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<br /> r:�� . , �
<br /> ,�.- - s �rZ: t� - r.-� ::- , • 'r ti_ .-:o. ''- � .
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<br /> ; �. Q�r�9 or F�ag=rt3r fa��. Enrc�rrer sitali ��i � imprnverr�3s nnrr e��st�ng or h�'ter e�e�d o� the —,_-
<br /> � pcop�rty insured sgains�toss by 6ra.h�rds iuclude��rit�the tetm 'extend�d cvvcragx" aed uny ot�e�r h�zar�. iuci�sSir►� �,*-;�
<br /> '� t�oods nr floading.for whicP�Lznder res�uires insusance.'t'�is insurais�e shall bg mainYc►in�in the amounss nncl for th�pest�s .
<br /> ';�. that I,ender requims.'Fhe insurance carrieF praviding the in3wanse�haU be chaen by Borrower subject to l.en�er's approval �,
<br /> ;� whid�shall nat be unresstina�siy�vithhet�. If Bflrmwe�faiLs to maintain cavemge descriha.Q above. l.cader may, at Lender's
<br /> optlon.abtapn ca�erage to protes¢Lendez's rigYits in the Pragerry in accardance with p�gmp�7. ��...�
<br /> Afl insurance polia�c a�renewals shall h�Eccegtable to Leader aad sb�l1 incl�de a stan�ard moxtgage clause. l.�der �'''�"`'
<br /> ;�i s1�a11 have thr ri�ht to hold the policies an�re�ewals.if Lender reqnires.�orrower shatl protaptly give to Lender all receipts of �-�-�.
<br /> �' p��psrmiums am�reII,.°sra3 noti�s.Ia the sveas of loss.Borrocver shzil give prompt aat�ce to the insurance casrier and Lender. ,
<br /> �� Len�er m�y maae pjoof of Ioss if aot mads promp3ly by Samnrues. �. .
<br /> Le
<br /> ;:; Uniess Le�d�aad Bomocwar oth2rwise agtee in writ�,insutnnce pmceEds shal!be apptied to rest�ation or repair of the �,'.`
<br /> pmg�ty damagtd,if th°iestoratinn ar repair is esonomically feasibie and Lensl�'s securiry is not iessened.[f the restararion o* ��_
<br /> � regair is not ecoaomically feasible or Leactes's s�t►rity vrould bs tesssasd.the iasmaace prooe�s shall be applied[o the sums —
<br /> '`,'� seuited try this BeQ.uiry Ins4rument. �vhether or nnt theu da:. with any excess paid to Borrower. ff BrnroK�er aba.-Wons tT�e --
<br /> ''f��� Pmp:,�ty,or do�not answer withit�30 days a n�tice from Lend�r thai the�n��*pnce carrie3 b�s offerea to settle a claim, tlm.n =_
<br /> �:,, Le�drs ma.y collect th�insutanoe pmceeds. I.�adu may ase the pmceeds W re�pair or sestare the Proptaty or to pay sums =--
<br /> �4 �easxed hy this Security Inswmen�t.wheti�er or not th;n due.The 30�ay period will hegin when the notice is given. __
<br /> �: Unic-ss Lxa3gs atid Eorro�rer othenviae agnee in writing, a►ry agplirat�on of pmceec4s to principal shall aot extead or -
<br /> �;��� P�'�Por�e tt�du�dats of th�moatWy paymea�ts refe�d w in pa:agrsiphs 1 a�d 2 or chaage the as.ount of the pa�+nuzats. If •---�
<br /> #}: ur���gmgf�21 tha Praperty is acquired hy I.endea,Borrower's right to aay insuruace policies a�piooeeds�u1Sng fmm
<br /> .:.,�; �to the Property priar to the arquisit�oa shall pasa ta Le.nder to ths extent of the sums s�by this Secc�rrit����+�+*�r ��.
<br /> ;� ims�r�t��ly prior to the�nisition. . �`�
<br /> ;';;;;` 6.OccaPt�Y+Preseavatfou,M�inteaeace and Prate�ton of We Property,Borrowe�'s Lnaa Appiication;LeaseSui�s. �,_-
<br /> ,.��_
<br /> -cs�. Borrower sh34!•a�y.estab�is6,and use the F�rogerty as Borrower's principal residenre arithin sixty�sys atter the execurinn af �
<br /> this Secwit�►In.stn+*Rpn?aad shall oontinue ta nccupy the Praperty as EoTmwer's principal residenr�£or at teast oae year at�er �
<br /> �"`�'�' nabIy witBheld.ot unless
<br /> :;?, the date of oeatpaney,unless Lender otherwise a�rees in writing,wYllt�!RILSC[lt sh311 IIOL 6e nnsc�cn
<br /> `�; i exte�tnating circUmst�nces exist wlnsh �e beyond Borrower's contrai. Borrowes s�ll not des�oy, damage or impair the �
<br /> . '� Propeny, allaw the Prvpe�ty to deteriorate,or comAnit waste on the Pra�erty. Borrower shalt ir en default if auy fnrfeiuue �.
<br /> '..I,"; - action or praccedt�7�,�heiher civil or erimi.��is begun that in Lend�'s gaod faith judg�nt cauLc�sesult in forfeihue of the. �,,,;
<br /> - Propest�r:or oti�e�svr,:s�materiaIIy impair the t�?s��rated by this Securitg Ic�nt or I.�der's ser�ii��interest.Borrower may: . ..
