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<br /> i2� • � ,�.K[ �, 7 '4^ �)'. i�t-_;, j��,,•�� �`fV i ' �_ -'°.�ti�.°---
<br /> 'i. fy� :�/ .1:�` r..11.3�' v'f �P�!/w�+��.��a1�.. '� ' ti . �}� �.��xr...
<br /> I { � . .��;7.'yr J+., � r A•�ic.�q ... , . '_� ..� �- �- _... _ -- ._.
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<br /> �':.�:..; . •.� � .� -------
<br /> "'�=����••y���. •�� � ACKNOWLEOGEMENY OF OBED OF TRUBT �Z�--1U���O ==
<br /> � �:�?���.•���'�+.�.•.n,
<br /> ;, ,,,y�-;.��:.,,;�,:,�_ , TRUSTOR R�/►D THIS BEFOFiE SIONINO: .
<br /> `� � r• • � ` -' T►u�tor undenf�Mt th�t tho dxumont th�t Tru�tor le�boul to�x�cute I�a Dwd al Trud�nd nol o moApape end th�t ths power
<br /> ' � � oi wle providW tor 1�th�ONd ol Trwt provld�s�ub�tantidly dlHsnnt�Iphq and obUpeqont to T�u�tor th�n a mortpap�in th�wont
<br /> � d' of a delwlt or bre�oh ol obllpatlon und�r ths Oa�d ot Tru�t,Includinp,but not Ilmlled to,the Lond�r'�ripht to have the Properry wld *--.: -
<br /> � �• by thr�Tru�without�ny Judlol�l procNdlnp.Trurlor npre�enq and warr�nq th�t thi�aoknowitrdpemont wa�axecuted by ��. '•-L
<br /> '. ' 'Y< Trutlor bsfore the axeau Uon o f i he D s e d o f T r u q. " �
<br /> �� _ �i � _ �= s..=-��a_- -
<br /> ' . ',.�': . . �• ��
<br /> �tx,.. ,..,, �� .. • �C TfWIOr
<br /> . _�._, : . l
<br />'�"i ' ' . Trustor _
<br /> .,:.;::�a;:���•
<br /> .. ,:�,� ��.=��rs:'.�1� : lot da ot M=Y• ,19 �byandarnonp
<br /> _ _;,''�t`.:;;^;I..',_'.'. THIS DEEO qF TRUST.ie made as ot the Y - __ _
<br /> • •� • t.� 0 P�t�r�n i CAROL R. PETERSEM , husband and rit� ,
<br /> � ` the Truotar.
<br /> ' �• �611 l.�k�aid� Drive [ir�nd I�l�nd NQ 69901-8339
<br /> whow mailinp addrea is (heroln"TrusWr;'whethar one or mo�e),
<br /> � tha Trwtao, Fiv° P°ints Bank, a IMbr��k� Corporation , _____
<br /> • ., P.0. BoK 1307 Gr�nd I�l�nd. ME 6Ef8PZ (hereln"Truttee"1,and
<br /> ' whoso mallinp addreu Is
<br /> , .. ttw eond�c�.ry. Fivf Point• B��k _---------- - --- - -- - - ------��-- • �,._
<br /> • whos�m��l�np addroN u _P.0. Box iSY7 Gr�nd I�l�nd, M�. G880Z�1���, . .--- (here�n"LondY�"►. �-� '�
<br /> � l.N 0 P�t�rNn
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Includinp landor'�oxlan�ton ol crodit Idanlihod horoin to --- --- '�';;�„g�
<br /> � ' i CAROL R. P61'EiiSEN �herein"Bor�owar",whethar one or more)end the Iruet heroin creatod. �
<br /> the recelpt ef which I�hereby ocknowledyed, T�ustar nerQby Irrev4cAbly 9rente, Ironeler8,conveys and asNpne to Truetee. IN ;u.�_�
<br /> � THU3T,WITH POWER OF 3ALE.for ihe benellt and secur�ty of Lender,under and sub�ect ta Ihe tarms and conditions herYlnafter eet ' ,.. :�,7.';,,,�����
<br /> SECTIOiI THIRT6EN �13). TOMNSHIP ELEYEM!1�) MOR7'H. B/1fl�iE NIHE l9) ME5T OF THE t�9i ''%°=;�
<br /> E
<br /> 6TH P.M., HAl.l. COUMTY. NEBRASIIA �"` �����
<br /> • � Topether with ell buildfn�s,Improvements,lixtures,atreets,alleys.peasageways,easements,righta,privlleges and appurte- �".�,
<br /> nencea located thereon or in anywlse perfaining thereto,and the rents,issues and prollla.reverslona and�emaindero thereof,and , � �:
<br /> auch peraonal property that la attached to ihe improvements so as to consulute a fixture.Including,but not Umiled to,heating end j. r -'
<br /> coolfnp equlpmont and togethsr with the homeatead or marital intereata,if any,whfch Inlerests are hereby released and wa�ved;all � , :'�,��:
<br /> ' of whloh,fnctuding replaaementa and addllions therero,Is hereby declared to be a part of the real estate secured by the Ifen of thle � � i.,,.
<br /> O e e d o f T r u e t a n d a l l o f t h e f o r e p o i n p b e i n p r e l e r►e d t o herein es the"Pr o pe r t y". �- . •
<br /> , �• ThIB D6ed of Trual shall secure(a)ihe paymeM of Ihe princlpal sum and intereat evidenaed by e promisaory note or credlt ! � ;:.,y�a_;_
<br /> ° � aqreement deted May lst 199Z ,hevmp a maturlty date ol MW Sth 1997 , i: ��.�,;,,,.
