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<br /> ���p-� t.PAYAIENT OF PqINCIPAL ANO INTFREBT.Trutla shail pramplly pt�y when due Ihe pnnc�pal ol and mleresl on Ihe mdobt6dness evW��ed by
<br /> :�y IM No1�.and all otlwr cha�qos an0 fw�aa Prov�dod m Iho Note.and Ihe pnnc�pal ol and mlereal on any Future Advancea secund by Ih�Trust t�d. �
<br /> :.+�5!"7�. . —
<br /> 2.WARRANTY OF TITLB.trustor la lawlully se�ted�nd possessed ol pood and�ndelea8�ble idla And oslate lo Ihe Propnty herpby canveyed and
<br /> . ' -"., ; haf Ihe rlgM to granl and convoy Ihe Propa�ly.Iha Property is Iruo and cloar ot all 11ens nnd enr.umbrs�cen ercapt Iwna now ot raoo►d:and Truota will _1 _
<br /> 6t .,m=-=='
<br /> �• wanant and defend tha t�tN lo Ihe Property a�a�nfl all cla�ms ond demands �.=--
<br /> � .a, . .. .. .. _""%uv:,._.
<br /> �'�' � 3.MAINTENANCE ANDCOMPLIANC�WITH 6AW8.Tructa sha11 kerep the Prt►parly m gaod repair and candd�on and nha11 not commd wasiw or parmrt � �r:,.- -
<br /> ImpalrmeM a delenaaUon ot Ihe P�operty and ehu�l comply vnih Ihe pronswns ot nny lea6a 11 Ih1s Trusl Qead�R o�a leasehold No�mprovemem now �.' ���;F.
<br /> � pr hereofler erec�ed upon ihe Property nhall be allered,removed a demahshed xnlhout Ihe prlor wrllien cansenl 01 Benehcwrg Trusta sliall comp�y rath _ ��,'. .,_�:
<br /> ..�.e�_
<br /> •-� ' all lews,ordfnences.regulotlons,covenantR,conddbns and reslrfct�ona a�leclfng Ihe PropeAy and npl commd,cullar or perrnit any act to be done m or ���ri.. __
<br />_ ,.:
<br /> 5 upon the Property�n vlolation of any law,ordlnance.regulalan,covenant,condition a reslnctio�.TrustM ehall complele or resloro promplly and In qood � ..._._.
<br /> P� ���:�-:._
<br /> workmeNiko manner any improvement on ihe Properly which may be demaged o+des��oYed and pey.whon duo.all elaims lor Ia6a orme0 end meter�als �i ry� .
<br /> _ , ., . •';.�- fi�m�s�+ed tr�eretor and for any auerauona�hereol �.�,� - ----
<br /> � 4 MISIIAANCE•Trusta,at ite 9rpense,w�ll ma�nta�n wdh�nsuras apprmreQ Dy 8enelkiary,insurance w�lh�eupecl to tho�mprovemeNS and personal -.,..-_
<br /> , a�p�rry.�padp0,ng Ihe property,agamet loss by hre.tighining.tomado.a�nd other perda and hazards covered by standard extendep coverage mdoraement. —
<br /> m an amount�qwl to at least one hundred pertenl(100qb)of ihe fuli replacement value Ihereol and�nsurance agamat such other hazards and In such c.
