��1� .y:;.l,z��' '�YT � _ '_ -.:.._..., _. . "', .. .u.a_y_.,.-_
<br /> -,.��as'. ' � .-----°-
<br /> ..,
<br /> ����.3k.��_ . ' '�� . .,=y�
<br /> :t�K f,'� =1'", �+'-
<br /> ,
<br /> �-�.. n ��. +»(+Irr,�¢�•• tl(�6!"`.•. ��.. .. ..,.�_ � ��.
<br /> — wti�?� c�r'. _. .. - =-- -=
<br /> ^� i .__ - ' �
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<br /> :'i A ' � •
<br /> '_-__`_�{Ll�.`,..r�lVi7�1�
<br /> �—��} � = 92— �o3esz —
<br /> -_-_ �:::� . � • -
<br /> -��.-z��t::��
<br /> = ot thsm,shall b��ntnlal to snfaca Ihis Tru�t DMd and any aM►wcurlty now a fwnaNer 1�eld by 8�nel�cury a Truaw in such ord�r arb m�nn�r
<br /> �Y �� w�th�y a Nlh�r of Ihom may�n IhWr absotuts dl�crellon dstHmine.No nmedy hereln conlKrod upon a res�rvad lo TrutlN a B�nN�cl�ry It Inl�nd�d
<br /> �'` �`i{d .���� � lo be excluftive of any dher remedy herefn a by law provbed a parm�tlod,but each shall be cumulaHv�and�hall bs�n�dddlon to�v�ry othN nm�dy
<br /> � ��'�'•���� slaluto.Eve er a remedy pruvWed undw thro Truet DMd to Truatw a BenN�clary
<br /> "��p�y�} :'�^ pivan horwndK a now a he►ash�►e�istinp at law a�n equity«by ►Y P�+
<br /> ._�����•a��"�M�'+�'4 n a lo whkh ellh�r of them may W dMrwiw enUqsd.may bo exKCia�d,corkurrentfy a 1nWp�ndently,Irom tlme lo tMna and as ofl�n a�may b�dNm�d
<br /> fat'ifL..�'..'�:....
<br /> �`��"J' -- enped�enl dy Trustoe or Beneflclery and allher ol them mey pureuA�nconsistant rem�tlies.Nothlnq hereln shaM W conNru�d a�prohlWtinq B�nsliolery � _
<br /> z •• �+d from�kfny a dd�ia�cy judpmenl ayoln�l Iha Truala W th�aMtent such actlon�s pwmNt�d by law.
<br /> � , � ' ..:. .y�..
<br /> „�"' .�,:• � �. � 1 t.TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTr;ASSUMPTION.B all a any paA o1 lhe Property a Inlereel lhereln Is aold,trantferntl a otherwlse conveyed - -
<br /> `�` '�""""'�"'�"_" by Trurta withoul Banolkiary's p�ia writlen consent.exclud�ng(a)lhe creallon of a lien a encumbrance aubordinate to Ihla Trust Deed.(b)a transfer
<br /> ^{.��.'���''•��•'�"�.;.. by opNatlon o1 law upon the death of a Truttor who Is a�oint lonent o►(c)Ihe grant o1 any leeiehold mWrest ot lMee(3)yYUS a lesa which does not
<br /> ::_wiR'J. �+�.�:
<br /> ---- - ,{.sp,..�„�, .... �. corrtain an optbn to purchase,such actlon Ia a breach ol lhia agreement.and 8enef�ciary msy.alBeneGciary a optan.dec�are all the sums sacw y __ _
<br /> - . � -•-�°'°: . thls Tru:t DeW lo bY+mm�dlatety duo and payable,providetl.lurthe►.Ihis Trust Oeed may.at Beneticlary's option.de declared immed�atoly dua ond _
<br /> -- .'�� � °"J � ..� . payaWe,lf(t)T►ustor�sa P�enhlp 8nd any interest In ihe piiAnerahip is sold a aasigned by any means whataoever,or(2)fl ihe Trusior Is e corporotion ! __
<br /> =..:;,.:�:s::�d f:1' �a tt�y}�p!ttw m3jr�ry stack ownorahip interpsl 1n ihe capwapon occurs,or ihe Trustor corporalan merges�n any fam wllh anolhsr cap0►apon
<br /> _ : ._�j,�.��,� . __..
