fqFi+i�f. � ^ ���
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<br /> � + . �.. �� ..� Yts.:• • -
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<br /> ,�,�.:.�
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<br /> �f���f"„���,,.� periuds thol L.ender rcyuirea. The insurunce carder providing �he insurunce+hall be chaxn hy Borrawer�ubject to l.endcrk
<br /> qpprovAl which chall not be unmasonubly withheld. If Burrawer fuilr ta muintain roverage descrit+rd�tiove,Lender may.at
<br /> ___ —'�-•— Lender R oplicm,o6luin covernge to protect LenderA right4 In Ihe Praperty in acccxdance with pivagraph 7.
<br /> —� l ,,. All Insuronce policies and renewals shull be,kceptable lo Lender w�d stwll iacfude u Mandurd rnurtgage clause. Lender
<br /> �r��. , e�hnll have ihe right ta hc�ld�he palicies und�newalh. If Lender teyuires.Borrowor�hall promptly bive to l.ender oll receiptg
<br /> . ���: -
<br /> .��•
<br /> ^�,,�..�•:�`' ; _'`,;.� of pa�d premiums and renewul nouces. In the even�of losx,Barruwer sholl Yive prompt notice to the in�urance carrier an
<br /> '�' Lender. Lender muy muke proof of loxy if nd mude prompdy by Bortawer.
<br /> �-a ,•: ���� •�� Unle.x l.endcr w►d Barrowcr othcnvise ugree in wnting. in.uroncc pra:eed,,hull he upplied to re,torulion or repair oi
<br /> � . .�r:.. the Prapcn dama ed, if�he mstorution or repair is ecanomically fe�xible unJ Lender� �urity i+ �x�t Ic+.cru:d. If the � - - 2 -
<br /> � �..��.t y 6
<br /> �.>�. •, ,�µ� restmation or mpair is nat ecanamicully feagible or Lender:�ecunty waulJ be Ies�ened,the insurrnce proceedv whnll be
<br /> :e
<br /> �a� ..�•Q;�1 Yf1UI�.� ..
<br /> ;y.,,�" ;-�... • upp l i e d �o�f�e +u m s s e c u r e d b y t h i ti S e c u r i t y I n s l r u m e n l, w h e�h er or not�hen due, with un y excess paid �o Borrower. If
<br /> '�'- �"�7"'' ' Borrawer ubandons the Propeny,or does nat umwer within 30 duy+ u ncNice from l.ender tha� the inwmnce rurrier has
<br /> ��i.:_'c r.�.�i �,:• .
<br /> �,,.�. � ofiered lo settle u claim.then Lendcr may callect Ihe imurance prcxeeds. Lender muy use�he procacis to mpair ar reatore
<br /> _- ° �: ' ' ���'� the Propeny ar to pay sum�s�*cured by this Securiry Ins�rumen�,whether ar not�hen due. The 3(I�duy periad will begin when
<br /> _`�.`..i �;�;�;:: '' the notice is given. �._.
<br /> T� �?`�,r�^�s;1�(�•, ;;� Unlesg Lender und Borrower olhenvixe agree in writinb,any applicution of proceeds�o principal shull not extrnd or
<br /> ---�,�` .,,• ���•-� --� st �ihe due dute of the momhly pu,ymentx refemed to in parugrophx I und 2 or rhange�he um�wn�uf the payments. If
<br /> , +.,:. .:- P"• pcx" °-- ---
<br /> __ °� � . under paragrnph 21 �he Property is acquired by Lender,Burtower's ngh[to uny insurunce pohcie�and praceeds�SUlting —
<br /> - . � . ;•.,;,y.;�., from dumnge to the Propcny prior to the acquisition shall pass�o Lender to the ex�ent of Ihe gums secured by this Security
<br /> T- '� `' Instrument immediutely prior to thc acquisition. -�-
<br />�+IF��- . J.. .... :�
<br /> ;.i��,., ; .: :.�'; ,.5;o � 6. Occupnncy. Preservotiow Mainteouuce w�d Protectlon at IOie Property: Borrvwer's l.a+n Applkation;
<br />-.;;;,��. .. • Leaseholds. Bomawer shall occu�y.establi�h,und use ttie Property us Bortower's pri�ecipat�esi�.�r.�w ithi.n�ixty days ufter
<br /> -u <.�,.:„��t�r��=
<br /> -__�. - . ��rz-n�• �-• Il�e execution of this Security Insatsment and shall continue to ocrupy the Ropeny as Borrowers�rioac�pai ti•sidencY foc a1 .----- __
<br /> .�t. .•,;;;1'°' ' y pancy. unless Lender othenvise a rees in writin . whi�-h��ons�nt shall not be
<br /> �,:'��. leust ane cur ufter the date of occu 8 8 ���-
<br />-;�;'-- �• �. • unreasonubly withheld,or unless extenuoting circumstunces eaisc which are beyond Borrower's contxaL_ Bortoaer shall rwt �:��
<br /> ;� .' �• � n • destmy,damage ar impair Ihe Property,ullow thc Property to deteriorate,or commit watite on�hc Pn�rey. Borrower shall
<br /> ' be in defuult if any forfeiture actian or proceeding, whether civil or crimio�.ix begun thut in Lender's �uad fuith judgmem �`�`'"``'�
<br />._,r' ��.,�fi,���```'° ,�',�
<br /> ' S , ;,?"�' could result in forfeiwre of the Property or otherwise mat��ially impuir the lien creuted by thix Security InsaumeM or ���,".
