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<br /> �' � t .7t_�M+:IJ1f1�1�.�:-,�.r�,. _.-� -. ..:
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<br /> _.....i:����Sr1iea. �.t:i.�.'.� _ �- - -- -
<br /> ..�� ------ — --__.
<br /> . . � 92� ,��_—�..._.�e.
<br /> �� � ,,,���,}}};;;..���.�, � ,. STABLE RATE RIDER �O��J'7 — -- -
<br /> �;6:�.e�lYS����S fi�S! .�iU
<br /> -�11e.�`'ii�`°�/�Q(_ .. sar�
<br /> E,�, a U Yqt Trsauuy ladtx•Ma C�)
<br /> M
<br /> ,_�,'��.... y'� /
<br /> �t'+_:'-�'::����`s'"' 2ND APF7IL �y 92 �,;:.K� ---
<br /> __� �''___'_.�.; • THIS ADJUSTABL6 RATE RIDQR b mrdt Ihis �y ot • �
<br /> -'°"�t:;�'�r'��,. �nd b Incorpontad Into uid rhdl be deemed to�unnW and supplcment �he Mortp{e. Deed of Trust. ar Security i)eod(tht"Security
<br /> �, �,;�:•....�,,� . �. ,
<br /> :" � ..�'�N'� `""` �,;�,' lnstsumet►t")ot the wrao d+te{Iven by the undenl�ned l�he"Borrovrer"1 to socure 6arower'�AdJust�bk Rne Nae Itha•'Nae")�a MoMS =
<br /> . ' .,.s e.......,n a�n�y�pC,lATION OF ORAND 194,AND.N�SRAdKA Ilhe"Lmder"1 nf Ihe u1n10 due�nd covoiia{the
<br /> .��.�i��e;�'�i�;�r'` O��Y daarlbed in Ihe SecuHty In�rument�nd lacated�t:
<br /> ' 1521 W CHARLES, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 _,_�y______
<br /> . �.��-- �:,;�: :_
<br /> - :r��.,,:.�.. ' :�� �'-�%- IPropertyAddreu)
<br /> . ,.r., � ---
<br /> ^:"", : .. TMM �ote co�lsin peorWoar dbwM� hr ch�Ra Ir �y I�leee�t nk ��d �y �o�lAlY --- _
<br /> .••��n '��': ''.�` p�y�e�u.TMb�oN�!w Il�lu IYe�waw�t�Y I�leoat nl�cn ch�e�I��f or Ii��d
<br /> ' , :'� �No IM�I�I�ww W IM�uuda��nt�i N�al p�y �;��--
<br /> �a ' � ADQITIONAL COVENAM'S.in�ddltlan ta�he wven�nu���amanu mode in Ihe Secu�1�Y In��rumrnt.Bam�wer md t.ender �'' �-
<br /> `' '��� ', •� furtaer wvenant and a�ra es fdlov�n, f�:;� _�.
<br /> r�� .�' ,te W7'E ANDMO�NiHLY rAY HANGFB ���u,,4i1��,� _ -
<br /> r � .. A. IN7'ERFAT �� _
<br /> � �'�.�i �1 Ti►e Note provida for an iNtid intaest eae of ''� �N►•Section 4 of tho Nalo provida!o�ch�n�ei in the iotarcst r�te w�d the
<br /> '��i� . �'r:}.,. :•., IOO1fIF1IY PAY�u�Y�OIIOWf: 'N
<br />�:?:�t.�� .- . 'i"''_""'• ' �—'
<br /> .•: � (Al CaK�D�1a ``'If� ' _
<br /> ��.','.���;�'� ' The intercst r�te i will pay maychanae on Ne firsl day oi �RY ,19 93 ,and on th�t day every
<br /> `!�`�i;f��:;,; 12 _�months�heraf�er.Eacbdateonwhichmyinteratratecouldchanaeiscalkda••CFwn�epate." �m�_
<br /> ;���.<�;�., --------
<br /> .r-.�:��»i�l'�•. � , (Yl 771t1�dp[ �_..
