' �;ri: �(;£�;•: .�I:1� • y � ��;,�;�as. <<
<br /> � -- ��' -M- i � . � - . L �� .�.. _
<br /> <1t1�' '.�, �i: M'. ,�'.� � . .. � �i.�1.�L"i.,'��'*" _ �-�
<br /> ��. . ..._....,.,, q,i� ..... -
<br /> �.
<br /> .,,,:c--
<br /> �!!'a.
<br /> � " '"' . - •..t-:�':'•�''*'•.�t ' � {�- -
<br /> »�r+�f t ^.��tr�r•� .. - .
<br /> ���' ' --i!� •t -�s+u�ilu�.r -
<br /> �� .� ""'�--
<br /> .��:�.:.A.�,1;. .. ,����� 92— so�s7�
<br /> - �; >>►;.
<br /> ��
<br /> ����'iL�,$i.riT,.;;.��,d
<br /> •-:�+��="'� � perialz thut Lcndcr rcyuire�. Thc in.uraikc currfrr provldinµthc in�urimcr.hull Ix rbnun hy Ronowcr+uhjrc�u�I_cnJcr. —_
<br /> �: ;,,�.=—�t•��� a{+pmvul whkh�huil nw he unr�u,uns�hly wiihhclJ. If Harn�wcr 1'uih[u m;�inluin ruverii�e Jc.�:rfixJ uMwe,l.ender nwy, u�
<br /> .�(-- Lcndcr�nrd�►n,�d+tufn covcrugc tu�rotcct l.cnder i ri�tht��o�hc 1'ru�hy in urcordi�nrr with purugraph 7.
<br /> ���+'.=►� . '. All in+uruncc�x►licicv iuui r��wul�,Null tx urreptublcio Lc�tdcr utKl tihull Iqclude u�landanl morl�tt�gc cluu+�. L�n�lcr
<br /> , u
<br /> k �. „ .�. �> �* �hall huvc�hc n�M u►huW thc�x�licic�and mncwul,. If L�i�lcr nyuirr�,Hnm�wer,hull prumpUy�:ivc���Lrndcr uU rrcripi� — -
<br /> ry�,� -�++"'�,.6;+�`��;�' � �d'paid premiumx uad rcnewul nudcew. In ihc cvcm ul'luti,,K�x'r��wer ,huQ givc�n���,r�o�H�«����n�in�urunc�cauricr u��l
<br /> � : ,�:,, .. .�,..� � l.cnd�:r. Lc�xler�nuy mukc�ra►t'�►f I�►,.il'nul nwdc promrtly hy Horruwcr.
<br /> '�;;',}�;,'T`�.L , Unlc.y Lcndcr aid S��ROwcr�Nhcrwi.c ugn� m wnung. �n*uronrr pnK�wd,,hull Ik upplied tu rc,tur,itiun ur i�pair uf �--
<br /> -;"�•�.:;?�-'�' '�� ,,s�:- tlk Property danu►Ke�l. ii'�hc rr.aKUtion ur rcp•iir i� �run�xnicully 1'cu.ihlu and l.cndrr± �rcurity i. mx Ir,.encd, If thc
<br /> `' '^` ' = � mv�orutian ur rcpair i, m�t ����nomicully fcu.iblc ur Len�icr� .cruriiy wrndd tm Ir..cnrd. ihr in.uruncc pnxe�J..hull tx
<br /> ' '�;'.'-�:�"'•'�',�.�r . .. opplied lu the xum�:�ccurcd by Ihi� Security In,trumcnt. wh4�hrr or n�n ihen Jur. with uny cxrr.. puid �u Hurrower. If
<br /> •�,:�r,, -'• ,•• ..'. � Borrower ubanJa►n+ the Pn� n ur dix� nut :m�wcr withm ;0 d�rys u nntirc 1'rom Lender thnl �he in.u�ncr rarricr hu, --
<br /> ',yn.cJS--�xe.+•:.,�,f .; . Ix Y• --
