r .. ��.. .. . s . '✓ .c` . . �f: �. �d.• � a ��CC�a�� 'lyr��ti •i
<br />. ,` ... t' .'Y r c _ ... ._ .� r i �.. < t '.z. `t ' ' ' �...:. � ��! \;�`t .' �-..._
<br /> f `t�h..Y � �•::.'�. t��+?�
<br /> �`_�
<br /> �'��.
<br /> :~ g�- 1���� �--�--_
<br /> ,��,, ia�-:_=
<br /> - t7.�er of 4[ce Peo or u Ba��sdaf�te�4 i�dio�ro�rer.�f ati ar any part of ehe Peogerty ar any interest in it �K•-:-_
<br /> �r�
<br /> is snid or transferred for if a ben cia!ucterest in 8arrovrer is sol�or tiansferred and Eorrower is not a natural prrson)withont r�'>:
<br />�`''�``� Ler�er s peiar written w�ss�t. �.zr.d�ms�. at its e�i�. :equs? s�mediate gayment ia fuii of ail suufs secut+�d by ttus -,"'-.
<br /> S°„cvrity Instruinent.�fowaver,this option shall aot is,,exercis�d by Letcder if exercise is prohibited by f�icral la�v as of the ds►ie i_J`�;�.
<br />_ • of this Seairiry Instwnent. �``�}
<br /> If I.e�+zr exercises this option,Lender sluill give�orrower notice of aocelerarion.The notice shall pnouide a pe�ia�of aot f,
<br />• less than 30 days from the date the norioe is delivered or mailet!witfun�vhich Sorrower must pay a!1 sums secured by tt►Is €�,;-
<br /> . Securi Instrum�nt. If Horro�ver fails eo these sums rior to ttie iration of Wis od, Lender m��inv�ke an remedies �`'��
<br /> ry PaY P �P P�► 3 Y •i,
<br /> .r•�` ? y»mutted by this Security tnstrumant withoui further notice or demand on Borrower. :�%r•
<br />:'�,• 18. Bare�ovser's Rig&t to Retnsiate. If Borrower meets cert:iin ooaditions, Borraw�r shall ha��Q the ri�ht ta huve j:,t;,f
<br /> enforcement o€this Security Instrument discor.tinued at any time prior to the earlier af: (a) S dnyh(��r suci� other periad as �'�°�;;F:
<br /> �=._.,
<br /> ` ap�lirable law m.ay specify fot reinst�temrnt)before safe of the Pmperty pursu�►! tu ai�y �wwar uf saia contain�d in this ;..
<br /> rty
<br /> Security I�trumcnt:or(b�enlry of a judgment enforcing this Sccurity lnstcument.Those condlti�ns ar�tttnt Bnrra�ver:(a1 pays �_'�
<br />' �`". L.endcr al!sums which then would be dae under this Seturity Ic,s�Rtment and thc Nate as if na a�r�emtian hnd accurna:(b) --��
<br /> cures nny detauit of any�tl�er covetutsits or agreem:nts:(c) paya nll expenses incurred in enforciag thi�Sccvrity InStrument. ��=
<br /> � irstuding.but nat limitcd to,masortable nttomcys' fcrs;�r.d Ed)ta�es such nction es I.ender may r�attaGly require to assuce �-��
<br /> that thc licn af ihix Sccurity Inssn►rsunt.Lender's ei�hts in the Propenty und Borrowc�'F obligation to pAy tha sums se�vrod by .�1='�
<br /> � � [his Sccuriry Instrument sh�l! cnnianuc uttchnnged Upon rcinstateme�rt hy Sorrowcr. this Scsurity Instrument and the :�:h--
<br /> I:�.:.r
<br /> � obligntions serur•�d hereDy sluilt rcmain IUtly eiferttvc as if no acceleracian had accurr�.However, thi:�right to reinstare shall .�x
<br /> rtat appfy in thc c�sc of accctcrution undc►paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sal� of IVote�C�nge o!l.oan Servlcer. The Nate ur a panial intcrest in the Na�ta(ta&ctttar with this Secusity ���
<br /> �f Insttument)may be sotd or�e or more times without riar notice ta Borrower. A s�le ma �rsult ln a ci�an m the entity(tcriown ��
<br /> P Y . � �'`:
<br /> � as the'L.oan Sec�vircr")ths3 ooltects monthty paymems due under the Note and this�ecurety Ws9wnem.Ther�e also may 6e one ��;,�
<br /> �, � or more changes of the Laan Servlcer unrelat�to a sale of the Note.If therc is a changa af eGu I.arm Servicer.$orrotive;vrill be ��•;-
<br /> �:::. .
