_ �!�q.da, _ ' .. /�� 9 3Wj r�Htl(r'. . .. � . -%--- - . �
<br /> ,,,.,�' "'�`��'�" ..n, , . � _.
<br /> ��:� �'_,,�' •.g:. ' � - - '�•_ —
<br /> �
<br /> :�T s� `�`�`'�'`� •:': TOO@THER WITH�II iho improvementx now or harcaRer erccted on Ihe PropeKY.and rlt ea�anent�.aPPurtenances.�nd
<br /> tr
<br /> �� t'`'"'.�^�`;'-'•`° ti�ttures now or hercafter a paK of the property. All rcplrcemcnta ond additfons shall �Ico be coverod by thir 5ocudty
<br /> .r.=:�_�';�-.�.,�.,a u, _
<br /> �.a -;;''� ''��"'��` " Lutmment. All of thc farcgoing is refcrccd to in this Security In�trument aa thc"Propeny."
<br /> _ .��i.�:.:.::�..,t,. ..
<br /> ---- --'=-� BORROWER COVBNANT3 thot Born►wcr is lawfully scfsed uf the exwte hereby canveyed and Iws thc right tu��nt
<br /> �l��, :�- �.;ti: rnnvey the Prc�perty ond�hat the Propeny is unciu:umbcred,except for e�x:umbraaces of rcxord. &�rmwcr warr�nt��nd will
<br /> •� •��:'-� '` defend generalty the IiNc lo the Property og�inst all clAims and dcmands, subject to any enc��mbranccs nf record.
<br /> t� ± , �,; •: �� TH1S SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenant�for notiunal u5e und non-unifurm covenanlr wilh limited
<br /> . .�.�MtE., � �
<br /> � . _.��:.��!� �:� variaiona by ju�isdicti�n ta cunscitute a u�iform secur�ty instrun�ent cava�ing rcal pmpeny.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. &►rrowcr and Lendcr covenant and agrce as follows: , _ ___
<br /> �,r, `,��- -��,� �""'�i._ 1. Payment ot IMnclpnl and Interecti �PAyment wnd t.ate CharQea. Barrowcr sholl promptly pny whcn due Iha
<br /> ��. �r•��'�� �j principal af und intercst an the debt evidenced by the Nate and any prepayment wxi late chu�gea due under the Nate.
<br /> R � ",�u,-. ��;. '' �.•d 2. �undc for Taxes and InswrAnee. Subject ta applicable law or to a written wAiver by I.ender, BoROwer shall pay to _
<br /> --- '' ���� � I.cnder on the day monthly payments Ane due under thc Note.until the Nute ia paid in full,a�um("Funds')for: (a)ycerly texcs
<br /> _.=` ,.,, •�� , . �,.�,� ..
<br /> ��r;�' � - . : ,,, , Q and assessments which�y attain priority ovcr this Securiry Instrument as a licn on the Property: lb)ywrly Icaschuld paymenta ._ - --- _-
<br /> ;,!��� -� ' or ground rents on the Prope+ty. if any;(c)yeurly hauird ar property Insurance premiums;(d)ycarly flc►od insurance premiums, !
<br />-.'f��i �,�,y:��::.; .:..�'��,.,; � if any: (e)yearly mortgag.. insurance premiums, if Any:and(� any sums puyable by Borrowcr to Lender, in accordance with .-_ .-
<br />:!;�,i` ° ,;; ��•• ��:�;;;"�,�' ' the provisions of parugraph 8, in lieu of the payment a1 mortgage insumnca prcmiums. These icems urr culluJ "�ruw items.' `�,
<br /> �.,:�
<br /> `:�•� �• ' ` ,�;x'�, i,ender ma , at un time, collect and hold Funds in an amount nat ta axcee�i thc maximum amount a Icnder for u fcderall
<br /> . �','��• Y Y y
<br /> `.���' �� ��R';Wi�• � rclated mortgage loan ma � uire for Borrower's escrow account undar the faierul Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act af
<br /> Y �9 ° F::;�.�
<br /> - •, 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et sey. ("RESPA"), unless an.xhcr lew thet applies to the Fu�ds
<br /> `�.,'� �t;, ' r sets a lesser amaunt. If ro. l.ender may, at any time, collect and hald Funda in an omount not to eaceed�he lesser amount.
<br /> ;, -, - "1���;�;��G Lender may estimatc the umount uf Funds duc on thc busis of current data and reasonable astimutcs �f expendituros of future �
<br /> .. �;���,,.,; Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law,
<br /> . (r�r. �f�A
<br /> " ',+fr�. "
<br /> ��•;�! : " �'•-�._'� h The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity
<br /> ;��.i;�- �....� . �� 6:i,'.�.,."'_
<br /> � (including Lender, if L.ender is auch an instiwtion)or in Any Federal Home Loan Bonk. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> �'`�;��� `'•�"'�`�h'�. Escrow Items. i.ender may not charge Horrower for holding muf applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or ;-�_,
<br /> . ,�5i � •r�' _ :.:..