<br /> � �� . ..• ';�:�:;,,,u..,�.�`?r� a�p ti,g o,Nh c,y y shay hayewalved such opllon lo accelerate 11,prla to the sale,lrans�er or canveyanCe.8eneliciary and the pe«a�to whom t e
<br /> _ '�������•�.•-1� Woperty is to 4v soW a trareferred reach agteemenl in writing that Ihe credit ol such person is aat i s fac tory to B ane h e i a ry a n d I h a t i h�M t w o t l P�Y��
<br />-_ 1;.,�, ,•?;'.,! p ,�;� on th�aums secwad by th�s Trust Deed shall be at wch rale as Benel�clary shall ruy�est
<br /> 't'�>�+'�'+�aG�i�':;.�:•r
<br /> _,�,;;r,T�'• -,�;:,�_,�r�d��� �p.ACCQ,Eq/�TqN UI+ON OEFAULT;REMEDIES;SALE.The f adure by tha Trusta,lo make any payment a lo peHam any of the term�and conditbna
<br /> ��—� �+�'�jt:����j"''�,)��i'�n�. ot thu Trust Deed,w thc tom�a and can4Ulons of the Note,or eny renewala,madlicauona a extena�on��hereol,a Ihe Ialluro to mako payment ol aoy
<br /> _ ��%S � '����' � other indebtsdnesa.prlor pr suasequent to thia Truct Deed,and secured by thls property,or the death ot one or more Trusla8 shall be a breach and - _
<br /> � � ? . ��l��' detault of this Trust Deed and Ihe Beneliclary may declere a default and may declare all auma secured hereUy Immediately due and peyahle and the
<br />���;�{�';'��'j��+`��,.�',,�i;,,, � same ahall thereupon become due and payable wlthout presentment,demand,protest or notice ol any klnd,prov�ded.Trustor shall heve any statutory
<br /> �r '�,•+ '� � . Nght lo cura the delault beto►e any notfce ol defeuU and demend lor eale mey be deNvered to Ihe Trustee.ThereaHer,Benelielery may dellver ro TruQteo
<br /> `�., . �---
<br /> �'s �,�,' ; •� �i ' e . a wntten declaratlan of default and demand for sale Tmslor agrees and hereby grants lhat Ihe Trustoe shall have lhe power ot aele of the Properly an �
<br /> �'' • '; . ' il Beneliclary decldea Ihe Praperty�s»be aold 11 ahall deposit w�th Truelee this Trust Deed and Ihe Note or notes and any olher documenta ev�dencing �.,,_
<br /> -'' ."'n. • �,.,� �. expenditures secured hereby.and snau 3eliver to Truslee a wntlen notice ot delaull and elecpon to cause the property to be sold,o�d TructYa.�o turn, �
<br />-- �'•��.'�;�;" shqll prepare a slmllar notice in the form�equued by law, wh�ch shall be duly fded la record by Truslee• �_
<br /> '..;�.,:�
<br />--�? .. � , (a) ANer the lapse of such tlme as may be requlred by law tdbwx�g the recordatfon of Notlee ol pefaull,and Notlee of Deteult and NWiee of �,_-,_
<br />- •• � ' Sa�e having bDen glven as requlred by law,Truslee.without demand on Truslor,shall sell Ihe Property,ff not redeemed,m one ar more �-
<br /> - �� parcels and in such order ea Trustee may determine on tlw da0e and the llme and p�ace designeted In said Ptd�e ol Sele,at public auctlon ��._ti•,
<br /> eccording to law. �
<br /> � If�i;...��-:
<br /> ,51, ,,..;°.. ..� . (b) When Trustee sells pursuanl to the powers herein,Trustee sha6 apply the proceeds o11he si�e to payment ol the cosls and expenses of —
<br /> •� . exerclafnp the power ot saie and oi ihe sale.inciudmg.w�i�wu�i�r��a:�:,n.attorncy's lCC9 81fd N1°'..`-];""!'M^f Trustee's Fees mcurred,whkh _____
