.,"�t. .,t<(� �- . - - . - •� ' ' _ir'%�,� A- ._ . ,G. . -�b}. . 4 n`:
<br /> 't: -y. .-�f. �;�. ,��c A .�}:1 �L: ..� �F a ( 4 `� , , a�y . ( c a .... .
<br /> :'r�. . �� k +� ` C t Y-} �'- c ' .l .. ,•� s, ' '..0 ..- ' ;- T`_Y 4 -' .
<br /> . • ' 2 � `L .0 — _-__ _.9�."�h�i �—J _.�._. __--_ _ ._ '�!�- .�.
<br /> 1, - - �i:
<br /> � ������ —
<br /> ��.'.}, gaym�rs may ao lon�er be mquirsd.at the aption af Ireades.if mnrtgag�insurance cov�rage(in the amount and for the geriod ---
<br /> _- tix�I.encier re�ui,-�,)��vida;�f an insur�r a�,�mt�b;I.e�.�r a�in Isecom.�?vaiLble and is o6tained. 3orrower sh31i pay -'�"°:
<br /> . , �h�premiums required to*��++�a►n mortgage insurance in effert,or to provids a loss r�ser++e,until the requirement for m�ortgage �"
<br /> insurance ends in amordaace with sAy written agreement bet�veen Borrower and L.ender or applicable law. —
<br /> 9.�ssgedPon.Leuder or it�agent may make reasonable entries upan aad insFactions of the Property. Lender shail give �
<br /> Boma�ver nati�e ai the time of or prior to an insy�ection spetifying reasonable rause for the��q�ertion. �,.__
<br /> 1a. Cand�a4£on. T6e proceeds of any awar+d ar claim for damabes.dir�t or��uential, in connection w�th any —�•�
<br /> =—� coad�nation or atFter ta�ng of any part of the Fraperty,or for conveyaace in lieu Qf e�nd�-�:'iea,zre h�reby assigned and �--�-
<br /> _- - �.z`��aid ta Iz�s�der_ �,, _
<br /> I�;tirit�c�:ent of a total taldn�ef the Property,t13e proceeds��15[ne�,.'r�Ed to the si.ncs�red by this Security InstYVS�eut. =__
<br /> wh�ear not dien due, cvith ar,���s paid to Borrower. In a�event of a partial taldng of the Progerty in v,tsich the fair �''°•
<br /> r,�
<br /> m�arket vatue of thc Fro�erry i�rnr�ediately I�fore th�taking is equal to or greater tLan the a�ount of the svms s�by this �
<br /> � Security Ir+stsurasut insQediately bsfore the�aldng,usiless�orsower ar.d IxndYr ot8erwise agrec in writia�.the sums secured by �
<br /> this Securiry Insuvmeat shall 6e redaced by We auzonnt of the proceeds mu(tiplied by the following fiaction: (a)the total
<br /> uz
<br /> . amaunt a€the sums s�iffim�dialely befo�the takiag,divide�by(b) the fair market value of the Property immefliatety �"
<br /> , befone dte t�icing. 1�ny batance�hall Ise paid to Borrower. In the event of a Qartial talcing of the Propecty in which the faia —
<br /> • - market vatue of the Property immediately hefflre the tahing is lfss t&w the aiaount of the sums secured immedi�tely bcfare the �
<br /> '� : � tafcing�anicss Borrower and L.ender othercvise agcoe in wriring or unless apjsficabte lavv otherwise pravide�, the proceeds shall
<br /> ~ � be upplie4 to the sums secureA by this Sea�rdty[asuument whesher or not the sums�theu du�. �,.;
<br /> ; . t` If the Property is abandoru�6y Borrower.or if,after nauce by Lender to�orrower that the wndemn�r off�rs to�t�alce an
<br /> ' awrud or settle a ctaim f�r damages. Borruwer fails to respand cfl Ixnder within 30 days tifter the date thE nntice is given,
<br /> . •�� L.ender is authotiaed to collect a�d apply th�p�ceEds.at ets aption.either w restoration or repair of the Prv�perty or to the sueoe �"
<br /> • ' seaued by thia Seeu�iry h�suwaent,whether or aot cken due. �:.:•;:
<br /> : ;.��, U�ess L�ender aad Eorrower othernise ap,c�u in writing, any applicatian of pmceeds ta priacipat sbal! nmt extead or �
<br /> .,,,.�. �stgoae the due date of the atonthty payments rferred to ia paragrapbs 1 and 2 or change the azaount of such payffienis. �.'
