�S . ��� :v�c�w� . ,i. - �,iSL?`%f!{�f iiAi�:g}1 • W . �.�7 Y ' ' < ' r i � i � i4�
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<br /> ,� •'7. . 1��:,�1..t'.�' _;..
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<br /> .�. , ; ._- ��,�,:, ._ .
<br /> �� - '-- �_.....,._-
<br /> �1�;� . _. r._ ' _ •--�—
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<br /> -� '"1�9'��X+h",�'a.' • . ;:y: ,.i ;:,_.
<br /> ��- .,.:.iu.ae..r�fw►r,b:�anW.iL7.r _. _ .. . . _ �:1.'�v.�. `:�ii"
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<br /> :� � —
<br /> - --�.=� 92-- so,s��
<br /> _ _�:,P�
<br /> �=''� applicubk luw may xpccify for rein�,latcment) bcfarc .rulc of thc ('ropcAy punuunt lu any �wwcr o1"►�wrt rc+tAtw►ed in Uiis
<br /> -- Scc�uity inbuumem;ur Ib)cntry of a Judgmcnt.enforcing thfs Security InKlrumcn�. '1'huc�curulitiun�ace tlu� ��c�wcr. lo)
<br /> ""° poyR Letklcr ull swnN which Nxn w�uld bc �luu u�Hkr thix Sccurity Innlrumcnt unJ �hr Nac us il'n���r:rckrution hwf
<br /> ����'��:�ii ixcurred;lbl cur��xny J�:fruU of uny ulhcr covenants or ugnwmentx;lc 1 puy�all cxpcn�w incumed in enforcing�hiti Sc�:urily
<br /> -`•�������'`�' _� Inatrumcnt, irkluJing, Bu� nw Iimi�cJ iu, reuwnubl�� unumr.y.'f��.r; nnd Id)takc,tiuch��ion u�Lcmlcr muy ra:asunuhly
<br /> :�s.�.---°�.-_,�
<br /> --- --�,�;,.;_-:: royuirc W w�.wru thpt�hc licn uf thix w:curily Ineuvment.Lendcr w cight�in•thu P►u�xny+�nd Humrwcr y obligutiun tu pay 1 c
<br /> � �_�:�'""_��.ri`c:t��:; ' �umw ,ecureJ by thin Security In�trument �all continue unchsmged. lfp�x� rrins��u�emen� by Bom�wer, �hi� Securily
<br /> � — � ;��.� ; �nsuum�,mt a�pl�hv c�bligutiun�.�:ur�d Ikrcby ,huU rcmain fully cff�wtive ae iF nr+ekcekr�ii�►n huJ�xcurrcd. However.lhis �_
<br /> ..aw. . ,`GJ�� ` ri�ltt w tein�tulc�ftull nat apply in thc cn�c uf ucccl¢ratiun undcr parugtAph lT.
<br /> u
<br /> w;Y�«`;'`:;`';'9!. l9. 5We of Nutet CMun�Q vtLar+p S�rvice� 'tlH:Nutc or a psuiwl imurcyt in thc Naic Itugc�hcr with Ihi�Sccurily
<br /> �:.-,�,�=ti�.;. _ Inbwmenq may hc nold�ntc ur morQ limc.r withuut prior nudce to BaRawer. A wlc muy rc+u11 in a chun�e in the enlily
<br /> `�#�.`';'�; �� Iknuwn a9�hc"Luan Sarvicer"1 thu�cullm:tn muntltly puymemh due umier the:V�+tu:uid Ibix S��:urily In�lrument. Thcrc al��
<br /> �"'' " mu bc onr or muro chan eti of ih�4uun S�:rvivor unr�alutad to a wlc uf tha Nutu. If�fnrc i�u chungc ol' �hc l.�wn Scrviccr.
<br /> <:.,.,;., . . ;:�;.. y �.• _
<br /> �r:.•���,�-,: Bornower will b�:��van wntu:n nolicc uf'tha chun�u in uiccurdun�:e wilh pnragraph 13 r��vr�nd applicablc luw. Thc mnicc
<br /> � ' will wu�a th�numa;uid ud+ircss of the new Luuu Surviuer nnd tlta actdirn�.Y w which puYmunitr`h�nd��"'mualo. The naice will
<br /> ='� � uIw conwin ony a�har infurmu�lun rcyuired by�ppli�ubla luw.
<br /> -- .,.•.���.'.,:
<br /> �--__�--_----n 2q. �r�u��pbst�n�.�a. B.�rrowar whull nut cause or p�nmit�hv���.�•,disposul.�turaRe,nr relcasc of uny
<br /> '`r=`��'�� ' Huuudoux Subc�ancrs un on in Uu PropcnY• Bumuwcr tihull nuc du. nur ullow anyonc o�s.c Ur du, anything affec�ing Ihc
<br /> . ,,�.�y�•..x�;;:' „ Roperty tiwl iw in viAlutiun uf any Envin►nm�rnurt 4aw. 7'he pn�:��1in��wa wrn►a�ex whull no�apply w the presence,uK.�r
<br /> - xwrsigc on thc Pm�eRy uf,mull yuuntiticy uf H�u,unWun Substumes thut�u+e�earr�liy recogni�,�l tu bc appropriaie w nartnul
<br /> ,�:�'
<br /> h.n•u,.,...:�• •, P� Y
<br /> ,,..- rcsedenual u�w and ro maintcnuncc uf thc Pm n • �._ -
<br /> -�?�- �'1�= .; Fiurmwer sfiull promptly givc L.enJer written nmise oE any inycatigu�iw�,cluim.�kmund,lawsuit or aher xti�n by uny
<br />- ��'... �,-., .,, ... _
<br />.�y� r . govemmental ur reguluwry agency or privn�a purty involvin�tlm FR�openy and any Hw.unluu.Substonce or Envirunmemul �
<br /> • . • � " Law uf which Borrowcr hur� actuul knnwlad�v. If Bum�war luarnx. cx is notified by any govemmcnwl ar regulutory ei�:;�-
<br /> authoriry,thut any remuvul ur uthcr remcdfutian af any Huzardiwn Su�stance uifec�ing�he PropenY �s nac���arY. Borcowcr �� y.:
<br /> _'�—.-n• • ' xhull pn�mpdy wke oll necesrsary remcdiul�uciiunx in acwrdunce with Environmentul Luw.