<br /> - •• �•' ° ���:•!� BeQinnina wfth the flnt Chan�e Date,my iMercst rotc wid be based on an Indca.The"Index"is the weekly avera�e yic{d on Unittd Stata
<br /> ,.. �{..:.:` -
<br /> ' ��1}�� " Treasury securitia odjusted to a comt4nt mpturity oi 1 ywr,as made available by the Federal Raerve Board.The mat recent Index fiQure ��°�'Y
<br />. - .. �;�y,;.��.�.: �g 1p,�_,.�:•.�. '—
<br /> ''�:�5 available a of Ihe d�te 43 d�ya beforc each Chiu►Qe Date is calkd the•'Current Indcx." P' �=��
<br /> -� � ••''� �(the�ndeu is no IonQer avallable,the Note Holder wlll choose a new i�which Is baxd upon comparaMe intormuion.The Note � -
<br /> • Holder wiU Qive me notice of this choftx. �""""'�
<br /> �?�3ii..:..�
<br /> . . ' . _—..M..._ l�./ 6r�R��YYA O��wwwi{� �If,1 I1 JI ��.�..:
<br /> ' Before each Clwnae Date,the Note Holder will cakulate my new interest ratc by addfn� 7�nE� „tiu uivE HALi� perccn�a�e ' `�
<br /> �� poinu! 3-�+ —'1�)[o the Curcent Indea and roundin�to the neare�1/Bth ot 1 ni,subject to the limits stated in Sec�ioo 41D�beb�r. �___��. +
<br /> . �, Thisraunded amount will be my aew interat ra�e un�il the next Chan�e Date. ��'°����''' °°�
<br /> 6i+:�i;.. .. . P •�`.°°
<br /> s t+;�?yr,r,�}>;�� ._� The Nou HoWer will then determine the amount oi ihe montAly payment thot would be suiflciem�o repay in full the principal 1 am � -
<br /> ,• ''r'�%.;�,;:� . • eapected to owe on that Chan�e Datr in substanti�lly equal paymeats by the maturity d��e a�my new interdt rwo.Tbe rauU oP 1hi�ealculation �-___-
<br /> iis,f�a t t�u�%.�i ee�-�-
<br /> .�.,, :���X�`�T�s, �'�^ w1U 6e the new amount oi my monchlY P�+Yment. �"�-�°;, . ..
<br /> ,,,,rfsa�:� � �
<br /> i ., .. �.�µXf9��(:t jJ:. + ' .
<br /> ,��;�:.:�:�� • ��,rP ;; (Dl Ll�id o�I�kml iVle CAu��a
<br /> � ' • ••�(•r: 9.0 qi or less than k.��_ '�,.
<br /> The interat rate 1 un requlred to pay at the tirsl Chan�e Date will not be grealer than T''�
<br />: '' �:14'; 5_Il �y.Thercpfter,my interat rate will never be incra.ud or dtcreased on ony sinale Chan�e Date by morc than '�,:;-;`__' --
<br /> -� ��from the rate of Interat 1 havc been paying for the preceding�welve momhs.The mfnimum intcrest rote on this loan wfll never be �?:� :. - --
<br /> , ���� �, fl �h md the maulmum interest rate wf II never 6e Qrcater than 1?-❑ 9i. t
<br /> ��,�',1.,�
<br /> 5 t.� . (L� Elkctla Dde of Clu��a
<br /> 1,�.
<br /> • My new fnterest rate wfll become eftative on ench ChaoQe Datc.l will pay Ihe amount oi my new monthly poymcnt be4innin�on Ihe fint . •
<br />' :."•Y�sr�• :r mmµhly pAymmt dote after theChanQe Dale undl the nmount oi my monthly paymmt changa apRin. ��;;X�=:N' �
<br /> ,� - , �
<br />- `t i t��� lFl Nodce of Cha�{cr •:l,�' _
<br /> ,. �. �:;t;1Y, The Note Holder will mail or deliver to mt a notice before each ChonQe Da�a The no�ice will adviu me ah �` -•�_
<br /> . .:.•;��{;�;; ({) Ihe new interat rale on my loan as of the Chonge Dale; ' .�
<br /> ({i) thcamountofmymonthiypaymentfollowingtheChangeQate; ��•''L�;��'
<br />'' ' , (iii) any additiond matters which the Note HoWer is required to disclose;und �'�"�T�" —
<br /> ... .TFuS:.�.
