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<br /> �!f!�,,,.'?�",'',.,,._. th�Prop�rly U ro tak�n or d�m��rd,l.�nd�r�h�ll h�v�tlw oppon,In Ita�ale and abwlut�dlscrotlon,to epply all such PraNd�, ______
<br /> � � dt�r d�duopn�lh�ntrom rll co�U md�xpsna�Incurred by It In conn�atlon wllh woh PrxNd�,upon my Ind�bt�dn�u wcund
<br /> � �„ h�nby�nd In�uch ordar��l.�nd�r m�y d�t�nnin�,or to�pply aH suah ProcMda,�Iter wch d�ducllom,W th�n�tondon o11M
<br /> Prop�Ay upon such condlpon��s Und�r m�y dN�rmirw.Any applicatlon ol Procwd�ta ind�btodn„s�h�ll not�Mhnd or pcnpon�
<br /> . �• • ° Ih�du�d�t�of my p�ym�nb und�r th�Not�,or cure pny def�ult thanundor or honund�r.Any umppll�d lunds shall b�p�ld to
<br /> T►wtor.
<br /> . g, p�eforin�ne�aY lande, UDon the ocaurrence of an Event ol Dslault horound�r,or If any act 1�takan or lepal procaadlnp
<br /> y � comm�nced whlch md�rlally oHects Lend�r's inhrest fn Ihe Proparty.Lendor may fn Its own dlacretlon,but wlthout abnpetion to do � - -_�-.
<br /> �� w,�nd without notic�to or damand upon T�ustor end without releasinp Tru�ta Irom any oblip�tfon,do any act which Tru�to►h�s
<br /> � eprwd but f�il�lo do�ncf may alw do any other aat It deem��ece�wry to protect tho�ecurlry hereot.Truetor�h�11,Imm�dl�uly
<br /> upon demend tharetor by Lende►,p�y to Lender ell costE and expenseE Inaurred and wma expended by Lender In connecUon wlth
<br />�`� the exerclse by Lender ol the(orepoln0 rfphb,topethur wilh interest the�eon at the dofault rate providad In the Nate,which shall ba
<br /> ' edded to tha fndebtednn� wcured haroby. Landor �hall not incur any Ilabllity baca��w of anylhinp It mey do or omit to do
<br />� hnounde►. In complfanae with all applicable laws,ardinances and repulatlona
<br /> 9. Huardan M�I�N�h.Trusror shall keep the Property -_.
<br /> �elatinp to Induatrial hy�lene or environmentel protectfon(colleatively relerred to herei�as"Environmental Laws'7.Truetor ahall
<br /> - `�° keep the Property free from all eub�lences deemed to be hazardous or toxic under eny Environmental Lewa(coltecUvely referred to
<br /> t��� �� herein as"Hazardoue Materlals").Trustor hereby wa��anls and rsp�eeenta to Londar thet there are na Hazardous Meterials on or _
<br /> ' ��'"' under the Properly.Truf�tor hereby a�rees to Indemniy and hold hermless Lender,Its directors,oNicers,employees and agenta,end
<br /> '' any succeesors to Lender's Interea�Irom end apainst any and all claims.damepea,lossea end Ilabll8iea erisinp in connectlon with
<br /> ! ihe presence, ute.dlaposel or trenapoA oi any Hezardous Materfatn on, under,Irom or about the Property.THE FOREOQINd L
<br /> 10. Aalpnm�nl ol R�nta.Truetor hereby aesiyns to Lender the renta,Isaues and prolits of the Propehyr;provided that Truator
<br /> shall,u�Gl tho occurrenCe of en Event oi Oelault hereunder,have the right to collect and retain euch renis,lasues and proflts as they
<br /> � • become due and peyeble.Upon the occurrence of an Event o(Default.Lender may,either in peraon a by ayent,with or without —
<br /> brinpfnq any acqon or prxeediny,or by e receiver appointed by a court end wlthout regard to the adequacy of its sacurily,enter _
<br /> �! � upon end teke posaession o1 the Properly,or any part ihereol,ln it4 own neme or in ihe name ol lhe Trustee,and do any acta whlch it _. �
<br /> deema neceasery or desirabla to preserve the value,marketabllity or rentabfllly ot ihe Property,or any part ihereol or intereat therefn, __
