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<br /> �BAti'IY.'}i.LLi.�.�a��,l
<br /> 1 7� I;i•.•�:
<br /> "��-�'-''-� • TQC3ETHER WITH aU the improvemenl�now ar hercuftcr crectrd cx� Ihc property.+u�d aU cu+cmems. �ppuhcnanceg,
<br /> ..�,r.-�ee`�r��4 _
<br /> ,�.__�s�_. and flxlures now or hereufter a psut of the propeny. All replacement+und uJdition� tihall al�co 1ic cavered hy�hir Securily
<br /> �,pr-----=F?;:j. Instrument. A11 of Ihe foregoing ix referred to M�hix Secu�ity Insuumenl as 1hc"Pa►perty."
<br /> s3tfst� ,;�%�!'�'�''•'�,.,,'' � 90RROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised aP ihc c�talc hcrrby cunveycd und has the right tu grant
<br /> ,�, ..�.�,�.� .:.,� ,.,.
<br /> �` �� und convey the Property and that the Praperty is unencumbercd,except fbr encumb�nccw uf re�:urd. 9arrowcr wcurunta und
<br /> ,.��{�?°""'* '� ; will defend generully the�ide ta the Propeny ng�inst yll cluims and demvnd�,�uhject lo uny encumbrunces of recard.
<br /> •'''':�=�� �`�''�'�� � TH1S SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines unifarm covenan�s far nalic�nal uyc und non•unifann covenunts wiih
<br /> ��:...: ,.
<br /> ' --,�-`--�..-...; � limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute n uniform xecurity invtrumem rnvering reul pmperty. a_ y__ ._ __
<br /> `u ,,��a���►. " � UNIF�RM COVENANTS. Boirower und Lende�cavenunt and agme us follows:
<br /> + 1. P�yment o�Principal aad laterest;Prepayment and l.�te Chargea. Hnrrowcr.hall promptly pay when due the
<br /> ,���"''',;',� � ' u d latc chu es duc unde�Ihe Nnte.
<br /> � �, . � .° p�lncipul oi and interest on thc debt evidenced by the Note ond:►ny prepayment n rg
<br /> �•, ' • . ' Z, �nds ior 7bxes and Inaurance. Subject to applicublc law or ta u wriUcn waiver by l.cnder.Borrower sholl pay to
<br />- �°''�^"`�'�•:�•• � � ,Y• � I.ender on the day monthly paymems ure due under the Note,until thc Natc iti puid in full,a sum("Fund+;')f�►r:(ul yeurly
<br /> -:z;; . -• ' �axes und a4sessments whir.h may uuain priority over thix Securiiy lmuunxnt u, �licn an thc f'�upcny;Ib1 yc•rrly leasehold - -.---
<br />=y=_i�. • `° puyments or graund rents on the PmpenY. if unY: lc) yrurly hu�ard or pmpc:rty in�curunce premiums; (d) ycorly flcwd �__ —
<br /> • ' ''' ' °' insurance premiums, if any: le) yearly monguge insurancc premium�,if uny; und ifl any sumc payable i�y Borrower !o
<br />.�i'R '_ �"" "i -
<br /> --... ..
<br /> :;,��� Lender, in accordAnce with the pravisions of paragmph K,in I�eu ot the payment ot mongage insurwrcc premiums. ese ---
<br />-.'�r, ;. �` � items ure eulled"Eurow ltems." l.ender mny,at any time.collect vnd hold Funds in an amaunl not�o exeeed the muximum
<br /> Amount a lender fc�r a feders�lly mlaied mortguge lo�n may reyuim for Borrower!s eu:row uccaunl under the federul Rcal
<br />"�� ; ; . '� ` I Fstute Senlemant Procedures Act of 1974 as amcnded from timc�o time,12 U.S.C.#Z601 e�sey.l"RESPA").unless unother
<br /> ' '���'`"��'' law that Applies to the F�nds sets u le�ser amount. If so,Lender may,at uny timc.callect cu�d hald Funds in An amaun[not to __
<br />-:��•:'�•:'+':� �:.� .'••,, exceed the lesser amount. Lender may estimate the umount of Funds due on �he basix of current data und reusonuble �_`
<br /> _ , • � ' estimates of expendiwres of future Escmw Items or otherwise in accordunce wi�h applicnble luw.