<br /> " ` � Truslee's Feea ahall not In Ihe eggregate exceed the follow�ng amounts based upon the emount setured hereby and remai�ing unpald at
<br /> ' the tima sCheduled fa sele:5 percentum on the ba�Ance I�ereol:and then to lhe�tems m eubpe►ag�aph(c)In Ihe order there stated. =-'
<br /> m Ihe flems specdied m subparagraph(bL d Ihe sale le by Truatee,or If the sale 1s pursuant to Iud�c�at loreclosure.Ihe proceeds �"='
<br /> • . (c) ABer pay g °-
<br /> • of sale ahall be appHed In the follow�ng ader: ��
<br /> .. :;�:C:�';; ---
<br /> • .r,: (1)Cosl ol any evldenCe of Utle procured in con�eCUOn wlth such sele end of any►ev@nue Iranster tee tequired to be peW: __
<br /> ',j`,'i�;'�i i<`�, (2)All o6lfgatlons seCU�ed by Ihls Trust Deed: __-
<br /> � '������'�.`���� (3)Jumor truet deeds.morlgages,or other Uenholders: -- _
<br /> � � (4)The rememder.if any,to the person legally entilled Ihereto-
<br /> ' 13.APPOMITAABNT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Benehc�ary mt�y.Irom lime to Ume,by o wniten mst►ument execulecf antl aCknowledged by 9enetlClary. � .,�:t
<br /> � malled to Truslor and recorded In Ihe county or countivs in whfch the Prope r t y�e locuted and by othYrwlee comply�ng wl►h Ihe p�ovlalonsof th�applleobW _ _.
<br /> ' ° 'P,`. ' 18w8 of Ihe State ol Nebra6ka oubstdute e sucCessor or suttesaors to the Truelee named herein or aCUng hereu�dec --�-
<br /> . '. �{:�i:, i•
<br /> �`�t'��"''1' 14.INSPECTIONS.8ene�k�ary.or ds agoms.represenlatwes or employees.are authonzed to emer at any reasonabte Ume upon or m any part ol Ihe
<br /> � '..tty'"''. �'.,'�
<br /> '"'�� � property la the purpose of inspectmg 1he same and ta the purpose ol perfaming any ot Ihe acls it�s aulha�zed lo perfam unper the lerms of Ihe Trust Deed. {� �
<br /> ,.��;•y,t;;l , ....•
<br /> ., ,�l 15.OPTION TO FORECLOSUiiE.Upon tne cecurrence ot any breach and upon Ihe declarntion of delault hereunder.8enehciary shoN heve the option '��'_`�'i
<br /> �'.��i .,y�Lf?, " � to loreclose thls Trust Oeed�n Ihe ma��e�P�ovided by Iaw�or the loreclosure ol mortgages on real properly. � _
<br /> � ./^,:��•..�� . _.
<br /> •,'�};�_::�.;, 18.FOR88EARANCH BY BENEFICIARY Qfl TRUSTEE NOT A WAIVER.Any Iorebearance by Benel�cfary a Trustee m exercising any Nght or remedy --.,___.,
<br /> ' lr,ti.�;��' � horeu�der,or otherwlse nflorded by appi�cable law.ahall not be a warver ol or preclude the exerc�se of any such nght or remedy.Llkewise.Ihe wawer � _
<br /> � by Benehclary or Trustee ot any delault ol Trustor under Ihls Trust Deed shall not be deemed to be a waiver ol e�y other or simllar tlelaulte subsequently
<br /> -: • �• occurnng. �:`;"--
<br /> '� 17.BBNEFICIARV'S POWERS.W�thout aHecting or releasmg the liabddy of Ihe Trusta or any other persun liable lor Ihe paVment o1 a�y obligation •' •
<br /> ,�•'i��:•r heroln mintroned.and wrthout aflecU�g Ihe I�en or cherge ol Ihis 7rust Oeed upo�nny porlion ol Ihe Properly. Benelic�ary may.Irom I�me lo time and .
<br />., �,��4�i���,... w�t h o u t n o t�c e a t I h e r e q u e s l o l o n e o r m or e 7rustoio.p)release an y pe�son hdble.(iQ exlend or renew the malunty or alter any of Ihe terms o�any suCh .
