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<br /> �.�;,�,�.=:��„ ,. th�Prop�A�r la w hk�n or d�meped,�sndsr sh�ll h�v�th�optlon,!n lu eote and abwluu dl�crMbn,to apply all wah P�x�ed�,
<br /> '�'°��_�sso�� ;t,. aMr d�duatlnp th�rdrom all co�u�nd�xp�nsa Inaurr�d by It in conn�ction wlth tuch PracNd�,upon a�r Ind�bWdn�u waur�d __
<br /> '�''��. , h�nby�nd In suah ordn�s Lend�r m�y dstarmino,or to�pply all wch Proessd�,aR�r�uch deductions,to the re�tondon of fh�
<br /> ��': . ^ :_n prop�rly upon wah condlGons a�lender m�y d�termine.Any appUcadon of ProcNd�to indebtednoss�hall not uR�nd or postpon�
<br /> � , 1h�du�dat�of�ny paym�nb undor th� Note,or cun any def�ult th�reunder or honund�r.Any unappli�d lunds�hall b�pald to
<br /> , • .,:;�,;. ' Trwtor.
<br /> g,p�lottnana�br LsndK,Upon tho occurrence ot en Event of Oef�ult horeunder,or 11 any eat I�taken a lepal procaadinp
<br /> -- �'..";�.`-' - aommenced which materlally eHecro l.ender's intereet In the Propsrty,Lends►may In ib own discretlo�,but without obUpeGon W do c^:_,,___. ._.__
<br /> . �u"a ;�%_•'�• w,�nd wlfhout notice to or demand upo�7rustor and without releaefnp Trustor Iram eny oblipatlon, do a�y act which Tru�tor has ��-
<br /> � ��:"`',:��"' � aprs�d but lalls to do and may also do�ny other act it deama necessary to protect the aec urlty h�reol.Trwtor e1Wl,imm�dfatsly — ._
<br /> '- � �� � � ` upon dsmend thsretor by Lender,pay to l.enderell coau and expen�ea Incurrad and euma e�pen�ed by Lender in connecdon with ___
<br /> . ,�. �. ' th�exerclee by Lsnder of the forepolnp riphts,topether with fnterest thereon et tha delAUlt rate provided in the Note,which ahaq be _ � ___
<br /> C"•i; ��:�ri<:�� added to th� Indebtadnws �ecurad h�r�by. I.ondar afwll not incur any Ilpbllity becauso of an y t hinp it may do or omit to do �
<br /> �.�,e . �f�<'..`:'�'��` haraunder. __
<br /> � '� '`��"'�':�f`: 9.Huardow Yat��l�.Truator ahall keep the Praperty in campUance with all appl�oble laws,ordinances and repul�Uan�
<br /> ''', �.�..� .
<br /> ' reloUnp to industrlal hrpiene or environnwnted pratectlon(coltectively refarred to herein as"Enriranmental Laws"►.Trusto►4ha11 �;�„�.-_°= ----
<br /> � �� keep Mo Property free from all�ub�tancea deemod to be h�zardout or toxic under any Envlranmenipl I.aws(aollpotively reterred W
<br /> �• ',� .:. ,,�; herain os"H�zardou�Malrri�le"►.Tru�tor.h�ri�by warrants and reprasonts to Lender thet thera ara na Haiardous Materlala on or
<br /> . .. .-,,_�_-== -
<br /> - �- --� - -• ,�. , undet Ihe Propuriy.Trurtw heraGy epraoata fn4Crs'�n�N ond hotd harmt�sa Lendor,ita diroctoro,oHieere,employees enQ eyente,an �----
<br /> :-- _-__ _
<br /> ' ` any auccauon to Lender'�intere�t,from�nd apain�t any and all clafms,dameqe�,looaee ond 1labiities arlN�p in con�ecdon with =
<br />?'�. � ,� the pnsence, uee,dispowl or IranspoN ol any He:a�dous Materlals on, under,from or about lhe Property.THE FOREOOIN(i
<br /> " 10. Aalpnn�l M R�nfr.Tru�tor�oroby anl�n�to Londer the rentr,l�9ue�and prol�to of tho Propvrty:providod Ihat T�uatc► � --�—. -
<br /> „ , �hNl,un111 Iho occurrance ol an Evont al Oefaull heroundor,have the npht to eotloct and rela In�uch renu,i�fues and p�ollt�as Utey
<br /> becoms duo and payable.Upon th�occurrenco of�n Hvent ol Dolault,londar may,olthor In perw�or by aponR with or wlthout ���
<br /> ° • bnnpinp any acllon or proceedlnp,or by v rocelver eppolnted by a courl end wlthout rapard to�he adequecy of Ib wcurity,enbr _
<br /> ' upon�nd take po�NSUon o11he Proparty,or any paA Ihoreol.In us own nemo or In the nama ol t he Tru�lee,and do any ecb whlch It
<br /> dwme nacessiry or dealrabla lo preserve the wlua,marketeblllty or rentablllry ol lhe Proparty,o r ony paR thereol or Inten�t theraln,