<br /> amounis as�s customanly eerned by owners an0 operalors of sim�lar properues a as Benel�ciary may require lor ite Protect�on.Trustor w111 comply wdh =--
<br /> " ew:h other requKen�nts as Benehclary may Irom ume to Ilme requeal la�he protect�on by i�surance ol Ihe�nterests o1 ihe respeciwe parUes.All inaurance F
<br /> • "" -, ' polleiea meiniained purswM to th�s�ru8�Ueed sha��^Ame Trustor and Benel�ciary as msured.as theu�espechve mtaresta may appear,ontl provide Ihat {s.._�'_'
<br /> there be no cancellanon or mod���cat�rnlhout at leas116 days prlor wniten notrt�eatqn lo Trustee and Beneliciary may procure such msuranee�n acc�dance ';'�"1�Z"�.�'.-
<br /> • � wdh Ihe provls�ons o�pa�agraph 6 e+�ceo1.Twstw shall dellver to Benelre�ary the ai9inal pol�c�es of msurenc9 end renewals Ihereof or memo eapies ol
<br /> • such polfCles artd rMewah thereof. Fe�lure to lurnish SuCh msurence by Trusta,a re�ewals as requlred hereunder shall, at Ihe opt�on o1 BenoNClary. . s e
<br /> consiftute a detaun �._ti�:_•-"'
<br /> � ;c •
<br /> � 5.TAXEB,ASSESSMBNTS AND CNAR6E8.Trusta shail pay all tares,assessments and olher charges.mcludmg,Mnthoul h►TMlatwn.hnes e�1'rtiDOS'tons �;;��-.__
<br /> � ellnbulable to Ihe Ploperty and leasehdd payments or ground renis,d any,before�he same become delmquent-Trastor shall pramptly lurnish to benefk�ary �
<br /> � all nouces ol amoums due under Ih�s paragraph,end m the evenl Truslor ahall meke payment dueclly,Trusior shell prompity lurmsh to BeneflCfery r@ce.pts �-=�_`��-`'
<br /> � � eadenc�ng such payme�ie-Truator shall pay all taxea and assessmenls wh�ch mey be leaed upon Benel�ciary's mterest here�n a upon Ihis Trust[)eetl _.--- �
<br /> 'r,�' �� -� without retga�d to any law ihat may be enACted imposmg paymenl oi Ihe whole or eny pert Ihereol upon ihe Benehciary. �{'�' � —
<br /> �C`,�_—
<br /> � � B.ADDITIOHAL UENS AND PROTECTION OF 6ENEFICIARY'S SECUFi1TY.Trustor shall meke olt paymen�s of imerest and prmc�pal and paymenls ._.•., ,-- ,._�.
<br /> � • of any olher charges,lees and e�penses conlracled to bo pald to any exfslmg a subsequent lienholder a benelic�ary,untler any ex�sting a subsRquent � , -_
<br /> _ _ _._ rnn.�3a�or trusl deed belore the date Ihey are delinquen l or�n delaul l,and prom ptl y pa y and d�scharge aoy and all olher liens,cloims or charges whloh ,
<br /> maF Ieopardlze the securuy gran�eC.�eroin.If Truata lafla to make a�y such payment or ia�is io pn�iu���i enr cf irs ca�eran:�s.^.d sgree!%!e�ts c!+�+�?�n� n� . _
<br /> �r.:":+s Truat Deed,a the Nete reta+•ed to herein,or m any pnor or subseque�l lrust deed,or d any act�on or proceedmg is cammencetl which mate��ally �;, , „r
<br />: „ o aflects Bene��c�ary's Intereat�n the�toperty.�ncludmg,bul not Um�tetl lo.emment domam prceeedmgs,prceeedmgs mvolvmg a decedent,notice of sale •� _
<br /> ' by Truelee,noUCe et default by Truslee,moAgage loretlosure acuon,a d Trustar tai�=•tt pay Trustor's debts generalty as Ihey become due,tnen Bene��c�ary. � ��',a:� �;:�_._
<br /> � at Benehcia ry's o pt�on and wdhoul notke to a demand upon Ttustor and wdheut�ekasm�Trusta�rom any oWigalan hereunder.may make such apneart�r.ces. ; ;;;J;�.'�,i'::��Ir�•-
<br /> � ' d�sburee such sums and take such aCtlon as ie necessery lo protect Bene hC lary'S m leres t.m C l u d�n g.b u t n o t M m d e d t o.d�s b u r 6 e m e n l ol r e a s o n a bl e a trorne y's . q=_,'
<br /> „ .���r!:,;. ::
<br /> •�� • ,�.: I � feee,payment,purchase,contesl or eompromise ol any encumbrance,charge or I�en,enlry upon Ihe Properly lo make repairs,or declnreUOn o1 tlelault
<br /> ��,�r._:•-,,. '
<br /> 'i. �' •..,.. under Ihls Trust Qeed.In the evenl that Truslor shall lad to procure msurance or lo pay taxes.assessments,or any olher char ges or lo meke any pAyments y;;
<br /> ; f''�;";;;'' �o any ewstmg or subsequent henholders or exlatmg or subsequem beneliaar�es.Benehc�ary may procure such msurance and meke such paymeM,but
<br /> ,',t • ..-L:
<br /> j;��� ' , shall nOt be obliga�ed to d0 so-Any amounl6 d�SburSed by Benehaary pursuant Io this Paragraph 6 shall betome adddlonal�ndebledness ol TruslOr sBCUred
<br /> � by this Trust Deed Such amounls shall be payaott uDOn nol�ce Irum Benel�ciary to Trustor request�ng paymont therept,and shall bear mterest Irom the ��.
