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,��. i35• ': t __— __ � <br /> ' 'i�): �.F,7U , 'r�'. 7_�s�u r- '---__. <br /> . . . . ,:_ • <br /> ��l�V�I�ti V�Ifiln <br /> •_�! �1 .�rnl"!.' .� , . . .. y�";�YF r' ._ <br /> � .. .t ' - <br /> .. � . �."g._. <br /> .._.a.ji�s�l�.ta...� . '—.. <br /> . . .. �,y!'v�.f��fl�f.' . .. _—. <br /> rr ..__' - __ .... _... <br /> ' � . �-� _�-_`__ —. <br /> .,�� .. '.y� <br /> __�__ �..�:.�..M.�.� 92— io���o <br /> - _����_ <br /> ���� .�. <br /> --- ��t{=.;, <br /> - �� ��°;""`� 18. MMcM�aN ProYMlom. <br /> _����,'�`5,�j.�;.; (�) �ortow�r Not p��d.Exten�ion o1 ths dma for payment or modillcatlon of amordu�don ol lhs sumo fecurM by thu <br /> ��::.• , Dsed of Trwt�rantad by Lendar to any sucoKwr In inbre�t of Borrowsr shdl not opsrats to releue,In�ny manMr,the II�bIli1� <br /> �� :�?'�y'('`•`• - `r. •� ' of th�oripinu Borrower and 8orrowar'a aucces�ora in Inbre�A Lsnder shall not be nquired to commence procssdln���palntl <br /> v� �_��.��� ' ' �uah wccasor or re(ua to ixtend dms for paymMt or othawise modlly amortiz�don of the eum�wcurod by thls DMd ot Truq � <br /> '�:`%�`•' • '�=• by raason of any demands mad�by the alpinel8orrow�r and Borrowe►'�succeawre In iMer�at <br /> � � �� <br /> -� ,�,�.;' '�;':'-���"��` (b) L,�dK��powon.Without aBectinp the tlabitity of any other paroon IlAble tor the peyment ol eny oblipetion h�rNn �____ ___ _. <br /> • 's,>: . „�q.;,i,: �, �,,., <br /> �'�'�t•i'iy��°'�' ''•,4 mendoned,and wlthout eHecGnp the Ilen or ohar�e ol this t)eed o}Tru�f upon any porUon o1 iho Property�otth�n a lhsntofon <br /> ���`�`��}��5t}�r�'�yv����••;n� roleaeed ea eecurity for th�full amount oi oll unpeid obllaetlons,Lendor moy,from time to tlmv and without�oUce(q rel�a�e�ny <br /> : �-,:i,��'�i4.��'� ,. <br /> ';�;;�,;tAr 1�.�� p e n o n e o I l e b l e,p l)e xt e tn d the metu�i ry o�elter an y of the te�ms ol eny auch obllpations,(ili)pra�t othp indulpences,(iv)releaf� <br /> --•��•..••�.,,,�:,�. �; � or reconvay,or ceuae to be relaa�ed or reeonveyed et any Ume et Lendw's opdon any parcel,poAlon or�II ol th�Prop�rty, <br />�o' "=•� (v)teke or relqeee any othar or addllional eecunty for any obliqedon hani�m�ntlon�d,or(vl)m�k�compo�itlons or oth�r <br />�@��' , ,'� ananpements with debtors In reletlon thereto. <br /> •�'��� (c) Forbranna�by LNW�r Not�W�I�H.Any lorhearence by Lend�r In exercbinp any rlpht ar rem�dy h�raund�r,or � <br /> � �^4,. , otherwl�s�Hordod by eppllcebls Isw,sholl not b�e wdvar o1 or preclude the o,csrcf�s of any �uch righl or rem�dy. TM - - <br /> � �� �"� procursment ol In�urence or the payment ol t�xe�or other li�ns or ch�rpe�by L�nd�r shdl not b�a wNv�r ol L�nd�r's rlpht to <br /> r•.��:•.:���r,�,. , pccdante the maturity of the ind�bted�en�ecured by thfs Deed ol Trutl. <br /> �-— . , � � <br /> (d)8ueeNwn and ANlpn�Bound;JoIM�nd 8wnal LIab111ry;�#puom.1 he covenanir unJ ry�uan�ut� er�ln can. --- - <br />" ' " ' hlnW�h�ll bind,�nd tho rlphts horound�r�hall Inur�to,IM nYpeotfv��uccsawrr and a�slpns ol Lend�r and Tru�lor.All _ <br /> ° , e.