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`°.�,;�"� LQ n:.'^ S :i,.,�. � `r ; . ,.,.... ., A�il�'o'r�;E';�l�li4rillCt i __. <br /> °=`_ir.' .+-i �!, �i;' 1..L:.�; - — <br /> �Ilgt <br /> � •� ---,� ,���� -- .. <br /> Vy.+a • . . - _�. <br /> . .TM��� ,y��, � _—. <br /> . . •� �,' <br /> ., r^_K• �1 •���� , ' �__.___ "'' <br /> _.�_ . . .. . .___ -:."—..__- ._ -- ._. . .. . . <br /> —!� � _ " . �—._.. .- .— <br /> .��= -�1��W���� 92� �,03��� <br /> __��,� <br /> __ "'"�'� i �pplic�bk low may cpn;ify for rclns�atement) before sale af�he Propcny pursuam ta wny powcr af sal�contri�wd in this <br /> -----__=�`�'-��-�'� Securiry Inslrument;or(b)entry af a judgment enforcing Ihit Security Instrument. Th�se condition�are lhwt B�►tmwer. (0) <br /> _ _--- °� � paya LerKkr all sums which then would be due under Ihis Securiry Instrument pnd �he Nae as if no accelentlan had <br /> --�"-���s.�e�� occurrcd;(b)curcs any defaull of any aher covenantx or agreements:(c)pays all expenscs incumed io rnfarcing this Secutity <br /> ���',�'.��,'� :• ` :•isuument,including. but not limited ta, flBSOIWIIIC AlIOIfICyB'fees:and(d) tulces such action a.s Lender may reswomb/y <br /> :.� ' t��5�;�-' ��'� ��' ' i requirc to c►ssure tha�thc lien of lhia Secu�iry Insuument,Lender�righ�s in the Propeey and Bom�werh obligation to pay tFx . <br /> �„�rt,�,.::' <br /> ' ��.r;;•: i sums securod by this Secudty (nsttument shall continue unchanged• Upan rtinctAtement by Bcxrower. ihis Securi[y <br /> E� .,�_. �:�:,.:�.,,.. ' Instn�ment and the obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effec�ive as if no neaalemlian had accumed. lr <br /> i ' ;•;.• rf�h�ta rclnstate shull na apply in the cnse af ucceleratian under parogmph 17. �--'�""� <br /> ,; '� ' 19. Srir d NMe;Cb�►age ot Lopn Servker. The Note or a paAiAl f��etecl in the Na�a(together with lhis Security <br /> x_t;:'�', �.� � Incltume�tl may be laold one or more�imes without prior notice ta Hormwer. A sale may resu4 in u change in the enu[y <br /> �' ,� "��`• '` � (Iaw�vn as�he"I.oAn Servicer")that collects mon�hly pAymems due under the Nat�aad�hir Security Instrument. 7iiere also <br /> ""`����`� �" i mAy be one or more changes at the Loan Servicer unrelated ta a sale of the Nme. If there i�u change ni the Loan 5ervlcer, <br /> � �• �," '' � Bomower will he given wriuo�notice af the change in accordance wilh pamgrnph IA utxwe and applicable law. 71�e nWiee � <br /> � ''�'' �- ��:`,:,:r''�� � will state tha nAme anci addrcss of the naw l.oat�Servicer und Ihe addresc to which payments should 6e mudo. The not�ce wili _ <br /> s:-,.,:-,- s � <br /> ,�,�2i..,,.,:w,�:^ ` � also contain uny other infonnatian m.c�uired by applicable luw. � <br /> - ,,,..,,,�:,,,,,.,�_:,. 20. Hwu�rdaus SubstAnces. Battower shall not cAUSe or pertnil lhe pre�enca,u.r•e,dispasal,storage,or rclease of any <br /> _ �='=;��:,�.,._�,�.;;�,;. Hazardous Substances an ar in �ha Propeny. Barrower shall not da,nor aflaw nnyane eit�e lo do,wiythi�ig affecting tt�c --- — <br /> �:'�"'�`' :..s ,. Pro thut ic in violation af an �nviranmental Law. The ►ecedin �wo remences shull not a I to the rcsence,use,or _ <br /> . .�, .. Peh7' Y p B pP Y P <br /> • storage on�I►e Propeny af small quenti�ies of Hawrdaus Substunces tha�are gencrnlly recagniud ta be upproprfate to nortnr+l <br /> ��;;`•.��•.,�� ;�•���%� , residentinl uses and�o maintenance af the Aroperty. <br /> ,. ' '�` ,• , Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice nf any inveslfgution,clAim,demand,law�ui�or other nction by any <br /> i;., � � ' ` �"�� ' ,,� governmental or i+egulatory agency or privete party invnlving the Properiy und uoy Hazondous Substence or Environmental �_ ____ <br /> `��: _,• .:• •�� ''� � ' Law of which Bamawer has actual knowledge. If Borr�wer leurns, or is notified by uny govemmentul or rcgulalory <br />��"��� � • I aathariry. thnt uny removel ar other remediation of Any Ha�nrdour Substunce uf'fecting the Propeny is necessary,Borrower �:. <br />:;�f� .r•hall prompdy take all necessury remedial uctiom in nccordunce with Environmental Luw. _ <br /> '%': • ^ � qs used io lhis parngrc►►ph 20,"Hazardous Subswnces"are those subxtnnce�defined os taxic or huzcinlous substances by --- <br /> :i���.: n , r �.