<br /> , " „ , verifying the Escrow Items. unless Lender pays Bnrrower intcrest on the�unJ.ti end applicable law permits l.ender to make such l,�;�,��
<br /> • a charge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for un independent rcal estate tax reporting service «�5_=°.;....T
<br /> � °. usecl by Lcnder in rnnnection with this loan, unless applicable law provides othervvise. Unless un agrcement is made or :;,:=;s;�-�--
<br /> , ', ' applicable law requin� iMerest to be paid, L.cnder shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eArnings on the Funds. -- ,
<br /> ;r: Borrowcr and L.ender may ogrce in writing, however, that interest shall bc paid on thc Funds. L.endcr shull give to Borrower, --
<br /> � ' ', without charge, an annual accouMing af the Funda, ahowing credits and debits to the Funds und Ihe purpose for which each �°°s--a° ,
<br /> _- .. . ��--- debii tu tl�Fumi�was msdc.The Fuads are pledged as additinnal sccurity for aU cumc+,c�cured by�hi4 S�curity Instrument. _ _ _-
<br /> :� •
<br /> •`'�'� ��� If the Funds held by L.ender cxcecd the amounts pertnittcd [o bc hcld by applicable law,l.endcr shull account to Borrower
<br /> .� . • . �•Rx';.`�:�'T r.:,._
<br /> •� for the excess Funds in accordunce with the requirements of a{►plicable law. If the umount of the Funds held by I.ender at any �
<br /> ;� time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notifjr Burrower in writing,and,in such case Borrower �• •
<br /> � shall pny to L.endcr the amount necessary to make up the daficiency. Ben�mwer shall make up the deficiency in no more Itwn �-- ��� �
<br /> , . ,,,,:,.�., . �.��::
<br /> �.,::,., �x:�--
<br /> . twelve monthly payments,ut Lender's solc discrction. ��'•'�"�:r.,.��
<br /> . �;;.;. ..
<br /> Upon payment in full of ull sums �xured by this Security Instn�ment, Lendcr shall promptly refund to Borrower any "�{��'Yl:'"r; :.r�
<br /> Funds held by I.ender. If,under paragraph 21, L�:nder shall ucquire or sell the Propeny, l.ender,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> °"'�"�.��
<br /> � ' of the Propeny,shall apply any Funds held by Lcnder at the ti�nc of acquisition or salc as u credit against the sums secured by • --°-�����•_
<br /> � this Securiry[nstn�mcnt, --'.�
<br /> „ 3.Application of Pnyments.Unless applicuble luw pmvides�therwise,rll payments n;celve,�l by Lender under paragraphs ;.;,:�.��-, �•�`
<br /> . 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepaymcnt chargcs duc under thc Notc; sccond, ta amounts payable under patagrapi�z; ' ' � :�..�� `
<br /> .•:r�:•-.�.-_
<br /> " � ' third,to interest due; fwrth,to pdncipal duc: und last,to uny late churges due under the Nrne. ���,r.�•��,,_
<br /> 4.Clwrges; Liens.Bortowcr shall a all taxes, assessments,chur es, f nes und im sitions attributable lo the Pro �t —"""''""_-"'
<br /> P Y 8 Po pe Y ,�----.: ., :
<br /> ' which may attain priorfty ovcr this Sccurity Instrument, und leusehold payments ur ground rents,if any. Borrower shall pay '�' '°'��;�':.;.
<br /> �' '' � " these obligatian5 in the manner provided in puragraph 2,or if not puid in that munncr,Bonowcr shall pay them on time directly �r�6,;:1?_
<br />� to the person owed payment. Borrowcr shull promptly fumish�c�l.endcr all notices of umounts to bc paid under this parngraph. ��.__41lf�'-'�s--�
<br /> If Borrower mukes these payments dirccdy. Borcuwcr�hall prornpdy fumish t��lw;txier rceeipts evidencing the payments. .r.�'*�'_
<br /> Borrower shall ro U Jiuhur c an licn which has riarit ovcr this S�xurit Instrument unless Borrower: (a)u rees in ��"'�
<br /> P mP Y B Y P Y Y � <;�::-,�:,::=._�u
<br /> .,. --t�:.-.-• -,
<br />. • � writing to the payment af the ubligati�m kcurcd by thc lien in a manner acceptable to l.e.nder,(b)contests in goad faith the lien ,a. w>;¢:n,�-._:_.
<br /> by, or defends against enforcement of thc lien in, Icgnl procecdings which in the l.r.nder'x opinion operate to prevent the � - -.-_
<br /> enforcemant of the lien:or fc)x�rureti from thc holdcr of thc licn:ui agrcemcnt wtisfuctory to l.ender subordinating the lien to ��-
<br /> this Security Instrument, If Lcnder detcrmines thut any prn nf the Property is subjcct t�i a licn which may attuin priority over ,
<br /> ' this Sccuriry Instrument.Le�ndcr m�y givc Borrowcr a nuticc iJcntif'ying thc licn. Burruw�r shall wtisfy thc licn or take one or �
<br /> more of the actions set forth ulxivc within IU Jay.r uf Ihc givin�uf notica �
<br /> �
<br /> frorm 3028 9I90 '
<br /> � � Ppe 2 ul B ' •
<br /> C
<br /> , .� • �����.�G -
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