<br />' • ctsa�t 53ac�a�def�is'it`and reiastate,as provlde���arsgraph�18,by exusing the action or pmcer�ing�ffie rdismissed.u�ith a ralin�. �,
<br /> . .. th�:i"�r`s:.�.ender's gqod faith detemtinatifln, PsECIades forfi�iwre of the Borrower's i�`�rest in the Froperty c�%�aer materiai �?`�'�'��
<br /> lmga`umQnt of the tien created by this Secazity In�tcu��.rit or l:ender's security interc�.'Borrower shall also be in default if -_-
<br /> '.�'.�� Ba7rower.d�tiz�lr�an application process gave a�terially falss or inaccurate infom�ation or st�.ents to Lender(ar failed
<br /> :�{;,�.�;,.. to provide Lmder Wtia�any m�eriat infdmsati�rs.).in cormection w33th the foan evidenced by the i3os�..:ir.-�Fnding,au�mr�ii�aited. . �'''--
<br /> �; ., . to,c�resentation4 concemin�Bamawer's x�s,sr�ancy of the Property as a prinsipal residease.lf ti:��'ecuriry Instrumeirt is ot�a --
<br /> • leasehaid. �orrawer shail�casr�ys'su4ih all��the pcovisions of the lease. If Borrarve��,.e��.si� fee tit[e to the PtoprrtY, d� �.
<br /> tes�ehold and th�fee ridt shati'.e::t mn.xge unizss 7.enderagraes to We mcrger in�veitiq5� � _`�'-
<br /> , ?.Pa�!sc±��t I.Fnder's Rtgbis fn t[i�I�rop�ty.If Barcower fails ca perform�z��venants aad agreements oontained in . �_""
<br /> • ? tlus Security I�tiu�:nt,or there is a lega!pco�eding that mmy signiflcanily�agCect Lender's rig�'.�f,n the ProPertS'tsuch ag,u.•:... . -- -
<br /> . . ` prooeediag in baaYiuptcy.probute,for cand�on or forfeimre or to�esforo�lawa or regulatiois��.,then Le�dtr vjay du a��� , ; ��
<br /> . . pa�fuk�auhatever is necessary to protect the valae of tht Prapertyr�d Lraidcr's righs�3n the P�aperty. Lett�er.'F uKiaa3�m..^y. ��,;;:._.
<br /> inclu�`z PaYing at�3► su�s secured by a lien which 'has �nrity over.t}tis Security insuumern. appearing 'ia�'ratiei�; PaYing =?.=_�-.
<br /> . rc�onable attoraeys'fees aud e.ntering on th�Property to malce repairs.Although d ender may take.sr,tion w�ef tl�s's'paragtuph' ,4-�-�
<br /> �.:����+ 1.Lender does not have ta c�o so. ` ' �: '`.. � �
<br />-i��iG:.. � -
<br /> "%3::� Any amounts disbutsed by Lender 1�rr,�a,t�is paragraph 7 shall became additional debi �,%_•i6T�irrower seGUe�by tf�is
<br /> � Securi�j Ins[rument.Unless�tmoarer aaW'1:�ne�er agree to oiher terms of paym��,tii�ar�ouats�alt bear interest from t6e `��
<br /> c'.�'� date of disbursement at the No*_e rata un�'���vtt�'1 6e payable„ with interest.upon no`.s'a!:from Lender to Barrower req�esting '
<br /> ��
<br /> . : P��- � � �� . ' ••
<br /> 8.Mort��$?Y^��.9,+M'_If Le:tder�r,r�i mortgage insu:ance as a oondition of making the fcw�'sc�'�y_'�}►is S°.aaui�y� . •--
<br /> ,•�.:� Insttament, Bm1�3u�er shall pay the prcm:ta+� riequired to mainiain th:mort�age inswanse in effeCt. If.fos�ta[y reasori.�'�it..-
<br /> rtu�o�;t�e insnrance coverage required by LendeT(apses or ceases ta be in effect,Borrower shal!pay the pre�iiicu�.required to '-_
<br /> � oT;±n�'Y�s:ooveraga substanaally equivaYeiu to tfre martgage insurance previousiy in effect.at�cost snbstantiaUy�emr-aIent to the
<br /> cost to Borrowerof!he mort e insurflace reviousl in effect,from an attemate mort e insnrer approvec�uy L,ender. If ��
<br /> .�j. .. 8a8 P Y� Ea8 �r.._.
<br /> �.;�(S#;�;` substantially equivalent mortgage lnsurnnce cnverage is nat availabte,Borrower shalY pay to Lender each month a sum equal W �
<br /> �r: �� .
<br /> c`,> > ons-tweiftb of the yrarIy mortgage insurntxa:premium being paid by Borrower.when the insuraace coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> :tc i; i�......,
<br /> • � : be in effect.Leuder will accept.use and te��in these payments as e loss reserve in liea of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> '.�,;.�� Form 3Q28 9l9Q —
<br /> '��i} �ape3ote
<br /> ; S , ..
<br /> �j , . , , .
<br /> t` •
<br /> . �� .
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