<br /> • • • date ol df6bursement at the rate payable from time to t�me on autstand�ng prmc�pal under Ihe Note unless payment o1 interest at such rate wouid be conlrary � .
<br /> � to appllcable law.m which event such amounts shall trear mterest at Ihe h�ghest rate perm�ssible under applicable law.Nothing conta�ned m this Parayrept► . -4__
<br /> ° � r �re Benehaar to mcur any eKpense or take any ucuon horeunder. ����, ,
<br /> , 8 shall equ Y "-
<br /> ' �.ASSIQNMENT OF RENTS.Benetiaary shall have the nghL power and aulhonty dunng the conUn�ance o�Ihis Trust Deed to co�lecl the rents.�ssues P
<br /> g possession o�Ihe propert aNeCted hereb end Trustor r ••� �.
<br /> .� . " and p�otd6 Ot the PrOperty end ol Any perSOnO�properly IoCaled Iheraon wdh or w�lhout takm Y Y•
<br /> - . , hereby absolutely and uncontldionnlly ass�g�a all such rents.�ssues antl p�o6ts to Benehc�ary Benehaary.however,hereby tonsents to 1he 7ru810�'S F �`
<br /> ' :y. collecl�on And r9lenlion oi such renta.issues and prolits as Ihey accrue.�nd betome payable so long as T�uslor is not.at suCh Ume,in delault wllh respect .
<br /> ':i+,f;� to payment u�any mdebledness secured hereby.ar�n the performance ol any agreemenl hereunder_Upo�any such default.Benehciary may at any Ilme. •`�z?� '
<br /> ���i edher m person,by agenl.or by a recewer to be appo�Med by�court,wdhout noUCe a�d w�lhout regartl to the adequacy o�any securlry tor Ihe indebtedness �
<br /> hereby secured.(a►enter upon and lake passes3wn ol the P•AAe+tY or any part tbPreot.1nd in ds own name sue br or otherw�se callect Such rents.�SSUes _
<br /> and prolds.�nCludmg those pasl due and unpa�0 and apply the same_Iess cosls and expenses o�operAt�on and cotiect�on,mcWd�ng reasonable attorney's � ,�t_
<br /> faes,upon eny�ndebtedness secure�he�eDV.and m such order as Benel�c�ary may delarmme.�b�perlorm such acts ol repev or protection as mey be 4f � :�_
<br /> ' , necessary or proper to conserve the velue of tne Prope�ty.Icllease Ihe s.ime or�ny part Ihaieof for such rental.term and upOn such cond�l�ons as ds � �
<br /> ��ygment may dittate.or torm�nate or ad�ust ihe terms arC co*ddians ol ex�sting ieases Unless Tru5lor a�d Bennhaary thereot agree otherw�se m wrding. �
<br /> a�y apphcaUOn o�rents.issues o�prolds lo any mUebtedness&ecured hereby sh�u not exfend o�postpone the due date ol the mstallment payments as
<br /> provided in se�d prom�ssory nole or Change the amount o'�uch ih5171�ments The eMenng uNu;i.�nd ta�.�i�g pos525sion ol thg PrOperty,the co119tti0n
<br /> 01 such reMS.�ss�es and profds.untl Ihe apphcauon the�4�o1�s alo�esa�d.shan nut warve or cure a�ry de�au�i ui nut�ce o�de�ault hereundor o��nvei�date
<br /> � any aCt qone pursuant lo such not�ce Trustor Also ass�yns lo OenefiG�a�y.as�urlher secu�dy�or Ihe perlvtivance ol the obhgaUOns securaQ nerglty.all �
