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<br /> tiYa';:r�i,Y.,�t ` 11Y�; �- � . ..
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<br /> �t����'�Y''����"� � S. Haard or Properly iawnnce• Bormwer slwll kcep thc improvementa now existing on c�rcafter crected un Ihe
<br /> t"'�'�'`�'"�^�"� � Pcqr_rty insured against lucs by flre,hozards included within�he tern� 'extended cover�gc" unJ uny �►ther hui.��dx, irtcludin�
<br /> �^��Y'�'��°�� � flooda or flaoding, for which Lendcr requin�insurancc.l'his insuruncc shall bc muintaineJ in thc anwunt.�n�l lor�hc peri��d�
<br /> _.�.���z a:..m.,��.:...:.:.
<br /> _ , that Lender roquirea.The inwrance eaRier providing the insuronce shull be cho�en by Borruwe��ubj�tit �o t�:nJer'ti��ov�l
<br /> ����-�� ' • w6ich �all �wt be unmssonably withheld. If Borrower fails ta maintain covcragc de�;�rit+c�i uMwe, I.eiuler nwy, �t l.riwicr'r
<br /> - � ..�.
<br /> •j.; -,� �+:�s tr „ ` option,oblain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accardunce with parrg��+ph 7.
<br /> � � � All insurance policies and renewuls shell be ucceptable to l.ender und shull include u ��undurd nu►ngagc cluuk. l.rixk�
<br /> `� �"�•��'� ��r �hall have thc rlght to hold the policies and renewals. If L.ender requires.8anower shull pn►mptly give to l�nJcr all rcrcipt+ul'
<br /> '" —'�' ��� paid prc�niums and rencwsil nottces. In the event of loss,Borrower tihell givc prompt no�icc to thc inxurancc carrlcr und Ixndcr. � �t_- __
<br /> � ��'y •.,,�•b�,�.: .• Lender rtwy malce proof of loss if not made promptly by eonower.
<br /> ' •,�'""� ° • Unless I.eodcr and Borrower otherwise ugrec in writing,insurance pmcccds shall Mc upplicd tu rc�a►r•rtian ur rcpu�r ul ihr
<br /> •� - Property damaged,if the restoration ar repuir is ecanomicblly feasibte and Lender's security ix n�it Ic�.eneJ. If thc rc.wrudon���
<br /> ;.� tsf`� � repa�r is not economically fea.cible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurnnce praceeds�hull tx�a�li�d tn tiu�um� _
<br /> � ., � '�� ' �..° • secured by this Secudty Instrument. whether or not then duc, with any exccss paid ta&muwcr. If Burruwrr ub•rinlun. tlu:
<br /> a . property, or does not answer within 30 dayg u notice fmm l.ender thot the insurantt cunicr ha�ol'fcr��l ���xtde u rlaim, �hcn
<br /> _ _ 5' + � � Lender may collect tha insurance p*creeds. L.ender n�ay use Ihe pracecds to repair or resam ihr Pr�ipeny ur to pay num� -
<br />-� ..��i��::,. ..
<br />- � :� �,• ; � ceeured by this 5ecurity inauumeni. wheti�c� ui uui iFKn duc. Thc 30-dap pericc!s:i!! hegia �hcn thc nutice i, �;i��en. --
<br /> " Unless I.ender nnd Borcower otherwise agree in wridng, any application uf puxctids to prinrip•rl tihull nut ez�rnJ or
<br />.�'�'� �. • � postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred ta in paragraphs I und 2 or change thc unx►unt uf thc puynxm�. 11'
<br /> - � under paragreph 2t the Pmperty is acquired by l,ende�,Borrower's right to nny insurunce pnliciex u�d pnkeedti rrtiuUiu� f�um
<br /> - ' dartutge to the Property priar to�hc acquisitian shall pass to l.endcr ta the e��ent of the suma sccurcd by�hix Scruriry In�lrunknt
<br /> e
<br /> �f .-.: .q '"_,f s•"_!._;;, -
<br /> immediatcly prior to thc ucquiaition.
<br /> . ;;:'''.:;r+�.: ' 6.pccupancy, Preservation,MAintenance and Pmtectian af the Property;Borrower's I.oan App1lc�Uoo; Iw�+chold�. _.
<br /> � � ",:'".��"�" � Borcawer shell occupy,establish,and use�he Property as Aarrower's principal resiJence within sixty doy�aticr the excruti�m uf
<br />_ ' � this Securiry Instrument und shall con�inue to accupy the Propeny as Borrower's principal rcsiJcncc fiir at Irv�t�m�y�ar ul�cr �•°.
<br /> ;��•;;,�i:;: • " � ' the dete of occupancy,unless l.ender othenvise agrees in writing, which consent shull nut Ix unre•rumably withhcld,ur unlc�r
<br /> , � ' extenuating circumstances exist which are bcyand Borrowcr's control. Bonowcr +hull nut de�truy, Jumugc ur impuir �hc ��
<br /> � ;��. , ` ~ property, allow the Propeny to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Pmperty. Borrowcr tihull t+c in Jcl'uuU if any lii�lrnurc �w:__._,
<br /> �ti���'� '` action or pracceding,whether civil or criminal, is begun thnt in l.ender's g�wd failh judgmcnt couW re,ult in iiirlci�urr ul the �
<br />, ; ;:.,;,-:. ��...
