_`�. Y' i ... .. .. � . " . i;;� .n- .'� � <�.� � 'J ' ,- � '
<br /> � , � i r . c , . '.?�'.
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<br /> t- .< � �s .t4,' , f .•t _ • � .. `°� S �r.. . ' '�F.
<br />. . , ��'r__'.
<br />. . �� ����� ��.
<br /> " jR.�r.._
<br />;�� p�yme�tts r�y na longer ba raqoir.,d.at thw option of ixndet.if murtsage insurd.nce caveragc(in the�o.uu ar�for�she pez'sod �F��-_
<br /> •.�} that Lender requires)�oviQed by��nsurer flP�roved by Lendar again 6ecom�s availa2�and is abtaiaed.Eormwer shall pay �.=�,_:
<br /> `'• i ttte premiums requirzd to mainta'sn tttortgage iflsurante ln effect.oz to provi�:a loss reserve.until the�ey�irement fas rriortgagc ;
<br /> � iasurancc ett�s in aeoor�ance c�ueth any�vritisn asr+eement benveeu 8orrower and I.ender or appiicable law. , ie�+-;
<br /> ,•,� 9.I�on.I.ender as its t�gent m�y maSce reasonzble�etti�upen and inspections af the Property. Lender shnll geve =_--
<br /> - B�rrower notic�e tu tfle ti�rt:af or Fsar ta en insgectian sgesifyin�t�t:�nable cavse for the inspeaion. '�`-'`
<br /> � td�.C�ad�att.'l�e preoeeds of ar►y uward or claim for damages.di�ecx or consequential, in connection with zny ;�rv<`.
<br /> _ �Q�tc•mnatiQn or olh�Widttg of any p�d of the�[operty.or for conveyance in lieu of caademnatien,are here6y assigaed and
<br /> _ '�f L'�z_
<br /> ' � s�all be paid to lx�der. _�6�-;T:_
<br /> •'F In the event of a tatal tafdng of thz Progerty.the praa;eds s�all be applied to the scund by tt►is Security�lnstrament, _—__
<br />'� �• whether or not then due,witb any eac�ss pai�to Borro�ver. In the event of a partial talcin�of the Propetty in w6ich the fair -_r..
<br /> . � marfcet vatae of the Praperty immrdiately bet'oie ths taking is equa!to or greater than the amnunt of the sums se�vred by this '----:
<br /> .LL�� . Secarity lnstrum�nt iminediately 6efor�the taiaing..�uile�s Borrower aad Ixnder otherwise agree i.a writing.tha sums secvred by �----_.-
<br /> .�:' tfus Sex�rity instnuneat shull be reduced.by ths asnount of ths prace�ds muItiplied by the foila�rins fractian: (a?the tatai �•�"�`
<br /> �.: amount of the sums srKured immediatsiy before the talciag,divided 8s�(b)tFie fair martc�.vaiue of the Property imined3ately, ��»
<br /> .� before the tafdrig. Asig bataace s6alt.be gaid to Bo:rower. In ttua evsmt flf a partial takiag of ths Pmperty in which tL.e fair i�,�.
<br /> ,�..:;` ma.-kei vaiite uf We Frcperty immediately b$fore the saking is less thgn the ainaunt of the sums secured immediately befar�the -
<br /> �`' taldng,unless Boirawer a�:d I,ender otherwi�e agree in writing or untess applic�(e law otherwise provides,the praceeds shall t�,��
<br /> be applied ta the sums sc�ured by this Security Im�uument whether os aot the sums azra then due. :��;:
<br /> If tbe Froperty is abandoned by Borrower.ar if.after nfltice by I.ender to Hurccwer thst the condemnnz ofFeis to make an �
<br /> award or seute a claim far damages. Bor�wer fai�s to respond to Letaier witbin 30 days afi�er fhe daie the uotice is given. _
<br /> I�er is authorized ta coUect and apply the pzoceeds.at its aption,either ta restnration or iepair of the Property or w the sums �'.�',
<br /> �,,.
<br /> � � sewred by this Security Iamua�ent.whether or noi thhn dus.
<br /> •' Untess Le�der and Borrower otherwise�ia•�vri[ing, anY aPPGca�ion of praceeds to principal shall not extend or � :���
<br /> ' . .:'posipone tbe due date af the monthly payments refem�i to in paia�aphs 1�d 2 as change the amount of such paym..�uts. :�°, ?',:-:
<br /> �`�< Il.B�iasoRer 1\'a2 Itelcased;Fo�By I.eader Not u Watver.Extension of tl�e time for payment ox modiEc�an �•.'���",_
<br /> -, Y° of amort�r�on of We snms seaue�by this Security Instrument�anLed by Lender to arry successor en interest of Borrower sf�a11 :�„�:;
<br /> not�rate ta release the liaDiliiy of the original Eorrower or Barcower's sucoessors in interest.Lend,,�r shall not be c�equired w .°::�';�.:
<br /> '" `'��' cummeuce prooeedings against any suceess�r in interest or refuse to extend time for payrct�nt or aihe�urise modify amorti2ation ;. �•—
<br /> i.� of the svms'secured by this Sacurity Instrument by reasfln of any dem�d made by the.origimaf Bortawer ot Borraat�'�. '.i:.;:.:::���
<br /> .;��: sucs�sora Ia interest. Acry�orbea�6y I ender in exercising aag right or remedy s�aC�n�be a w�ivet of or precit:r�a,t�s ..`°:;_.�
<br /> ..�`�i ' ' exeicise af a#y right or ninedy. ..• ,• �'. �•� . .�-
<br />� � '. � 12.Sa�sais�Assigns Boand;doiat aaa Several H.i�bifit9; C�e�s- The�oovenants and.�n:ements of ehis , '_,;.�
<br /> , ; Se�vriYy�ment,d�ri�i;►�i aFtd �.,^ae�t:�e su�es�,�and��cf P.e^.,�:..�3 Earra::tr, �sbje�t n�.i�grovi�ic+s of �-
<br /> ` P�ST�P�?���S: Botro�r�s cavena�tu aad agraements si�a[1 be joint and sec�:.Any Bortawer who a�5�tPt�fl Seeariry ��.