<br /> ` prBDi�d renls And 811 mome3 wh�Ch may have boen or may hereafter bo deU�����'d W��h sd�d Truslo�by.u�Y Iessr,e ot tne Praperty.to secu�e the aaumant '
<br /> � o�eny rent or demages,or upon delault m the per�ormance o�any of Iha prowsiuns hpreol.True.to�n9'�ng s�dlp�ern ses sha I be su}coent to�equ re sa�d 1
<br /> • � Oelrvery ol wntten not�co ol Benetiauy s exeicise of ttie nghls granleA ne�em.to any tenant oc.cupY 9 ,
<br /> Ienenl to pay�ent to the BPne'Ki:�ry unl�l further nolice � •
<br /> 8 CONDEMNATION.II���le�O.�ny p.ul ol lhu N�Wa��l� til+du hr t.ihon�n�umle�mn�dwn pru.rvdmy5.b���q���J`dtn�ne`n�dom.Un U���r^�.1�3�:Cr 0�
<br /> . ! .. . 6hAll be soltl under thre�a��t eonUe�mn,�Uun..UI nvrnr�l�: d.un,�nas.mil p�a�e�nds a,e, ��rn�b� .�,�:qnro.ind s��.��:�U.nd W Br�nehe�.uy �«e 5r.d��.�pPh
<br /> � , ' 6UCh AW71U5.Adtnl(JPS.I�d P��BQ(15 lOIhU SUIII 6PCUIBd bY III�F IryM,I U�+''d �Ulh thP P�ft•�5 d.1���' U.inl li� TrU51��r If Tiu5�Ot 1PCNrvN�Jny nO��CC'O�
<br /> o1hBr mlormeUon regard�nq such atUuns or procouUmqs.Trusto��:Im�l q�ve�pwmpt��n1I�>n nuUie Iltpri+ol fV Ri���ehi�ar�• 6enNfic�a�y shall be anbUed.at
<br /> d5 oP1�On.t0 commence.appnar m and proSeculP�����ti O�tin nUmo.Pq'tiurh.�i t�a�w p�uccttit,nqs.�nd���.U�4���Nd4�it�o mdAa?an�•cumprom�3c�d SetdBment
<br /> m COnne[tron w�th an��su[h acl�on o� p�oceed�nqs
<br /> n e��rUtlC AOV�N('FR Ilnnn rrtnuosl ul T�U61Uf.d�mlLc�dh.�1 H��nrhinuq s VUbo��,Vn�x t�rrcW�v�`�.I��ie i�l lhp P�UpP�1Y 10 T�U5IJ� m.t�m.IAP .
<br /> _.^_-- .- �_' lu[ur@ ddvehCHE 10 irUS�Or Such tulure advan�e5.w�U�mte�rast tni�n�rn tih.�ll Uv•��CU�rd bY th�c iru51 UP�'d�YhNn Pv�f7PnCP0 PY UrOm�S��nY•���ir�a:a7�,:y
<br /> thal sa�tl notBS are secured horebv Dronded Ihal al���i U�ni�.,h.ql thv tiaiwitil tmnc�P.��.�r��f tuturi•.�dv,�ni��s nnt��+i luil�ny.ums.�dvancetl to UwtPCt
<br /> the secur�ty.exceed two hundn�7 percent INO°,,)al Ihi!ur�q�n.il pnnc�p:tl.pnounls ti��rurp�hpre•h�
<br /> 10 REIIAEDIES NOT EXCWSIVE.Trustee and BNnN4r�.t�v.,�nd r�n;��o�p�r�n tihaii he,,•nt,t�itf t��rnt,,.rr t�.�yn,�•��t.i�+d pr•r„nn.roc�•�+�.�ny�ndrl t�vin��s�
<br /> ^•Ch�'�31�nf1C iM111Pf�(IPIPVV dIIII(U PRPIQSP dll n1�t115 dnt�PJNPn �ndYr(h�p TrUd nPek)iq und�•�dn�olh�•�d�lrey,npn11`v`i U1Fd rt�CW�npCbUn hN�PN�th
<br /> Or an�IdWS�OW Or h@tP.lI1Bf i�f0'Cl. nO1WdBSt(Ind�nq tiPmp nr .U�U�P�.•�Urh .n�h•t�G`qnt•�.�.Im1 ntu�qelvn�� . .::d p�,•�•�•.� ."."� "^,• ,••�o•••.dMr hN
<br /> otherw�sP saeured.whether by mu:lgaye Iru;t drE�1.P�t�dq�� ����n .i�•�q��n,�,rn n,,•p�.•�N�,�• N��dhrr tn��,����•pl.�rn r n�te��ti i�u�l DeNd n��r�hc,mqrrrrn,rnt
<br /> whether by court achpn or pursu.int�o the Uo�er uf s:UN o�u�nrr puw��rti��rr�•�n,uni.��nrd `�h.1�1�,rpp�d�i�•��r�n.�ny m.lnnrr,�Ilpi t 1���+TP��ti!r Hpn�H.i,,�ey ti
<br /> nght to rea��te utwn o�en�o�ee any ather ee•cur�tv now u�ne���+dt�..r hpld hy T�uStPN��r He�n��hc�,p� �t he�mq.�qr�v�d I��,V T�u�t��P.tn�l klone�nr�.�h J�41 rd�n
<br /> . '
<br /> .
<br /> '• j
<br />