<br />- �," i� Lenderl security interest. Bortower mAy cure wch u defauC¢and reinstute,as provided in parugraph IS, by causing t!�action �
<br /> �1<<�y, � , ,,. .:
<br />_ • .: . ' �r proceeding to he dismissed with p n�ling�hat,in Lender's�coad faith determination,precludex forfeiturc of the Bcxrower's
<br /> •- �_ `'`'.,:� � interest in �he Propeny or other muteriol impairment oi the lien cres�ted by thix Security Instrument or Lender's securiry �4
<br /> � ' � ° ` interest. BoROwer shull also t�e in defuult lf Bamuwer, durin� the loun applicutian process, Bave muteriully false or ����,�,-
<br /> ' ° " s�' inaccurnte informution or swtements to Lender for fuiled�a provide Lender wilh uny material informulion)in co�ection with �•a•�•�-�-�
<br /> ' ...�!'...,' �he laun evidenced by �e Note, including, 6ut not limited w. rrpresentu�ions caocerning Borrower's accupuncy of the �""-`�'=r�-
<br /> ;,�;�;,l,�,ti;;.,_ Praperty as a principal residence. If�his Securiry Instrument is on u leu.ehold,Borrower shull comply with u0 tf�e provisions �°
<br /> , � �,,,,..,�,
<br /> � ° : '° ot the Ieu�e. if borrower acquircs iee tide tu thc Prupr�ty,itx leas�hotd and thC fcc title stsa!!not tnervt �snl��!t!!�r agree�
<br /> .� �� � ' to the merger in writing. `----
<br /> , ;;'< <, 7. Pvatection ot Lender's Rtghts in the Property. If Borrower fails to perfortn the co�•er�ants and agreements .��{:: �
<br /> ';i ' " contuined in thir Securi�y lnstrumen4 or �here is u lega! praeeding ihnt mAy .ignificantly affect Lenderk rights in the ' r
<br /> •,;t�;���7.:•' � Property(such a+a proceeding in twnkrupicy,prnbute,f�x condemru��ion or for�eiwm or to enforce luws or regulations►,Ihen ' ,�,�;F;.t,,=-,"'!'�
<br /> ', ':°�'`�' Lender muy do and pay for whutever i.nece+sury to prot�ct the vulue uf the Prapeny und Lender's rights in Ihe Propeny. . ,
<br /> � � �5����a� � Lender's•uctiunw mny include paying nny sumx aecured by a lien which hus priority over thi�Securi�y f nvm►ment,uppearing .••�
<br /> � in couct,puying reasonuble u�tomeys'fees und entering on the Pmperty to make repairs. Althaugh Lerider may tuke action ' �fi.:�;:,,. -
<br /> • � under this p:uagraph 7,Lendcrdocx not have to do so. �`-Y-_��
<br /> ' Any nmounts dixbursed by Lender under Ihis puragruph 7 ,hull become additional debt of Horcower�ecured by this �"'�'�'� °W
<br /> - �f•:.�.�,��, ';;� � -
<br /> �<<� Security In.�rumrm. Unlrs+ Borcowcr anJ Lender►►groc�o�»her tenn+of puymcnt,ihc.e amount..hall beur interest from the �mK-.�
<br /> "; ."�.•;r�.' ...; �__ _ -•-
<br /> , dute of disbursemem ut�Ite Nnte rute urni sh•rll be puyuble.�•i1h inlerrs4 upon notice tmm Lcnder to Bortower reyuesting