<br /> • . � Propetty or atherwise materially impair the lien crcated by Ihis Security Instrument or L.ender'.,x�urity inlcrctit. Qorrnwcr muy
<br /> • ' •• cure such a default and reinstate,as providal in pnragraph 18, by causing the action or praccaling�a I+c di+mi�u�l wi�h u roling e-=7'°" -
<br /> , °' thet, in I.ender's good faith determinutian, precludes forfciture of the BormwcPs intcrcst in �hc Property ur�ithcr mul�rwl �--��=_--
<br /> - inipaim�nt af thc licn crcated by� this Sccurity Instnsment or Lender's �nrity in�trc��. Rnrn►wcr shall ul�u tk in drfuuU if �°-=-"_=S_�
<br /> �� . Borrower,during the loun appliwtion prcxess,gave materiully false or inaccurntc infurmatiun ar stutemcnt.�o l.cndcr lar fuil�d �464:�;�'=•
<br /> , to provide L,ender with any material informaticxi)in connection with the loun eviJenced by thc Note, including,hul nul limi�ul ��"�..�.-
<br /> .�,+� •• ', to,representations conccrning Borrawer's occupancy af thc Property us n principal resiJencc. It'thi,Scrurity Imtrunkm i,�m u t� '�
<br /> "' � leasehold, Borrower shall comply wilh all the provisions of the leatic. If &mower �yuiaw P��c Udc to thc Pro�xny, thc :,�_�
<br /> • „ leasehold and thc fee�idc shall nat mergc unlcss Lender agrees to thc mcrgcr in writing. ' Y
<br /> ,;;,, 7.Protectlon oP Leoder's Ri�hts in tlx Property. If Borr�►wcr fs�ils to perform the covcnent+unJ a�!r��m�nh rnntaincd in � ..,..�..-9:
<br /> ;�;•� t h is S o euri ry Ins t r u m e n t, o r t h e rc i s u I e g a l p r c x e e c l i n g t h u t m a y s i g n i f c u n t l y a f f'e c t L c n d�r's r i g h t ti i n t h e Pru p ert y �.urh uti u ° - .
<br /> �'�`'"� ' ' praceeding in bankruptcy. pro6atc, for condcmnation nr farFriturc or to cnforcc luws or regulatiun�).�hcn I.cnJcr may du anJ -,��;�; ��
<br /> a for whatever is necessa to rotect thc value of thc Pro rt und l.cndcr'ti ri�hts in thc Pru n l.cndcr', •rru�m� ma "°�-_�_�`
<br /> ��;:�'..::, P Y �Y P p� Y 6 Ik Y• Y `r .� ,
<br /> '���� include paying any sums securcd by a licn which hati priurity iwcr thix Securily In�trumcnt, appcaring in ruurt, puying . - -
<br /> . ' ' reasonable attorneys'fees anJ cntering�n the PropcAy to makc repuirs. Althaugh lsnder may wkr uction undcr thi�parugruph �, .'"__
<br /> ` ?, Lender does not huve to do sn. "" _
<br /> ' Any amounts disburud by Lender under thi� pan+graph 7 �hall hecrnne additional deht ut' Sarruwcr kcureJ hy thi� 4t - F
<br /> � ' Security Instrument. Unlesx Borr��wer und l.endcr agree to��thcr tcrms of payment, thcxe amuunl. .hall t+rar imcrr�� Irum Ihc ' �
<br /> , . date of disbursement at the Natc rate and shall hc payable, wi�h interc+t, u�x►n noticc from lAnJcr to li�xrowcr rcyue,ung �„ °___
<br /> payment. � .
<br /> ' � •� S.MurtRoge Insurance. If Lw:ndcr rcyuired mi�n@ugc in�urancc a�a cunJiti�m uf making ihc luan�crurcd hy Ihi�tirruruy ��. ;. �. -
<br /> • Instrument, Botrowcr shall p�y thc premiums rcquircd to mainwin thc mimgu�!c imurancc in cl'frct. II', li►r any rra�on, Ihr � ��
<br /> mortgagc insurpnce covcragc rcquircd by I.cnJcr lapscs or cwsc�t��hr in cl'Icr1. &�rruw�r�hull pay thc prcm�um.rrywr�Kl��� �x_•�- -�,Y�:•_-
<br /> � � obtain coverage substantialty eyuivalcnt to the mongLgc insurancc previously in clfcrt,at a ra�1 suh+tantially ryuivrlrnt a+�hc ;*" ,.
<br /> • � . cost to Borrower c�f Ihc mort�!•rgc insurancr prcviouxly in rff�rt, ircim an altrrnatc mun�agc in.urcr �r������a n�� i..o���. u
<br /> .. � substontiolly equivalent mi�rt�agc insurance covcragc ix nut availahlc, Burruwcr shull pay tu Lcndrr carh munth u+um cyuol w �
<br /> one-twelf�h of thc yrarl} mort�a�c inwr•rncc premium hcin� p:►id h� Borcuwrr when thc imurancc�•u�rragr Iap+rJ ur rra,cJ In
<br /> • �• be in effect. I.ender will uccept,use anJ retain these p�iyment.as a loti� rezcn�r m hru ot m�ingag� in,urancr. Lu.. re.rrve
<br />� . � iam�02� sli0
<br /> , •' Paq 3 0l 8 .
<br /> �� �� MC,9019�NE/3
<br /> . ;}. •
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