<br /> Increaee the income Iherefrom or protect the aecurlty horeof and,wflh or without taking poseesalon of the Property.aue for or �;r��---
<br /> otherwlse collect the rents.isaues and proQts thereof,Including thase paet due and unpaid,and apply Ihe eame,leas coets and °^�n�._
<br /> expenees ot oparatfon and collecllon Including attorneys'feea,upo�any Indebtednase secured hereby,all in such ordor as Lender ��; � _i�
<br /> ma determine.The entering upon and taking possession of the Properly,the collecllan ot such rents,Issuea and profits end the �',_�,:�'-,_-_�—
<br /> Y
<br /> epplicetlon thereof as aloreeafd,ahell not cure or waive any delault or notice of delauN hereunder or invaiidaie any act done in �,.",,,_„��._
<br /> response to auch delault or pursuent to auch notice of delauN and,notwithatanding the contlnuance In poasession af lhe PropeAyr or �����
<br /> �':,,Y__,_ ^ o
<br /> the collecUon,recelpt and applicatfon of rents,issues or profHs,and Trustee and Lender ahall Ce entltled to exerclse every right �-•�•--
<br /> provided tor in eny of the Loan Inatrumenta or ny iaw upon occw rance af any Evan2 of Ootaalt,!n�ldding witheut�Im�tatton the rl�ht �'�',:�ii'�,i,.�__�
<br /> to ezercise the power of eale.Further.Lender's ripMa and remedles under thls paragraph ahall be aumulative wNh,and fn no wey e ����; "�� �-_
<br /> . Iimltatlon on,l.ender'a rights and remedlea unde►any asslgnmeM o f leasea and rents recorded a yainst 1he Property.lender,Truetee .�E�,_,,_..����� --
<br /> and the recefver ahall be tlabte to account onry for those rents actually received.
<br /> 11. Ewnb ot WhuIR The following shall conatltute an Event of Detault under thia Deed of Trust ,4•. ,r,
<br /> (a) Fellure to pey any inatellment ot prfnclpal or interest ol any other sum secwed hereby when due; •• s�
<br /> � (b) A breach of or defaull under any provlelon contalned In the Note,th�s Deed ol TruaL any ot ths Loan Instruments.or any �:;.��,�- �
<br /> othor Il�n or encumbrance upon!he Propertyt '�"•sY'"'"`
<br /> ';�'-
<br /> (c) A wrlt o1 executlon or attachment or any sim�lar procesa shall be entered ayainsl Trustor which shall become a I�en on �1.,:�,:..`.,,,. ;�:�
<br /> the Property or any portion the►eof or interest therein; _ ;',--'
<br /> (d� There shall be Oled by or agafnst Trualor or Borrower an action under any present or luture federal,state or other ..�,� . ,,,�_._
<br /> statute,law or repuletfon relall�g to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reUel for debtors:or there shall be appofnted any trustee. � :�;�;r.,
<br /> recelver or Ilquidator of Truslor or Borrower or of all or any part ol the Property,or the renta,iasues or prollta thereot,or Trustor �
<br /> or Borrower shall make any general assfgnment 1or the benelit ot cred�tors:
<br /> (e) The sele,transfer, lease,esefgnment,Conveyance or lurther encumbrance ot ell or any peA of or any Intereet in the
<br /> Property.elther voluntarlly or involunterlly. w�thout the expreas wntten conaent o1 Lender; provided Ihat Trustor ahell be t
<br /> permltled t0 oxecule a lease of the P►oPe�lY that doea not contain an optlon to purchase and the term o1 whlch daes not exceed �' --
<br /> one year, �'�
<br /> . (�Abandonment ol the Property:or �� .�_
<br /> (y) If Trustor Is not an indlvidual.the�ssuanCe,sa�e,trensler,assfynment,canveyance or encumbrance of more then a totel � .,�;eAK�
<br /> I� � LF�i"-.J'.
