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<br /> _�=��"��°--�� TOCiETHER WITH all the improvcmcnts naw or hercuftcr crectcd �m the prapeny,uad ull euxemenl�,uppurlenunces,
<br /> :A-:,� and fixwres now on c�rcafter a patt uf Ihc property. All repincemenlx und uddi�ionz shull ulxo be rnvered by�hiK Secu�ity
<br /> �`�".. : ' �: • Inxttument. All of the foregoing is referted to in thix Security Instmmem u��he"Pro�ny."
<br /> � ,,r;. ; '' '� 80RROWER COV�NANTS thut Bartower is luwfully xeixed of Ihc estule henhy conveycd and has the right Io grunl
<br /> •.�G and convey!he Propeny and thpt the Prapeny ir unencumbcrcd,exccpt for cncumbn�nc�s of'rccard. B��rrower wurrunis und
<br /> . �i'Y. , wf I I defend generally�he title to the P�roperty aguinyt+�II cloims and demund.,,ubJ�t to any encumbrunces uf record.
<br /> �"'' "' � ' THlS SBCURITY INSTRUMENT combincs uniform rovcn:ui�ti for tiatianal usc :u�d non-unifonn covcnants with �-- ---�
<br /> w ! limlted vurialiona by jurisdiction ta conslitule u unifarm securily inwirument covering reul prapeny.
<br /> � ''�'�' '� UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Barrawcr u�d Lcndcr covenunt ond u rec ns follaws:
<br /> ,�- :°;�'a. � g
<br /> "�,:�• " •� •'�� i oi i i 1�ad I e t•P meM and I.ate Cha es. Burrawcr zhu 1 v
<br /> �� . Payment Pr nc pa nt res . repay rg I prompdy puy� hrn duc thc
<br /> ���'�'�"� d principAl of And Interest on the debt evidenced by the Note und s�ny pmpaymenl pnd IAte churges duc under the Nate.
<br /> ..�r.r�.:�.,w.�- �
<br /> ...��;=:;�., +' ' 2. Ftinds tor 7laxes pnd Inyurpnce. Subjcct to upplicublc law ar to u w�llten waivcr by l.endrr,Barrower shall p•ry to
<br /> �-� � Lendcr on�he day monthly payments arc duc undcr�hc Note,untH thc Notc is paid in full,a,un�("Funds")for.lu)yeurly -
<br /> _ _'� ,,. . '. ," � �oxes and assessments which muy uttuin prioriry c►vcr this Security Insmiment us a lien im thc Flrapeny;(bl ycArly leaschold `-
<br /> • ' QAyments or graund rents on the Propeny, if any; Ic) yeurly ha�ard or propeny in�urunce premiumc; (d) yearly Oood
<br /> _:-_�� ., ,..L___.� _ msuruncs nremi�imc, if sn,; tr) yeurly moAguge insurance pmmlum,, if any; and (fj any yums payablc by BuRUwer �p - -� -v
<br /> „�� ..:,{,.,.':.;•,� ._ , Lender.in accordnnce with the pravisions of pnrng�uph R, in licu of the puyment af mortgagc in.urnnce premiumz. Thexe
<br />-.-��•'��:�°A•��``""• iterns cue cnlled"Escrow Itemg" Lcndcr mny,ut any time,collect und hold Funds in un amount not to exceed the maximum
<br /> d ,���d�"' � wnount n lender for a federally related mortgage loon muy reyuire for Borcower?s escrow account under the fedeml Reul
<br /> ._:� '� � „ '� a� .� Estate Settlemeot Pracedures Act of 1974 as umended fram time t�time, I 2 U.S.C.�2601 ��t.ceq.("RESPA"),unle,s anaher
<br /> -����. _�'_'•4_-..:>-_.�.t, : law thnt npplies to the Funda sels a lesser umount. If so.Lendar may,m any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount nut to _..
