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<br /> '� of a�k�aad tbe wk.locludla�Ihe pAymept af the'IYu�tee'a feee actually Iucurred.ed to esceed three 96 ot
<br /> — - --=-- the principo!amouat of tbe nWe N the time a�Ihe declwrAtion otdetAUlt,and res�xonnble ettorneys'Pees w.v{�ermittal
<br /> - -- sY VNi lbl to�II sw�u recured by thb S�curity la�umeati apd Ic)aay ezoes�to th�persoa ar perwnr k�ally eatlfled
<br /> --- a�,
<br /> =� x. 22. Recoaveyaaoe. Upon payment of all sums recurcd by this Secudiy inatrumcnt, L.endcr shall reyurst 7tustee ta
<br /> -- �j�,� roconvey 1he Roperty pnd ahall surtender Ihis Security Insuument and all notex evidencing debt secumd by this Secudty
<br /> - - --- -- In�uument ta'Ihisteo. '(hustee shall t+eronvey Ihe Property withaul wamnty And without charQe�o �he perccm or persan:
<br /> ��?,� IeQally entitled to it. 5uch person or p�:rsons shall pay any recordotion coslx. r
<br /> �� 23. Substltute 71'usta. Lender.at i�a pplion,may from time ta time r�emuvc'ituater unJ uppuint a,uccc��.ur truslc�:ta
<br /> � �.�,� any 7turtee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorde.d in lhe cauniy in which thia Security Instrument is recarded.
<br /> ���Y,,,, Wlthaut conveyance of Ihe Propeny, Ihe su.:ceswr uu:tee ahall succeed ta AO the title, power and duties co�femed upon
<br /> + 7fu�tee hercin and by applicnble law.
<br /> T_����^��=•:�- 24. Request t�r Notices. Borrower reyueals�hul copies of Ihe natices af default and salo t�e rent to Bormwer�v uddresc
<br /> ���-.���. '� which Is the Propeny Address. �
<br /> """�-��� 2S. RWere to thls Security inst�umm� Ii one or mar�c rlders are executed by Dortower and rcwrded toge�her with
<br /> _ :=���� Ihis Secudry Insttvment,the covennnts und ugreements of each such rider shull be incarpom�ed into ond shall amend unJ < �-
<br /> °', � r ' supplemem the cavenums and a�reements of this 3ecu�ry Instnunewt as if ihe ridar(sl were u pnrt of�his 8ecurity Inst�umeot.
<br /> _, .<ni,t��.���Y� (Ci�k applicable box(cs)� _ -
<br /> �,-��`.o. , "
<br /> ti.*�� ,� A�.:_•�
<br /> :i�q�,;��'�`���+.', X�AdjusWble Rate Rider �Ca�doaunium Rider �1-4 Family Rider
<br /> n��i���.:. gt��_
<br />_,_, -�°��'�• �(iraduoted Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biwcekly Poyment Ridee
<br /> _..-. --
<br /> _•'�ti�}['��?'°. �Balloon Ridar �Rate Imp�ovemen�Rider �Secand Hame Ridcr `F'`;.
<br /> ,
<br />'�:�i �� 'f'�•` ��' �ti�.
<br /> '�- ,:;:. ;;;� X�Otheqs)Is�:yi Acknomledgement ";:v
<br /> _��� �;ti�i'.,;;-•:;� . �,... ,
<br /> °='��`•.`:"G���''�,a�� - BY SICiNINCi BELOW,Borrowcr accepts nnd agrecw to the tern►s un�cov�nants conwined in this Securiry Instrument �-_-.
<br /> -_- ' :i�x►L ,:....�,z�:.
<br /> -..�;' � : und in any riderlsl executed by Borrower and recorded with it. -
<br /> � ..::.cwr�4.Ca' - _.
<br /> T?�'� ..• -t�"Y•� r,. WIUICSSCS:
<br /> _.�'_ ....:;�� ... :. 2 I� �C� �
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<br /> a,:
<br /> � a�&�- t.�,c.i� tseaU .
<br /> . .��. = orge . Dolton -s.,�,�� --
<br /> _ �� � ,y;.v, Saciul Sccudly Numbcr 50B 48 2209 -
<br /> •���..',. . � .��s-.,� � ISeul _:�.
<br /> �.` ,�_A�� .. k''; . .. � a�e . o on -eom�We► o.-
<br />-:� , .„ . Social Security Number S❑8 � 37�5 _.._.
<br /> ;'�" � � �...
<br /> �•• STATE OF DI� Illinois Iqacon County ss: ` -
<br /> ; . �,.� :
<br /> "„'`� , `.. .. " �
<br /> • • " '`�•�'''�''� O n t h i s 3 0 t h d u y o f A p r i l. 1 9 9 2 ,h e f'ore me,the under.i gned,n Notu ry Public
<br /> �. �� duly commissioned and quulified tor snid county,penonally came �goTge R. Qolton and Qiane E. Dolton, -
<br /> ,= , ;,Y,+;�;•:.�� . Husband and Wife ,to me known to be the
<br />:4:�'' -' ° � ., �r!,y•,� : �__r'.
<br />_ r�;r�E;��; identica0 persons(s)whose nume(s)are sub.cribed w ihc foregoing instrument and Acknowledged the execution thereof to -__�_
<br /> ' be their voluntary vct r '
<br /> . ��• ��� � '�'{��� Witness my hmid and notariul seul al " O F F I C 1 A L S�A L " � in said cou iy,the r�
<br /> : �_
<br /> ` .,•�:' �' . dAtcuforesuid. 7ERR1 M. HIGAR (. • �=-
<br />','p"� •''�� •,'�;4��R���`'-��. . NOTARY PU9LI�.STATE OF ILUNOIS � i
<br />_ .,�,,���,j�. ", My Commission expires: 1994 r�u:,r d9 , f ��
<br /> �. . ,�.,� �n:.. i V M .� Not Publk `-_
<br />- , ',��.,1:;'��Nv'��i•° -___
<br /> ' '.I•.G^�'t tbr REQUES ' . -
<br /> � A� �'i'{�tii"�(:`r:,.',b TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> "'`p� The undersi ned is thc holder of the note or ncxes tierured b ihii [ked of'Itust. SuiJ note or notes,together with ull �
<br /> . . `, r},�i��,��,.c7•?• b. }
<br /> _ '`�r.s•.ty1�'��,, ., other indebtedness sewred by this DecJ of 7Yust,have becn paid in tull. Y�w arc herrby Jircctrd to cuncel suid note or notes t
<br /> � �`i,;t;�ip„ti":q� nd this Decd of'1}ust,which are dclivcred hereby,and to rcconvey.wilhoul wurr.�nty,aU thc ertalc nuw held by you undcr �°
<br /> . , ., �r,;� E,�r..,
<br /> .,•,,: ,;,. t is Deed of 7ivst to Ihe persa�m persons legully entitled thereio.
<br /> � ;�Fhs�'. ��,`
<br /> �•r,•�. . , �
<br /> [�ate: .
<br /> '!. :`�r��..; ' FormJO�l1 9/90 r►wRrnuln�,ixrsi
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