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<br /> candemouti�m or Mi►cr�Wcing ai'any p+►n of Ilu:lhnpcny.or fur conveyancc in licu of caxkmnution.ure hc�rby su+�iYned wid
<br /> - _`,`''�'��_=`� �lwll Ne pafd ta LetKi�K.
<br /> -- .�`L:;: In Ihc cvent of u total laking uP Ihe Prapeny, thc praccdx +hull in applied to �hc ,umv c,�cureJ by thia Security
<br /> _---=_�-:.. In�t�umem,whe�hcr�x ncx�hen due,with uny exce++ paiJ lo Bo�mwcr. In thr event of u paAi•rl�aking af�he Propcny in
<br /> �`� �� r..;. which thc fair murket volue of thc Pn+peny immc�iiaicly beii�re�hc iaking is��yuul tn o�grcater�hun�hc umuunt of ihe xum+ .
<br /> r.cwurcd hy�his S�xurity Instnrmrnl immrdiut�ly beGxe Ihr iakin�,unle�.Bnrtuwer und l.endcr atherwi.e ngrec in wriling,
<br /> �.� __'�'-�'' �he xum�ucurcd by�hix S��uriry Insaument �hall lr rcduced by the umuum of thr {xcxeed�muUiplied by�he fuUowing �
<br /> .� t•�:.ti,�� 4'�:,.�:. frx�kxr lul the twul anmun�af�hr�umx xccurcd immediutely Ixfi►r�e Ihu wking,divickd by Ib)�he foir marhet value�f the � _ _
<br /> . - - Pmperty immediately t+efarr�he�abing. Any balance shull hc paid tu BuR��Ner. In �Ix evcm ut'.� purtial tuklnF of thc -- --
<br /> :''� _.�T *;`=:, Propeny�n which the fuir marke�vulue of the Piropeny immcdiulely hefiire the ta{cing iw Icxti lhun thc amoum ni tM:�um� _ .
<br /> -�� ,e.�>".s� ' z . xecun:d immediately lkfore thc IukinF, unle�s Born�wer und Lrndcr othcrwi.e agnc in wri�ing ur unlcss appli��hle law �_�_._
<br /> —�—�•– -.�. -- -
<br /> _,.,.., ... ., ,.i -=,= rnhcnvise provide�,the pmceed�.hull l+e upplicd to�he rums sewreJ by thi.Securily In�lrument whc�lur or rKq thc sum�ure �
<br /> :f�:`4�',�iy'�`<-`'" �hendue.
<br /> .,�•_�;,.. . r:,�:�:. ��-
<br /> . a_ ;,:��,r,�,.,;,;�p��. -� �f thc property ir.abandi►ned by Hnrn�ur�,or if.ufler no�icc by Lendcr ta[ium�Wcr�hul the condemni�r offen�to muke
<br /> `"•�'='"?� �••• �. an aws►rd ar+ettle a cluim far dumuge.,Barr�W�er fail�to m.pond ta Lendrr u•ithin 111 Juy�atier�he dute Ihe no�ice i�Fwen, ���;�=�`_
<br /> c;�.�
<br /> _Ts' , ,'.:R.;� Lender is authcxized lo collect and apply the prn�eed�.ot it+optian.ei�her �o rc�tomtion ar mpair uf�I�e Pr��prny nr to the ��*';.=–=___-__-.
