. . t;�� } _ } .'` ..i. r...:. .
<br /> .. . �'. f. v. ;+� ',ai .. }. . �- • �� .4
<br /> . . ' t���`{ 4 ��i1G111�ti�'_"'3t1y``� =.
<br /> �'�° ��c�'��r —
<br /> `��: 1�.T1$95Y£t OY 4EtL P7'0�AY S�GIl2'�C$�I EIIIei'�Z ID�OTt'ati�'.tf a!I or any�ast of dis Froperty or atry•ts�2crest ia iR �`
<br /> is soid or tiansferrsd(or if a Den,.ficial intettst in�orsawer is sqld oz transferred a�d Borro�vet is aot e aator�l pe�s�n)wtthottt
<br /> - ��'� �ri�r�� oons�eni. Leader m3y. at its op3ion, re�uire iminediate payment in full of nll sums secured b3r this -__
<br /> ns�en
<br /> Security Instrument.Nowever,dlis option shai!rt�i be exercised by Lender if exerci�e is prahibited by fc�eral iaw�s�f th�date �
<br /> of this Security I�sWm�nt.
<br /> If Leader exercises this option,I.ender st�all�ve Batrower notioe of aceeleratioie.The notice shafl rovide a gertod of aoi _
<br /> !�s than 30 days&em the date tl�e notice is del�vered or maile8 within wt�ch�srroy%er mus�FaY ��s+�g 5ecu�'`'d by d�is _
<br /> �rity Ins�u�nt.If Borrower fai4s to pay these suan prior to the expiration of tjais periaQ.l�er.�er m.zy it►vofce nny remedies _-
<br /> perr�utted by this Secu�ity Instrumeat v�ithQUi furthyr notice or dert�aaid on Borrower.
<br /> 1�. Boarn�er's Rtr�t tp Itc�ns2a�Q. If Bonote�s meets certain condi6ans, Borro�ver shafl have the rigftt to Qave �
<br /> enfarcemem of tlus S�Su�ity Instrr�meat cliscantinn°�at uny time priar to the earlier of: (a)5�isof sale ao�ntaiaed n this —
<br /> �s► applicable la�v maY=?��Y for reinstl+3Ememt)6eforo sa}e of theprope�Y Pursnant to any po =
<br /> - - Sxurity Instnvmea�or(b)enh]+ag a ju�'�ent e�forc�sg tUis�uritY fnstn�m�n�Thflse cbn�ditians are lhut Borrov,ra:(a)pays _
<br /> t.ender all sums whird�It�n woutd be dtte under this&scur'sty Insttument and the Note as if no Eeceleration had ocxuned: (b) _
<br /> cures any default af any other oovenauss or agreem�nts: (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Se�vritY Insnu��n4. _
<br /> � inctuding,bnc aut IimitEd to,reasenab3e attorneys'fezs:and (d)taY�s such aotion�Lender may re�onably requirc w a�sure
<br /> • that t�c li:n of t9�is Security Instnus�ent,Let►der's ngMs m the PrapeitY and Basrower's obligation to pay the sums saured by � .
<br /> �!°� ti�s 3easpicy I�suume�� sY�l ca�xir.�ae un�^�nnBeG• Upon scinstatemeut b�r Bo�ower. this S�riry Inst�umeni �d tAe -
<br /> ... oblig.Eia;�a sesurod It�rPby sball rr�i��11y effec�e as iE no aooeleration b�d oc�am�d. However,this right to teinstate shall
<br />::;;s�`.� ceot aggly in t3se ca5e oY r�oce[�3ion under paragrapb 17. -
<br /> 19. S2ie e�R�� Ct�au^�ot I.oan S�vtter.The Note or a�ul itue�t ia tks Note(together aritb this Security
<br /> •:?s Insuu�aent}may P�sol�d u�s or more times arithout prior notice fw Borconar.A sale may result in a cha�ge in the eatity(lcaawa
<br /> as the"l.oaa Sefvicer"?thax collecas montiily PaY�nts due under the Biote and tl�is Security Instnuuert.There atso may b�one
<br />'.,. � e:.�ure changes of thc Loan Servicer unrelsted to a sale of tha Note.If theae is a change of the Lflan Servicer,$orrower will be _
<br /> •'f.� . � gftias arritten na�tcce of the cJnnge in accardance witb p�ragrraph 14 above ar�applicable law.The natice�vill state tt�uame and -
<br /> „t address of the.near Loan Senricer and t6e address.to rfiich paymenu shoutd�e made.The ttotice wiDl also contain any ot6er
<br /> information requ'rse�bl+aP�licable law.
<br /> �� �t Z0.Ha¢arda�s Substnn�. Borrower shall noi cause or permit¢k�presence.vse.disposal. �rage, ar retease of any
<br /> ��.� Hazardous Su�stances on or in the P�aperty. Bolrower shall not do. rAr allow a�tone else to dn. anything affecrino the
<br /> , •c FtaPert3+thas is in violatfon o8 xny F�vironmenlal l.a�v.11�s pmc�diug two seateaces shaii not appty W the presence.use�or
<br /> n �ecogn"u,ed to 6e apprapriat�to normal
<br /> . a' st�rage on the Pm' Of�.'��'Gf i�uBIItihCS Of Ha�do�15 SubSteIIOes th3t 8Te$CnEI�D1y
<br />:.;E�`4. � ��e���s'�`�Ye��nder�notice of airy investig�on,ciaim.demand,laru-�at or other astion by any -
<br /> Bonower sia��Jft�vtc�tlq bn
<br /> �:�;�' govemiaental or r�Iatory agency or private party involvin�tt6e P�operty and an3+1�a�ardous Sub�:mee or Emironmental Law ,
<br /> ••,� of wluch Bomnwer has acival lmowledS�.�Borrower teams,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory autGor3ty,thai _ .
