lxfure the tukinR,unlr.ti flom�wr�anJ l.rnJer�nhcrW iu ugr.r in w�ritin�t. <br /> oi�x� .' Ilk aumz,ccurcd h thi�S�wuriy In+irumcnt +hull lx ndurcd h the um�wnt uf�ik nx�rd+muhi li�d h �hc Ii�IM���•in <br /> ..-�;,,� y Y P P Y u . _ <br /> �`� ='� frw:tiun: (u►Ih��otul umuum��f�hc�um��ecurcd immrJiutrly Ixfure th�ta�.in�; .ti�id�J by th1 Uk I.�ir ivarkct�rlu�uf�hr <br /> � ;;�,� Pm�xny immcdiutcly f+efi�re tlx �uking. Any balunrr vhull tx puid tu Hi�uwcr. In the c�•�m ut'a p:iniul iu�.ing uf�hc <br /> ', �k'it . .�+ Propcny in which�hc fuir market vuluc uf�hc Piropert}•immcdiulrly hcfi�rr thc�aling i+ Ir.,ihau thr umawu��1 ihc�um+ <br /> ' �s-f��. ,�wurcd immediutely t+etarc thc laking, unle+ti Borruw•er unJ Lendrr uthrnvi+� agrcr in wrilin�; ur unlr..applicaMe IaN <br /> , �.,��i��%•�;, . .� a�hcnvisc pmviJes.ttk procced��hull l+e:y�plird lo U�e+um.�rcured by ihi.Seruri�y Imlrumenl wheth�r��r nut <br /> '•: � •t��a6n� �Fkn Juc. <br /> -•:, r•� ..., <br /> "`'+�'�'.���3ii�:,� If thr Pmperty ir ubandoned hy Barn�wrr,or if.ultar naiicc by LcnJcr iu f�urrow�r thu��he cundrmnar uflrn tu itiu�.c <br /> =-a..°:.R--. _. ... -- <br /> ' un uw•nnl or xttic a claim for damugcs.BoRC�wer luils to retip�md lo l.cndcr N ilhin 3U duy+uiter th�Jul�the nulic�i��:��•�n. <br /> LcnJcr ls uu�hariud to callcct and npply the pnxerds,at itx aption,either�o rc.t�m,��ian ur rc�ir of�hr Pm�key or w ihc <br /> _•W'. .i. :u�. � <br /> ..:_..' 'Y.'-]. .... __-.-.- <br />-� ---�'°'"'�"""'` xums tiecured by Ihi+Securiry Intitrumem.whclher or no��hrn due. <br /> - „_�r��,:•,,�' . Unkxti Lender und Sorrower Mherw•ise agn e in writinF, uny upplicu�iun of pukeedti u�principul +liull nol�Mtend ur <br /> v ; ^� � poxtponc�he due dute of the momhly paymeut+n fertcd to i�paragruph+ I and 3 or changr thr:unuunt�d'.uch p•rymrnl+. _ <br /> ,_.� _ <br /> ���-�-•-'-=� 1L fforrower Not Releagedi Forbearance B�� Lender Nut u Wai�•er. Eztrmiun uf thc timc t��r puymcnt or <br /> :;r�sar��oaas f�:�' <br /> ._- �;����t;e+h��;.�,�: maiificutioo of amartizutian of the sum�secured by 1hi�Srcuriiy In.rinament�sr;mtcd by�kr la anp.uccr.Wrc in im�rc.t <br /> =J�= .�,:':q,�-r.`: �--- ot'Borcower xhull not uperalc �o rele�ia: the liability of�he ariRinul Bcxruwcr��r Bonuwe�:,uccc.uxs in imen,t. Lrn�kr _-_-_- <br /> �:�."..�•.-t��... ,... . shull not be reyuired la cammence prcx:ceding+u�uim�uny�ucce�+or in intrrr.� ur r�l'u.e �o rxtend timr t��r paymrnt or <br />�-- ...�b.��ir:" n�::.. <br />_,.,� ..• m ;��, olhenvise madify umortization uf the wm�uecured by thix Securily Imtrument by rra+un uf uny demand mudr by thc�xiginul �"<<,;_ <br /> %;;� ��:,:• �''• Burrower or B��mawer�tiucces+un in intem�t. Aoy forbeuruixc hy Lend�r in cxcni+ing:u�y r�gM or rc�mrJy ,hall nut bc u <br />--�-- , � a��,;y. �`''' wuiver of or preclude thr exercise of any ri�;M ur rcmeJy. ��,�T� <br />--��f� �:,�,�,�` �, r� J <br /> ;' • ���" .