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<br /> ��,�� payments may no bnger bc required,At thc option oP Lcndcr, if in��nsu�{c inwuronrc cnvcruge(in the amount and far the period
<br /> ' that Lender roquircs) provided by an inxurcr appr�ivcd My IAnJrr uy�ufn hc���mc�uvuilwblc unJ is obtuincd. Bonowcr shall pay --
<br /> �.�iz,...yr.:;�,jjii?Ar+�e�w..�'
<br /> .��:�_..�..a�„�.�., the preraiums requiced to muinlayn mahgage inru��ncc in cffcr�,ur to pruvide u Iu.Y rescrve, until Ihe requirement for mortga�e •�''::'
<br /> ,���;:'s?�nxu^.
<br /> •ar�s_; ;�;;.•-^.� �} insurancc ends in accordance with rny w�itten agrccmcnt h�:�w�:cn Ei��rruwrr unJ Ixndcr nr applicablc law.
<br /> � -��•=�°; '% �"`'•�• 9.Inepectioo. Lender or its Agen1 may mukc na���ablc entrjcr upm anJ inx�xttiuna���f the Property. L.ender shall givc
<br /> "', "� ' Borrower notice ut the tfine af or prior t�an i�spectlun r�pcciiying reramuMr ruuK fi�r 1he insp�wtinn.
<br /> �� ��. °' � � 10.CoMemnation.The proceeds of�ny uwurJ or cluim ti►r durnpgex. direct or ronseyuentinl, io connectlan with any
<br /> • �o�'�'`y�`^�'� �� , condemnution ur other t�lcing of uny purt uf Ihe Propeny. or fi►r cemveyuncc in licu af�umiemnatian,ure hereby assigned and
<br /> _ . : ...
<br /> ' -- --- - •-- slwll be paid to Lender, .._-, _ __
<br /> �� _�.;,�'°.. .
<br /> _.., ___
<br /> ��'��^• In�he event of a total u+kbg of the Property,thc prcxceda wbAll lx��pplial to�he cumr+�ecurod by this Secudry Instrument,
<br /> �;;�:,,i;.:��li whether or not tlxn due. with any exces� puid to BuROwcr. In 1he cvem ul'u paniul tuking uf the Propeny in which the fatr . �
<br /> ., � �' �*'j market veluc of the Property immecliutely befi�rc thc taking is cquul to ur grcatcr than the amount of the sums secured by thia
<br /> ��� �I . •• ���%� k_+�f Security Instrument immediately befare thc wking,unless Borniwcr ond l.c�ulcr�Hhcrwi�;c rgroc in wri�inQ.the sums serured by -
<br />-��� �i7 this Security [nstrument shall fx: reduced by the amount at the praceeds multiplial by the fullowing fraction: (aj the total �_
<br /> �;-'�4:, , ,: '�_ ,,;;,:;;'.•�� � amount of the sums secured immcdiatcly before the taking, divided by Ib) the fuir murket vuluc uf 1he Propehy inunediatcly �
<br /> ._�„�!';;Y�;�Y��•� � before the teking. Any balance shall be paid to Banawer. In the evcn�af a partiul wking i�f the Propeny in which the fair •,�'.
<br />_ °� • . - market value of the Property immediately beP�rc the taking ls Icsx than Ihc Amnunt of the xums�ecurcd inunediately 6efore the "` -
<br />` :.;r� 8::���� � ' .; taking,unless Borrower and I.ender otherwise agree in writing��unlcss applicuble luw wherwlse provides,the procceds siwl) • --
<br /> � : • ' be applied to the sums sccured by tbis Security Instrument whothe�or n���hc.rumx urc�hcn duc. __
<br />;�;'•. „ . .. . N If the Property i s s�bandoned by Borrower,or iP,o�ter notice by L.enJcr to&xmwcr thut thc rnndemnor offers to make an _-
<br /> "`,r;.,. .. . ,. � awerd or settle a claim for dwnages. Borrower fuils to respcmd ta l.ender within 3Q duyK ufter the date the notice is givea,
<br /> °''.'!�'- i.ende�is authoriud ta collect at�d appiy the praceeda,nt ils oplian.either to rcxtarAtion or repuir oithe Propeny or tu the 9ua�c �
<br /> �, ;�:' . . secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. ''�°"`��
<br /> , Unlesa L.enJer and Borrowcr othcnvise agrce in wri�ing, any upplir�tian uf prixccda to principul shall not eatend ar �,;�;_;__
<br /> �• postpone the due date of the monthly payments referral tn in paragraph�I und 2 or chan�e Ihe amuunt af such payments. �;;`:--
<br /> ' . ,. 11.Barrower Not Relea�ed;Forl�mnce By I.ender Not a W�iver.Extcn�:iun uf ihc�ime Pi�r payment or modification ;:;�:.A:-
<br /> of amortization of the:ums secured by this Security Instrument grunted by Lende�w any successor in interest of Bortower ahall '',•,j°�==
<br /> • �_ „ not opernte to ralease ti�e liability of the original Borrowcr nr&irrawcr'c surcesso�s in intcrest. lw�ndcr shall not be required to _�+�f+�::
