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<br /> '�-'�' �'"'� Ffr NOTIFICATION OF U8E OF TRUST DBHD
<br /> ��,�. ��;;�,-:ti,�r:.''^'. TO SECURE PERFORNANCE OF OBLIDATION =�..
<br /> �'�"n,, _ •• _. !
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<br /> The undereipnad hersby acknowtedpes snd und�ratenda Ihel the documanl to oe a�eouted by Ihe undanip�od I�o trusl d��d and no1 a
<br /> �.,.�,�.`'_''. :..:_._..a_o"� ...-- .,
<br /> �+� ti,. . a- mortqay�,aod that Ihe power ol eAlo providod for In lhe lrusl deed provldss eubet�ntl�lly dilNrenl rlghl�and obllgtlbns lo Ilw 1ru�tar Ih�n a
<br /> �� ''r•,'�;��� mortqaq�m Ih��v�nt ol a d�t�ull o►ba�oh o1 obllpalion.
<br /> -.,:--�nwrc��r�. r
<br /> ''��„�;.�:::'":;;,,3::' Mav ---•to_��.Prw�
<br /> ,t !� �� Oalad and�x�cut�d on Ihe_^1 et_�_day ol.
<br /> y w. •,„,- . •,'•�1 O'� —
<br /> •�,���..` lo ex�cy�1on ot Iha lollowing Tru���ep� =��•v����� /� — --
<br /> ILR�r��� '�L� !
<br /> - ' ",�' �arbert A.J. Koch ~ Helen M. Kuch _ �
<br /> - ::�.:;".:r'.:.tr'._.._ — —
<br /> _-- .,. .
<br /> ;;�;'••. . � � TRU3T DEED
<br /> _ :�:�•��r,;;;; t.
<br /> �;'��''"�•� • m --- Y f M8v — .19.�.—.
<br /> ;;�;�;.,; �•,,.t, �,,;'� THIS 7RUST DEED, ade 1h�a_1&t�-- -da o __ -
<br /> � ..n __� u..�..� v v....l. u..ol.n.�.� n�A ��fe
<br /> �-:�,,�. ' y. .� ,:'f;' byendamony Herbert A.J.,C_o�jl
<br />^�'� ' ��� whoso ma�Unp adorass�s Raute /I1 Box 280• Crand e1 a d NE 688�3 - -- -- -
<br /> ;i� -'.:,, -
<br /> � -�'.-=�� Union Bank and Trust Company of Grand Island
<br /> „ ��„ ', �herein"Trualor"1.a�
<br />-- . ' whose maflinq atldrQSS is Z008 North Webb Road. P.O. Bax 5166, Grand Island NE 68802
<br /> � ��+} �� Union Bank and Trust Compeny of_ Crand Island ____ —
<br /> b ' ' (herem"TrusNo l:and
<br /> ^ whosemeilinpaddr�ss�s 200 NOrCh Webb RoB� P O BoX 5166 Cr nd Island N • 6�_ 8802 �nerom'Benelic�a�y'1.
<br /> � � " � FORVALUABLECONSIDERATION.Truslorirrevocablygranls.translera.conveysandansignstoTruslee,INTRUST,WITHPOWEROFSAIE. �
<br /> •�� �,�._�, •� IorlhebenetflandsecurilyofBonallciafY.undetandsub�ect/othetermsandcandllionsollh�aTruYlOeed.lhelollowinqdeacCo ntyeNebraska:
<br /> . . looatod in t�All
<br />_ ,-�'t..
<br /> ..
<br /> —
<br /> - ..,.. . _ ._,-'_
<br /> _ __
<br /> " � . The SouthWest Quarter (SW}) of Section Fourteen (lk), Townahip lwielve (12) North.
<br />_ • , Ranga Ten (10), and the North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N�SE}) in Section
<br /> � -';• �� 1`we*.eiy Three (23). in Township 'it�elve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th
<br /> .,,::.