<br /> given�vritten noticc of the change in acoordance with paragraph!4 above and npplicabl�s iaiv.Th¢aaticc will stctte the c�ame and ',�,_
<br /> ' address of the ne�v I.aan S�nricer and the address to which payments sfiould 6e made.'P}tQ aaaca will also cantain any other _
<br /> informauan required by appiica6te law. .�•
<br /> . ?d►,�azardaus�ubsB�. Borrower shall nat cause or pemnit the presenw.. uce,dispasal. storage, mr release of atry ?���•�`
<br /> tTCr•
<br /> Hazardous Snbstances on or in the Propeny. BorrawEr shall not do, nor allu�v auy�ne eise [a do. anything atTecting the o,�z�,:
<br /> Property that is in violation af any Environmen[al Law.The precedin�two senton�a.s shsill nnt appfy to the p�sence,use, or °�-�
<br /> ,° ' storage on thE PropeRy of smalt quantities of Har.�rdaus Substances that are genaull�recogni�,ed to @e apprapriate to noimal Od""�:
<br /> reside�uial uses and to maintenance of the Pro�erty. ';'`;'
<br /> � Borrower st�all promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation.c1Yam.de�nmad.lawsuit or ather ac6on by any "'_--_
<br />. govemma►tal or ngulatory agency or private parry imalving the Property an�any�3trraMmis Substunce or F.c�vimnmentat Law �i:���--.
<br /> � of which Borrovrer has a�ual lmowledge. If Barm�r�r leams,or is rtotifced bp any gm�omm�tul ar regula¢msy aat(tority. that ___-
<br /> � any mmoval or other remediation of any Ha7ardous Sabstanse affecting the Prup«rty is necessa��r,Enimwer s�a11 proatplly take = -
<br /> ' ' all neoessary+remedial ae3ions in acxordar:ce with Em�ironmental Law. "y`
<br /> , .�:t' Y;�'-
<br /> .- As used iet this pruagraph 20. "Hazardous Snbstances" are those substaacas dafined as toxie or hn�andous substances by �iy,�
<br /> �.%"� �nvironmental Law and the foltoaring substances: gasoline, keroseae, other €lummf,dle or toxia peuoleu�+products, touc �p=°�
<br /> � $�sticides and herbicides.volatile solvents.�naterials cantaining asbesws or famnildottyda.and rttdInactiv$m�2e�iuls.As used in �'-
<br /> � t�iis paragrapt► 20, "Envircnmental Law" means fad�tal laws and taws of the nuisdiotfan where the Arap� is locate:i that �,�,,,t.