<br /> ' � Increa�e Ihe Income theretrom or protect the eecurly horeol and,wlth or wlthout leklnp posaea�ion ol the Property,sue for or �___
<br /> • otherwfse collect the rents,iaauea and prollta Ihe�eof,Includinp those past due and u�peid,and apply the eame,lesa cost�and
<br /> , expsn�ea of opYration and collectlon ineludtny ettorneya'foee,upon any Indebtednees secured hereby,all In such order ae Lender -
<br /> � � mey detorml�e.The enterin�upon and tekfng pos�eaalon ol lhe Property,the collectfon ot euch rentl,isaues and prolits and the
<br /> eppNcation thereo�ae eforeaetd,ahall not cure or waive a�y defeult or notice ot defAUlt hereunder or invelidate any act done in _
<br /> response to such deteult or purouent to such nouce of delault and,notwllhstandiny the continua�ce In posseasion ot the Property o�
<br /> � the collectlon,receipt and appticatlon of rents,Isauea or prolite,and Trustee and Lender shel l be anUtled to exeroise every right _
<br /> -- - p�ovldad tar ln any a!the Loan Instrusnenl�or bylew«pon oecurrence of any Event o!Oefault,f ncludiny wlihout Umiledon the rlpht ��-�^..+�_�___
<br /> to exerClae the power of sele.Funher,Lender's dghts end remedies u�der lhls peragraph sha0 be cu mulative wHh,and in no way e �_��.•`A_,.:.�
<br /> • • Ilmitetlon on,lender's rights and remedfes under any assfpnment of leases and rents recorded aqalnstthe Property.Londer,Truetee
<br /> end the receiver shall be liable to account only lor those rents actually recelved.
<br /> �• 11. EvMb of D�i�ul�The lollowing ahall co�stitute an Event of Oefault under this Deed of Truak -----_�
<br /> � (a) Failure to pey any Installment of principal or interest ot any other sum aecured hereby whan due; �_:-}�aK_=-'..,-.`._
<br /> � (b) A breach of or default under any provisbn contalned fn tho Note,thls Deed ol Trust,any otthe Loan Inatrument4,or any �.;.;,
<br /> " ' �•r . other Ilen or encumWance upon the Proporty; -
<br /> "'"; (c) A wrlt of axecutfon o►attachment or any aimllar process shall be entered againat Trusto r which shall become e Ilen on �r���--'
<br /> '�`�'�'1 ' the Property or any portfon thereof or interest therein; • y.=�z-�•
<br /> •�•!• ' (d) There shall be filed by or agai�st Trustor or Borrower an action under any present o�luture federal,state or olher ;
<br /> r��'�'�'•� �.���' atatute,law or requlation relating to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other reliel for debtors;or there shall be appointed any truetee, � ..�;��_•
<br /> ' ' � , ����`� , [ece{var or Ilquldator ot Trustor Or Borrower or ol ell or any paN ol the Properly.ar the rents,issues or profNs thereoi,or Truator '�;'':'"' `._ -_
<br /> � ' I� ��?:`',`.° or Borcower shell m�ke eny genarAl essignment for the benelit ot creduors; � !�''��'��
<br /> ' � (e�.Tho sale,transler,leaee,aselgnment,conveysnce or further enoumbrance o1 all or any part of or any Intereat in the ! ,,�,�; :'
<br /> ; � Property, eUher voluntarlly or involunta►Ily, without the expres� wriHen conaent ol Lender;provlded Ihat Trustor ehall be
<br /> permitted to execute a lease of the Prope►ry that does not aontoln an oplion to purchase end the term ot which does not exceed � ;:,r,,_
<br /> �:. . ane year, :r...-
<br /> ' :,.:;�, (Q AbandonmeM ot ihe Prope►ry;or � � � •
<br /> • (y) If Trustor Is not an Indlvidual,the isauence,sale,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance ot more than a total •;'+;'•
<br /> ,.,, • . : c:,,
<br /> � t�`'��.. � .: • o( percent o1(If a corporatlon►Ila Issued and outstanding stock or(il a partnershlp) a totel ot percent of � � ,:a��`-__ -
<br /> � '„�4 partnerahip Interests during the period this Deed of Truet remalna a lien on the Properry. � � �'`�,