<br /> . . P.::., Hall County. Nebraska and a certain tracC in the Northeast Quarter (NE}) of
<br /> •� , ' Section 7�enty-Three (23), i.n Township Twelve (12) North, Rsnge Ten (10), being
<br /> _ more particularly described as follows: Commencin� at the Southeast (SE) corner ry_ _
<br /> " � of the Northeast Quarter (NE}) of Section Twenty-Three (23), Township Twelve (12)
<br />_ , d�� � ' .•• NartA of Range Ten (10) West of thz 6tt► P.M.. running thence in a north direction ��,.^:
<br /> for a distance of thirteen and one-half (l3}) rodA, thence in a westerly direction
<br /> ' ' for a distance of one hundred Sixty (160) rods, thence in aouth direction for a _ -
<br /> � � distance of fourteen and one-half (14�) rods. thence along the south line o£ said
<br /> Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-three (23) in an east direction for a diatance
<br /> �� • e lace of be innin , and containing fourteen �
<br /> , , of one hundred Sixty (160) rods to th p B B �;�;,-,
<br /> '"•S' (t4) acres more or less. °
<br /> .,�.
<br /> •i:�.
<br /> - . � . Together vith all wells. pumps, motors. and equipment located on and used to ixrigate ._.
<br /> .f�,,; said premises� and any addieions to or replacements thereof� which items are declared
<br /> ° i'" to be a part of the awrtgaged premises and appurtenant to aaid real estate. ��:;�.
<br /> • . . ..
<br /> i,.=--
<br /> •� _, -
<br /> ' �.`
<br /> TO(3ETHER WITH UII ollhe followmg,whether aow ownad oi he�eake•pcq��red.rpnts.prptqs-royalbes.mcame and other be�e��ts tlenvedtrom �
<br /> the real property au ieasea or subleases cover�ng tne�eal prope�ty o�any po�lwn Ihereo�.ali mterests.estale o�other c�a�ms.balh�n law and m `
<br /> eqwty m Ihe�eai property. all homestead exempt�o�s which aro here0y reteased and we�ved: all @eSeR+enlS.•�ghls-of-wuy. tenements. t
<br /> hgr@ddem9nt6 au 0�1 and g0S ngh�s end prolds.watC�nghts,ali nghl.Utle and mtereslof Truslor m and lo any�a�a�y��wdhmthe rlght•ot-way of
<br /> ony sveet o�h�gnway ad�o�nmg tne�ea�propQ�lY any and au bu��tlinga.I�Nlures,improvements and appurte�antes now or hereafler erected
<br /> Ihl���or bRlOng�ng therelo.�herem raferred ta as Improvement or"Improvemems l antl a�y and all awarda mede to�t++e saa�ng by emment -
<br /> ' domain or by any proceeAmq or pu�chnse m��ru thwr��r nf Ihn W�+nln„� ,�,.; ., . �• . . , .,�� ���.,.�:..,� -3����� D�UpU�ly d��J
<br /> � � �� inlertSt tonveyeA 10 Tru8lee heroin coli0Cl�vBly relorretl lo AS lhe P�opertY �
<br /> � .� t
<br /> lel The paymeM ol�ndebtedness ewdcntod by j�uslo 5 nole or gua�antee I Notc 1 daled Mey �' �9 92
<br /> m Ihe D���c�pal sum ol One Hundred Fif ty One Thousand Seventy Four and 3S/l0U *�_** ** ** '�* ooua�s ;
<br /> - IS�S1�Q�4�3$ ** ** ** ** ** ** ��ogelherwdhmlere�ldtlhC�ateorrat@Sprov�deAlhBrem andlhep��napalantlmterestunanY
<br /> " lulu�e ativencea ewdeneed by prom�ssory noles o�guaianiees stat���ney are sec u���n harby ��nd anv and au ren�+wals-modd�cal�ons ana
<br /> , e*fens�anathereol.bothpnnc�patand�nlurpstbemgpaYable��acCOrU.ncew�thlhelermscello�lh�he�e�n wh�chbyth�sreterente�smedeapart
<br /> hRfBO�
<br /> Ib1 The pe�lormance o1 each agroament and covenan�ol Trusto�horem conlamed dnd
<br /> �C)ThfT pdymEOl Ut 0�Y Sum U�SumS O�mUn@y wh�Ch m,�y bB hE+�BdtfP�D�ud u�ddvdnted by Ihc•Be�ehc�.��Y unAer the tPims u�Ih�S Truti�D��t�A
<br /> tugether w�th�nte�esl lhereon el the ral@ prov�ded���Iht� Nole
<br /> t
<br /> ..t 1 f
<br /> ,
<br /> - - _ _ . -.� -- -
<br />