<br /> °. xums securcd by thiti Security Instrument.w hether or not Ihen due. __ �
<br /> -� � ' Unlesc l.emler+u�d B��rtawer otherwi+�c ugree in w�iting,any appliculian of pnxeeds to principai .huli nul C�1cnJ ur �--
<br /> _���3`T^�.� �y/ K
<br /> , ,�.�„`� poslpone the due dute of the monthly paymenty mfemKi�o in paragmph� I und:ar chunge the umuun�oi'�uch puymentn. �`r`�"_��
<br /> '� IL Borrower Nm Released: Porbearaace sy l.ender Not u Waf��er. Ex�cnxi�m oi' thc time for puymrnt or �:-"R�
<br /> .�•'i�.:s:�.. ,i�.,t--
<br /> . . mcdification of umoniunion of�he sums+ecurcd by this Security Insimment gr.�nled hy Lender lo uny wcce.+nr in intcrcsl �;._—
<br /> -- � �'�,k.�- ,,�'�'.. of Horrowcr shall not operL�e[o relew�e the liabili�y uf Ihe ariginul Sorrowar a�sarmwer's succex,on m intert.r�.Lender -
<br /> ��:.�.-.... .. �
<br />'"`�,, . ,,:- d'� � shAll not hc rcyuimd ta commence prixeeding�ngains�uny surce,sar in interext ar refusc to extcnd time for paymem or +�.�,;�' _
<br />:':,.�� .r: ..� , `.�
<br /> , .,�.:..._., .• I olhenvise mcxlify umanization af the sum�+ecured by Ihi.Serurity In��rument hy mu+.on of any demunJ mudc by Ihe original
<br /> ._����rf�'—�' 1.`. . .�.;!�?' ,. Bormwer or eormwer�successor. in interest. Any fi�rbeurnnce by Lender in exercixing any�ight or remed��shall nat be a �� � ,
<br /> ".�:•��'' , , •S ` � wuiver of or prrcluik�he eren i,e of any right ar rcmedy. p�.�,�,._
<br /> .,,��, . ::':'G,+•:;.._ � ly, Succeasas aMf Aai�as Bound:Joint and Severnl l.iabitll ,Co-gl�ners. Thc cnvenantx und ugrccmems uf Ihiti ;,�:. ,�_
<br /> : i Security Instrument shall bind und 1+enefit Ihe,ucce.r•son und nssigns of Lender suid Bormwer.subject to�he provi.ion.of ��•�'--
<br /> _,�.� •, � "' puragruph 17. Borrow�rr's co��enam�and ugn:ements ,hull he joint und severul. Any Borrower w•ho co•,i�en,�hi.Securi�� ���_,__
<br />`t. ;:, �����t, ` ,� �' 1 Ins�n�ment but does not rxecu�e the Nute: lu l is ca•si€ning this Securi�y Instrumem�nly to m�nguge,�ernnt und convcy that
<br /> .�;;�;,'�������� Bormwer's interewt in the Propeny under the termti of Ihiti Security In,trument; Ibl is no�pens�nally obligatcd�o puy thc tiums �
<br /> .• � � ;>;,'?;;;�:•:.r ���� secured My�his Security Insuument;und Icl u�Zmc.thxt Lender und any other Borrower muy agree to eet�nd,mc�dify,forlxur
<br />.�f` ;: � R.:,:.•....�_.
<br /> �,;,.,` �'�•:4 •� • or muke uny uccommixlation� wi�h rNFurd to thz Ierm�+ of this Security Imin�ment or Ihe Note wi�h��w tlu�� Borrnwerk �.�ci,�'::,�---
<br />'=��:..4 • '.. consent. '` `',
<br /> ��ii�:�,-,,_
<br /> �� .;;� .,•�; , 13. Loan Clwrges. IF�he IoAn secured by �hi, Serurit�• In�trument i� .ubjecl to a IaN which set+ muximum Inan �,,+.,,z,, __----
<br /> ; ,tkY� �;: ° churges,und ti�a�iaw ix imuiiy in�rrprclyd+u ihat th..intcrc;i.7r�:��'..�as�zh:�e�:�o!lets:c!��so be c�.l���r���d�n�•�nne�•tiun �s�!7�-_.
<br /> i t�.,'��+ r�" (�; with the bnn exceed Ihe�xrmitted limits.�hen: lul any�uch loun ch•rrge shall be�educed hy thr umount nece.,ary�o reduce �.`:
<br /> � • ;}';�}ri�j��4.a���+1f:7• '
<br /> ��. . J. the charge to the permilled limit:und(bl any wms ulrc:Kiy coUec�ed Ga�m BoROwer which cxceeded permi�ted limi�x will be A !°�-�,::�
<br /> ';�?��;�r,t�;�' h•: ._, �"�ty�-
<br /> � ', +�j�'s4„?�!•�„'.��-: refunded to Rorrower. l.�ndnr muy choo�c to makc ihi+rcfund by reducing the principal oaed under�hc Notc or by mukinE a ��jf����f���r_
<br />: , t•,��+:1�, 4��,s.;.'�'•.;• direct payment to 8orruwcr. If u rcfuncl reduces principal,the reduc�iun will t+�treuted as a pahial prepuyment without cuiy
<br /> .'j;;��t•".y'��r":k'�;, prepayment churge under the Note. �•
<br /> ?.•:°-,:'• 14. Notkes. Anv nrnicc to Burmwcr viJed for in thi, Securit In+tn�ment.hull tk given by deliverinF it or by "'r y _
<br /> pm Y �;'.?'#.�::��-
<br /> ';it�y.e,,•::.. .::, mailing it by fint cla,..mail unle+s upplicublr luw requirc+uxe of unoiher me�hcxl.The notice,hall tx�direc�ed ta thc Pmpeny ��.-°--...;,,�.