� 12. Succe�sors and Assigns Bound:Jaint and�aeveral LiabiNly;Co-si�ners. Thc ru�•enam+and ugR�ment,ot'�hi. <br /> ,.,.;,.. .. <br />��rl• ?!-_�••� ..:'' ' Security In,trument�h�ll bind und benetit�he+uccex+or.unJ ussign�uf Lcndrr und B��m����er. �ubjrci u►the p�ovi+ion+ut' _,� <br />'" �',:;•"^;:.,,� — - <br /> .,;.� . Y.. , <br /> •;,��;:� � parag�ph 17. Borcowerl cavcnuntc und ogreements shall Ix joint und xcverul. Am• Barro���er who co-,i�m thi. Secunty <br /> °� •� : Instrument bul dces not execute the No1e: lal is ru-signing thi�Serurity Inslrument only to murtguge,g�nt und comcy �hat �;_,; <br />_°:;�; ,, � . o ��-_--. <br />- , Borrowerk intcrest in Ihe Propeny under the tcrms of Ihis Sccurity In�lrumem: Ib►i.rnn pcnunully obliguted tu puy thc wm+ �a.�__ <br />.::':;��' ' .r•ixured hy this Securi�y Ins�rument;und lcl ugree+thul Lender unJ any�Nlxr Borruwer may ugrc�ia exte�J,nxxiii'y,forlx•rr ��_._,; <br />_:�.',; „ : , -� � or m•rke uny accommodations with re�urJ tu�hr terms af�his Security In.r•trumrnt or the Note wi�how �hut BuROwer: _ - <br /> `�; .cti . .�r ' can�em. �,. - <br /> ��, - . . 13. I.wm i:iwr�ti. it ihc loan �rcurcd b}• thi� Security ln4tru�nrnt i• .uh,jrr� �n u lu�c whirh ,ct�mu�imum Iwn _ <br /> . -�S•` ��'� churges,and Ihat luw i�linally intcrprctrd,i�that Ihe interr.t ur��ther loan churge.collrcteJ or t�t�cullecieJ in ronnecticm <br /> " �"'�'' with the loun exceed the pemiiueJ limi�s.�hen: lu►:uiy.uch loan chiu€e,hull 1-�rrJucrd ny thr unwunt nrce.�ary to rrducr <br /> - � "r` the churge to�he permitted limit:anJ Ibl uny �ums ulre+�d��rnllrcied irom Burrower Nhich exceeded�xrmined limi��wil!Ur __ <br /> � �`''4� � refunded to Bormw�cr. l.ender may cha�+r to makc thi�ret'unJ by rcducin��he pri�ripal owed under�hr Notc ur by m•rlinE a _�. <br /> �'��'��}�� ' ' direct payment�o Borro�ver. If a mfund Rduce�principul.Ihe rcduction will 1x Ireutcd u�u paniul pr�payment without any <br /> ..••7,';",:• '��w� <br /> "'':N,;^` ��`"i''` prep•rymem charge undrr�he Notc. „�_ <br />_ � � , � t4. Notiees. Any noticr w H��rmwer praviJ�d tix in thi.Security In�tn�ment .hall lx given by delivrring il ur h�� �;._-,_-, <br /> .. .. muiling il by fin�cla�s mail unlc,��ppliruMc law rcyuirc.usr ut'unulhcr mcth�xl.Thc nnticr�hall hr direc�cJ to Ihr Pn�pem _ ° <br /> . . . Address or any othcr udJre.s Bormwcr dc.ign;► n�Kirc tu LrnJrr. Any nWice tu Lrndrr�hull hc given by lint�lu.. �',:��;-,- <br /> ' ...