<br /> . . an}i iemovai or other reiaediation of any Na�ardous Sabstance affecting the Prapercy�s aecessary.Borcawet sl�all p�mpily take
<br /> ''� elfi,stt�ary nemedial artions in ac.cordatue aIth Environnt�ntal Iaw.
<br /> ;' ' ':.� #�s used i��.t�is QaraSraPh 20."l�azardaus Suhstances" are those snbstances defitied as toxic or harardous substaaces by
<br /> .f�': F,nriranrneaf�.�.;�,�,S.Ei' .tc`and the following substonces: gasoline. Bemse�. other flammable or toxi�.peuoteum praducts. touc. ,
<br /> �z,,! S.r
<br /> ,F.'�y '�ides aacl�s►�.�i1.r�es,YOIBWC SOIVEIIIS,mazerials cflntaining asbe�tas�n fom�aldehyde.and rad=_�ctive materials.As u�ed ir,c:.•.
<br />� �,��;�:�� �p�g�py.�:;`.��`�;svironmental Law"means fedsrallaws and laRS�c�the jurisdictioa where�za Pcoperty is located ttu�:' -
<br /> r�l;�,to bealth.saf��yor�;r�r�neatal Pmtection. , ��.r,�s�:.��ec as fo��ws•
<br /> ��:�: • NOM-UNII^C]ii'rrI t;u;��iv'Ta.r7ormwer amd i.e,h,�. ' _
<br /> °'��•`- Zl.Aecef�;E�em2rlfes.Lentkr s�14 g�ce noYice to Bormwer prtor to aocete�tioa foilow(ng Borruwer's bs+eac�
<br />•,;�� t� 6 17 �I¢s�:,�: .
<br />.:���,°.:; o!�n y coveazt�lt:mr agre�em�t,in ti�s Sea�ritY�ent(bat uQt Pstor to ac�eterat�on c:,'�der Par�Br�tP
<br /> �,`;�;r, applicaDle iaw�uvYdes at�w�e).'�'���+au��� (�)���� @)t�a�ton�to w�tde de£aui�- :.
<br /> ' (c)a d�1e.uot t�s ti�30 days from the date the natice is gtv�n b i�w�mwert,bg which the�d3"anit must be ca�;ti�rd> ' ,
<br /> td)t�:i�ur�ta c�t�x '^��on or 6etore tt�e date sp��ie8 in the notice may�[t in'aocetcr�tton oY tiiz 5ums
<br /> secwre�l6y t�r5s Security Instr�uneni and sate of the Pm�sty. Tha noitse r�fiuther inform�orrn�cr,��,he rdgi�t to
<br /> .' eeiastate.a42ez,.�t�on and the right to bring a ooupt aqfon to ascert the aon-existeace of a det��ai�i'qu anY ��
<br /> ; defease ot&riu�.tvrer to accelersntto�►s�d�e. �P t8e default is nc�cured an or betore tfae date spedf?:d3:C�i the notke.
<br /> Lsnder,at�is r�f�an.msY�4�iurmedlate payme�in full of�a�sams s�ure�6y thLs Secu�ity Instr��nt wbthaut
<br /> . tYutlier deman�•�nd may involce the power of sa�le and�ny other ec�edies permttted by applic�ble law.I.ender sGa116e -
<br /> ��.'�; entiHed to cdleet A�a�g,oe��Lznevmed in gmsuing the re�a�dEes pr���in_�iis p�r.�gra�sh 21,indudiaig,6n!not Umftetl
<br /> � W.r^�asansi6le ptt+���g}':�mms�d cos4s of 8ftie ev[dettoe. � � , -
<br /> .�" If tTae��s t�s.u'e�3nvc►iced. Tnsstee sh�li reeosd p notke;oY i�Pfa�;`�i�ss.�eadr oau� dn wi�c6 any part og ti�
<br /> � �_ �.:. ,;:
<br /> ; { ly�w to Borrower and to. -
<br /> �!.�• s Pmperty is lo�;,ici��stntt shalt mall wgt�s o4 saeh aoUce En t6e�a:�u�'.��P�bed by aPpL 'w_ , .. � .
<br /> �;,���? lt�s othrr .� b 9 c�bte law.After the time►eiLuia�9 by appiii�tbte law,Ts��x siss�U give pnblic aot1l�',.�
<br /> :�d�i i P�"��1� Y PP�
<br /> ' o?sale to�Iie�artso�s an�3 in the manner prescribed by applIrabfe Qanv.Trustee,without dr��mus�D on Borr�wer,s6a11 se��� '
<br /> �'� j th�8roperty itt publis aaction to the 61�hest biddes ut the ttme anc!piace arid�nder the terms flesignated in tLe aotite of
<br /> • �t�t��E 4n one or�mare parcels aad in ony order Trastce ddermines.Trostee mny pastpotte sale of all or any.(�a���ce1 of th� '
<br /> . ; �raPertJ�Y PnbUc annoanccucent at tDe time and �Eace oi any prevlo•asty scbiedaied saie.I.ender or iG::�c�i�e�Y
<br /> pttrc8ase t8e�'paper4Y at an3'sa�e. . .
<br /> ��; .
<br /> ..� . � . '�am 3028 9J90 '
<br /> �• v.ge6ore ' - '
<br /> . .. �'� ' ` . . w
<br /> � , .. ,
<br /> .. �� . .
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