<br />.: T.��- .. ., . � .� ` .
<br /> �� ,;,,' a•�- -ti As u�u.n!in this paragraph�U."Hawr�wK SuM:wnceH':u+e thuhe,ubstun�:es de�ned A��uaic or hsv.�rdous,ubstonce+hy �,�,•_:
<br /> 'e�� ,p •:, Environmemnl LAw und the fuU��wing sub��unce,: gusolina,keraxne.other tlummuble or taxic p�troi�um produet�. tuxic
<br /> �;.., ° pesticides and herbicide�.vululilc wlventn,mulcrinls containin�t •rsbestati ur fonnaldehyde. und rrJioactiv� mutanuls. A: __-
<br />__':��� •• „ , , � ur,ed in thiw paragraph 20."Environmenwl Luw"mean.fcderal luwx awi lawy of Ihe jurisdiction wher�ihe Ropeny ix lur.ated
<br /> '* � �hat relote ro health.wafety or environmental pru�cction.
<br />--'=;�. NON»UNIFORM COVENANTS. Brnmwcr und LenJer funher cov¢naru:�nd agrce as follows: _,...
<br /> �:�y � �4���,. 21. Acceleradon; Remedfes. Lender �Iwll give nolice to Borro�wer prior ta acceleration following Borrnwer's �-
<br /> � breacd of any covenant or agreement in this 5ecurily Instrument tb�l iw1 prfw'to acceleratbn under pwrugraph l7 �;"
<br /> - - �`:- , , - - -_ ����fplsle}S!y�rOVfd�ot6erwisP►, T{w antice,zhall speciPy: lal 164 detAUlt:.lbl the wclfon reqrired to rure the �,.
<br /> ,. dePaulh Ic►a dute�nut le�thAn 30 duv�fcaaF tpe date the nodce is g�ren to 8orro�er.by which the detauit mus�be
<br />- � cured;ond(d)tLAt failure tn cure the def�rull on ur befare the dute specifled in the a►tice mny rewlt In acceleralian of
<br /> ,, . tbe sua�a reecured by this Securily ln�trumcmt and sale uf the PropeMy. The�utice shall Purlher iniarm Borrower nf
<br /> , h;�,, .;, , We rigbt to reinatate after uccelerutiun amf the rigat ta b+riag a cuurt s�ction to ussert the non�existence uf A default ur _
<br /> anv otltar dQPen4e of Borrower ta acceterutbn Qnd w�le. fY the dePault is not cured on or before the date speeified in
<br /> , . d�e aotiae.[.endQr at itg optiun muy requias inwedi:�te paymenl in fLll uf ull sums secured by this Securily Inslrument
<br /> without Further demAnd ond m�y invukQ tLe power oP sule and any other remedies permitted by applicable Ipw.
<br /> ' • I.ender shall be entitled to c�dlect all Qxpeon¢s incurred in punuinq Ihe remedies pruvided ia this ppragraph 21.
<br /> . l;.f�; . Including,but nut limited to.�ea��nal►le atturnevs'fe�w and costs oPlitlr eviden��e.
<br /> '.�;:„ It the power of�ule is invuked.7lrustee�lwll record u nutice oP defuult in each county In which any part uP the �'�
<br /> !�l �
<br /> �� r 4,,�;. " . Propeny is IacatQd and.r•hall meil copie!►uf wtch notire in the mun�e�preticribed by�ppNcable Is►w to Borrovrer und tu _
<br /> . � the other per�ntn prescribed by upplicoble liw Afler the t ime reyu ire d bv app l ica b le l e w.Truslee sh�ll�i��e public
<br /> . • ' notice of s�le to tNe persnnH and fn th�s mun�r prescribed by applicuble I�a. Il�ustee.Hifhuut demwnd on Burrow•er. �,'r�
<br /> :��; xhAll!rell the Property at publfc uuctiun tn Ihe hiRhe+t bidder ul the time und place and under the terms designpted in �
<br /> , � .. /he noticc oP sule in ona or mure parc�slr►an�i in uny urder'IYutitee determinex. 'llrus�ee muy postpone cale oP al{or uny �.
<br /> u
<br /> , , parcel of the Propeny by public unnuuncament ut Ihe time and plare oP�ny previausl��scheduled wle. I.ender or ils __
<br /> �;.• ° ' designee muy purchuse the Propertv u1 any sale.
<br /> ' '°�''�'��i Upon receipt oP peyment uP the price bid.7lrustee slroll deli�er to Ihe purchu�er 7Yustee'.s deed con�•e�im�the
<br /> . . Pra rtv. Tb�recihd�in Ihe TruHtee y dee+!xhall be primu iacie rvideoce aP the trulh ui Ihr+lalements mwde therein. �,
<br /> Pe
<br />- 71rwRee 4hwll'upply the praceed�of Iqe vale in the Pcdlo�vb�nrder: �al to all�ti►stR und expenses of exerrislnK�he puwer _
<br /> . ,; �', :`Fj, � __
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