�,, muil to Lender:udJrr..stated hrrrin ur any uthrr aJdre++LenJrr dc.ignatr+by nutice to R��rn�wrr. Any nutice pm�•ided fi�r _ __ <br /> .. in this Securiiy In,trumcnt .h•rll Ix dcrmed io have heen �ivrn a� Hurrowcr or Lcnder when givcn a. pro�•idrd in thi. - <br /> .. � .,. .. paragruph. Y�-° <br /> +� ` I5. (:overninR Se�erubNit}�. Thi� Srruri�y In.�rumrnt .hull Ix govemcd by fedcr.�l luw and �hc law of the ��_�,:,_,_ <br /> � . , juri�diction in which thc Prop�hy i.luratcd. In Ihr rvrnl Ihut am•provi�inn ur rl.�u.e��f'thi.Security Imtrumrnt ar Ihc ticx�t �t' `--, <br /> . .- . . l'OfI��ICIti WIIII SIPPGI':IMC I:IN.tiuch runtlirt+hall nut ail'rc�u�her pruvi+iun,ul'thi+Cecuri���ment ur Ihe Nutr���hinc�rn �. <br /> • 1'.�:�', , ., be given rffect withuut �Ik cuntlicting provi,i�,n. Ti� thi. end dk pravi,i��n. ul'thi�Security lnstrument :uH1 the Ncue urc �� 1,''!;,;;:-� <br /> .�j.� <br />- �,.tt,,�ii.: declured lo fx,rvcrable. ��'�`"�-�' <br />_- `;�}��af " 16. Burrower's('opy. Hurcow•rr.hall tx��:iccn unc cunliirmrJ rup�•of the V��tc anJ ut�thi,S�curit� lnarutntnt. =`..-.--=°_- <br /> •�° '�' 17. 7Yansfer of the Properly or u Heneticivl loteresl in f�urrower. II':dl ur ony pan of Ihr Pni�xny or:my interr+t in �'�_�_�,_ <br />' iy, ' ,., , , it i�salJ<�r Iran�l'erreJ lur if u Ixneticial intem+l in B��rra��er i�.uld or�ramfrrrrJ anJ Burruwrr i,nut a aatural�r,uni FL"•- <br />�a('�i" •,,_ . .. withuut Lrnde�±priur wriucn�unkm. L�ndrr ma�.a� it�� �iun.r� uirc immeJiatr �•mrnt in full ot',,rcuro�b� <br /> �' +l P�> &G,,.�= <br />_ - '`:,;-�� thi�S��urit�•In.immrnt. Howe�•rr.thi.u�uion.hall no�hr.xrrci,rd by Lend�r if rreni,r i.prohibiteJ by f�derul law v�vf ��-- •"` <br />� • . ,:t'h/. ' �-:.r-`. <br /> , �; T .{�... . Ihc date ut'thi+Serurit�• In,tn�ment. `; <br /> ,;��. . • ,�,;?;; If Lrndzr carrcix.ihi.uptiun.I.rnder.hrll Ei�r Borruu�r n�.tier ul:K«ler�ti�nt. Thr naur�,hall�ru��de a peri.xi of <br /> '�f`��'� ' �R�'• not Ies�than 3(1 J:ry.frum thc J•rte the n.uice i.drliw•nd��r mailed..ithin��hirh Burcu��cr mu.t a�•all wm..rrurcd h �tln. <br /> i,,� • :; �: r� � �F,,'._ <br /> �`'' ,;�,"� Srcuriry In,trumcnt. If Burrux�r faii. tu p:q thc�r .um, priur iu �he e�pirati�in ul �hi, �xri�,d. LrnJrr muy invulr an� -��'"� <br /> t � rcmcKlie.prm�tlted hy�Ihiti tircunt)�m�nt a i�huut further nuur���r drmand�m HurmNer. ,. <br /> � 18. Rorrower's RiRht tu Keinstute. II Burn,�.�r mcct, �enain cundiuun.. Hurr����rr,hall ha�r thr ri�ht lu h•r�r '''�'� , <br /> � enti�rc�mrn�ot��hi�c 3rruriN In.trument dnrununu:.t:it.ui� nmr priur t��Ih�c.ulior„L i:u 5 d.��.�ur,u.h��Ui�r�xri�xl a. � ,�-. , <br /> - - tim�ICl�emd� F'unnfi\I�l'I'RdiIR�IJI'I�IFI/K�I I�\IN��IF.�I f uJ,�un1'�..rnaul. 4.411 �/�.�r� J��l��/au�.� ��'. .� .. <br /> •�)' . � <br /> . • j <br /> ._. . i. <br /> ���• <br /> I <br /> i <br /> - �s� _- _. _. . _ .� . _ . . . _ ._ _ __-_ <br />