° cov�n�nta�nd 1�preem�nts ol Trustor�Full b��olnt and t�ve►al.Tha o�ptlans and headinp�ol lhs p�r�proph�ot thls ONd ol <br />�: : ,:. �,„���-., M Truq�re tor convsnlenc�only end an not lo b�used to inl�rpnt a dsline Ihe provl�lons harwl. — <br /> �:�i::��;: (o)ppuNt lo�NoqcN.Th�pahl�s h�r�by rpque�t ihat�Copy ot any nopce of del9ult hireund�r and Y copy of eny�otic� _ <br />� � of sal�hsreu�da ba moiled to each parly to lhis Deed ol Trust et the addrear aet forth above�n the mannor pretcrfb�d by � <br />� . . , :•-� spplloeble law.Except lor any othsr notice requlrod under eppliceble lew lo be given in another menner,eny notice provlded 4��. <br />• � lor in thl�Deed ol Truet�hall be piven by mellinp such notice by certllled meil addrassad to the other partie�,at tha addreu sN �-==°- <br /> � forth above.Any notfce provlded for in thle Deed of Truat ehell be ettective upon mallMg In the manner deafgnated hareln.II �'•��'" <br /> ,%, l . . . Truttor Is more then one porson,notice oent to the eddrese set fohh above ahall ba notice to all euch pereone. � '.i'.".'_"` <br /> ' �• (p Insp�ctlon.Lender mey make or ceuae to be made reesoneble entrlea upon and Inspectiona of the PropeAy,provided "'�.r= <br />` ' that Lender shall give Trustor notfce prior to any such inspectlon specltyMy reasonable ceuee thorefor relatad to Lander'� �;;,-.'��',4`��- <br /> � ' Interest In the PropeAy. -- <br /> �: <br /> (y) R�aonv�p�nc�.Upon peyment of ell sums aecured by thls Deed o1 Truet,Lender aheU request Truetee to reconvey the ,s„_ <br /> Properly and shall surrender thfs Deed oi Truat and all notAS evfdencing indebtednesa secured by thla Oeed ol Trust to Truatee. <br /> ' � " Truatee shall reconvey ihe Properlyr without werra�ty and without cherye to the pereon or persona leyally entlded thereto. �-.��"'a.'`` <br />' ' 7rustor shall pay all coate ol recordetio�,If any. �`�"•- <br /> ��;`, ' ' . <br /> (h) P�nond Prop�rly:S�curity AprNm�nt.Aa edditlonal security for the payment of the Note,Truetor hereby prants _=_�f�_ - <br /> +�-�� ' • ��;�' Lander under the Nebraska Uniform Cornmercial Cotle a secunry intereat in ail fixtures,equipmani,and ott�m j�wrwnei properiy =���� <br /> ' �'�� - � ueed In connectlon with the real estete or Improvemerns located thereon,and not olherwlse declared or deemed to be a pert of �_ <br /> ' . •, , ,; � ' the real eatete eeCUred hereby.This Inatrument ahall be construed as a 3ecurlty Agreement under aeld Code,and the Lender --:.r��.- , <br /> " ehall heve all the rl�Ms and remedlea ot a aecured perty under aefd Code In addition to the rl�hte and remedies areated under %��•'�.,+���`,�:� <br /> � � � � ':�• end accorded the Londer purauent to th fe Deed of Trust:provided thet Lender's rights and remedlea under thia peragraph shell ;°;,."F�,�., ,_ <br /> • be cumuletive with,and in no way a Ilm itation on,Lender's riphte and remadies under any other aecurity aqreement siqned by T'��:-�"- <br /> , Borrower or Truator. � �����"W <br /> , .