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<br /> (,{h'!`�+��t��:r4^a���
<br /> •; �zs�.'"°*�'�'"�`�': ". tb. MNoM�n�ou�'rovMlon�. ---
<br /> �} �� , (�) �pwM Nd IIM�M�d.Ext�ntlon ol th�um�lor p�ym�nt or modlllc�tlon of�morll:�tlon ol th�wm�wour�d by MI�
<br /> .� . ,:.,,,.. ONd ol Tru�t pr�nt�d by L�nd�r to�ny wccnta In InqrNt of Borrow�r�h�ll not op�rat�ta rNMN,In�ny mann�r,th�II�WIIry
<br /> ° ol th�arlpin�l8orrow�r�nd 8orrow�r'�tuca�son In Int�rNl.L�r►d�r fhell not W rpulr�d to comm�nc�procMdln9��W�ns�
<br /> � woh suaCqsor or nfuN to�xbnd tima lo►p�ym��i or oth�rwls�modlly amoAfZ�tlon a1 ih��um�Mcund by thls OMd of Trwt
<br /> ' ' " R •. py na�on o1 any d�nuind�m�ds by ths orlpinal8orrow�r rnd Borrower'�succauon in Int�r��t
<br /> " (b� ��nd��� pow�n.Without aHecQnp Iha Ilsbiliry ol any other peraon Ilabl�for ih�payment ol�ny obli��tion hK�ln
<br /> �� •• '� montlon�d,ond wUhout aflecdnp th�Ilsn or cha�ye of thls Oeed ot Tru�t upon�ny port�on ot Iho Property not thon or theroto}oro @-- —��-----
<br /> � ' � rdws�d a��ecuriy for the lull amount ot all unpald obNpaUons,Londar mey.lrom Um�to tims end wfthout noQcQ p)relww�ny _
<br /> �� ° prrwn so IlAble,(il)extend the metu►ity or elter any of the terms al any euch obliyadone,(Ili)prant othor indulyenca�,(►v)rsl�aw
<br /> d or reconvey,or cewe to be rel��ed o�reconveyed et eny tfine et Lender's optlon any porcel,porllon o�all of the Prope�ty.
<br /> -;.� :bd�,'� (v)lake or release any othor or addiqonel eeaurly for eny oblipatfon harein mendonod.or(vq make compodtlons or othar
<br /> -`=':z . �rranpements with debron In relatlon thereto.
<br /> (c� Forbarane�by L�ndtr Not�WN��r. Any larbearence by Lender In exercisln�any riQht or remedy hereundor,or
<br />,,;`�� � � ' � otherwlse aNqrded by appllaable lew,shell not be a walver of or preclude the exerciee of eny such rlght or remedy.The
<br /> .- " � prxur�ment al ineurance or the peyment ol taxes or other Ilena or charpes by Lender�haH not bv a wafver ol Lenaei�riyht to
<br /> - -- - �ccelerate the maturity of the Indebtednesa aecured by thfs Oeed of Truat
<br /> ' _— -- (dy Sacc�a�ara aesd Asslqns Beund;Jolnt and S�wral WblUt�r:Caplfans.The covenanis and aflreementa herein con- ___
<br /> � � mined shall bind,end the riphts hereunder ahall i�u►e to,the reapective successors and essipns ot lender aRd Truator.Au
<br /> ., tF, covenente end aproemenb of Truetor shell be joint and several.The ceptfona and headinqa of the parapraph�of this Deed of —
<br /> Trwt ere for ConvenienCe only and are not to be used to Interpret or deline the provislona hereot.
<br />; . � ' � (e) RpuMt la NoNca.The paRles hereby requeet that a copy ol any notice otdelault hereunder and a copy of any notice _
<br /> ,.
<br /> '�^ �" � � of eale hereunder be mailed to each paAy to this Deed o(Trust et the address set foAh above io ihe menner prescrl y
<br /> �________�......___
<br /> �� appliceble law.Except tor any other notice requfred under applicable law to be glven In anothe�manner,any notice provlded
<br /> `!��:�•• for in thle Deed ot Truat shall be yfven by malling auoh notice by ce►tilled mail addresaed to the olhe�paAlea,at the address aet _
<br /> � ,,�'����'; � . forth above.Any notice provided for in this Oeed of Trust ahall be ettective upon malling In ihe manner dealgnated heraln.If _
<br /> �,,;�,.`•-;l•� T►uotor la more than one person,notice sent ta the addreas set torth above shall be notice to all such persons.
<br /> • (� �nsp�cUon.Lender may meke or ceuse to be made reasonable eMriea upon and inepecpons oi the Property,provided ;,��;�,��__;,
<br /> � that�endar shall plve Truslor notice prlor to any auch inapectlon speciyfnp reasonable cause therelor rolatod to Lander's =._
<br /> • Inierest fn the Property. �+�'-=-
<br /> �� (y) R�aonr�y�nc�.Upon payment o/all sums secured by this Deed ot 7rust,Lender ahall requeat Trustee to reconvey the ,
<br /> Property and thall aurrender this Deed of Truat and all notea evid�ncing indebtednesa aecured by Ihla Deed oi Truat to Trustee.