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution who.se dcposits ure in.ured by u fcdeml agency, instrumentality,or entity ��
<br /> • , '� (including Lender,if I.ender is such an imti�ution>ar in any Federnl Home l.oan Bank. Lender yhall upply the Fundti to puy _
<br /> � the Escrow Items. Lender muy no1 charge Borrower for holding and npplyin� Ihc Funds, Annunlly analyzing Ihe escrow ____-_
<br /> ., '' account, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Bc�rrower intercst an the Funds and upplicuble law pertnits --
<br /> Lender to make such u churge. However, Lender may requin:8orrower to pay u one-time charge for un independent real
<br /> ` ests►te tax rcporling service used by Lender in connection with this loun,unless upplicAble law provides otherwise. Unlesc un _
<br /> - _ i agreemem is made or upplicnble luw�equires interest to be paid,Lender shull not bc required lo pay Bortower uny intercst or • - °--
<br /> , �. �.. , I ��L.. �
<br /> � eamings on the Funds. Borrower And L.ender may ugrcc in wri�ing,hawevcr,thut intcrest shull be puid on the FunJs. l.ender
<br />.��,,. .. , shall give lo Borrower,withoul churge,un Annual uccounting oi the Funds, showing crcdits AnJ debitti to the Funds and the _
<br />- ,��... . , -I purpose for which euch debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged us udditionnl security for ull sums secured by _ a.._ __
<br /> ' this Security Instrument. �� `�`
<br /> '°=�'` �' -- !f the Funds held hy l.ender exceed thP nm���mc permitted to be held by applicAble luw, Lender �hull account to M�W'+'��_ �
<br /> ° ^ I Borrower for the ezcess Funds in uccardunce with the reyuircments of rpplicuble luw. If the nmaunt of�he Funds held by -� ,.
<br /> , ;; y Lender ut any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Uem+ when due.Lender muy xo notify Borrower in writing,and, in ���
<br /> o uwcr shull u to Lender thc umount nccc�.ury to muke up ihe deficiency. Borrower shAll makc up thc �,,�i�,.V_.►::,.
<br /> �;•;: such cnse B rr p y - .,...-.
<br /> _ �1,;,,�.;..; , � deficiency in no more thnn twelve monlhly payments,ut Lender:sole discretion. �
<br /> Upon paymenl in full oP all sum�secured by this Securiry Instrument,Lender shull promptly reiund tu Borrower Any '�
<br /> FLnds held by L.ender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acyuirc�r u�U the Propeny.Lender, prior tn thc ucquixilion or "�,�_�'��'
<br /> } . , . • sale of the Properry,shall upply uny Funds hclJ by Lender ut tt�time uf ucyuisition or sale as u credit against the sums �,;,�-`
<br /> • secured by this Security Inslrument. "%;
<br /> . . "., 3. Applieadon of Payments. Unless upplicuble luw provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under �y �:4i_,:
<br /> , I par�gruphs t und 2 shall t+e applied:tirst,to any prcpayment char�es due under the Nute;tiecund,to umount.r payrblc undcr �-_„�___' -
<br /> paragraph 2;third,to intere�t duc;fcwrth,to princip•rl Juc;and luxt,lu any latc churges due under thc Note. ��"'
<br /> • 4. Charges; L i ens. Burruwrr s ha l l p�y u l l tuxes, as,esti m c n t s, c h u r g c,,fine, and im p usitiuns uttributablr to thc �?•�+.'�'�---
<br /> �� • , Property which muy nuuin priority over thix Security Instrumem,und IcuscholJ puymcnt�ar graund rents,if any. Barrower �-�
<br /> � shull pay thcsse obligu�ions in the munner provided in p•rro�ruph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Bortower shull puy them on . . ..•_�``ti``.
<br /> ' time directly to the person owed puyment. Borcower shall promptly fumish to Lrndcr all notices of amounts to Ix paid under • •
<br /> • �• � Ihiti pumgrnph. If Borrower mukes Ihexe payments dirccdy. Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender receipts evidenring , ,,,.,. �
<br /> � the payments. '' ` : `",
<br /> ., Borrower shull prompUy di�charge nny lien which has pri�xiry over this Security Insuument unless Borrowee(A)ugrees "
<br /> .�.
<br /> ::�;,, in writing lo the p•ryment of the obligulion secured by 1he lien in a munner ucceptable to Lender;(b1 contests in goocl fuith the �•y-�.,�::r _
<br /> - '��' lien by.ar defends ugainst enforcement ot�Ihe lien in,Ir�;•rl pnxeedings which in thc Lender's opinion operute to prevent the � • _._.
<br /> ' �. . enforcement of thc lien;or(cl secureti from thc holder of thc licn un agrermcnt satisfartory lo l.rnder subordinating the lien _:M-7.-�-"'
<br /> ' . ; �o this Security Instrument. If Lender detertninex thut uny pun of the Propeny is,uhject to a lien which may uuuin prioriry . ,���'*'r"'=
<br /> °��': '�'- " � over this Security Instrument,Lender moy givc BoRC►wer a notice idemifying�hr lien. Borrower sh•rll satisfy Ihe lien or take '" 'r�
<br /> ��'� , � one or morc of thc actions�et forth abovr within 10 duy�of thr giving of noticc. "
<br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower tihall krcp the improvcmcni� no�v exis�ing or hercufter erec�ed on the
<br /> � � � Pro�xny insured against loss by fire,huzurds included within the lcnn"extrndrd covcrage"and any other hazards,including
<br /> ' ' tloods or flooding, for which Lender rcyuirc. in,urancc. '1'lii. inwranrc �hall Iw maim�inrd in the amounts and for the ,
<br /> I .
<br /> Form 10211 9�90 ��r,�.qr.��l�P�+Rrsl '
<br /> � i � .
<br /> � � .
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