<br /> (fv) �he addras of the uiociatlon you could contact rcQardinQ any questions about the adjustment notfa. -,;.;s,;,,":,:�,i;!,,�,�•
<br /> . �',;': �
<br /> .. ., B. CHARGFSiL1ENS .�� .,.�r;.;�7-1�.:�,�:�
<br /> UNform Covenanl4 of the Securlty Instrumcn�is amcnded to read ax(dlows: + ;'i;� � .
<br /> i..,. •�.
<br /> �. Ch�ry�a;11ero.Borrower shall pay all iexes,assessmen�s,antl other chargec,fines,and imposltions auributable to the Property which muy ;'�.� i..�.�
<br /> � attain a priority over this Secudty Ins�rument,and Icatichold paymentc of ground rentti,if any,m the monner provfded under paragraph 2 hereof '��' �
<br /> .�,:?,1. i,� �. :.. ,
<br />' , or,ff not paid in such manner,by Borrower making payment,when Juc,direttly to thr payce thereof.BorroNer�hall prompUy furnfsh Lender ;r ,�. �;���;. ,
<br /> � all notices of omounts due under thls paragraph,and m the evenl Horrower shall make payment directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to , �. .�..•. ' ,
<br /> ' � L.ender receipts evfdencin�such paymenis. Borcower shall promptly dfscharge a�y Ilen which has priority over thlt Security Instrument; �� '•��'�"�'�•� ��
<br /> .t however, Borrowet shall aot be required to dis�harge any xuch lien to long as Norrower: �al ehall agrce in writing to the payment of Ihe �. '';i'.:�'� �
<br /> � obllgatlon secured by such hen in tlk mnnner acceptable to l.endrr;l h)�hnll fn gcx�d fui�h�ontea[such lien by,or defend against enforeemenl of ' '�
<br /> � such Ifen in,legal prceeedings whi�h in thc upinion oF Lcnder oper�tc to prc�•ent thc en(orccmenr of the lien or forPeiture of the Proper�y or uny
<br /> . p�rt thereof;or Icl shall serure from the holder of such Ilen nn agreement m a form su�isfu�tory to l.ender vubordinating such tien to Ihls �
<br /> ' Securlty Instrument. �
<br /> � If Lender de�erminec tha�all ur uny purt oF�hc Nroperty i�whja� tu a lirn which muy auafn u prioriiy o�er thfs Se�urity Instrument,
<br /> � �� Lender shall give Borrower a noh��e Wenuiying wcn uen. norrower snaii aau��y wcn iicn ur�aiec unc ur murc ui�nc rciio�n,ci i��iP�ab.,•c '
<br /> within ten days of the giving�f the nolfce.
<br /> ' � C. NQTIC�
<br /> � Unfform Covenant 14 of Ihe 5c�uri�y in�uumcnl i.umendcd ro rcad u.tull��wc:
<br /> U. Nollce.Ex�ept frr any ndiie rtyuired under applicublc luw�o bc gnen m unother manner.�a�anr nunce u�Bui i uwri pto��dcd tar ro thr.
<br /> Security Inslroment shull bt given by deli�ering ft ur by mailing�t by first tlass mad tu li�rrowcr nt the Propen>Addre��or a��uch rnhrr adJre+�
<br /> " as Bonawer may designale b��mnice io Lender a+pro�ided hercm,and Ihl anv notice Io I ender tihull hc u��cn hv Iv�1 rluti+mad to I endcr'.
<br /> address s�ated herein or tu such uther addrt,s ati I ender may de��gnate Fy�nohce�u Burrnwcr,�,pm��ded herem..4m nou.c pru��ded t�+r m thi.
<br /> Security Inslroment shall be cieemed to hart been g��en lo Borrower ur I ender when g��en m the manncr dc.ignatrJ herein.
<br /> (
<br /> • i —
<br />