��__ <br /> `...: • Environmental l,aw and the following subg�ances: gar,oline,kerosene,other Oummuble or toxic petmleum proclucts,tox ic <br /> ""' " pesticides and herl+icides, volatilc solvents,mi►teriuls cantAining a�bestos or formuldehyde,and radioactive muteriuls. As �j�y,.�;,,� <br /> ::�, <br /> �S'� '� ' • used in Ihis parugrnph 20,"�nvironmentul Law"mennr�fedetal laws suid lawc of the jurirdiction where the Propeny is located �:�,�,`,�.`�. <br /> ` •�:i��`' �' � that relate ta heaUh,r�►fery or cnvironmcntul protection. ' _ <br /> ' : �1 � .':��,,,, NON-UNIFORM COY�NANTS. Borrower und L.endcr�unher coven;uu and agree us follaws: �;;{� ' ` <br /> -J� ,: � . 21. Acceleratloni Remedies. txnder shell give nolice to Barrower priur to AcceleraUon following Borrower's �.-- `` <br /> r' :��;�': <br /> „�� ��'�.;'•.;� :�`y� breac6 of any covens�nt or agreemeM in this Security Instrumeat Ibut not prior to accelerallon under pAragraph 17 <br /> � %,��ra�,1�, unless appllcable I�w provWes otherwLceL 7'1ie noNce shall specify: lal the deiault;lb1 the�ction required to cure the __ <br /> - - `- • � ;- defpuilc ic)a daie�nvi iess th�n 30 days fium ilsr da2r the nolice ls glven to Borrower,by whkh!!!e def��!!t t�ust tie =-- <br /> �''.���, cured;ond(d)that failure to cure the deP�ult on or before the date specified in Ihe nolke may result in ac�ek�plion d <br />� the sums seeure�f by this 3ecurity Inslrument and sale of tl�e Property. Tpe notice shall Purfher inform B�xraw�er oP -- <br /> ' ' �� �',?};:,,.,�. Ihe right w reinsWte af�er s�cceleration and the righl to Ixin��rourt action to us.sert the non-existence�Fa deiault or <br /> ::/;,:: ' •''�'- nny other defens�of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If'the dePault is not cured on or bePore the date specified ia _ <br />'��'���� the noUce.LentE�r at its a lion may aire immediate a ment in Yu11 of all sumc secured b�•thic Securily Instrument <br />, ..y:.. �'::ii p re�l P Y +��(► ��;�:�' <br /> � :r;;t,�,.,�,{���.�a,yd,.� without further demand aatl may im�oke the power of sale und any other remedies permilted by applirAble la�+. �' � <br /> �yr.,,:.,',. <br /> �� Lender shal! be entitled to callect all expenses iircurred in purxuin�q the remedies provided In Ihis pyrn�raph 21, � �� �... <br /> ��.t.! .,;,,fr�.,,�:: •' rc � • <br /> ; '.,�t',�i�f:,,;•; .,� • includins.but not limited ta,reasonable attornevt'Tee�And c��sls�itifle evide��e. ,��4.� <br /> �.;;,,ti•,; 1P Ihe power oi'sale i!�inw�ked,Truslee shall recnrd a notice of defuult in each count��in which uny purt�f Ihe <br /> � :' ��� � � . 'ftt� Pro�erty is locuted und shull muil copiec oP such notice in the manner pres�ribed by applicabte la�r to Borrower und tu -,mm•�,�,� <br /> � the other persons prescribed by uppllcable law. After the time reyuired by s�pplicuble law.'I�ustee rhall�ive public 'r;-�,, - <br /> � notice of sale to the personx and fn Ihe manner prescribed by uppllcable law•. 7lrutitee.wilhout demund on BorruwP� ";, <br /> ' ' shall sell the Property ut public auctfon to Ihe hi�Ghest bidder al the time und place nnd unde�the terms d�wignated in .. Y•�-a° <br /> ... ' • the notfce of sale in une or morr purcels and in any order 7Yuslee determines. 7Yuslee may postpune�le nP all or anv ���,;k;" <br /> �'��%���r;�• � ,�,:,; parcel of the Property by public onnuuncement at the lime and plucr ut'anv preriuusly scheduled ssde. 4ender or itg _ <br /> ,:; •.., <br /> .:;;a,1. . . . .,;,: . aesi�nee mav pu�cbasc the Prapertr at any sale. , <br /> ;,,� '�; . ,;?�•;;•�.� Upon re��eipt of payment oP the price bid. 'I�uwtee shull deli�er to fhe purchutier 7Yuslee's deed con�•evin�It�e <br /> _ � ���f�n''�',�;}•'� � Property. The recitals in the 71�ustee'ti deed shall i►e prima facie evidrnce oP the trWb of the stutemenls mude lherein. <br /> . �'�;;;``::; 'llrustee sfwll apply the pr�x�eeds of'the�le in tbe follawing order: Ia110 ull cosls und exprnses of'exercisin�Ihe puwer ��t•,}:`__ <br /> �''` �.'.�r.,y- <br />. . . .•,-�� Iflmi��aurr, <br /> . ��`���y:. <br /> ' . . .. �$... . ._ . <br />. ' �, <br /> „ � <br />� " FiKmJ1121i Y•VO ��v��•<„►r�le�¢�-�i k . <br /> r <br /> � :,' <br /> � <br />. �i ' <br /> , �"_.-"._' . _""___ .. - � . , . ' .. . - .. <br />, ( <br /> 1 <br /> . , 1 <br /> t' � — - - — <br />