<br /> - .y.�.��h:�: ..�:"` ofiercd to tiettle u cluim,�hen Lrnder muy collrr��he inau�uncc pr�xcrd+. l.endrr may ur;��he pnxccds�o r�pair ur r.���m �_
<br /> __,� •, ,=-��..•. [hc Propcny or t�puy+um�►K�cund by this Securiry Inx�rurncnt,whc�hc�or nut�hen due. 1'hc 311-duy�x ri�xl will Ixgin whcn � -_
<br />-— : ..�;�' • - the noli�e is given. --
<br />- ' Unlesx�.ender und Barruwer uthrrvvi+e ugrcr in wri�ing. uny uppUcaliun ul pnxccd+lu principnl ,hull no�rxtencl ar �
<br /> -�y•.,,�+.:";,�: • paxtponc�hc duc dutc of�he momhly puymrnl,rel'rrmJ�u ui��aiag�apt�+ I uuJ=�n�Luo�r Ih�:�mount uf thc pay�mcm�. If °° -
<br />-'a� � '• � under parn�mpb 21 �he Pmperty is ucyui�J by Lrndcr. Bnrn►wer;right w any in�ur:►ncr�xilicicr and pnxer�lti r�,ulting
<br />_-,,,�' � � � from damagc ta �he Pa�peny prior to U�e ucyui�iti�m Khull p+..�o l.rndcr�o ihe�ztem��f ttic�ums urund hy�hiti Scwv�iiy
<br /> :,�:.. .
<br /> �'3�.. " �� ,.�_�.�•:.:r..' , ' Inhtrument immrdiAtely priur to the ucyui+itiun.
<br /> ;;':�� � . 6. Occupancy, Preservalion. Mainte�wnce und Pwtectiun ot Ihe PrapaMy: IMrruwer's I.oun ApplirWiun;
<br /> w
<br /> - • - LeASCholds. Barta�eerxhull a:cupy,esiabli,h,und uew�hr Pn.�ny u�R��rcowrri:principal r�.idcnc�within+ix�y duy+at'tcr - -=--�
<br /> - .'`•�-' •�� the execution ot�hi+Security In��n►mem a n d z hu l l continue���ixcu �he f'ro n .�.BuROwrr's rinri •I rcr�idenec fnr al �"`.`:
<br /> ;rfi.• , pY fK Y' p {� iuvac_w_
<br />-_ •+•. ' .�" ���' leaxt ane year after the daie of occupuncy. unletis Lender �nhenvi� aµrers in writing, which ron.em .hull nut he �"�°�
<br /> �. . ' unrea,onubly wiU�held,ar unless extenuu�ing circumsiuncr+exi�� which��re luyond Sorn�wrr;rumn►I. Bonawer.hull not
<br /> ,�:y__`•.::;:��,�,�.�;���. , dextroy,damuge or impuir thc Pro�xrly,uUow thc Pri►Exny�o dc�eriuru�c,or ronnnil wu�lc�m thc Pruperty. Borrnw�nhull =
<br /> - � t;:`,t .,.= _�� be in default if s�ny forfeiture uction or prcx:ceding.whclher rivil�rr eriminul.i+Fxgun�hut in l.cnde�.F�xx1 iiiith judgmen�
<br /> � ?=;:,',r' .;.;;' ,:, . could result in fbrfeiwre ��t thc ProFxrty ��r otherwitie in;ueriully impuir �he lien rnulyd hy thiti 5ecunty In,trument �K _ �
<br /> 1''dti:i 2�i a.�, �'rF.•.
<br /> �,.,,�,,,,y �,•.;_ Lender z security interesl. Bom�wer muy rure�uch u del'i�uU u��J r�in+lutc,u.provided in paru�ruph Itt,hy rau+ing�hc u�tian ��.