<br /> 12, qNn�dl�r,Acad�ratlon Upon OMauN.ln the event of any Event of Delault Lender may. without notice except as required by �
<br /> � " � law,decl8re all indebtednass secured hereby lo be due and payab�e a�d the same shatl thereupon become due and peyeble ' �:�R�
<br /> . wlthout any presentment demand,protesl or notfce of any kind.Thereafter Lender moy: ,
<br /> �'',� (a) Demand that Truatee exe►clse the POWER OF SALE granted herein,end Trustee shall thereaker cause Trustor's
<br /> ' Intereat in the Property to be aold and the proceeds lo be distributed,all in the manner prov�ded m the Nebraska Trust Deeds • •
<br /> t • � Act;
<br /> ;�"'. � . � � (b) Exercfae eny and all rights provided 1or in any of the Loan Instrumenta or by Iaw upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> k � ,; Deteult;and •
<br /> �!• >•��� � � (c) Commence en ecdon to toreclose thf s Deed of Trust as a mortgaye,appofnt a recei ver,o r epecilicauy enforce any ol the
<br /> � covenants hereof. , , '
<br /> No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Trusteo or Lender�s intended to be exclusWe ol any other remedy horeln,In the
<br /> Loan InBtruments or by law provided or perm�ned,but each shall be cumulat�ve,shall be In additfon to every other remedy gfven
<br /> � hereunder,fn the Loan Instruments or now or herealter ex�sting at law or�n eqwty or by statute, and rnay be exerc�aed concurrently,
<br /> � Independently or succe�slvely.
<br /> t3. Tru�tN. The Trustee may res�gn nt any t�me without cause.and LendPr may at any ume and without c�use appofnt a
<br /> auccesaor or Substftute Trustee.Trustee shpll not be liable to any party.including wlthout Ilm�tntfon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or eny
<br /> purchaeer of the Properly.for any loss ordamage unless due to recklesa or wllllul m�sconduct, and shall not be reqwred to take any
<br /> ectfon In Connectlon wfth ihe enlorceme�it a�this Deed of Trust unless mdemmlfed,�n wntmg. for all coats,compensat�on or
<br /> . . _ expenses which may be uasoclated therew�th In add�tion.Trustee may become a purchaeer at any sele ot the Prope►ry Qudfcfal or
<br /> ....�...�1...1..... .. ell�Me
<br /> � under the power o1 sele granted nere�n�;postpone tne saie oi uii or a��y Nvii��i��i ii�o�i�F.o��j. oa i•::�•�•••+�••� ��••��'��•••••-
<br /> Property as a whote,or in separate parcels or lots nt Trustee's d�scretion.
<br /> • 14. FN�and Exp�n���.Ir.the event Trus►ee sells tne Properry by exercise of power of sale,Truatee shall be ent�tled to apply
<br /> any sale proceods Itrst to payment of all costsand ezpenses of exerciafng power of sa1e,��cluding ail Trustee's feea,and Lender's
<br /> ' and Truatee's attorney's lees,actually incurred to extent perm�tted by app�fcabie law.In the eve nt Bo�rower or Truator exercises any
<br /> rfght provlded by law to cure an Event af Default, Lender shall be entltled to recover from Tru sta all costs and expenses eclually
<br /> •� InCUrred as a result of 7rustor's default.Includfng wfthout Ilmltatlon all Truslee's and attarney's fees, to the extent permltted by
<br /> � . appticable lew.
<br /> 15. Futun Advanc��. Upon request of Borrower,Lender may,at its option,make additional and luture advances and re-
<br /> advancesto 8orrower.Such advances and reedvances,wlth interest thernon,shall be secured bylhiaDeed o1 Trust.At no tlme ahall
<br /> fhe princlpal amount ol lhe fndebtednese secured by thls Deed of Trust,no��c��msadvanced lo protect the secur�ty ol this
<br /> Deed of Truat,exceed the orlQlnal princlpal emount steted herefn,or� ' wh�chever is greater.
<br /> ' ,
<br /> • � ' — - --
<br /> ,
<br />