<br /> ot percent of(ff a corpo►a1�on)its issued and outstanding stock or(If a partnershlp)a total of percent pl �1 . . -- --
<br /> paAnershlp intereste during Ihe penad this Deed of Trust rema�ns a Ilen on the Property. � ,.. ;��,.
<br /> 12, pMNdIM;Aced�r�tlon Upon DafaulL In the event of any Event of Oefault Lender may.without nolice except as required by �,
<br /> law,declare all Indebtedneas secured hereby to be due and payeble and the same shall Ihereupon become due and payable .
<br /> . . wlthout any presentment,demand,protest or notice ol any k�nd.7hereafter Lender may:
<br /> (e) Oemand thet Truslea exercfse the POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trustee shall Ihereatter cause Trustor'a
<br /> Intereat in the Property to be sold and the praceeds to be d�stnb�ted,all in the manner provided in 1he Nebraske Trust Deeds .
<br /> Act; �
<br /> (b) Exerclse any and all riyhts provlded tor m any ol the Loa� Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> Defaulh and ,
<br /> (c) Commence an action to loreclose th�s Deed ot Trust as a mortpaye.appo�nl a recelver,or spec�lically enforce any ol the
<br /> covenants hereof. •
<br /> No remedy herem conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender�s�ntended to be exclus�ve ol any other remedy herein,m the
<br /> Lpan InBtruments or by law provided or perm�tted,but each shall be cumulat�ve.shnli be�n eddd�on lo every Other remedy grvon
<br /> • hereunder,in the loan Instruments or now or herealler ex�st�ng at law or m equ�ty or by statute,and may be exercised concurrently.
<br /> independently or success�vely.
<br /> 13. TruslN. The Trustee may res�gn at a�y��ma w�thout cause.and Lender may at any time and without cause appo��t a
<br /> successor or substrtute Truslee.Trustee ahall not be I�nbie to any party.�ncluding w�thout limitat�on Lender,Borrower.Trustor or any
<br /> purcheaer OI the Property.�or any loss Or damage unless due to retkless or wdlfu�misconduct.and shall not be reqwred to take eny
<br /> act�on in connection with Ihe enlorcernent of th�s Deed of Trust uniegs �ndemnified.in wrding, for a�l costs, compensabon or
<br /> ._ _..�e.,..,,,.,e���nwrww�th In addition.Trustea may become a purchaser at any sale o1 the PrOperty�udiaal or
<br /> � -�' � nwyoi,'soo'.:`:C`:�.,,........---�-�--
<br /> under the power of sale granted hereinl.postpone the sale ol all or any portion ot the PrOperty, os proviaeo oy iaw.or se�� iiro
<br /> Property us n whole,or�n sepa�ate parcels or Iols at Trustee�s d�scret�on.
<br /> 14. F�and Exp�n�M. 1��he event Trustee sells the Property by exerc�se ot power of s81e.Trustee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds Ilrsl to payment of all coats antl expenses of exercising power of sale,mctudmg all Trustee's fees.and Lender's
<br /> and Truatee's atlorney's fees.aclually incurred to extent�ermitted by applicable law In the event Borrowe�or Trustor exercises any
<br /> rlght provlded by 18w to cure an Event of Deteult.Lender shau be eneitled to recover Irom Trustor all costs and ctxpenses actually
<br /> InCUrred as a re��iu ol Trustor'�defeuli. �ncludmg w�thout hm�tatwn an Trustee's and attomeys fees.to the extent perm�tted by
<br /> eppllcable law.
<br /> 15. Fufut� AdvanCl�.Upon request of Borrower. Lander may.al ds opt�on, make ndd�tlUna� dnd future advenCeS and re-
<br /> advenCeS to Borrower.SuCh advanCes and re04vances.w�th interest thereun,shall be secured by lhis Deed o�Trust At no t�me shall
<br /> the pnncfpal amount ol the�ndebtedness secured by th�s Deed of Trust.�q���d1tTQ SumS advanced to prOteCt th��ecurity of this
<br /> � Deed of Truat,exceed tho onqmal prmapel amount stated herem,or S _-- ._--.Wh�ChBVBr iS 9rct8l0r
<br /> ` � . .
<br /> . 'i� t ;
<br /> .
<br /> - - - � - -
<br />