• , . . <br /> -,,�..: .ti .,. <br /> ,i ' • t . � <br /> (I) U�ns and Encumbnnan.Trustor hereby warrants end repreaents that there Ia no delault under the proviaions ot eny ,.;�.,, ,,. <br /> mortgage,deed of trust,lease or purchase contracl descrlbing all or any peA of the Properry,or other conlract,Inatrument or , - - <br /> , �� ' a�reement conetltudng a Ilen or encumbrence agafnat all or any pert of the Properly(collectively,"Llens"),exletln9 as of the �� -, <br /> :�`.,,• • . <br /> � date of thie Deed of Trust,and that any end all exlating Liens remeln unmodllled except ae dleclosed to Lender In Truetor'e �-•�:--- <br /> . � �• wrUten disalo6ure ot Ilena end encumbrancea provlded for herein.Trustor shall tlmely perform all of Trustor's obllpeGon�, �'�'°��r`"" <br /> • covenanta,repreaentatlons end warrenties under eny end all exislUng and fu�ure Llens,ahell promptly torward to Lender coples �_:�-_-. <br /> •• • of all notices ol detauN aent In connection wlth any end all existing or future Llens,and ahell not wlthout Lender's prlor wrltten �.�;';}��<<__- <br /> �� ••`" ; content fn any manner modify the provlslona ol or allow any tuture edvancea under any existing or future Liens. ,,,_;;: .�_ <br /> � � .. Q)Appllcatlon o1 Paymmb.Unleas otherwlae requ�red by law,suma peid to Lender hereunde�.Including without Ifmltatton .�. . . • :- <br /> • �• • payments of prinClpal end Interest,Insurance proceeds,condemnadon roceeda and rents and rollts,shall be applled b `�'��`• =�-- <br /> P p Y �= y;.x:,:•. � <br /> Lender to the amounte due and owing fram Trustor and Borrower In such order as Lender In Its sole dtscretbn doems deafrable. . . _ <br /> ' (k)Swerablllt�r.It any provlslon oi thls Deed of Trust con8lcta with applicable law or ia declered Invelld or otherwlse __ <br /> unenlorceable,auch Confllct or Invalldity 8hall not aflect the other provfaons of 1hls Deed of Truet or the Note whlCh Cen be � - <br /> �., • glven eflect wlthout the confllctlnp prov isbn,and to thfa end the provlslons of this Deed of Trust and the Note arQ declered to be <br /> .. •' � severable. . ,. . �: <br /> - ...:��i� � (I)T�rm�.The terms"Trustor"and "Borrower"shall Include bolh singular and plural,and when the Trustor and 8orrower � <br /> ��::�:�:z�.�-� <br /> �, t are the eame persan(s),those terms as used In thls Deed of Trust ahall be iMerchengeable. '�'.-�y,;;�ti.-;_ <br /> " (m) Gov�min�(.�w.Thls Deed of Truet ahall be governed by the 18ws 01 the Stete of Nebraek,e. '%'`"�'• �^•. <br /> ' i;�:� ; <br /> ,. � • • TruYtor hes executed thl8 Deed ot Trust as of the date wrflten above. //s'� ,. <br /> ,,�..- .. . �- �.5.� l�'• . � ''��,r"`-• �� ' <br /> ' . . ! Yj�n TruBWr �' <br /> � �"�. �- � � ��i ) �' <br /> , CAROL R. PET S rustor <br /> , • . <br /> , . <br /> , � , �-- <br /> � <br /> , ;.� . <br />