<br /> �.,„ . Addre�s or uny wher uddre.ti Borrower dr.ignn��+by nutire to Letxler. Any notice to Lender+hull he piven by tint cluss !�'����.;•�:_—
<br /> �-._u.x_ �-
<br /> • , muil to Lendcr4 addm�,,iutcd hcrein or any c�thcr uJdrc+�Lendcr dc,itnatcti hy noticc to Borr�wcr. Any nntire pmvided for �
<br /> • , in �his Securit� Inxtniment shull Ix �krmed w havr Ikrn gi��cn to BarraN�er nr Lendcr when 6iven u� pmvideJ �n �his ____�:_
<br /> , "".� _ ' . Puragr�ph. '�,.._-:°"::-
<br /> I3. Governin�l.aw: Se�•erabilitv. Thi.Seeurily In+�rumenl shull lx govcnud by federal luw •rnd �hr luw of the � . : �<�;,�
<br /> � � ' �� '' � juriuliction in which the{'ropeny i.I�xateJ. In the ev�nt that uny provi�iun ur rlt�use ot'thi.Srruriry In+trument or Ihe Note �.r •
<br /> • contlicis wi�h applirabl�luw,tiuch cimllict+hall nrn affert��thcr provi.iom of thi.Scrurily In,trumem nr thc Noir whinc�an '
<br /> .. , .. be�iven effect wi�hout ihc contlicdng provi,ian. Ti�thi�rnd the pruvi.ion+ot'thi. Srcuriry Instrument and the Note ure �.;k,,x,�:;._
<br /> . decltued to tx xevcrablc.
<br /> �-.�.��--
<br /> � 16. {brrower's Copy. Burruwer.hall ix givcn onr rimti�nncJ copy of Ihc Na1r and uf thi.Scruriry Imtrument. �;`.,';,(���'.•:�:
<br /> � • 17. Transfer utthc Properly or a Heneficiul lnterest in Borrower. II QII O�811y�l:lfl OI II1C PfOPC11y OiAlly IIIIM�'tiI 10 �;'.'.• ••`'?�:':�'-
<br /> ..�._:
<br /> ' i� is tiold ur tranzferred lor if a Ixrnctiriul imere,l in B��rroa•er i++oIJ i�r tr•rn�ferreJ anJ Borrowcr i.nc�t a aatural Exnonl �r�.�
<br /> '��`., ` . wiihout Lendrr'.prior written c��n�rnt.l.cndrr mav,ai n.�,ption.rcyuirr immrdiulr payment in full of all ,um..ccur�d hy „��.t+�:�,�__,
<br /> � " � this Security Inrlrumenl. Howrvrr,Ihiti aptian+hall nol hc exrrcixrJ By Lcnder ii'exrrci.e i.prohibitcJ b�• teder•rl 1•rw a.uF �.a .;:.;�r_,��.-
<br /> . . .. ' the dutc oi thi4 Security In.trumen�.
<br /> • If Lender exerci+e�thiti uptiun.l.en�kr�hall gi�•c Bnrcuwrr nntirr uf accrlcra�iun. Thr o�,tirr,hall pr�widr u p�ri�xi of .
<br /> , not Iess�hun 30 duyti from the Ju�e dx noticr i�J�IivrrcJ or mail�J��ilhin whirh Bnrm��rr mu.l puy:►II,um+,rcumd hy Ihi. :t ��; - --
<br /> � .' Sccurity In.trumem. If Burrow�r fuil. to �iay thcu �unu priur ti��hr cxpira�i�m �,f thi, �xrial. Lrndcr may invokr any ..
<br /> • , remcdic.�xrniiurJ hy�hi.Sccuri�� In+tnuncnl x ithuut(wYhcr nuli�r��r dcmand��n Burto��ir. �
<br /> IS. Rorrower's RIRht to Rein+tale. U Finm,wer mr.t, rr��uin cunJiiiun.. B�1ffPN�[ �I1:III (l:l�l' th. right tu ha�c �
<br /> . �;nl'orren►ent u(thi+Srcuriiy In.lrumrnt di,cumi�rocd ;u:�m•limr pri��r tu�hr rarlicr„G �.0 i da�.�ur wrh uth�r�xri�xl a� ,
<br /> ,. SmFI.•I.und�•�Fannia�lwciF'reddk�lucl�NIK1/K111\ti1R1'�ft:\1' 1nd�mnt'�nrnem. 4,W1 qar�rJ�.lh�ai�r�i � .
<br /> .`
<br /> . �� ...
<br /> , . .•�,.' . . • �'1,:
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ! .
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<br /> �+ �. . . - — --. _ .
<br />