<br /> � � il. :
<br /> "••s;5�'r::�,r. obllgations.I��II grant other indulgences.I�v)release or reconvey.or cause to be roleased or reconveyed at any Ume al Be�e�iCiery's pption any parCel
<br /> ':'.%1�`�� or all ol lhe Property,(v)take or release any pther or edtl�tional aecunty lor any obligot�on here�n mentioned.Iv��make seltlements or other arrdngements ,�
<br /> ' :;:,a,.• " wdh Trustor m relaUOn therelo All Trustas ahau be p�rnry ana soverally obhgated antl bound by the acUOns ot the Benet�c�ary or any one or more Trustor l`
<br /> ','r�r � as sqted m Ih�s paragraph 1
<br /> ;:�'�.•,
<br /> � " �8 ATTOpNEY FEE8.COSTS AND EXPENSE3.The Benel�c�my o}this Trust Oeetl�s ent�tled to Ihe payment o'alto mey'a fe e s.e o s l e a n d e xpe n s e s �
<br /> - i as prov�tled m th�s Trust Deed.eMCept as otherwise p�ah�bded by�a�
<br /> f� r n n a ment b Trus�or oi Trustee s�ees.Trustee s ha l i r e c o n v ey t o � , '
<br /> ` 19 RECONVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE.Upon wntlen requesl o� Bene c�a y a d upo p y Y
<br /> Truslor.or the person or pereons legally enl�tled thereto.w�thout warranty,any porl�on ot the P�operty Ihen ht�d hP�PU�der Rec�tals m sutli reCOnveyance �
<br /> �• " pf any malletrs o��acts shall beconclus�ve prool o�the truthtulness Ihe�eo� The granlee m any reconveyanco mav De tf23�nbed aa�hP�Pra�n�.np�t�^� I
<br /> legally entd�nd tha�Ptn..
<br /> ,.V
<br /> 20 N(.TICE3.Excopt to��oUCOS.demands.requests or othar commu^�ca[��ns requued under,ippl�Gab�P•dw r�Ce g�ven in an�lhe�md��er.wheneve�
<br /> . B�tneficiary.Trustor or Truslee q�ves or serves any nut�ce l�ntlud�ng, w�lhuut iimrtat�on.not�ce ol defauit anU not�tP o�salel tlemend5,requesls or olh6r
<br /> commun�caUon�vdh respect to th�s Trust DrPd each Such noucc•.Arnamd.ri�quest or other CommunicaUon shall bo m xnDng and shau be e�fecUve on�y i
<br /> .....� w.��.,..,.,...�.a,n a.fdrwccw�t tn�h.+aAAress as set brlh at the b�pmmng of this
<br /> ... u me snme�s aeiwerea oy[�.,�n��.,-�.�o�v��i��.u��c���CC:::.':�:'.........�'_"„� '•-_'. .
<br /> � Trost Deed Any party mny at any t�me change ds addr�ss�o��:uch noliCes by de�rvenng or mading lo lhe olher parry herelo, as a�oresaid.a noliCe ol
<br /> � such chanye Any not�cu hereunder shall be deemed b have bc�Nn yrven to Trustor ur Benehadry.when grven m the manner des�gnated herein
<br /> 21 RECUEST FOR NOTICE. Trustor�nd Benel�ciary hereby requesl.�copy ot any nohte of de�aWl.and a cupy o�any not�ce of salu thereunder.be
<br /> maded to each person who�s a pa�ty herelo nt the address�or such pe�son Se�forlh�n thu hr5t paraqr aph o�th�s 7ru31 DBBd
<br /> � ., 22 QOVERNIN4 LAW.ih�s I�us� Geed sI�aII be yoverneJ t�y u�r�.i.�s�!thc ;;tatc of rte+trr,tsk.t
<br /> 23 SUCCESSORS ANO ASSI6NS.This Trusl Deed.ind all terms.conddions and obliga�wns hvre�n.,�ppiy tu and inure to tne bc+nefit o�antl b��ds
<br /> � ,»I p:nlies herrlo.�„e�r hens,legalees.dev�sees.persunni rep�eeentalrvns. successors and ;�ss�gns Th��tenri BNnehc�ary sha�l mean the owner and
<br /> nWder o�the Note.whether or not named as Be��e��c�aiy he�e�n
<br /> �
<br /> - �
<br /> • �
<br /> �,
<br />