<br /> � - , - � Truatee ehell reconvey the Property without war►anry and without charye�to the peraon or pe►sona leyally e�Htled ttwroto. '���(t.�,:;�`
<br /> � • Truotor�hall pay all cosls a1 recordaQon,ll any. • ..•--
<br /> •, � (h) P�nonN PropNry�S�cuHty AqrNn�nt. As addltlonal securhy for the paymenl of the Note,Truator hereby�rents �,��r';_�"
<br /> - Lendnr undai ihe Nebraska t1Nta:m Cammerclel Code a+���r�ry�nterest�n e�l t�xtures,equlpmen�,and ather peraonel property �§�,i:;.;;��;,
<br /> �::�,:� � used in oonnection with the�eal eatate or Improvements located thereon,and not otherwiae declared or deemed to be a pe�t ef �c}}`�_�;r;�-..
<br /> ��
<br /> the real eatate eecured hereby.Thia lnstrument shall be construed as a Securlty Aereement under eaid Code,and the Lender �.� _
<br />� ':��•1i, shell have all the rlqhts and remedfes of a secuted perty under sald Code in edditloh to the rigMs and remedles created under �:_.=-.y_
<br /> and accorded the Lender purouant to thia Deed ol Truat:provided that Lender's rlgMS and remedles under thls pareqraph ahell ��e.�j;:�: _
<br /> be cumulative wlth,and In no way a Ilmltatlon on,Lender's rlflhts and remediea under any other securiq ayreomant�Ipned by �;_,..,,..,,,...,: -
<br /> ��<�. ._
<br /> • Borrower or Trustor. ' � � :��"6
<br /> �.,�•�,,,,,.::. —
<br />' (i) Ll�ns�nd Encun�bra�c�s.Truator hereby warranta and represents that there�s no delault under the provisions of any ►ti:+w�_.:.-
<br /> mortyeye,deed ol trust,leaee or pw chase conlract descnbing all ar any part ol the Property.or other cantract.Instrument or �J�:
<br /> ay►eement constlluting a Ifen or encumbrence agamst al1 or any part ol Ihe Property(collechvely."l�ens"),exlsling as of the
<br /> � date ol thfs Deed ol Truat,and that any and all exleUng Liens remaln unmoddled except ns dlscloaed to Lender in Truator'a k •..�•�-_
<br /> written dlsclosure of Ifens and encumbrances prov�ded lor herefn.Trustar shall Umely perform all of Trustor's oblfgallona, F : ,:_
<br /> �t,:_
<br /> � covenanta,representations end werrentles under eny and all exiaibng and luture L�ens,shell promptty forward to Lender copiea .
<br /> of all noticea of default aent fn connectlon wilh any and all existing or future Liena,and shall not wfthout Lander e prior wrltton . .. .
<br /> ' . consent In any manner modify the provisions ol or auow any luture advancea under eny exisimp or luture Llens. �; � . ^_�,,1,r
<br /> Q) AppiloNlon of Paym�nt�.Unless otherw�se requ�red by lew,sums pa�d to Lender hereunder,fncludfng wilhout IfrtWtaGOn
<br /> • peyments of princlpal and fnterest,insurance proceeds,condemnatlon proceede and renta and protite,ahall be epplled by F _
<br /> �':,;;t�i" Lender to the amounls due�nd owing from Trustor and Barower�n such orde r as Lender fn its sole dfacredon deems de�lrable. . —
<br /> •• (k) 8�r�rabUlt�r. if any provisfon ot this Oeed of Trust conllicts wlth appliceble law or �s declared fnvelid or otherwlse �,
<br /> gl en eflectbwUho t ih conl Ictfnp provislon,andto thfs end the provis ovns ollhis D Ieed o Trust andtthe Note are deC ehed to ba a -
<br /> E" �ti
<br /> , �.�� ° � aeverable. ._ .r. . ._
<br /> Q) T�rm�.The term9"Trustor"and"Borrower"shall�nclude both sfnguler and plural,and when the Trustor and Borrower I, . .;r:,.
<br /> ''� .;..,,•, ere the seme person(s1,ihoae terms as used in thls Deed of Trust shall be Interchengeable. Q
<br /> �_.. :::�y-_':,•
<br /> � • � (m) aowminp L�w.l'hia Deed of T�ust shall be governed by the lewa of ihe Stete ol Nebraeka. , �,��
<br /> . • . Truttor hes executed this Deed ol Trust as of the date wrlKen above. �
<br /> � . " LENN R. MIL_•?N ?R Trus ` •
<br /> /irr�f.r.. •
<br /> • � . ON�TAN�E WILSON Trustor •
<br /> - r
<br /> r
<br /> i
<br /> . 9•: � — -
<br />