<br /> : d:•;;5?i?tt,;:,.,'c�,1�;,:;it� ., . ur prcxeeding�be ditimisud wilh u ruling that.in LenJer±�cxxl i'ai�h deterniinuliun.precluJr,ti►rfciture of Ihe Bor�i�wcr+ --
<br /> •�•1 ��1��•�''�•., intere,t in thc Pm n or othcr muteriul im uirmcm af tlx lien rreiUcd by �hi, Srcuriry Instrumcm or Lcndcr� �u�ueity � �
<br /> �f,,;�>> Ix Y P -=-
<br /> t � , imerest. Barmwcr tihull uls�i lx in Jcl'ault if BaROx��r.durin�: �hc luun applicu�iiHi pak�,,. gavc mutcriully tulw or �'_"=---
<br /> . �;',�+. �e�� � inuccurute infexrnution or��atem�niti to Lender l�r fuiled ta provide l.ender�viih any mu�erial infom�u�iun►in ronncciiun wi�h �_
<br /> 'i. �_ ` ;..v_,, .. the loan evidenced by �he Notc, including. but not Iimi�eJ to. nprcMntutions conceming Borrower: nccupuncy of the �+�
<br /> . ,�,y,;.��,� i'ropeny as a prinripul re�idcncr. ii ii�i+3rcw iiy iu�UUiiti��N i.oa a I�a�:huld.I3corrou•rr�.lial!�•um�l;��ti ish:d!the prc�risiems �_____
<br /> � �;���;,_;;;�,s;;;(?., ��f the leuse. If Bnrrowcr uryuire�i'ee IiUc lo Ihe Ptxi�xrty, thu IcuKIx�W und Ihc fec iiUc.holl nut mcrFe unlc�.l.rnJer agrccs _ _ __
<br /> : to�ha mcrgcr in wrilinK. —__
<br /> ' �-y' .' �• 7. Proteclion oP Lende�'s Rip�hte in tha Property. If soR�iwcr fnil, t�► �xrt��tm �hc co�•enunt.r and ugrcem�ms
<br /> . t. • =—---
<br /> • • • c�mtuined in Ihi� Securiry In.trument, t�r Ihent iti a k@ul prexredin�t Ihat muy �igniticuntly �d�fc�t L�ndcr; right+ in thc
<br /> � . '� . Pmpeny(such ur.��xaeeding in hankruptcy,prohuw,f��r cnndcmnwi�in�ir forfcitun�or t��enl'orrc luw.ur regulu�i�H»).thcn �t=�=
<br /> � ' Lender muy do and pi�y f'or whuwvrr i.nccc�+ary �u pu�rec� the vuluc of Ihe Rt��ny und L�ndcr�rightv in thc Pr���r�y. yy�' �'
<br /> ° Lend�r.uctions nmy inoludc puyin�!any .umr xcurvd by a li�n�►-hich hu�priori�y uvrr this Sccuril) Intilrumcnt,up�xaring
<br /> • i coun u in• rra+onuhlc ani�rne .'Icrs und entering��n iha Pro�xny tii mukr r�puin. AUhough Lender muy luke act ian �`''__
<br /> . � n Y b Y `
<br /> . " . ., under this parugrnph 7.LrnJer dix,nut hi�ve lu do�u. �� ,
<br /> • •..w Any amoumx a�,nu�,�a ny ������r�na�r�i�ih����u���ph 7 ,hull Ikr<mw udditionul deM oi' BaRO��•cr+ccurcd hy ehi� `_',
<br /> � "" � Security In,trumcnt. Unlu,�Hurrowcr and Lrndcr��g�tr 1���dh�r Irmi.ol puymunt,ihe,r amounix.hull ixur intcrc.�t'rum tlk �''�"' =
<br /> :P.:,:..
<br /> � dute��f di�bunemnnt:n the Not�ratr und.hull Ixx pny+ihk.wi�h iniercst.apon n��tirc Irum L�nJrr�o RoROwcr reyuc�ting �W_�r.