<br /> �;;i„�. �' , exceed the le�ser amount. l.ender muy estimute Ihe umount of Funds due on the basis i�i'cu�rem datu nnd r+e�sonuble _��
<br /> --d-- .;�� �;, ,�'�_ e9timales af e�penditums of future Ezcrow Uems or otherwise in accordance with upplicable Inw. �:_
<br /> .�:'" The Funds shull be held in nn ins�itution who�c depositx urc insurcd by u fedcral ugcncy, inslrumcnlalily, cx entity ���-
<br /> �� <<����ti,� • lincluding l.endeG if Lender iti�uch un institution)or in uny Federal Home Loun Bunk. Lcnder shall upply thc Funds ta puy - -:.—
<br /> •-:''-� ".;�%�1:��;����.• `� �he �.ccrow Items. Lender may not cha�ge Borrower for holding and upplying the Funds.Annually analyr.ing Ihe escrow —"—
<br /> •� aecaun4 or verif' in the 6scrc►w I�ems, unless Lender u s Bcxrower irnere,t on the Funds und u liruble luw rmits � �.'°`.`_"�`._;
<br /> , Y 8 P Y pP P� �.,,,..�
<br /> -: � Lender lo make such a charRe. Howeve�.Lender may rcquire Borrawcr ta puy u o�c-time chargc for un independcnt mal �-;-�r.;_,
<br /> ' - � estate tax reporting service used by Lender in ronnection with thix loan,unletis upplicaM�Inw providea othenvisc. Unlcss un �'7=•�''"
<br /> `"•' : ,i.,.';`,�..
<br /> ., _ agreement is mude or applicable luw requires interest to be paid.Lencier shAll not be reyuired to pay Borrower uny interes�or �Cfl.'�":�.
<br /> _ ° '` e�rnings on the Funds. Borrower und l.ender muy ugree in writing,hawcver,thut interext shall be paid on the Funds. Lcnder — ' ____
<br /> �- , . ' shull give to Borrower,wilhout chnrge,an unnual �ccounting of the Funds,shuwing credit.and debils to the Fund�und Ihe ---
<br /> • _ i purpose for which eurh debit to the Funds wAS mude. The Funds are p�dged us udditional uxuriry far ull sums vecured hy ��.;-,--, -
<br /> - _�.. � � this Secutily lnstnsment. � ---
<br /> � � ° �44'` � If the Funds held by Lendcr rxceed Ihe umounts permitted to be held b�• upplicuble luw, Lender .hull account to °
<br /> � `'s�'� '� ' � Borrower Po�the exces,Funds in uccordunce wilh Ihe requiremenls of upplicuble luw. li'Ihe umount of Ihe Funds held by --
<br /> i; :;:. .. ",-.
<br /> �;Y��;;�5�" � Lender at any limc is nat sufficirnt�n puy�h�E,crow Itcm�when dur, Lcndcr may so notify Barrowrr in writing,und,in y=a;.+��
<br /> ,.,G��,_�i-� .►�`.�.,r;,,�__._.=:
<br /> , 1; ,, such ense Bnrrower shull puy to Lender the umounl necexsury to make up Ihe cleticiency. Borro�ver shall mukc up ihr
<br /> � � � ; de�cicncy in no morc�hun twelve monthly paymcn�s,ut L.cndcr�sulc di+cretion. �—1
<br /> '��`� Upon puyment in full oi all �ums serured by thi�Sccuriry In,trument,Lender shall prompdy refunJ to Borrowcr uny "�'�
<br /> FLnds held by Lender. lf,unckr pvragruph 21,Lender.hall ucquire or xell Ihr Piropeny,Lender.priur to Ihe acyuisition or '• -'
<br /> sale of the Pro rt , shall�i I an Funds held h Lcnder at thc time of ar uisidon or�ulc a�o credit u ain+1 the zums �'` `'` �w"� ��
<br /> Pe Y PA Y Y Y 4 R ---•
<br /> • � �ecured by this Security Instrument. r�,,,,
<br /> • • 3. Applieation of PAyments. Unlcs+ upplirublc luw pruvi�lcx c,thcrwi+c. all puyments received By Lcnder und�r '��=-r-�
<br /> ' ��' ru r.► hti I And 2�hull tx u b�d tinl to an r� a mem chur��ti dur under thc Noic;,econd,ta amounts a able undcr � '�`--�1•��--
<br /> p� R P • PP�' � � � Y n 'P'Y �'• P'Y' :;,���_-
<br /> �' �4� paragraph 2;third,to intrresl duc;founh,�tu primipul Juc;and lu,t,lo any lutc churgcs duc undcr Utc Notc. .d:c><•r_::,.