<br /> 67,008.00 ,and an and all modilicatlons,extenslona and renewals � '";,�7^�-
<br /> in Ihe original principel amount of S Y � � �' �'
<br /> thereof or thereto end any and ell future advancea and readvances to Borrowe� (or�ny ol them if more ihan one)hereunder ,, •:�w�,;�.:
<br /> pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credit agreementa(herein called"Note"I:(b)the payment ol other suma advanced by �" � ;';f�.p;�
<br /> Lender to proteCt the eecurity o1 the Note;(C)ihe perlormanco ol atl covenants and egreements of Trustor set forth hereln;and(d)all i . •
<br /> present and luture indebtedness and obliyations ol Borrower(or any of them it more than one)to Lender whether dlrect,fndirect, �
<br /> ebaolute or contingenl and whether arising by note,guaranty,overdralt or otherwise.The Note,this Oeed of Trust and any and all l '
<br /> • �� other doouents that secure the Note or otherwfse executed in connectfon tnerewuh,�ncluding wlthout Iimltatlon yuaranleea,68curlly ' . � - ,���,;;
<br /> " aQreements and asslgnmeMs ol leases and renta,shell be relerred to hereln as the"Loan Inatrumema". �.� ' ._�,:•��
<br /> Trustor covenanta and agrees wlth Lender as lollows:
<br /> 1. Payment of Ind�bt�dn�u.All Indebtedneas secured hereby shall be paid when due.
<br /> � 2.Tltle.Truator Is the owner ol the Property,has the right and authority to convey the Property,and warrants thet the Hen
<br /> � creeted hereby Is a Ilret end prlor Ifen on the Prope►ty,except for Ilens and encumbrancos set forth by Truetor In wrlting and
<br /> deHvered to Lender before executfon of thls Deed of Trusl.and the execution and del�very of thls Deed of Trust doe8 iot violate any �
<br /> � contraCt or other obllgatlon to wh�ch Trustor is aub�ect.
<br /> 3. T�xn,An�ument�.To pay before dellnquency all taxes.spaCiel esseasmente and all other charges apeinet the Property
<br /> now or heree(1er levled. •
<br /> 4. Inwrance.To keep the Property meured agmnst dnmaga by fire,hnzard s�ncluded withm the term"oxtonded coverege".and
<br />, such other hazards as Lender may rpquue,in amounts.ind wdh co�»punies,�ccupt�iblu W Landclr,na�ning Lender as an addrtionul
<br /> nemed Insured,wlth Ioes payable to the Lender.In case of losa under such policies,lho lendor Is outhorfzed to adjust,collecl and
<br /> compromise,all clelms thereunder end shall have the optlon of apply�ng all or pert of the insurance proceeds(f)M any Indebtedness
<br /> II aeCUred hereby and In such order as Lender may determine.(n)to the Trustor to bo used tor the repair or reatoratlon o1 the Property
<br />� or(Hi)lor a��y other purpose or ob�ect satlsfactory fo Lender wdhout nffecting►he hen ql this Deed ol TruBt for the lull amount secured
<br /> hereby before such payment ever took place.Any epplfcat�on of proceeds to mdebtednPSS shall not extend or postpone the due
<br /> � d9te ol eny paymenla under the Note.or cure any det�ull thureunder or hert�under.
<br /> _ .. a e....,.... I IAAI1 WIIMAII�famAnd hv I.an�lnr.Truator shnll nuv to Lender, �n such manner as Lender may des�gnate,suHic�ent
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or mo�e ol the lollow�ng �1)all taxes.�ssessmenta and other churges agninst
<br /> the Property.(11)the premfums on the property�naurenoe reqwred hereundor,and(�i�)lhe premlums on any mortgage�nsuranCe
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> 6. M�Mt�nana�,R�paln and Compllance wlth Law�. Trustor snall keep the Property in good condltlon and repa�r;shall
<br /> promptly repatr,or ►eplace any Improvement whlch :na�• be damaged or destroyed: shall nol commit or permit any wasle or
<br /> deterloretlon oi the Property:shall not remove,demolish or subetenllally alter any ol tho improvements on the Property;ahall not
<br /> commlt,suHer or permlt any act to be done m or upon the Property in violatlon o1 any law.ordinance,or regulatlon;and shall pay and
<br /> •I promptly discha�ga at Trustor's cost nnd expon�e all tlon�, oncumbrances enr��har�PC iaviaH impoaed or assessed eqalnet the _
<br /> Property or any part thereof.
<br /> 7. Ert1lnYnt DomWn.Lender la hereby asslgned all compensallon,awards,damages and other payments or rellef(herelnafler
<br /> "Proceeds")in connectlon wNh condemnatlon or other taking of the Property or part lhereol,or lor conveyance In lieu ol condemne-
<br /> tlon.Lender ahall be entltled at Its option lo commence,appear In and prosecule In its own name any action or proceedings,and
<br /> ehell also be entltled to make�ny compromise or settlement In connect�on with such taking or damege In the event any port�on of
<br /> �
<br /> N�C 34671NnmpneW�ur�t D�MI R�r 10-B8 -
<br /> � O1p6�Ntlwn�iB�n►dCO�a.teTn��und5�v�np�A�wrntwn lmcoi�N�b�N��
<br /> � � .
<br /> . � i
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