<br /> -�';_f • � �nstn�i�t(ulr.dues n�t exerute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Insttnment only ta mortgag,e,Srant and convey��3spt �� �.
<br /> ,r.,
<br /> ; .; . $oirowe�is i:rf�re�+est in ghe Properry under the tercns of t6is Security Iasdmment;(b)is not pezsanalIy obligated to pay t�t�tttt�
<br /> ':� secured bgr this Sec+u�id�.tnstrs�m�nt;and(c)agrees that[.ender and any ather Bar!�wer uray�to extend,rriodify.forbear or .
<br /> -' �. make any acxa�nrnadxnae,r.with ngard to the terms of this Secarity�nsuument c�r F;ce Notc without that Borrower's coasent. -
<br /> ?:"F •13.I.ot�n 4��ur��c.•If the loan secured by this Secuaty Instnimeqt is subj�:t�Ga a law wiuc6 sets maximum toanchaages. �
<br />::�,:;`::i and that taw��nally interpreted s��Yf�,t th�interest or other loan charges collected m td t�wilectod in connection witb the
<br /> `,:',� �� losn exc�t6c pe�nitted limi!s,tN,�i�i:�;�)any such loan charge shalt be redaced by the�cis�t neces�-uy to reduce the charge
<br /> ;;;;.,,;
<br /> � ��°, ;� �to the permitted limit: �ad(b)anY s�ms already ooll�from Bomawer which exceedo�.'r�rim�iued limits wil�be ref�tsded to
<br /> ' Horrawer. Lend�r r��;cl9flose to make this refund hy reducing the principal owed undet�tlie Note or by mabmg a dirat .,�''�
<br /> ..��`. paymen[ tv Horrower';�.ri�:a•refund redaces prind�, the reduct3on will be ueated as � �arti�l pr�nt withont any ,,'`:.�'�.�.�
<br /> .'.� �repaym�'4�argear�;s��se Not�. • ;:' ,,. �,:,;'r•,;;�
<br /> :1• t � . .. , _.. .r.- :�.;..!'.'_��1'•—
<br /> . . 14,�f�ti�ifi-�s:An�:aot�ce to Bonower pxovided fofi in Wis Sc�aar;�.ty Instiumeut si�all be �'�vrsu by dcliveting it ot by Cu4x?:�g
<br /> . it by fir�.la�mai!�,�ai�s applicable taw mqi�ir�s?is�.of.anotherc��hod.The notice shall�directed to the Pruperty Ad3ress �,; �
<br /> �.° ! � :•.cr any otner addres�'�1�u�'r.c�rer designates by an�l4i�r•4u Lender. Aay notiaz�.rz•i.�endcr shall be given by fust class mai9 to . �'� `;:.
<br /> � :;`. ' .,, �Lender's adc}r�s st�t��."it�irata or a,'�;�ozhes addr;�;�II�ader d�signates by t�,�ioi�ta��orrowzr.Any notice provided for in thIs :'.,.`.
<br /> - �:: --
<br /> ' "° Seciuity Instrument sf�t�t����a�?iacr�f`�ve been�given to Borrower or Lender�i�:n givea as ptnvided in this patagraph.
<br /> 1S.Governing I.�r,w;�S�s�srti�fllli}`:1. 'fhis �Sesurity Instrument shall be govem9d �y federal law and the taw of the
<br />.,., �'�' jnrisdiaron in whirh tiie Properiy i�U�cated. In the event that aay pmvision or clause of�is Secuiity Instrument or 4he Note ���'
<br /> �;,
<br /> � � }�Z conflicts with apgH�bJc.1 t�aw,such conflict shall nat af2ect ather provisions of this Security Insuument orthe Note which can be .
<br /> �..,
<br /> � glven effect without tl5ti�n�.nflictiag pcovision.To this end the provlsions of�3is Security Inst�ument and the Note are declared
<br /> to 6e scverable. �
<br /> .�_� IG.�13�x�'er's Copy.Bonower shall be given ane canformed copy of the Nuta and of tltis Security Instrumem. •
<br /> .; . Form 802'a" �ri5q �.�.
<br /> -t va,{eaots ----
<br /> i � .
<br /> �� , .
<br /> ' •j � - - . � ---
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