<br />' ' ,.,,..,��. ., paymcnt. 7 �_
<br /> �:.. �,•.:
<br /> " S. Mort A e Inssrance. It'Lendcr rc uir�d mon�a c intiurance us u condition�ri'mukin Uie loan scrurcd b this �" �' °
<br /> �;:. .. B R 4 b !? F Y �.�_-
<br /> Security Instnament, Burcower zhaU puy the premiumti rcqu�red io mvintufn �he mortguFe in,urunce in effect. If, for nny �--�--��:_
<br /> � ` reason, �he mortgugc insuruiuc coverage reyuircd by Lcnder lup+cti or cevseti to Ix in rffcct. Borruwcr shall pay the �,.;-":-���h�:
<br /> � . '.•'i�ti:':;"� remiums re uired �o ah�ain rnvcru � wb+t:uuiull c uiv�deni ta the mart a+e insuranre reviou�l in effect, at u cost - -- ���
<br /> �., . P 4 F' • Y 4 F'6 P �' <.,,..x=�.
<br /> 'v:;::•:/� :-. _. .. .°.'. _
<br />- �:�.. . , xubntantiully eyuivalent�o�he ro.t to Burrowrr at'the munFage in.urancr previously in effec�,from s�n ultemate mortRage ._�`,�
<br />` �^ai�° insurcr upprmed hy Lender. If,ub.tuntiully equivalem monguFr in+uru�x�covrrag� i,not uvuiluhle,E�orrciwer shull puy to ,�•�,:._.',-_.
<br /> Lender evch month u.um eyual to one-twelfth af the yearl�•mongugr inyurunce prcmium being puid hy Bormwer when tlx �" -�' --
<br /> , � insuranee coverage lapzed ar ceaseJ to tx in rt'frc�. LenJrr will uccept,u+c anJ rctain thrse paymrrn.ati u lu.s re+erve in lieu �•-'��'_+;"__
<br /> - . of mongage insurunce. l.u�s rr,erve payments muy no lon�en c� rryuired.•ri�hr opti�m ut'Lendrr,if mongage inxurunce i w•a�__.__ .
<br /> � :�1. '., .�•..
<br /> �. � � covernge(in the umount u�xt fur Ihe prriod�hu� Lender rcyuiresl pnwidcJ hy un in.urcr upproved t�y Lender uguin become, �• • .} .-
<br /> . avuiluble und i�obtuin�J. Bum�wer.hull pay the prrmium.rcyuirrJ a�mainiain mangagr intiuranr�in efl'ecl.�x to pmvidr a ! • �`"�,'� _
<br /> ', '�, , ki.z rescrvc,until the reyuirement for morl�ugc in�uruncc rnd�in urrurdunce with am•wriiten agrecment be�wcen Bonower , '� �
<br /> and Lcnder��r applicublc lu�v. �_��,:�•��.'.., .
<br /> . '.',': . 9. Inspeetion. LenJrr ur it�a�rm may mukc Ra�unuhlr rntrie,upun anJ in,pertion,ul'Ihe Propcny. l.cnJer.hull �
<br />_ . " • give Borti�we�notice at ihe t ime of ur prior tu:ui imExrann�txc�lym�rc:�.oauMr cautir fur the in,peciic,n.
<br /> � IA. Condemnatiun. Thc pnxccd.uf any:a�arJ i,r claim 1'nr dantagc,.dirrrl��r r�mxyucnti:d.i�t runnection with uny . ;
<br /> Sinpl�Famdy--Fannk�1;rc�Freddk 11fae fVIF'11R�t INti7'ltl�1F.\'1'..lmdumi l'nvenaa. 9;911 �p���r?��(n/ti+eru :.'•' .
<br /> . �aret I.�rvP��ma.F�Mnn In� � . ..
<br /> tu�kdn�'all Itf�o:CIP1A799:1 YAX 818�T91•I l.11 , .. •
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