<br /> �����-
<br /> puyment. ��:'-�
<br /> . ' 8. Mort�aRe Insurance. II l.endcr rryuircd mortga�r in.ur,mcc ati a cundilion uf mul�ing Ihc loan .rrurcd by thi, �.•:'4�'R
<br /> � Sc�uriry Inxtrunxnt. Borrowrr sliall pay Ihe prcmiwn+r�yuircJ lo muinluin Ihc munga�c in,uruncc in rftcrt. II'. fa any �st�,a�=
<br /> . rtr•rson. thc mon�:ugc in+ur.mrc covcraEr rryuirrd hy l.cnd�r lap+r. ar ceu,c, lo hr in cl'Icr�. Barcmvrr .hall pay IIk "M�___ -
<br /> prcmium+ reyuircd tu ohtuin riwcragr ,uh��untiully ryuival�m tu th� mnngagr imurunre prc�•iuu.l} in c(fcrt. at a ra.t
<br /> �� . �ubrtantiully��uivukm tu thr ci�.l tu Horro�vrr uf'Ihc munEagc imuranre prcvi�ni.ly in rflrct.frum an altcmulr mixtgagc �'�:.��;-
<br /> inxurrr upproved by LenJrr. If sub.tuntially ryui�•alent nuxl�a�:r intiur:uur r�,vrrage i�no�:i�•:►ilat+le.B��rcuwer.hull�y tu ��-' ----
<br /> , Lender rurh month a�um eyuul to unr-�wrlf�h��f�he yr.�rl�•nnm�:agr in.ur:mcr prrnuum hring puid hy Hurruwrr�vhen the �•=
<br /> insurunce�overagc lap,ed or cra�ed tu tk in rttect. Lrnden�i II ucrept.u,e:ind rrtain thr,r�:�ymrnt,:i.u li►..rc.rrvr in lieu �'�s`—
<br /> �::_`,
<br /> - � . . of mortgu�!e inzurancr. Lus+rcurvc paynxnh muy rn� lun�.�r he reyuiird,a� �he i�ptiun o(LcnJer,il�nionE•r�,c in.ur:�nce ,.,�
<br /> �!'�,�.___
<br /> � c��vrrugc lin the anu�um:uiJ liir Ih� �xriud th+il Lrndcr re.�uirr.l pru�•i�kd hy an in.urcr i►ppm�rJ h� Letklrr siguiu txco�ix+ L'��-
<br /> �. � availublc tuiJ i�uhluiiud. B�xn����cr.h;dl p:�y thc prentiinm re�piircJ lu muinlain nw��t�ag�m.uranrr�n rifrrl.or Ii�pruvi�lc a ';�?�?-
<br /> . ••,��+,. . ,
<br /> , . � luss resrrvc.until the r�yuircmeni f�ir murtgu�r in.ur�uur cnd,in urrurdimrr��iih;m� �vrittcn agr�rnxnt tk�Nrcn t3�xn.��•cr 4!•`'„'•,::,� '.:
<br /> � und L�ndrrora�liraMr lu��•. f ,.�.
<br /> �,i .,,,. 9. Inspeclion. l.�nJrr ur ii. u�:em m:�� ma�,r rr�i,�xiahle cmrir.up�m:mJ iny,rr�iam ul tlir Pru�krt�•. l.�nilrr,hall �
<br /> � :;'�:j give Burruwcr iiatirc;n thr�inw�d��r priur lu:m im�xr�i�m.pecil'�ing rra,un:ihlr r:�u,c lirr thr in.�xrtion. ,
<br />' '�'f'. �U. Condemnution. ��hC�1hMCai��NI:1111 :1\�:11��uf i1,11111 I��f i�:1111:1,L'��.��Ifiil ul i���1�Cl�UC1111:1�.Itl C��Iltll`l'UUII�\'llh :111\ `
<br /> �
<br /> ' timal:I.�ml��•F'yonk�Iwe Fnddle\Iw l\IFIIR�I l\til'Hl\Ih:\1 Ilnlu�m t'm.•naw. 4W1 �p��er?��l��p�icn� �
<br /> � �
<br />� ��n•.n�.Jr.x�.una l�riu•en ■
<br /> ♦ �. t���N.h 1'.111 I IMMI:.MLP.In•1•"f 1\�iln%�1 II11 �
<br /> ' 71.. --...._._-.-.,.: •
<br /> �r ,
<br /> �
<br /> � � ------ - -.�-. ._. .
<br />