<br /> ':�'iai�to beal&`�,oai�ty ar�::u:,m�r�.,^ntal pfoirciian. -�
<br /> � '� NON•�3I�IIFORM��r"ENAI�3TS.Borrowcr and I.ender furthet covenant aad agrea As foflmvs:
<br /> .s• 2l.A��tion;�edies.Lender s�ll g,ive notice to Borrower praor to aec�lcTatian�fnlloivinB�rmwer's�re�r.� �'"`:`
<br /> ��t",.,:i e��anY caven.wt or �—+r.�emen4 in tbis�ec�itY �uZUent tbut esut Pr�or to,aosxlr.�9fon�undttr��,.��.�apl� 17 imYcss �"'
<br /> �. � 9; �iFPlicaBle law pravfrYe�usi`,�awise).Tde nottc�s8�ili.�cifq: (a)the deSi�nik�N)�tha a�ion�cjai�i�n as�t�thc deiauit; ;h--
<br /> :...:� ' �cc)a date,aot tess t1��days fmm the date t�nr rsrotice is given to BasKrnver,b�*svhidf�tUe dai'ciutt im.u�4 be cur�ed;aad _---
<br /> i,;��;;:�;: � '(�tbat[allure to care!�defaWt�n or i�efor2 C+he date spedRed in tf�e notic�muy,�vlt�in�ucr,s�u'�op af tEze soms __.__
<br /> �'"„ t? .secured hy thL�Secarity'i�ea�.:�r�sstie a�'t�e Properiy.�e non��an F�►��n�or�,�v�r of w���t to
<br /> .f'����'t�}`:. ' � reiastate af�es acoelarat�:a nad the:ci}�2 ta tr�g s canrt aci�on to ass�rt We non+exat��.QY t1•d�alt ur any ather ---
<br /> . . 't;` degimse of�arrawer ta,�i�lerauog and sa•le� Fi��'�e defaott is aot c�reA on ar t�dare�3se rr«utiz�s�rr�£{t�in the notdce, �I;�
<br /> �. Leader,�t itv optton,mis�.vreqoire immediat��.�rent in.fiili of s�i!sams sec�rt�d�N�thi�Sa�r:�;��.�,�vment wit➢zout �
<br /> rd
<br /> •` :�; . :�farther&mand and m�y�nvoke We poAVer of�Ite�md nny other r�aedi�.w pea�f4tvd�b�t.ag�w67�JYk;e�L'.endrr si�tl be .
<br /> ' • ta1�f�Ct1�0 CO��CCt�CRpC7�lS�OC11tlCd�D�?2t�d�PCIIIfd�Q3�l'09I(DEd M 1�I�Y.(lA1B$i��l''Z���I1C�UL�G'I�r-�11Et flDI�1�LEfl ,. �r
<br /> �` to,reasoaabie aMomeys't'ees and costs of title ev�b'e■.,�rce. . :. ,. ,' �_~�
<br /> . If ti�e power ot sate�S i�oked.Trustee�i,�record n nottce ot de�s►nit in earn�cmmty i�i�afiIe'��stny fwr:rw'�the, ;�,
<br /> ' .' • ; ProP�rtY ts ioca3ed��i�r�]m�copies e!susS�motice in the manner r�arb��bti1�pp�twb9p Ihw t�;iSnrrowcr an�tu =- --
<br /> . � the other pessans pre�ceti�aS:�by appitcable law.��VB�r tbe time requfr���i•�p�lirnbin Ipw,T�rs4ea st�s�G��ve publle u�tice .
<br /> .y,; '�I� �of aale to We pe�sons aa8 in tl�e manner pre�c„^i�by applicabfe law.'i`rastee��vilhont��annnd�on.11�sr.c�ow�er.s6�ci!5e1{ E�::;`u
<br /> �� � ,���T � ' ' the Property�at pu6fis uuriton to t6e highest b�6drr at t6e ttme aad plaae an�und�r the tc�ns.dmigr�ux�rd in tUe nottce of ,,,�.,_
<br /> '�'"'i'�'� sale in one or more pnoels and in an order'iyi�stee determines.Trustee ma ns¢ ano sal�u4'Ni ar an a�e1 of ihe
<br />'};;�;`?.':; Pro�ee4Y bY pu$Uc announcement at ythe aim�s�1 place of auy prevtously scd�ul�wl sala.I:ender or iW desigaeP mAy ----
<br /> ,',i� � purct�se the Qeoperty at any sate. - --
<br /> . ' ,�; Farm 8028 9180 J`�=?'
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