<br /> • eammencc prareedings against any succes�ar in intcrest or refuxc tu cxtcMl lim�:for paymcnl��r othcnvfxe modify amortization �_,;,;�._°
<br /> � • ' of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by rcason oi uny Jemund mude by thc original &►rmwer or Borrower's ,�n°�_-
<br /> successors in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exereising rny right �ir rem�y ahall twt be u woiver of ar preclude the ���+�
<br /> exercise of any right or ramedy. �
<br /> 12. Successors apd Asslgnv Bound; Jolnt and 5everal l.iAbllity; l:asigners. Thc c�w�nuntx and ugrocments ot ttiis ��;r;;,,,_�--_
<br /> � ^ Security loatmmen� shall bind und benefit the succeswrs unJ a.signx of l.endcr unJ Born�wrr, xubje�:t to the provisions of �•=-��'k:�'_r4i�`�
<br /> puragraph 17. Borruwer's covenants and agreements shull lk j�►int unJ .�veral. Any &�rr�►wcr who ro•signs this Security �.�=°
<br /> Instrument but daes ruH execute thc Nnte: (a) is ro-signing this S�rurity Intitniment unly to m��ngugc, grunt und ronvey that "-'°�'
<br /> . �qi�;_,=--
<br /> Borrower's interest in thc Propeny undcr the terms of thia Sccurity Instrumcnt; (b) is nut perxonully ubliguted lo pay the sums —' _
<br /> un�vt�,..._
<br /> . secured by tbis Security Instrumcnt and(c)agn:es that Lender und any oihcr Borrowcr may agrcc tu rx�cnd,nuidify,forbcu or %��=r�����=
<br /> make any accommodaiions with regard�o the tcrms of this Security Instrument ur the Nute withow tha� &►rrower'�consent. L����`_�
<br /> ��. �`� 13. I.oan Charyes.lf the loun securcd by this Security Instrumcnt is .r•ubjecl to u luw which�etx muzimum loun churges. �rv�':;�'��:�`''
<br /> . �'�.,::;��,,,.�.._
<br /> and that law is fiaally interpreta:d so that the interest or other loan chargex cullectcxl ur to lx:cullect��l in ronncwtiun with the •:;,'•;��,:,.,,_y„_
<br /> '' ' ' laan exceed thc permitted limils,then:(u)uny such loan chargc shall be reduccd by th� amount necexwry to reJure the charge ; ;��;'�;��;:,;;
<br /> to the permittcd limir und(b)any sums alrcudy collecteJ from Borrowcr which cxa�cdcJ permittcJ limits will bc refunded to ` ,� ,°� �•
<br /> �'� Borrower. l.endcr may choosc to muke this refund by reducing �he pdncipal uw��1 undcr the N�KC ar My muking a dirert •"��.. „�, �,�,..
<br /> paymcnt to Borrower. lf n refund reduces principal, the roductiun will be tres►teJ us a panial prepayment withaut any ��. _.:'�•_`-
<br /> , ., ,, p�P$Y�nentchurgeunderthcNote. � `'.�'� ��:�°;7�';',':-
<br /> 14.Notice9.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Serurit�•Instrument slwll he givcn by dclivering it or by mailing , ° , 't=
<br />, it by first class mail unless applicnblc law requircr usc ut'anothcr rncthod. Thc nutire shall lx dir��teJ t�� �he Nropeny Address � . . �
<br /> ::�,•,.
<br /> • � . or any othcr address Bortowcr dcsignutcs by n�Kicc to l.cndcr. Any nuticc to lw�ndc�,hull he givrn hy tin� rl�s msiil to � �
<br /> ''' � Lender's nddress statal herein or any Mhcr addresti Lendcr detiignales hy notice ai &irruwcr. Any noticc pr�wiJal for in this r ;;�.�.K;��� �
<br /> ;;. Securi�y Ins�rument sluill hc dcemed to havc t►cen givcn to Burcuwcr ur l.rndcr when given •r�proviJ��J in�hi,puragrrph. �`�,'���,�
<br /> ' 15. Goveraln� I.aw; Severabillly. This Scrurity ln.trument �hall ix: guvemcd by 1'�tilcrul luw und �hr luw �if thc
<br /> ,'t•�.�'� 'urisdiction in which ihe Pro rt is locuted. In thc event thut un rovision or rluusc ��t thi� ticcuru Intitnintem ur 1he Nute � ' ..Y' '�f"� '
<br /> J P� Y y r Y ,
<br /> conflicls with applicable law,such con0ict shall not�ffert othcr pruvisi�in+uF this kcurity In�trumen�ur the N�NC whinc�an be �
<br /> � ' given eifect withuut the conflicting provision. Tu this cnd the pruvisi�ms�it'thiti Securit} Instruinent •rnJ tlk Nutc ure d�tilured '
<br /> " � ' to be sevcra6lc. '
<br /> 4 16.Borrower'�v Copy. Borrnwcr tihall b�givcn onc coniornxd cupy�.f thc Notc und��f this 5ccurity Inrtrumrnl. ",
<br /> ` � , F�nn]01� �NO
<br /> MC�3019-NE/4 P�t 4��b '
<br /> . ,,..
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br /> �
<br /> __._!
<br />