<br /> . : .. 4. Charges: Liens. Borrower shull pay ull luxcz, us,c�srn�nls, churgc+, fines und impositionti uttrihu�ublc to Ihe `
<br /> . Propeny which muy uttnin priority ovcr�his Scrurity Imtnimrnt,and Ira.rhuld paymrnts or grounJ rcnts,if any. Barcower �-��+.:� --T'±.�,
<br /> � shall puy thesc obhgations in thc manncr provideJ in purugruph 2.�r il'nut puid in Ihat munncr,Borrowcr.hall puy them on .�;;��`�-V••-
<br /> ,..';`� time dirccUy�o the�xrcon owed puyment. Rorrower.hull promptly fumish to Lrndcr ull n�►tire,��f am�wnt.�o lx puid unde� ���' .
<br /> � this parugraph. If Borrower makez Ihese paymem.dircc�ly, Borrow�r sh:dl promp�ly I'urnixh�o l.ender reccipts evidenring •..•
<br /> . '�_I .u.cY�7__.
<br /> the payments. .x:a..4=n
<br /> - -t':.:T:��,�-
<br /> Burrower shull prompUy dischurge uny lirn whirh has prinrity uver thi�Security Instrument unlesti BoROwer:(u)ugrees ;-�,,.��,�:
<br /> in wming to the paymem of�he obligutian.rcurcJ by�he lien in u manner urcrptable to Lcnder:lbl ronte.ts in gaod faith thc ?!���w::•:-•�;`
<br /> lien by,or defends ugainst enforcemcnt of the licn in,Ickul pr�xccdings which in Ihe I..rnJcr',opini�m u�xrate to prevent thc ' ' � ' � -
<br /> , ,,., � � enforcemeot of thc lien;or Ic)xecurcx irom Ihc holdrr ot�Ihe lien an agrcrment.ntitifucu�ry to Lrnder sut►ardina�in��hr lien -,.,1.•:-�r�"_
<br /> :., to this Security Instrument. li'Lender cie�ermines�hv�any p•rn uf ihe Prcipany is,unject �o a licn which muy uttain priorit}� � '' '°"=-�
<br /> '� over this Securfty Instrumen4 Lendcr muy givr Borrowcr•r noticc iik ntitying thr licn. Borrowcr shall satisfy the licn or tol:e �;. _ :°;:�';+�
<br /> ..g�r..
<br /> ,�,,, • one ar more of�hc actions sct f'onh ubovc within 10 Juy.i►1'thc�ivin�af ncnicr. ��;�•::��
<br /> .,;., • S. HAZard or Property Insurunce. Bcirruwer.hall kerp the improvem�nt.now exi�ting ur heRat'trr rrrcted un�he
<br /> • l , Property insurcd again,t loss by t'irc,haxurd+includcd wi�hin thr temi"cetrndcd ruvrraEc":�nd:un•i�thcr hu�ards,inrluding .
<br /> •+'� flaods or tlooding, for which Lcnd�r rcyuire� inxuranrc. This insuranre shall Ik muintainrd in Ihc umounts and f'or the
<br /> • F ;1".:•r ��.
<br /> �. .
<br /> "�'' FormJ02ii 9/911 r/Hi.4��:.�/n��uXrs� ,;:� .
<br /> �i�,
<br /> 4
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