<br /> :s; :;.,.� 11.�osrower Not Reteased;Forbear�oe By I.sa�rtr Na!a Nafves.Eatensioa of the ti�ue fur payment or modificatian
<br /> of amorti7arion of the sums secumd by tius Securiry insnu�ent grante.�by Lender w any successor in int�resi of Bormwer sUa!! �.-�
<br /> , ��'�� nnt operate to retease the liab[lity of t�e original�csrro�ver or Borrower's successeis in interest•Lendsr s�all not be required w �
<br />. . �';� comrnene.�c+oceedi.�^�c againsc any successor in inn.�t or c�fese w extend time for paymeni or oiherwise modify amorti7ation �;'
<br /> , � �',.' of the su�s s�sn.�r�6y th9s Ser�uity Iastrument by reasQ� �€any demaad made by the original Bonower or F�zowds
<br /> '-� t succe:�.��'t•Any forbearance by Lender in exerci��zny right or�y s9�.9 not be a waivet af or��:s t�e
<br /> ' �'i! 8A0tYiWG�,'e�3oy lt�LLOI t2TIICQy. . '. ,
<br /> � • ➢i:Suc�as amd Assi�ns Bouud; Jofnt tsn�Save7^.J �.iabili2y; �o-slgmers. The coveoants and agieement3 r.�f t':�, �
<br /> � Secur;'v �nswment sha13 bind and b�efit tiae �ccessoys ar+�assigas of 1l�er az•d Borroaer. subject to the provi�ors��, " —
<br /> -- � �r� 17. P.csrrawcr's cov�,�i aad a�reem?�.s sh?��tsca joint and r,�.ti�..l. Ar.y �iorrower wtio co-signs tbis S�i:�.,�` _
<br />;;, �°:.�:.: Inspu�.�but does not execute t�e 7��m:(a?is.aa�igning�.is Security �stta�ent ra;l�co martgage, grani aaQ comrey t6�i,�.�'
<br /> ':'''�'�� Eartawet's inLerest�a tlfe Pro usr�ec,t�:�s��;;as��a�this Secari � ,•**�n*-(b)is neC onaii a6 ' w a the sn��:�`� �-
<br /> . ;,.f,. Pen7+ t5+ � Y �S� P Y
<br />. secured 6y this Ss�r..�ity Instcv,ment;and(c)a8�sas t3u�L.ender and any adcra��'orroarec awy agrze w e�A,modifY,foibear c� ---
<br /> . ��'-, msike any uceat�.c�ations witb regard ta the cer.��st'this Security Inst�am'�or the Note without t�at Icrorrower's cansent.: ��.: f
<br /> �"-'f ,�.�,'�;�.,oatt Ct�atges.If the loan secu�ed by tivs Securit-3 fii.suumeru is suhject to a law which.sas maxuanm loa�,cha[,.�°'.,.7,,,
<br /> ' an���rl:;]'srnw is fianlly interpreted so that the interest or oshc��oan charges collected or to be eoltected in connee�i:�-��c:n:w�e
<br /> .. �� i loan es��ns�e..^�etted limits.then: (�)any such laan charge shall be reduced by the amouat nece�aryr to r�u�tdtrEi.�ti�Z:.• _:.
<br /> .. �i w[$e g;�tr;�i f�iasails-and(b?any sams alrezdy wY[ected from&►rrawer wirich eaceeded permi4ted limits will be i�5���;�.�v.':. .
<br /> ,.:,.�s So�!!'�±��:,�-r•�iy choose to make this refund by redaaing the princtipal owed under the Note.or by maYis��.��;�s�c�c",�..�.
<br /> [say�stc��:t'o Borrower. If a refund reduce.s princigal. the reduction will be tseated as a partlal P�PaY� �'�'�'a=.:��'�."�:� _
<br /> � pre��:�iinettt charge under the Note. .. �
<br /> � 14.Notioes.Any notice to Borrower pravided for in this Securety ins�nt shall be given by clelivering it c�.L:mailit�
<br /> . ,`: :_;.. '
<br /> � .; .� .:. is by first class mail unless epplicable law tequires use of another metkod.The notice shati be directcd.EQ the :, :J:ddr�"
<br /> ' as�uy other address Borrower designates by aotice to Lender. Any c��tis�a to Lender ahall be�:c-�r.L`y �rst�.?ss.in�?;Ut�, �
<br /> L.�idi�r's address stated�erein crr any ather address l.ender designates P�,t rorice to Borrower. Aay notice pro:ridra3:��r�:a.�h4ra �'
<br /> % Sc��a�1fl�+Instrvinent ahnli ba deemed to have been given to I��tmTnv�cr&�fider when given as proviried in this p�rF�'f�'li:. —
<br /> , � �:�'iS.Cooerntng Law; Severabllity. 77ris Securitp i��..,.�:-�u :1*,!I�be govemed by federal Iaw and the'^:r;.�:4�f�� `. �
<br /> .. ' '.'r Juds�i�tion in which the Froperty is tacated.Ia.ti:�e.'a;a t�7Ex:�.��Str'•x.i�i,an or clause of this SecUrity Insunm�nt ez �*.:��xid"; �".
<br /> " 1� canfit�,M.;y with applicu6le taw,such conf]ict shat;na¢.Lffa.s r,xi:rr.��ar.i::5r�iss�e;f this Socurity Insttument or the Note w�i,als�.�tfiR+a .
<br /> - � gi,��r�ect witisout die conflicdng pe+ovision.7'o this er���s►e�ms i:7a:�.�d.:tfris Security Insteument and the Note umf:cdl.ec�ta;�3�
<br /> to•,iae,everable.
<br /> �� Y6.Sorro�ver's Copy.Boaower shnll be given one conformed copy«ft9ie Note and of tHis Secu�ity Instrument.
<br /> , � Fotm 3628 819�
<br /> . ;,��'s vageaote -"
<br /> ' �:�' .
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